

在 orthopaedic產品中有73篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, I have been having some minor issues on my right wrist & inner knee especially i do a lot of home exercises without personal trainer nowadays so i alw...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,930的網紅Indrani Kopal,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Permit: check! Ticket: check! Winter jackets: check! Facebook status is up! She's all packed, and the count down begins. In less than 24 hours, Vanaj...

orthopaedic 在 ??? ????? ?? 牛佬 ? #23 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 10:01:07

呢排經常有學生、隊友、客人打籃球拗柴,呢篇文章好值得分享,有一啲拗完柴可以做既 Rehab,就算無受傷都可以做預防👍 強化腳腕肌肉🤙🏾 運動員受傷真係好難避免,預防勝於治療⭐️ 如果做足哂都受傷果啲就無計🤫 Posted @withregram • @rehabscience 💥𝐀𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐒...

  • orthopaedic 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-02 21:45:50
    有 193 人按讚

    I have been having some minor issues on my right wrist & inner knee especially i do a lot of home exercises without personal trainer nowadays so i always have concerns if my postures are correct & did i exercise correctly. Today's visit with Dr. James Wee @oxfordortho.sg unvealed all my concerns & am glad that i know my body better now! 😊
    #orthopaedic #surgeon #sportpain #kneepain #kneereplament #wristpain #pesplanus #prevention #knowyourself

  • orthopaedic 在 運動防護員x物理治療師 Lulu Lu柏伶 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-28 11:45:55
    有 40 人按讚





    一組超認真給八週的團體運動、一週兩次的量身訂做回家作業、還有三次一對一的面談諮詢時間,好好的教育你脊椎的解剖、肌動學、背痛原因blah blah blah整個細心呵護讓我好生羨慕




    其實給予病人好的衛教,不論用書面、用面談的方式,只要患者有接受正確的資訊並 #確實執行 來改變不良的生活模式,都能夠避免下背痛的復發,所以特別給患者運動但患者依從不高的時候,可能沒有辦法解決下背痛的問題。


    Ferreira, Giovanni E., et al. "Exercise Is Medicine, But Perhaps Not for Preventing Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial of Exercise and Education to Prevent Low Back Pain Recurrence." journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 51.4 (2021): 188-195.



  • orthopaedic 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-17 08:00:00
    有 18 人按讚

    原本總覺得自己離 paper 的世界好遠,常常當場外的觀眾,讀著別人寫的 paper 覺得嘆為觀止。
    聽同儕推薦,第一次跑來參加新思惟的工作坊,抱著朝聖的心態來聽課。經由經驗豐富的師長們指點迷津,有種學步嬰孩跟著走一遍一條已經被鋪平的道路,站在巨人肩膀上窺探 paper 世界的感覺。
    撰寫 paper 感覺是一段艱辛的心路歷程,有前輩願意這樣分享經驗、知識、找出適合好用的軟體,節省很多 trial and error 的時間。
    課前與課後都閱讀了指定論文,比較學習前後,細細回溯,推敲當初前輩的撰寫歷程,學到寫作技巧可以先訂好 method、再跑 result、discussion,最後再寫 introduction,可以減少前後文不對題。
    另外也學習到如何評估 hot topic 跟冷門題目的搜尋結果數量,是否可以著手進行,或考慮修正題目,以及題目的訂定方法 N-1 原則。
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  • orthopaedic 在 Indrani Kopal Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2011-02-09 11:45:20

    Permit: check! Ticket: check! Winter jackets: check! Facebook status is up!

    She's all packed, and the count down begins. In less than 24 hours, Vanajah Siva will board a plane for Sweden where she will spend the next 5 years pursuing her Ph.D at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.

    Vanajah is the happiest woman on the planet today... her only wish is to be surrounded by close family and friends who are bidding her farewell as she board the plane tonight.

    But her actual journey began seven years ago when three men and one woman were chosen from 11,275 applicants by the Malaysian National Space Agency (ANGKASA) to spent two weeks in Star City, outside Moscow, Russia.

    They were a part of the Angkasawan spaceflight training program, and Vanajah Siva was the only woman on the team.

    The project was conceived in 2003 when Russia agreed to send a Malaysian to the International Space Station as part of a billion-dollar purchase of 18 Sukhoi 30-MKM fighter jets.

    Out of the four candidates, two were shortlisted upon their return from cosmonaut training, and eventually an Orthopaedic Surgeon, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor was picked as the Malaysian cosmonaut-researcher to crew the Russian Soyuz TMA-11 mission on October 10, 2007.

    In many interviews, Vanajah has admitted that participating in the programme was the best thing to have happened to her.

    But despite being on the threshold of the greatest experience of her life, her dream was shattered when she did not make the cut for the final two.

    Later in the year, Vanajah received the MEASAT Scholarship and left to pursue a master's degree at Chalmers University of Technology, in Gothenburg, Sweden, which she completed in 2009, and she is returning today to complete her PhD.

    Malaysiakini recently had the opportunity to talk to this wonderful woman, walking with her down memory lane as she recounted the cherished memories of her days in the space programme.

    Tonight, as she flies yet again across the Indian ocean to pursue another dream, we hope Malaysians remember Vanajah and are inspired by her story.

    Anything is possible with hard work and dedication, as long as we never ever give up...

    Produced by Indrani Kopal
    Voiceover: Megan Radford

