

在 stabbed產品中有126篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅每天為你讀一首詩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Sound Of Silence ◎Simon & Garfunkel Hello darkness, my old friend 嗨囉,黑暗吾友 I've come to talk with you again 我又來到你眼前與你交談 Because a vision softly c...

 同時也有38部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅HELLO ELIE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#移居曼谷 #泰國腐劇 #社會案件 00:22 影片開始 02:25 被害女友 03:12 粉絲護航袒護 03:50 twitter網友說 04:41 toytoy案發後第一次出現 04:55 經紀公司出面 相關資料: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/ge...

stabbed 在 ริว จิตสัมผัส Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-06 14:14:34

คืนนี้ ริว พาทัวร์ นรกขุมที่ 2 ชิเจียงหวาง การลงทัณฑ์ของขุมนี้ก็คือ ยมบาลจะพาดวงวิญญาณไปที่สระน้ำที่โสโครกมากๆและจับโยนลงไป ให้ดวงวิญญาณนั้นค่อยๆจมแล...

  • stabbed 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-17 21:14:50
    有 121 人按讚

    The Sound Of Silence ◎Simon & Garfunkel
    Hello darkness, my old friend
    I've come to talk with you again
    Because a vision softly creeping
    Left its seeds while I was sleeping
    And the vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence
    In restless dreams I walked alone
    Narrow streets of cobblestone
    'Neath the halo of a street lamp
    I turned my collar to the cold and damp
    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light that split the night
    And touched the sound of silence
    And in the naked light, I saw
    Ten thousand people, maybe more
    People talking without speaking
    People hearing without listening
    People writing songs that voices never share
    And no one dared
    Disturb the sound of silence
    "Fools", said I, "You do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows
    Hear my words that I might teach you
    Take my arms that I might reach you"
    But my words, like silent raindrops fell
    And echoed
    In the wells of silence
    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made
    And the sign flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming
    And the sign said,
    "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
    And tenement halls"
    And whispered in the sound of silence
    Simon & Garfunkel是著名美國民謠搖滾音樂二重唱組合,是六十年代最流行的樂團之一,被視為該年代社會變革的反文化偶像。其成名曲多不勝數,如〈The Sound of Silence〉、〈Scarborough Fair〉、〈Bridge Over Troubled Water〉等皆為家喻戶曉的名曲。
    〈The Sound of Silence〉是Simon & Garfunkel1964年的首張錄音室專輯《Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.》中的一首歌。推出後卻售量慘淡,也導致兩人散夥。到了1965年春天,該歌曲開始在電台上播放,卻意外獲得播放量的增長,也使製作人決定重新將此歌進行混音並發行,〈The Sound of Silence〉因此爆紅,也使Simon & Garfunkel重組,並以該歌名作為第二張專輯的名字。
    介紹完歌曲背景後,讓我們來開始看這首歌。從其中的詞彙選用,如「黑暗darkness」、「鵝卵石之街streets of cobblestone」、「霓虹neon」,我們不難感知到歌曲的場景錯落於彷彿十九世紀的倫敦,因為霧氣蔓延而顯得似乎無盡的街。歌曲開始於一種精神狀態的模擬「Because a vision softly creeping因著一種幻覺正悄悄向我爬來/Left its seeds while I was sleeping趁我深眠留下種子遍地」,此一幻覺的襲來承襲前面的「darkness黑暗」,我們可以意識到不管接下來發生的事情為何,對敘事者而言,他已經陷於一種昏昧、幻覺蔓生的精神狀態。當我們感知到了此一型態之後,這段便以「Within the sound of silence伴隨寂靜之聲」作收,這是這首歌第一次出現「矛盾」的語境——究竟寂靜深處為何會有聲音呢?
    帶著這樣的疑問,我們來到了下一段,與第一段的精神狀態不同,第二段的描述卻絲毫未帶有個人的意識,而是從外界種種來進行投射——敘事者在無盡的街上行走,為了抵禦濕氣與寒氣而將領袖立起,而即使如此,卻依然有些事物是能穿過領袖直接侵襲的,那就是霓虹。我們不難感知到這裡的「霓虹」似乎帶有著文明、發展的想像,當這種感覺卻依然停留在模糊的型態,卻又回到了第一段那樣類似的語句作結:「And touched the sound of silence觸摸著寂靜深處的聲音」。然而有了第一段的內在精神型態、第二段的外在世界描摹,我們便似乎開始感受得到究竟何謂「sound of silence」。
    接著,來到了第三段,承接上段的光,敘事者的意識開始與外界結合,而使得他看見了幻覺「And in the naked light, I saw在奪目得近乎赤裸的光中,我看見/Ten thousand people, maybe more成千上萬的人,或許更多」,這樣的幻象似乎替sound of silence作出了一種情境式的衍釋——到了此時,sound of silence的具體特徵也終於浮現:「People talking without speaking人們交談卻未發聲/People hearing without listening聽見一切卻不聞/People writing songs that voices never share人們寫下那些歌,卻未曾共享歌聲」。交談卻未出聲,聽見一切卻聽而不聞,擁有歌曲卻未共享歌聲,這是一種冷漠的姿態,在二重唱所生存的當代,這種冷漠、文明以及歌曲所想抵抗的意識形態正好重疊在此刻。因此,在下一段,他們也終於第一次對此冷漠做出了痛心的批判:
    "Fools", said I, "You do not know
    Silence like a cancer grows
    Hear my words that I might teach you
    Take my arms that I might reach you"
    然而,最淒涼的是,這樣的痛心疾首,卻依舊被冷漠所吞噬:「But my words, like silent raindrops fell但我的話語,正寂靜如雨滴墜落/And echoed
    並且敲起回音/In the wells of silence於寂靜之井中」,此時,這一種「silence寂靜」也終於清楚地被我們所認知到。這是一種先知的嘆息,生存在知道一切正往著崩毀命運的當代,想要大聲疾呼卻始終徒勞無功,這或許是二重唱在他們唱著這些歌曲的當代,最無可奈何的命運吧。
    因此,到了最後,他們也只能眼睜睜地看著人們向著人工的神「neon god霓虹之神」祈禱,並留下最後的遺言。

  • stabbed 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-26 19:06:22
    有 93 人按讚

    ~ 嘆氣 ~

    Seems like a lot of people around me are getting their vaccine appointments. Jelly.
    And anxious about restrictions being lifted until I also get stabbed. Sigh
    ~ stressed ~

  • stabbed 在 Paing Takhon Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-25 17:39:25
    有 76,779 人按讚

    These are not our civilians who are demanding democracy, but the killers released by the junta.

    Now we, Myanmar People are being threatened not only by the junta but also by their people who are violent pro-military thugs. Military Junta shot the peaceful protesters in the head and terrorists pretending to be civilians who support the military government, stabbed and beat our peaceful protesters as well. Junta and polices don't take any actions for this violence and they even support the killers by being security guards for them.
    So we only got people around the world and from our neighbour countries to make a voice for us.
    I want you all to know what's happening in Myanmar and how we are surviving and fighting this violent military government without any single weapon.
    It doesn't matter if you all can't help that much but I would like to demand as a Myanmar civilian, to spread this message to all the leaders around the world to make it STOP.

    This means a lot for us and we will always remember your help from our heart.

    Together we are stronger and we will fight for real Democracy till we get it!

  • stabbed 在 HELLO ELIE Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-13 21:16:26

    #移居曼谷 #泰國腐劇 #社會案件
    00:22 影片開始
    02:25 被害女友
    03:12 粉絲護航袒護
    03:50 twitter網友說
    04:41 toytoy案發後第一次出現
    04:55 經紀公司出面




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    ➫ E-mail: elieooops@gmail.com

  • stabbed 在 Koe Yeet Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-14 16:13:48

    Literally hit the jackpot with these crazy side effects ?
    Let me know if I'm the only one who went on a Google marathon after your vaccination ?

    Links i mentioned in my vlog:
    1. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/coronavirus-vaccine-painkillers-immune-system-b1842419.html
    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJN0rsm5SO4
    3. https://www.dailysabah.com/life/health/will-taking-painkillers-interfere-with-my-covid-19-vaccination

    Hi everyone, I'm Koe Yeet, a Malaysian television and film actress. Subscribe to my channel as I embark on my journey to figuring out Youtube, learn how to vlog and of course bring you to my shoots with me. Welcome to my life!

    I may not be perfect, but at least, i am not fake ?

    S U B S C R I B E : https://bit.ly/3dI9bQ4​​
    INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/koeyeet/​​
    FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/koeyeet/​​

    #KoeYeetVlogs #CucukMyAZ

  • stabbed 在 Crescent Lament Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-29 20:01:33

    ◆ 博客來實體專輯:https://reurl.cc/R1x2m6
    ◆ Listen to the album here: https://reurl.cc/a5V5qX

    台灣民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途,於2020年底推出第三張專輯 —【噤夢 Land of Lost Voices】。【噤夢】以終戰後國民政府來台前期的台灣社會為背景,除了在音樂上融入更豐富的民俗樂器,也將上張專輯【花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms】的主角阿香再度帶入歌曲中,藉著藝妲阿香與戀人明風兩人未完的緣分,娓娓道出歷史洪流中台灣人民遭遇的悲傷故事。

    首支MV —「孤燈微微 By the Lone Light」,從阿香及明風的視角出發,描述二二八事件發生後,無數台灣人面臨的生離死別。

    --- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---


    --- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---

    Crescent Lament第三張專輯 —【噤夢】,2020年12月11日,正式發行。

    * Turn on the caption to activate the English subtitle of this video.*

    Crescent Lament’s third album "Land of Lost Voices" is released on December 11, 2020. A sequel to our second album, the story continues from where "Elegy for the Blossoms" left off: the unfinished romance between A-hiong and her lover, Bîng-hong. They once believed that they would not see each other again, but fate has brought them back together. They would go through the collapse of Taiwanese society in the post-WWII era, experience horrifying days that were even more miserable than wartime, and finally witness the destined tragedy of the 228 Incident.

    The current music video “By the Lone Light” recounts the bereavement that A-hiong suffered, after realizing Bîng-hong has died from the indiscriminate massacre in March 1947.

    (Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)…… Like all young Taiwanese of that era, Bîng-hong, who had received modern education, was passionate about Taiwan’s future. “I heard something happened at Keelung harbor, I need to check it for you and our kid,” Bîng-hong told A-hiong before he headed out on 8 March 1947. “I’ll be back in the evening—if I don’t return before nightfall, I’ll spend the night at my brother’s home at Sia Liao Island,” he said, giving A-hiong a hug as he left.

    Bîng-hong never came home. The next day, A-hiong heard from neighbors that Chinese troops landed in Keelung the day before, and started shooting people with machine guns even before the vessels docked. Troops on land also shot people indiscriminately on the streets. Groups of students had their noses, ears, and genitals cut off, before being stabbed with bayonets. Those who survived were arrested by soldiers, and strung up with barbed wire through their palms and ankles. Then, they were shot in the back of their heads, and kicked into the harbor. Days later, innumerable floating bodies blocked the harbor, and piled up on the shore. A-hiong could not take it anymore, and was in tears all day.

    Bîng-hong’s body was never found. In the following two months, the KMT government violently cracked down on uprisings, and purged rebels across Taiwan. Around 20,000 civilians were murdered by the troops, most of whom belonged to the young generation. Doctors, lawyers, professors, and councilors were executed in large numbers, and an entire generation was muted……(Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)

    In memory of what happened in 1947, Taiwan.
    Crescent Lament - Land of Lost Voices.

    【孤燈微微 / By the Lone Light】
    .導演/Director:林峻 Chun Lin
    .演員/Actress & actor:黃惟, 徐肇勵

    .詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou
    .曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
    .英譯/English translation:Happy Metal Guy, 賴昱伸 lok-sin LOA
    .英文校正/English revision & proofread:Happy Metal Guy

    .收錄專輯/Album:噤夢 Land of Lost Voices (2020)
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu & Crescent Lament 恆月三途
    .專輯錄音/Recorded by:
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
    海波浪製作 Wave Productions
    .音軌剪輯/Editing by:
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
    Joakim Dahlström - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
    .專輯混音/Mixed by:
    Rickard Bengtsson - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
    Assisted by Joakim Dahlström
    .母帶後期處理/Mastered by:
    Mika Jussila - Finnvox Studios(Finland)

    .Crescent Lament 恆月三途:
    主唱 Soprano:周慕姿 Muer Chou
    鼓 Drums:周岳弘 Komet Chou
    貝斯 Bass:許至維 Wick Hsu
    吉他 Guitars:邱振華 Wat Chiu
    二胡 Erhu:Jedi Yeh
    鍵盤 Synths & Piano:魏大昕 Sebastian Wei
    嗩吶 (客座) Suona (guest):黃博裕 Po Yu Huang

    .特別感謝武雄老師 Bu-hiông 提供台語歌詞之填詞與唱法指導 。
    .特別感謝氫酸鉀 KCN 繪製專輯封面及團徽。
    .特別感謝美術編輯總監 Hollowcorpse。

    .追蹤我們的最新消息 / Stay up to date on Crescent Lament
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament
    Website - https://crescentlament.wixsite.com/home

