

在 sieve產品中有59篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 第一次接觸的Fellow 產品是手沖壺Stagg ,絕美的外型讓我一看到就立馬購入!之後就成了FELLOW 粉,每一樣新產品都不想錯過~ 卡特隨行真空保溫瓶 Carter Move Mug,外觀極致簡約,圓潤好握的設計非常好攜帶。每次外拍前我都會沖好咖啡,裝入卡特帶出門,完整密封的杯蓋防漏設計,隨...

 同時也有178部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make lemon bars with buttery crust and smooth citrus  filling. They are so good. Lemon is t...

sieve 在 C.C. Wu Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-10-01 16:35:14

第一次接觸的Fellow 產品是手沖壺Stagg ,絕美的外型讓我一看到就立馬購入!之後就成了FELLOW 粉,每一樣新產品都不想錯過~ 卡特隨行真空保溫瓶 Carter Move Mug,外觀極致簡約,圓潤好握的設計非常好攜帶。每次外拍前我都會沖好咖啡,裝入卡特帶出門,完整密封的杯蓋防漏設計,隨...

sieve 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【米飲料】試過今期流行的米奶嗎? ⭐買現成米奶要注意有否添加糖份 ⭐朱古力口味的更要留意熱量 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 米奶 vs 米水 近年植物奶大行其道,米奶亦是其中一種,米奶和米水哪一種比較好?來了解一下吧! 🥛 甚麼是米奶? 米奶是由白米及水製成的仿奶製品,不含奶類成份,其營養...

  • sieve 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-25 23:55:55
    有 24 人按讚

    第一次接觸的Fellow 產品是手沖壺Stagg ,絕美的外型讓我一看到就立馬購入!之後就成了FELLOW 粉,每一樣新產品都不想錯過~

    卡特隨行真空保溫瓶 Carter Move Mug,外觀極致簡約,圓潤好握的設計非常好攜帶。每次外拍前我都會沖好咖啡,裝入卡特帶出門,完整密封的杯蓋防漏設計,隨意丟入包包也不怕洩漏。

    就連在家我也很常使用卡特,內部陶瓷塗層完整保留咖啡風味,304 不鏽鋼雙層真空,保溫 12 小時,保冷24 小時,維持適飲溫度。

    咖啡細粉過濾器 Shimmy Sieve 也是最近我很愛的新品,使用過後讓咖啡風味大升級,之後再跟大家分享~

    FELLOW 是一群來自美國舊金山熱愛咖啡,更癡迷於產品設計的團隊。希望讓每一項咖啡器具變得更加好用卻不失設計感!
    「不必在產品美學和實用功能之間抉擇」是FELLOW持續追求的目標。這也是我成為FELLOW 粉的原因🥰

    Fellow - Taiwan
    卡特隨行真空保溫瓶 Carter Move Mug

    #fellowcarter #fellow

  • sieve 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-31 17:59:28
    有 435 人按讚




    杏仁奶 — 杏仁性平,有潤肺、潤腸通便功效,尤其適合肺氣虛弱人士飲用;注意感冒未清者、容易反覆腹瀉者都不適合飲用。

    腰果奶 — 腰果性平,有健脾開胃、潤肺補氣的功效,適合任何體質人士飲用。

    榛子奶 — 榛子性溫,有健脾養胃的功效,尤其適合脾胃虛寒、容易反覆腹瀉人士。

    核桃奶 — 核桃性熱,能補腎固精、益氣養血、潤腸通便,很適合產後婦女食用,核桃含有豐富營養元素,如優質蛋白及油脂,當中的油脂可滋潤肌膚及腸胃,促進腸胃消化預防便秘。

    開心果奶 — 開心果性溫,有溫腎暖脾、潤腸通便的功效,老少咸宜,適合氣滯者、寒底人士因胃寒引致的胃痛不適、腹脹及常嘆氣人士食用。


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    Which nut milk suits you better?
    Plant based milk has become very popular in recent years. Plant based milk is a milk substitute made from nuts, grains, seeds, and beans. Different types of nuts can be used to produce drinks of different flavors, but are they suitable for everyone? From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, we can determine the suitability based on the nature of the nuts:

    Almond milk - almonds are mild in nature. They can moisten the lungs, moisten the bowels to relieve constipation, and are especially suitable for those with asthenic lung qi. Note that it is not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu and those who are prone to frequent diarrhea.

    Cashew milk - cashews are mild in nature. They strengthen the stomach and improve appetite, moisten lungs and replenish qi. Suitable for all body types.

    Hazelnut milk - hazelnuts are mild in nature. They strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. Suitable for all body types. It is especially suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.

    Walnut milk - walnuts are hot in nature, can replenish the kidneys, strengthen qi and nourish blood, and moisten the bowels to relieve constipation. It is very suitable for postpartum women. Walnuts are very nutritious with high levels of protein and lipids. The lipids can also moisten your skin and bowels, improve digestion to relieve constipation.

    Pistachio milk - pistachios are warm in nature. They can warm the kidneys and spleen, moisten bowels to relieve constipation. It is suitable for the entire family, those with qi stagnation and cold nature body types. Suitable for cold stomach symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and bloating, and frequent sighing.

    Homemade nut milk
    Ingredients: 1 cup of nuts (can mix and match), 3 cups of boiled water
    Methods: Wash the nuts and soak them in water between 2-6 hours (depending on how hard the nuts are). Then, pour away the water. Add boiled water into the nuts, blend them at a high speed, and turn them into a paste. Use a sieve to remove the large bits of nuts and retrieve the nut milk. The residue can be baked into biscuits.
    *Nuts with skin will have a bitter taste. It will be good to boil them in water for 20-30 minutes before soaking them
    * Adjust the ratio of the nuts and water according to personal preference

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #我畏冷 #氣虛 #陽虛 #氣滯 #腹瀉

  • sieve 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-30 18:34:48
    有 134 人按讚



    米奶 vs 米水

    🥛 甚麼是米奶?


    🍚 甚麼是米水?



    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Rice milk vs rice water
    Plant based milk has become trendy in recent years, and rice milk is an example. Is rice milk better than rice water? Let’s get to know them a little better!

    🥛 What is rice milk?
    It is a milk substitute made of white rice and water. In other words, it does not contain dairy product. The nutrient of rice milk comes from white rice, and it is lower in calories. Since rice milk does not contain animal fats, it is suitable for vegans, lactose-intolerant individuals, and those who wish to lose weight. Diabetic patients, however, should watch out for its sugar content.

    Homemade rice milk
    Ingredients: 1 cup of white rice, 5 cups of boiled water
    Method: wash the white rice and soak it in water overnight in the refrigerator. Pour away the water, and replace it with boiled water. Pour the mixture into a high-speed blender to turn them into a paste. Use a sieve to remove the large bits of rice and retrieve the rice milk.
    *Adjust the ratio of the rice and water according to personal preference
    *Using cooked rice can reduce the hours of soaking

    🍚 What is rice water?
    Rice water is a healthy drink made from red rice, white rice, and coix seed. White rice and red white can both replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, relieve excessive thirst, promote muscle growth, and alleviate diarrhea. Coix seed can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. Rice water can improve fatigue, poor appetite, yellowish complexion that is lacking shine, and bloating. Due to its mild nature, it is suitable for the entire family with the exception of pregnant women as coix seeds can cause uterus contraction.

    Simple healthy rice water
    Ingredients: 2 tablespoons red rice, half tablespoon of white rice, half tablespoon of coix seeds
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 800-1000ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
    *Rice water should be made fresh daily and should not be stored overnight as it will spoil easily.
    *For pregnant ladies, they can omit coix seeds.
    *Those with diabetes should consult a nutritionist accordingly.

    Welcome to order rice water through our website:

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #減肥

  • sieve 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-21 20:15:01

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make lemon bars with buttery crust and smooth citrus  filling. They are so good.

    Lemon is the most popular fruit in the world. It can make everything better. Lemon wedges and slices are often served with seafood and as a garnish for a drink. Lemon juice can be used raw in drinks, dishes, and desserts in recipes, like lemon bar.

    This recipe is pretty simple, the flavor of crust and lemon filling is so yummy and so balanced. In this video we’re showing you step by step. If you are a fan of lemon, this lemon bar recipe is a MUST-TRY! So take some fresh lemons, yellow or green are both OK. Just bake it. :)

    📍 Please follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/  
    📍 Welcome to follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/  
    How to make lemon bars

    ☞ Baking pan size:18x18x5 cm

    ✎ Ingredients
    📍 crust
    all-purpose flour 120g
    powdered sugar 40g
    frozen unsalted butter 90g, cut into small cubes
    salt 1g

    📍 lemon filling
    medium size egg 2
    granulated sugar 160g
    fresh lemon juice 80g
    all-purpose flour 50g

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Butter the pan, and line the bottom and sides with parchment paper.
    2. Sieve the flour and powdered sugar, then add them and cold butter and salt to the food processor. Pulse the mixture until you have a crumb like mixture.
    3. Place crumb dough in a baking pan and use fingers or any tools to flatten into the prepared pan.
    4. Preheat the oven to 170°C, bake for 20 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.
    5. While baking, In another mixing bowl, beat together  2 eggs and granulated sugar until combined.
    6. Sieve the flour into the bowl until mixed well.
    7. Pour the fresh lemon juice and whisk until all combined.
    8. Once the crust is done. Pour lemon filling mixture into the prepared crust directly out of the oven. Return to the oven and bake for 10 minutes. (170°C), then cover the pan with foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
    9. Once baked, Let cool completely on a wire rack. Then fridge for at least one hour.
    10. Before serving, cut the outer edge off of each side, dust with powdered sugar and cut into bar shape or square shape as you like.
    00:00 opening
    00:30 Ingredients
    01:16 set up baking pan
    02:27 how to make pastry crust
    05:07 how to make lemon filling
    09:27 cutting and deco

  • sieve 在 泰山自煮 tarzancooks Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-22 23:07:16

    我都試過呢個感覺 -
    知道點樣煮一碟餸,但係點解要咁樣煮? 點解啲食物要咁樣處理?

    我唔想你好似我咁慘,於是想隨機講吓食物+ 煮食小知識。

    「 食物ABC 」

    post-video production: www.briangoh.net

    #食物ABC #泰山自煮 #tarzancooks
    #辣椒 #辣椒核 #種子 #瓤 #麵粉 #篩 #做蛋糕 #龍蝦 #龍蝦變色 #蝦紅素 #煮食知識 #食物知識
    #pepper #pepperseeds #seeds #pith #flour #sieve #air #lobster #lobstercolour #bluetoorange #plankton #food #foodknowledge

  • sieve 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-30 10:00:15




    砂糖 150g
    ローズマリー 2本
    水 120ml
    冷凍パイナップル 565g
    レモン汁 大さじ1

    1. フライパンに砂糖、ローズマリー、水を入れ、中火で熱す。2-3分沸騰させ、火から下ろす。
    2. (1)をざるでこし、ミキサーに入れる。冷凍パイナップルとレモン汁を加えてかくはんする。
    3. (2)を6つのアイスバー型に流し込み、6時間以上冷凍する。型から出したら、完成!


    砂糖 150g
    バジル 20g
    水 120ml
    冷凍ブルーベリー 455g

    1. フライパンに砂糖、バジル、水を入れ、中火で熱す。2-3分沸騰させ、火から下ろす。
    2. (1)をざるでこし、ミキサーに入れる。冷凍ブルーベリーを加えてかくはんする。
    3. (2)を6つのアイスバー型に流し込み、6時間以上冷凍する。型から出したら、完成!


    砂糖 150g
    タイム(葉のみ) 2本
    水 120ml
    冷凍いちご 455g

    1. フライパンに砂糖、タイム、水を入れ、中火で熱す。2-3分沸騰させ、火から下ろす。
    2. (1)をざるでこし、ミキサーに入れる。冷凍イチゴを加えてかくはんする。
    3. (2)を6つのアイスバー型に流し込み、6時間以上冷凍する。型から出したら、完成!


    5-ingredient Fruit & Herb Popsicles

    ■Pineapple Rosemary Ice Pops
    for 6 ice pops

    ¾ cup sugar (150 g)
    2 large sprigs fresh rosemary
    ½ cup water (120ml)
    20 oz frozen pineapple (565 g)
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1. Make the simple syrup: In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, rosemary, and water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Once boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes, until the sugar has dissolved, and the rosemary is fragrant. Remove from the heat.
    2. Strain the herb syrup through a fine-mesh sieve set over a blender. Add the pineapple and lemon juice. Blend on high speed until smooth.
    3. Divide the mixture between 6 ice pop molds. Freeze until solid, at least 6 hours.
    4. Enjoy!

    ■Blueberry Basil Ice Pops
    for 6 ice pops

    ¾ cup sugar (150 g)
    ½ cup fresh basil (20 g), loosely packed
    ½ cup water (120ml)
    16 oz frozen blueberry (455 g)
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1. Make the simple syrup: In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, basil, and water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Once boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes, until the sugar has dissolved, and the basil is fragrant. Remove from the heat.
    2. Strain the herb syrup through a fine-mesh sieve set over a blender. Add the blueberries and lemon juice. Blend on high speed until smooth.
    3. Divide the mixture between 6 ice pop molds. Freeze until solid, at least 6 hours.
    4. Enjoy!

    ■Strawberry Thyme Ice Pops
    for 6 ice pops

    ¾ cup sugar (150 g)
    2 fresh thymes, leaves only
    ½ cup water (120 ml)
    16 oz frozen strawberry (455 g)

    1. Make the simple syrup: In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, thyme, and water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Once boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes, until the sugar has dissolved, and the thyme is fragrant. Remove from the heat.
    2. Strain the herb syrup through a fine-mesh sieve set over a blender. Add the strawberries. Blend on high speed until smooth.
    3. Divide the mixture between 6 ice pop molds. Freeze until solid, at least 6 hours.
    4. Enjoy!



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