雖然這篇Repression meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Repression meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章
在 repression產品中有133篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 拜登總統就香港《蘋果日報》發表聲明 2021年6月24日 對香港和世界各地的媒體自由來說,這是悲傷的一天。北京強力打壓的力道,居然到達讓《蘋果日報》這個香港亟需的獨立新聞堡壘不得不停刊的地步。北京藉著懲罰言論自由的《國家安全法》來執行逮捕、威嚇及脅迫,執意行使權力來壓迫獨立媒體,讓異議觀點噤聲。...
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅XMEN330 身心靈學源,也在其Youtube影片中提到,什慶是出神狀態? 出神狀態指的是意識的一種轉換,在這狀態之中時,人既沒有完全清醒,也沒有完全腫著。本質上,出神狀態就是在意識和潛竟識世界之間遊走。出神狀態有時被稱為 「發呆」,「跟精靈在一起,甚平是「做白日夢」。 意識改變狀態的五個層次 你可能會想,我需要進到多深入的出神狀態來進行內在工...
- 關於repression 在 Nattapol D. Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於repression 在 Angelli Instagram 的最佳解答
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- 關於repression 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於repression 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於repression 在 XMEN330 身心靈學源 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於repression 在 Mẹ Nấm Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於repression 在 薔薇Chiang Weiii Youtube 的最讚貼文
repression 在 Nattapol D. Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-06-16 12:51:08
It takes no compromise to give people their rights...It takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. I...
repression 在 Angelli Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-06-15 02:28:23
天安門廣場32週年 美國國務卿布林肯 2021年6月3日 明日是天安門廣場屠殺32週年。該廣場是以附近的天安門命名,卻成為中華人民共和國政府在 1989 年採取暴力,將數以萬計主張參政並行使他們的人權和基本自由的人滅聲的代名詞。 這些人的訴求, 莊嚴又簡單:承認和尊重載於世界人權宣言中的人權...
repression 在 Noh Salleh | 光 Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-05-29 16:24:38
Reposted from @vpalestinet My government and my military commanders are war criminals." This is what a former Israeli Air Force pilot said about Isra...
repression 在 XMEN330 身心靈學源 Youtube 的最佳貼文
2020-05-29 00:30:23什慶是出神狀態?
出神狀態指的是意識的一種轉換,在這狀態之中時,人既沒有完全清醒,也沒有完全腫著。本質上,出神狀態就是在意識和潛竟識世界之間遊走。出神狀態有時被稱為 「發呆」,「跟精靈在一起,甚平是「做白日夢」。
但首先,重要的是要先瞭解五個出 神狀態的深度:
1級 -非常輕微的Trance
這個階段涉及對自己的內部運作吏加白我意識。例如『在短暫的Trance時刻裡,你可罷會雨加競 識到自己的思想,身體戚覺和情緒變化。那些練習正念冥想的人經常會經歷這樣輕微的出神狀態。
2級 -輕度的Trance
這個階段的特徵是像在夢中一般的竟識狀態。經歷輕度出神狀態的人可能會在白日夢或幻想中沉 溺。那些沉迷於看電視,閱讀書籍或開車卻不記得旅行的人,都經歷了這樣輕度的trance。
3級 -中度Trance
這個階段的特徵是有好像「處在白己世界裡」(in the zone)的威覺也稱為流動狀態。在這種意識 狀態下,通常會失去對周圍環境,時閒甚至白己身體的竟識廬知。
4級 -深度Trance
當我們陷入催眠和日常腫眠狀態時,就是處在此階段。坦種奇怪而短暫的竟識狀態就發生在我們 入睡之前,我們的竟識逐漸消退。通常會看到奇怪的視覺影做,古怪的故事在我們的腦海中浮 現,甚至經歷驃覺說觸覺的幻覺。
5級 -非常深度的Trance 這個階段的定義是完全失去意識,例如我們在無夢的深層睡眠或昏迷狀態下所經歷田。在上面列 出的所有狀態中,最適合我們進行身心靈調整工作的程度是1到4級。
你可能想知道trance狀態如何幫助我們創造內在(psychospiritual) 層面上的改變。答案很簡單:進入出神狀態可幫助我們繞過會干擾深層轉變的批判性思維,並直接與無竟識的心理世界進行交流。
答案是理性腦旱非理性腦(或無章增心智) 的一種障礙而潛意識世界才是我們大部分疼痛、神經症狀和未解決的創傷被埋葬的地方。 自我(ego)的作用
本質上是保護我們不受廬知到的威晉侵優『但是自我防禦和頑固的特性卻會讀我 們難以探脫有毒性的舊角色,難以養成新習慣和釋前庫抑的痛苦。你可以將自我或理性視為永不 下崗的守衛士兵。我們的自我就做士兵一樣『擁有多種武器『將我們鎖定在某些角色和生活方式 中,這些角色和生活方式被認為是「安全的」。這些武器被稱為防禦撇制。常見的防禦機制包括 否認(denial),投射(projection),分離(splitting)和壓制(repression)o 唯一的問顆旱,白我所認為的「安全」,雖然為我們提供了表面上的舒適感,卻容易使我們無法 履行社會上可接受的公民能力「自我(ego),不瞭解的是,那些被掩埋,被避免蛻被拒絕的所有事物 並沒有因為躲藏而成功逃避,埋進我們內心的一切都會增長。就像種子一樣,我們所有的恐懼,創傷和痛苦都將在潛意識這肥沃的土壤中織續發芽,開花,長成某種駭人的龐然大物。
我們無法逃脫內心壓抑的一切。最終,深層的「怪物」將爆發到我們的表竟識中,並且將繼續作亂,直到 我們面對他們為止。 進入出神狀態可以讓自我(ego)暫時休兵,是一個能讓我們探索『擁抱和療癒自己的強大方法。
在幾千年來「出神狀態」被廣泛用於靈性目的,例如與指導靈聯繫,尋求動 物盟友,與祖先交流以及與自己的靈魂交流。情況如何?已有許多解釋,詳細說明trance狀態如何「打開一扇鬥」,帶我們通往現實的另一面向。在此我不會探討各種各樣的理論,但是對我而言,最可信和最準確的理論是,我們的潛竟識與集體潛竟識是被豆廣闊的網絡聯繫在一起,這是 著名心理學家榮格提出。集體無意識(the Collection Unconscious),包含了所有生命所經歷的 能量藍圖。在集體無意識中,存在著被古代人稱為「神和女神」的原型。從我進入集體無蕙識的 薩滿經歷中,我所能證明的是,我們的靈魂生活在唁個原始空間之中。不管是什麼解釋,不可否 認的是,出神狀態可以幫助我們進入吏深的竟識狀態,甚平評歷會改變人生的神秘體驗。 -
repression 在 Mẹ Nấm Youtube 的最讚貼文
2020-01-21 00:05:55Người Việt Đồng Tâm
Để tranh đấu cho công lý và hỗ trợ người dân Đồng Tâm, mỗi người dân Việt đều có thể làm nhiều việc khác nhau trong đó có phần vận động sự quan tâm và can thiệp của quốc tế. Do đó, chúng tôi kêu gọi đồng bào Việt Nam trong và ngoài nước cùng gửi điện thư (email) đến tất cả các tòa đại sứ và lãnh sự quán có mặt tại VN, Liên Hiệp Quốc, các Tổ chức quốc tế nhằm kêu gọi họ yêu cầu chính phủ Việt Nam:
- Đồng ý cho đại diện các đại sứ quán, các tổ chức trong nước và quốc tế đến thăm hỏi, tìm hiểu, giúp đỡ dân làng và các nạn nhân.
- Cho phép các tổ chức quốc tế, phóng viên quốc tế như của AP, NY Times, Reuters, RFI, CNN, Aljazeera đến Đồng Tâm để tác nghiệp và cung cấp thông tin trung thực nhất.
- Yêu cầu nhà cầm quyền Hà Nội ngừng sử dụng bạo lực, hay tiếp tục đe doạ sử dụng bạo lực cũng như chấm dứt hành vi vu cáo khủng bố đối với mọi dân làng Đồng Tâm.
Dear Sir/Madam:
It is with grave concerns that I draw your attention to the following:
•On January 9, 2020 a violent clash over a land dispute in Dong Tam commune, Vietnam where excessive military and police force was deployed that killed an 84-year-old civilian and injured several others. The elderly who had been a vocal leader in the struggle against land confiscation was shot twice in the head and once in the chest while sleeping in his bed. Several other elderly and farmers of the same commune were arrested or assaulted and badly injured. Reportedly there were some 3000 police heavily armed with tear gas, explosives and live ammunition that launched the attack at approximately 3 a.m. on that day targeting the house of the local elderly leader. His sons were also arrested and his daughter in law and grandchildren were also hunted down while running away by police sniffer dogs.
•This is the latest bloody conflict of land seizures in Dong Tam commune where tension has been simmering for some three years. Farmers claim that the government seizes 59 hectares (116 acres) of their farmland for the military-run Viettel Group, which is Vietnam’s largest mobile phone company, without consultation, consent and adequate compensation for the rightful owners.
•While violent land confiscations are not uncommon in Vietnam, this is the first time the authorities claimed there had been 3 policemen killed during the attack against the rightful owners of the lands. Human Rights Watch and other international human rights organizations have urged the authorities to investigate the killings fairly and to hold accountable those who used violence and whether excessive police force was justified so as not to wrongly accuse and further victimize the victims.
•Similarly, last year, just days before the Vietnamese traditional new year, “Tet”, on January 4 and January 8, the authorities in Ho Chi Minh city also launched an attack against the Loc Hung Vegetable Garden, a settlement area claimed by the Catholic Church and registered for agricultural use in 1991, 1995, and 2005, and ever since the land had been used by residents for growing vegetables.
•During the two-day operation, some thousand uniformed police and plain clothes forces wearing masks equipped with about 8 bulldozers and earth movers to demolish all the houses in Loc Hung Vegetable Garden, Tan Binh district, without prior warning, proper notice, or adequate compensation for the residents.
•This forced hundreds of displaced victims who are mostly defectors and people who had escaped the Communist regime in the North in 1954, and former prisoners of conscience, political dissidents and veterans of the former army of South Vietnam out of their homes.
•Lawyers in the country protested against the local authorities’ abuse of power claiming the state should have issued an order for land appropriation first before any issuance of an eviction order to residents of Loc Hung Vegetable Garden.
Therefore, we earnestly ask [your embassy] [U.N. organization]…. to exert diplomatic pressure and
1. Urge the Vietnamese government to end military and police repression and abuse of powers against civilians;
2. Urge the Vietnamese government to recognize the importance of engaging in respectful dialogues and fair negotiations to solve land disputes peacefully rather than resorting to violence.
3. Urge the Vietnamese authorities to investigate with impartiality and transparency and punish all those who are responsible for the human rights violations and the violence in Loc Hung Vegetable Garden and Dong Tam commune so that there is no impunity for crimes committed by state officials.
4. Urge the Vietnamese authorities to permit access to Dong Tam and Loc Hung survivors by local and foreign journalists, diplomats, UN agency officials and other impartial observers to assess what evolved there and monitor the government’s investigation of these incidents.
5. Urge the Vietnamese government to recognize unfair and arbitrary land confiscation for economic projects displacing local people is the source of social unrest, publi -
repression 在 薔薇Chiang Weiii Youtube 的最讚貼文
2019-08-09 00:19:47如果喜歡我的妝容~
超級高興我在 NYX FACE Awards TAIWAN 2019 中進入15強✨
這是我第一次參加化妝比賽 超興奮的~
第二階段的主題是" PRIDEFUL LOVE " 🌈
黑白 和 彩虹
而彩色的部分 我的概念是" Rainbow shadow "
I’m so glad that I got in top 15 of 2019 NYX Face Awards
This is my first time ever being in a makeup competition, so I’m super pumped up
The 2nd stage of this competition is about “Prideful Love”
When the designated topic first released, a lot of ideas came to my mind
but I’ve decided to go with this look to interpret “Prideful Love”
This look can be divided in two parts
Black-N-White & Rainbow colors
For the Black-N-White side of my face
You could feel the old-school, old-fashioned expression of sadness, almost tragedy-like feelings
represent the repression and the obedience under traditional values
Using only black and white
to shape out the structure, color block and to blend them in seamlessly
I use body paint as base
to achieve the saturation, you have to color it over and over again and set them into places
When it comes to blending the color black
you must be gentle and do it in patience
or it will get messy real soon
You could use a light-brown color to map out the outline
then use black to line the structure
to prevent irrevocable mistake
For the colorful side
My idea is Rainbow shadow
Underneath the skin, we all have beautiful souls trying to break free
from stereotypes or antiquated mindsets
So I color the supposedly shadow part of my face in rainbow
with ombré colors, clouds and shimmers
I’d like to express the feeling of freedom and prideful
NYX ultimate shadow palette is the product used to complete the eye look
Starting from the outer corner to my inner corner then to the lower lash line
I use Pink Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
and I use different shades from the same color scheme to achieve the ombré effect
Then use a white concealer to paint the clouds
and clean out the edges with a Q-tip
set it with white shadow
and lastly use a white liner to enhance the outline
I also use light-brown to sketch out the premises of the shadow on my face
then I repeat the process to blend the colors and draw the clouds
For the finishing touchup
I spray on some glitters, pop on a pair of lashes, put on black lipstick and some highlight
then call it a day
This is my final look
Thank you so much for watching
If you like my makeup today
don’t forget to vote for me
I’ll see you next time
#FACEAwardsTW #NYXProfessionalMakeup
➤𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙚
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chiangweiii/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChiangWeiii/
For business: weiweiboy1106@gmail.com
repression 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
repression 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Just in: 拜登針對香港 #蘋果日報 關閉發聲。
"It is a sad day for media freedom in Hong Kong and around the world.”
It is a sad day for media freedom in Hong Kong and around the world. Intensifying repression by Beijing has reached such a level that Apple Daily, a much-needed bastion of independent journalism in Hong Kong, has now ceased publishing. Through arrests, threats, and forcing through a National Security Law that penalizes free speech, Beijing has insisted on wielding its power to suppress independent media and silence dissenting views.
Independent media play an invaluable role in resilient and prosperous societies. Journalists are truth-tellers who hold leaders accountable and keep information flowing freely—and that is needed now more than ever in Hong Kong, and in places around the world where democracy is under threat. Beijing must stop targeting the independent press and release the journalists and media executives that have been detained. The act of journalism is not a crime.
People in Hong Kong have the right to freedom of the press. Instead, Beijing is denying basic liberties and assaulting Hong Kong’s autonomy and democratic institutions and processes, inconsistent with its international obligations. The United States will not waver in our support of people in Hong Kong and all those who stand up for the basic freedoms all people deserve.
repression 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文
On Tuesday, a Hong Kong bus driver was ordered to perform 100 hours of community service, for "swerving" toward a police officer and honking "unreasonably", as the double-decker passed by a mass protest against Beijing’s repression last year.
Read more: https://bit.ly/2RA9NSb
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