

在 ridiculous產品中有1102篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過166萬的網紅Engadget,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The update has rolled out to Xbox Insiders....

 同時也有593部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅Goresh,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Check out 59 Gaming on: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/59gaming 59Gaming Official Website: https://59gaming.com/?ltclid 59Gaming Discord: https:/...

ridiculous 在 情侶|心事台 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 07:54:58

- 1030 〔兩性關係〕絲 28 - 唔食芫茜所以分手 - 我本身以為同佢可以行到最後 但呢個信念居然會比「芫茜」破壞左 我到而家都唔明,點解會發生d 咁ridiculous 嘅事 - 事源係一餐普通家庭飯局上,一行6 人 因為防疫措施所以分開左兩張枱坐,我同男朋友加佢阿妹一枱 餐廳係先上雞煲,食...

ridiculous 在 Motion Changes Emotion | 陳兒 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 04:08:53

Brutal honesty: I said to the audience at @chika.mag event that if I had been in that same room with a whole bunch of amazing looking women years ago,...

  • ridiculous 在 Engadget Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-23 16:28:29
    有 10 人按讚

    The update has rolled out to Xbox Insiders.

  • ridiculous 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 19:10:47
    有 36 人按讚


    So I’ve been playing the Binding of Isaac - Rebirth for quite awhile now. Most of my runs have been the same, I’ll try to get Restock in the shop (with D6 Isaac) and then buy all the best items in the game item pool (to have shop stock non shop items, buy Chaos then REROLL)
    Well this is probably one of my favorite runs as even after a few years and hundreds (I play it so much I think it might be around 5 or 600 hours) I have discovered something new, this video is Isaac carrying Blank Card and using the card “A Card Against Humanity” which fills up the entire room with poops. However, I think I maxed my luck so all the poops I made were gold poops which when destroyed drops a bunch of coins (and sacks if you get the Sack item in the shop), there is such a ridiculous amount of coins, cards, keys and bombs that Isaac keeps getting pushed out of the room. CHAOS! and the giant blocks of color moving across the screen are his tears, they are bigger than the room. #thebindingofisaac #acardagainsthumanity #poops #thebindingofisaacrebirth

  • ridiculous 在 火星童書地圖 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-16 09:30:09
    有 363 人按讚



    英文原文是:SupercolorpixelisticXDRidocious,我第一眼我看成「XD ridiculous」,還想說原來國外XD 也通?!其實這哏是來自於1964年由迪士尼改拍的Mary Poppins的真人電影《歡樂在人間》其中的一首歌,叫做supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 。大概是超級酷斃宇宙霹靂無敵棒的意思,那種小孩自己瞎掰搞笑的造字啦,不知道當年台灣字幕怎麼翻譯,中國翻譯成「人見人愛,花見花開,車見爆胎」,按照這個邏輯iphone13的slogan要怎麼翻比較好呢XD (人見人愛,但沒錢買,望機長嘆,唉唉唉~)


    保母包萍系列是英國作家P·L·崔弗絲(P.L. Travers)的兒童小說系列,於1934年至1988年期間出版。台灣最早的版本是國語日報1968年出版的《保母包萍》,是系列的第三本Mary Poppins Opens the Door,1988年出版的《風吹來的保母》,才是第一本(史上最久拖稿譯者?!拖了20年!)。志文的新潮少年文庫翻成《隨風而來的瑪麗阿姨》,我以前看的是這個版本。

    2011年國語日報推出重譯版,總共五本。電影在1964年的《歡樂在人間》之後,在2019年又推出了艾蜜莉布朗(Emily Blunt)主演的《愛·滿人間》(Mary Poppins Returns)。台灣版維基的中文譯本的資料全部是中國的書訊,台灣的出版演變可參考師大賴慈芸老師的部落格介紹,連結放留言。


