

在 racquetball產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過108萬的網紅Pakar diari hati,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 32 questions to ask your father, if he is still with you. I encourage you to record the conversation so you'll have it forever. My father's response t...


  • racquetball 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-06-28 20:00:00
    有 203 人按讚

    32 questions to ask your father, if he is still with you. I encourage you to record the conversation so you'll have it forever. My father's response to question #31 below? "Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Take care of your family. Treat people with respect. Be a good citizen. Follow your dreams."

    We lost my dad to leukemia in 2009, but it seems like yesterday that I heard his laugh and felt his embrace. Dad was a good hugger. Today is always a hard day for me and my family, it being Father’s Day. I’m lucky to remember his message to us, imparted by his humble and simple example throughout his life, but also because I interviewed him in the weeks prior to his passing. (From diagnosis to death we had just 59 days with him). I asked Dad what he wanted us to do and know after he was gone, and his words inspire me to this day. He wanted us to take care of our mom. And we do. He wanted us to love one another. And we do. He also said that the secret to a good life was “Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Take care of your family. Treat people with respect. Be a good citizen. Follow your dreams.” That, I think, tells you everything you need to know about the man.

    Dad's dedication to others spoke for itself. 20 years in the Marines with three tours in Vietnam. 20 years with the State of Montana. 34 years, it would have been the year he passed, with Mom. 69 years as a very good man. He was hard on us when we were young and then he became sort of a big bellied buddha in the last decade or so of his life, so loving, so thoughtful, just a simple man who loved golf and racquetball and bowling and football and mom's food and his country and each of us.

    If you are blessed to have a good father and a good connection with him, I encourage you to interview him about his life, and to record the conversation. (And if you don't know him well or have that connection, perhaps an interview could help). Below are some questions you might ask him (or any parent or caregiver). I hope it helps you get to know him even better, and that the recordings connect you to him should he ever pass away and also serve to share his message with your children and future generations.

    In honor of my dad, I hope that you get to know yours even better.

    And, if you have lost your father like me and so many of us, remember him kindly today, for it is his day.

    With love,

    - Brendon

    Questions from Brendon Burchard

    1. What comes to mind when you think about growing up in [hometown]?

    2. What did you love to do as a kid, before high school?

    3. What did you love to do in high school?

    4. What do remember most about your teenage years?

    5. What do you remember most about your mom (grandma)?

    6. What was most important to her?

    7. What do you remember most about your dad (grandpa)?

    8. What was most important to him?

    9. If grandma and grandpa had a message to you and their grandchildren, what do you think it is?

    10. How did you meet [spouse] and know (s)he was the one?

    11. How did you choose your career and what was your favorite part about it?

    12. What made you successful at work?

    13. What did you believe about yourself that helped you become successful and deal with hard times?

    14. What times in your life truly “tested your mettle,” and what did you learn about yourself by dealing (or not dealing) with them?

    15. What three events most shaped your life?

    16. What do you remember about when each of us was born?

    17. Were you ever scared to be a parent?

    18. What three words would you say represented your approach to parenting and why?

    19. When you think about [sibling] how would you describe him?

    20. What message do you have for [sibling] that you want him to always keep in mind?

    [Do the last two questions above for each sibling in your family]

    21. When you think about [spouse], how would you describe her/him?

    22. What message do you have for [spouse] that you want her/him to always keep in mind?

    23. What three words would you say best describe who you tried to be in life and how you want to be remembered?

    24. When they think about their careers, what do you want your children to focus on?

    25. What have you learned about other people in life? (trustworthy, kind or not and mean)?

    26. What do you think the world needs more of right now?

    27. What do you believe people want the most in life?

    28. What were the three best decisions you’ve ever made?

    29. What are you most proud of in life?

    30. What were five of the most positive moments of your life?

    31. What message would you like to share with your family?

    32. What are you most thankful for?

    Source : Brendon Burchard - Live. Love. Matter.

  • racquetball 在 每日一冷 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-09-01 00:08:57
    有 27 人按讚


    Ahoy matey!

    那就是「國際講話像個海盜日」!原文為International Talk Like a Pirate Day,簡稱ITLAPD。

    這個有趣的節日在1995年由美國人Mark Summers和John Baur創立。Mark與John這兩個好麻吉常常喜歡學海盜說話,一天當他們在玩迴力球時,玩著玩著又開始說起海盜語了,接著叮~的一聲,一顆燈泡在他們的頭上出現,「何不訂個日子讓大家都學海盜說話呢?!」你可能會覺得這是個愚蠢的點子,但這愚蠢的點子也就這麼愚蠢地誕生了。

    想當然讓大家學海盜說話的點子並沒有真正傳開,一直到2002年幽默作家Dave Barry在專欄中提起,ITLAPD才漸漸為人所知。原文為:
    "They (Summers and Baur) were playing racquetball, and, as so often happens, they began talking like pirates. And then it suck them: Why not have a day when EVERYBODY talks like a pirate? They decided that the logical day would be Sept. 19, because that--as you are no doubt aware--is Summers' ex-wife's birthday."

    至今,每年的9月19日他們都會舉行相關的活動。(多數在美國,歐洲也有蹤跡)他們甚至設立一個網站(http://www.talklikeapirate.com),詳述ITLAPD的宗旨,並教大家如何正確的講話像個海盜。現在有海盜英語、海盜德語和海盜荷蘭語,cool, huh?


    BTW,還有"English(Upside down)"的選項喔~

    [Cap'n Miss Sunday]

  • racquetball 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2013-02-26 23:26:18
    有 48 人按讚

    [生活美語] 過年結束了! 不知大家是否添了幾公斤?來做點運動和學習一些相關字彙吧!

    Daily Sports 日常運動
    aerobics 增氧運動
    badminton 羽毛球
    baseball 棒球
    softball 壘球
    basketball 籃球
    bowling 保齡球
    football (A.E. - soccer) 足球
    hiking 徒步旅行*
    jogging 慢跑
    lacrosse 長曲棍球
    mountain climbing 爬山
    polo 馬球
    racquetball 短網拍牆球**
    squash 壁球
    rock climbing 攀岩
    tennis 網球
    ultimate (Frisbee) 飛盤爭奪
    yoga 瑜珈

    *hiking - 指走平路,或是指一般的爬山(就像去陽明山爬山之類的, 那種只是健走的爬山,也就是沒有困難度的爬山). mountain climbing - 如果是像攀岩那種有困難度, 而且比較危險的爬山,就要用mountain climbing.

    **Difference between racquetball and squash - http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/differences-between-squash-and-racquetball/


    Olympic Sports 奧運項目

    Summer Sports 夏季運動
    athletics 田徑運動
    archery 射箭
    beach volleyball 沙灘排球
    cycling-road 自由車-公路賽
    equestrian 馬術
    football 足球
    tennis 網球
    shooting 射擊
    triathlon 鐵人三項 (游泳,自行車和短程馬拉松)
    modern pentathlon 現代五項 (射擊、擊劍、游泳、馬術和越野賽跑)

    swimming 游泳
    diving 跳水
    canoe sprint 獨木舟衝刺
    canoe slalom 激流輕艇
    rowing 划船
    sailing 帆船
    synchronised swimming 水上芭蕾
    water polo 水球
    weightlifting 舉重

    fencing 擊劍
    cycling-BMX 自由車越野賽
    cycling-mountain bike 自由車-登山車
    cycling-track 自由車-場地賽

    judo 柔道
    taekwondo 跆拳道
    volleyball 排球
    wrestling 摔角
    table tennis 乒乓球

    trampoline 彈翻床
    badminton 羽毛球
    gymnastic 體操
    rhythmic gymnastic 韻律體操
    handball 手球
    hockey 曲棍球

    Winter Sports 冬季運動
    alpine skiing 高山滑雪 (阿爾卑斯式滑雪)
    figure skating 花樣滑冰
    short track 短道競速滑冰
    biathlon 冬季兩項
    freestyle skiing 自由式滑雪
    skeleton 俯式冰橇
    bobsled 雪橇
    ice hockey 冰上曲棍球(冰球)
    ski jumping 跳台滑雪
    cross-country skiing 越野滑雪
    luge 無舵雪橇
    snowboarding 滑雪滑板
    curling 冰上滾石 (冰壺)
    nordic combined 北歐混合式滑雪
    speedskating 競速滑冰

    Please "share," not copy this if you want to use it!

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