

  • sift中文 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-03-14 22:50:49

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    【馬卡龍的朋友 — #達克瓦茲!!!】

    我不知道為什麼這個譯音名稱那麼老套,不過我非常喜歡吃Dacquoise! 簡單容易做又十分好味! 喜歡做甜點的你必定要試做!
    I personally love eating (and making) dacquoise! It's simple to make and it's absolutely delicious! If you love making desserts like me, you better try this recipe out!

    ⫸ 焦糖燉蛋馬卡龍 Crème Brûlée Macaron⫷
    材料 ???????????
    -- 達克瓦茲 --
    榛子粉 Hazelnut Powder 90g
    杏仁粉 Almond Powder 40g
    低筋麵粉 Cake Flour 40g
    糖霜 Icing Sugar 180g
    蛋白 Egg Whites 6 pcs

    --牛油忌廉 Butter Cream--
    砂糖 Sugar 180g
    水 Water 60ml
    蛋黃 Egg Yolks 6 pcs
    牛油 Butter 360g

    做法 ??????
    1. 先將蛋黃和蛋白分開,打蛋白和糖霜至挺身。
    2. 之後便可準備乾的材料。將麵粉過隔篩,加入杏仁粉和榛子粉。
    3. 將少量蛋白和堅果粉攪勻。就可放進唧袋,唧在焗爐紙上。然後灑上杏仁片或是堅果碎,再加點糖霜,便可拿去焗10至15分鐘。
    4. 再做牛油忌廉。將糖和水煮至攝氏120度,做馬上加到蛋漿內,一直把機開著攪拌忌廉。當忌廉變涼後,便可加入牛油,開機用高速一直打到它挺身為止。
    5. 最後可忌廉唧在達克瓦茲便成。

    1. First, separate the yolks and the whites. Beat the egg whites and icing sugar until firm peak.
    2. Then prepare the dry ingredients. Sift the flour. Add the almond powder and hazelnut powder. Mix well.
    3. Mix the egg white with the dry ingredients. Then put it in a piping bag and pipe onto a piece of parchment paper. Put some almond flakes on the dacquoise, dust some icing sugar on top. Then you can bake them for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Then we can make the butter cream. Cook the sugar and water into a syrup until it reaches 120C. Pour it into the yolk right the way. Keep beating the cream. When the cream is cool, you can add the butter. Turn it up to high speed and beat it until it’s stiff.
    5. Pipe some buttercream onto the Dacquoise and you can enjoy them!
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