[爆卦]Scatter marker是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Scatter marker鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Scatter marker這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 scatter產品中有96篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,333的網紅Dairy & Cream,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, {Recipe} Ginger Beef with Straw Mushroom 🐮 🍄 This is a very easy dish which I have cooked several times. This time round I added Mili straw mushrooms...

 同時也有57部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ》 未来への咆哮 / Asu e no Houkou / 向著未來的咆哮 / The Howl Towards Tomorrow 作詞 Lyricist:影山ヒロノブ 作曲 Composer:影山ヒロノブ 編曲 Arranger:須藤賢一 歌 Singer:JAM Pro...

scatter 在 Li Tian Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 12:18:36

{Recipe} Ginger Beef with Straw Mushroom 🐮 🍄 This is a very easy dish which I have cooked several times. This time round I added Mili straw mushrooms...

scatter 在 Lightbox攝影圖書室 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 04:36:08

「對一個神職人員來說,生命的最後的一段日子是什麼樣的光景?」 . #攝影家莊媖智 在《A Time to Scatter Stones》作品中提問。作品於 2018-2020 年之間,拍攝一間台灣天主教高齡神父的安養照護中心。 . “A Time to Scatter Stones” 來自於傳道書第...

  • scatter 在 Dairy & Cream Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 17:31:36
    有 6 人按讚

    {Recipe} Ginger Beef with Straw Mushroom 🐮 🍄
    This is a very easy dish which I have cooked several times. This time round I added Mili straw mushrooms which imparted a different texture to the dish.

    1 can Mili Straw Mushrooms
    3 stalks spring onion, cut into 3-cm wedges
    1 medium sized onion, sliced.
    2 Tb white sesame
    3 x 200g wagyu beef Shabu Shabu slices

    For the marinade:
    6 Tb @newmoonsg soy sauce
    6 Tb sake or shao xing wine
    3 Tb mirin
    3 Tb minced ginger
    3/4 green apple, grated


    1. Marinade the meat by combining all the marinade ingredients and the thawed beef slices. Set aside for at least 30min
    2. Heat the saucepan and fry the white sesame till golden brown. Set aside for garnish later
    3. Heat 1 Tb butter in the same saucepan. Sautéed straw mushrooms and onion. Set aside
    4. Stir fry the meat over medium high heat (I didn’t add all the marinade but you can add in if you wish).
    5. Toss back the straw mushrooms, onions and mix evenly.
    6. Scatter roasted white sesame and garnish with spring onion (optional)

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  • scatter 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-12 09:06:47
    有 255 人按讚

    Scatter More Seeds and Increase

    “There is one who scatters, and increases yet more. There is one who withholds more than is appropriate, but gains poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat. He who waters shall be watered also himself. People curse someone who withholds grain, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it. He who diligently seeks good seeks favor, but he who searches after evil, it shall come to him. He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous shall flourish as the green leaf.” (Proverbs‬ ‭11:24-28‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    In this world, there is a principle at work, and that is the principle of sowing and reaping: every seed sown and watered eventually produces a harvest.

    “While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night will not cease.”” (Genesis‬ ‭8:22‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    When you give, that is an act of sowing, and it will have an immediate effect of blessing somebody, but it will also produce a harvest for you in due time.

    The kind of harvest you reap depends on the type of seed you sow. If you sow a financial seed, you will receive a multiplied harvest of finances.

    “Remember this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that you, always having all sufficiency in everything, may abound to every good work. As it is written, “He has scattered abroad, he has given to the poor. His righteousness remains forever.” Now may he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply your seed for sowing, and increase the fruits of your righteousness; you being enriched in everything to all liberality, which produces through us thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:6-11‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Those who sow generously will reap generously. The apostle Paul confirmed this and encouraged believers to give cheerfully knowing that their gifts go on to bless many people, produce thanksgiving to God, and also abounding grace to the giver.

    If we constantly receive but do not give, it will breed the love of possessions, and be detrimental to our own well-being. Hoarding, stinginess, and a scarcity mindset will fester in a person who does not give.

    When we step out in faith to worship Jesus through tithing our income and giving as led by the Holy Spirit, we sanctify our hearts from the love of money.

    It also has the secondary effect of sowing financial seeds to produce a harvest in our future.

    When we give, we are actively putting our trust in the Lord and not in riches. Whenever we give, we can pray for the Lord to multiply our seed for sowing.

    As God increases your prosperity and enlarges your coast, get excited about being able to sow even more than before.

    I once saw a quote by Mark Batterson, “When God blesses you financially, don’t raise your standard of living. Raise your standard of giving.” This is so succinct and wonderfully true. Covet the privilege of being able to give more.

    Material possessions in this world are fun and nice comforts and privileges to have, but nothing beats the honor and joy of sowing into God’s kingdom, sponsoring the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and feeding those in need like widows and orphans, especially those in our household of faith. The rewards for these acts of righteousness will remain forever!

    Join my free Telegram group to receive my daily posts that are also shared here on FB: https://t.me/miltongohblog

    Join as a GEM patron or above on Patreon to support this ministry, receive daily Bible study teachings, and all my eBooks: http://patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • scatter 在 Lightbox攝影圖書室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-03 19:25:28
    有 63 人按讚

    Photobook Hour:莊媖智《A Time to Scatter Stones》

    📢 講者介紹|
    莊媖智,台北市人,長期以攝影來關注特殊社群之文化樣貌和生活處境。2012-2016年進行攝影專題「西門時刻」,拍攝台北市西門町的私密空間,呈現不同族群次文化的氛圍和情感,2017年出版首本攝影集「西門時刻」。自2018年起拍攝天主教退休神父最後的生命歷程,一種安靜等待的生命狀態,其攝影集「ATime to Scatter Stones」於2021年出版。

    講者官網 👉️ www.yingchihchuang.com


    地點|Lightbox 攝影圖書室(台北市羅斯福路三段269巷19號 )
    入場|19:00 開始入場


  • scatter 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-12 18:00:23

    《マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ》
    未来への咆哮 / Asu e no Houkou / 向著未來的咆哮 / The Howl Towards Tomorrow
    作詞 Lyricist:影山ヒロノブ
    作曲 Composer:影山ヒロノブ
    編曲 Arranger:須藤賢一
    歌 Singer:JAM Project featuring 影山ヒロノブ、遠藤正明、きただにひろし、福山芳樹
    翻譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)

    背景 Background - Official Soundtrack album cover:

    上傳你的字幕吧! Submit your subtitles here!


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 Chinese Translation :

    日文歌詞 Japanese Lyrics :
    立ち上がれ 気高く舞え 天命(さだめ)を受けた戦士よ
    千の覚悟 身にまとい 君よ 雄々しく 羽ばたけ

    闇の時代を告げる 鐘が遠く鳴り響く
    戦う友よ 今 君は 死も恐れず

    瓦礫の街を染めて 沈む夕日は紅

    おお 神の刃は 人類(ひと)の愛
    祈りを 込めて つらぬけ

    立ち上がれ 気高く舞え 天命(さだめ)を受けた戦士よ
    明日の平和への 礎となれ
    熱くなれ 大きく咲け 天に捧げし命よ
    弱き者の盾となれ そして 世界を 導け

    きらめく星の海に 浮かぶ おまえの面影
    二度と逢えない愛ゆえに なお いとしい

    背中合わせの世界 重ね合えない現実
    涙とともに捨て去れ なにもかも

    さぁ 振り返らずに 風になれ
    痛みを越えて 駆け出せ!!

    立ち上がれ 気高く舞え 天命(さだめ)を受けた戦士よ
    たとえ傷ついて 力尽きても
    赤く燃え 見事に散って 星になった命よ
    時を越え その名前を 胸に刻もう Just Forever

    立ち上がれ 気高く舞え 天命(さだめ)を受けた戦士よ
    たとえ傷ついて 力尽きても
    熱くなれ 大きく咲け 天に捧げし命よ
    明日の平和への 礎となれ
    赤く燃え 見事に散って 星になった命よ
    時を越え その名前を 胸に刻もう Just Forever

    中文歌詞 Chinese Lyrics :










    英文歌詞 English Lyrics :
    Rise up, Stay noble, warriors who have accepted heaven's mandate
    Thousand resolutions, bound to your body, oh you, bravely thrust forth

    A bell heralding an age of darkness rings far away
    Comrades, now, you fear not even death

    A destroyed city stained by the setting sun red
    To protect this beloved earth's future

    Oh, God's blade is humanity's love
    Filled with prayers, pierce !

    Rise up, Stay noble, warriors who have accepted heaven's mandate
    Become the foundations towards tomorrow's peace
    Become fervent, bloom greatly, lives offered to the heavens
    Become the shield of the weak, and, lead the world

    Floating in the shining sea of stars, your image
    For a love you will never meet again, still beloved

    Back to back with the world, an unmatching reality
    Throw them away along with tears, everything

    Come on, don't look back, be the wind
    Surpass the pain and run !!

    Rise up, Stay noble, warriors who have accepted heaven's mandate
    Even if hurt and exhausted
    Burn red, scatter grandly, lives who became stars
    Overcoming time, we'll brand those names into our hearts, Just Forever

    Rise up, Stay noble, warriors who have accepted heaven's mandate
    Even if hurt and exhausted
    Become fervent, bloom greatly, lives offered to the heavens
    Become the foundations towards tomorrow's peace
    Burn red, scatter grandly, lives who became stars
    Overcoming time, we'll brand those names into our hearts, Just Forever

  • scatter 在 AllenFilmVFX艾倫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-22 19:40:08

    【如果我有一套新 #GPU渲染器…】
    今天,要來介紹兩款 #遐光激推 GPU渲染器
    帶你在 #三維設計 的世界過關斬將⚔

    ❮ 新手看這邊!#Octane 帶你 #開局就逆天 ❯
    #無偏差渲染器 Octane
    一定仔細的讓每一道光線 #精確 的表現在作品上
    而專業軟體百百種,有 #即時UI介面 的卻非常稀少
    最適合 #厭倦來回切換觀看模式和渲染模式 的你!

    ❮ 我全都要!所有物理屬性全 hold 住 ❯
    #Redshift 是一款真正的 #有偏差渲染器
    還能像 #大神控場 一讓你排除所有燈光、物體的物理屬性
    ➤ 看到這裡,你還是疑惑「我的作品到底用該哪一種」嗎?

    ✔︎訂閱Youtube頻道 :https://reurl.cc/Zn19eM

    videocopilot: https://www.videocopilot.net

    videohive: https://videohive.net

    最基礎的Cinema 4D教学網站(灰猩猩)
    greyscalegorilla: https://greyscalegorilla.com/intro-to...
    聯絡信箱 [email protected]

    #特效 #C4D動畫 #AE #電影特效

  • scatter 在 translation Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-04 14:30:00




    Manufacturer: 2010.04.01 Atlus
    computer: nintendo ds
    Hardware: 16channel ADPCM/PCM (Max 8 channels can be set to PSG)
    Music sampling: Takeshi Arai
    Sound Effect: Takeshi Arai
    Composer: Yuzo Koshiro
    00:00:00 01.That's the Beginning of the Adventure (それは冒険の幕開け/オープニング)
    00:03:14 02.Town - Engrave Thy Name (街景 汝が名を刻み行け/海底施設 冒険者ギルド)
    00:05:21 03.Labyrinth I - Waterfall Woodlands (迷宮I 垂水ノ樹海/ダンジョン第一階層(B01~04F))
    00:10:30 04.Battlefield - The First Campaign (戦場 初陣/通常戦闘 前半(B01~08F))
    00:15:27 05.Compensation (報償/バトル終了)
    00:16:40 06.Town - Between the Azure Skies and Seas (街景 その蒼き天と海の狭間/海底施設 アーモロード広場 昼)
    00:20:45 07.Labyrinth II - Water Woods of the Submarine Ridge (迷宮II 海嶺ノ水林/ダンジョン第二階層(B05~08F))
    00:24:37 08.Scene - Unknown Menace (情景 未知なる脅威/イベント 緊迫)
    00:27:24 09.Battlefield - Is That Blood Thine or the Enemy's (戦場 その鮮血は敵か汝か/F.O.E戦)
    00:30:32 10.Town - Sunlight on the Water (街景 日輪照らす水面/海底施設 インバーの港)
    00:33:51 11.Sea - Great Voyage (海景 大航海/航海)
    00:37:06 12.Unrest - The End of the Raging Waves (戦乱 荒れ狂う波浪の果て/大航海クエストボス戦)
    00:44:33 13.Town - The Port City Bathed in Twilight (街景 夕闇が包みし海の都/海底施設 アーモロード広場 夜)
    00:45:55 14.Labyrinth III - Cavern of Splendor (迷宮III 光輝ノ石窟/ダンジョン第三階層(B09~12F))
    00:50:40 15.Unrest - Hoist the Sword with Pride in the Heart (戦乱 剣を掲げ誇りを胸に/ボス戦)
    00:55:18 16.Town - The City on the Deep Blue Sea (街景 深く青い海の都/深都施設 深都広場 昼)
    00:59:07 17.Labyrinth IV - The Blue Sea Temple of Ritual (迷宮IV 深洋祭祀殿/ダンジョン第四階層(B13~16F))
    01:05:21 18.Town - The Ancient Capital Enveloped by the Great Tree (街景 大樹の抱く古都/深都施設 深都広場 夜)
    01:08:43 19.Battlefield - Those That Slay and Fall (戦場 討ち果て倒れる者/通常戦闘 後半(B09~25F))
    01:11:57 20.Town - The Centennial (街景 百の年月/海都施設 ロード元老院)
    01:14:15 21.Labyrinth V - Chalky Woods (迷宮V 白亜ノ森/ダンジョン第五階層(B17~20F))
    01:17:42 22.Unrest - Scatter About (戦乱 散るもかなり/隠しボス戦)
    01:19:50 23.Scene - Cold Justice (情景 冷たい正義/イベント 真実)
    01:21:50 24.Unrest - Their Own Brand of Justice (戦乱 それぞれの正義/ラスボス戦)
    01:26:33 25.Town - The King Forgotten by Time (街景 時を失くした王/深都施設 天極殿星御座)
    01:27:55 26.Labyrinth VI - The Vengeful God in the Dark Ocean Abyss (迷宮VI 昏き海淵の禍神/ダンジョン第六階層(B21~25F))
    01:33:34 27.Unrest - Calling That Detestable Name (戦乱 その忌むべき名を呼べ/最深部(B25F)ボス第二形態)
    01:36:55 28.Your Adventure Has Ended (君たちの冒険は終わった/エンディング)
    01:41:01 29.Until the Journey Begins Anew (もう一度旅立つまで/ゲームオーバー)
    01:41:57 30.Battlefield - Guardians of the Sorrowful Ice [Artelinde & Raischutz] (from EO2)
    01:45:19 31.Reparation (from EO1)
    01:45:27 32.The Peace Between Mounds (from EO1)