

在 occurrences產品中有24篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The True Miracle Blocker “Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?...

 同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Reco,也在其Youtube影片中提到,☯ 東方虹龍洞 ~ Unconnected Marketeers. 00:00 妖異達の通り雨 A Shower of Strange Occurrences 07:43 大吉キトゥン Fortunate Kitten...

  • occurrences 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-26 09:00:02
    有 195 人按讚

    The True Miracle Blocker

    “Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” They were offended at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, and among his own relatives, and in his own house.” He could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people, and healed them. He marveled because of their unbelief. He went around the villages teaching.” (Mark‬ ‭6:3-6‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    The people of Nazareth were so focused on what they knew and saw with their five senses. They walked by sight. It was easy to fall into this trap because they saw little Jesus growing up right there, seemingly ordinary, and His parents were just normal, honest folk.

    Granted, Jesus would have been smarter and more well-behaved than His peers, but the townsfolk would never imagine that this boy was actually their long-awaited Messiah and the actual Son of God.

    Truth is spiritually discerned. When you rely on your fleshly brain and the five senses, you may miss out on what God is trying to show you by the Spirit.

    Have you ever experienced a moment where you mind and your spirit were at loggerheads? Your brain is telling you that it is a good decision and that everything looks so right, but you just have this bad feeling in your gut that says something is wrong. I experienced this many times and I’m thankful that I listened to the spirit on most of these occurrences. It saved me from suffering unnecessary losses and pain.

    It is not that Jesus had no power to heal or do miracles in Nazareth. God’s power was always flowing out of Him like mighty rivers, but the Nazarenes rejected the supply because of unbelief. No matter how much water is available in the storage reservoir, you will not get any if you refuse to turn on the tap.

    Those few sick people in Nazareth discerned spiritually that Jesus is the Christ, perhaps because they had an urgent need. Their minds were open to seeing possibilities—they wanted to believe that Jesus could heal them.

    The sick people were definitely not perfect practitioners of the Law of Moses. They were able to receive healing simply because they believed.

    Today, it is not sin that is preventing you from receiving miracles or healing. It is unbelief.

    Yes, indulging in habitual sin can be a major hindrance to faith because it produces self-condemnation and thus unbelief. But it is not the sin that is blocking your miracle or healing.

    Jesus did not heal anyone who was perfect in their works. None of those who were healed by Him kept the Ten Commandments perfectly.

    If being perfect was a criteria to receiving healing, then no one would have been healed when they touched Jesus. Yet, the multitudes who touched Jesus freely received healing simply because they believed they would be healed.

    Today, if you really want to be set free from sickness, or if you need a miracle, choose to look beyond the outward circumstances, and let go of self-condemnation which is a form of self-righteousness.

    See a good God who is freely dispensing His grace (undeserved favor and kindness) because the blood of Christ paid for it. Your sins were punished at the cross—Jesus took the punishment so that you would not have to. God is righteous in being gracious to you because Jesus’ blood is an overpayment for the sin debt of the whole world, and there is much more credit to be tapped on!

    There is so much to learn in the four gospels. Unlock the meanings of every parable, miracle, speech, and action of our Lord Jesus when you read “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace”. For a limited time only, you will also receive “Understand the Book of Acts Through the Lens of Grace” as a bonus: https://bit.ly/understandeveryparable

  • occurrences 在 Mako0mako0 / まこまこ Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-08 16:01:13
    有 16 人按讚

    When Ohagi is busy grooming herself, she doesn't care about what is happening around her. A black cat's staring close behind her, and suddenly cats siblings are fighting each other; however, those occurrences are nothing in her eyes. More than that, she loves her beauty. She never forgets to takes care of her skin correctly and doesn't get fazed by anything.

  • occurrences 在 東森主播 舒夢蘭Claire Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-02 18:52:44
    有 1,265 人按讚

    He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of lions on the beach.
    – Ernest Hemingway in The Old Man and the Sea 老人與海. 海明威,




    謝謝博士為了地球物種,一生懸命! ❤️

    因為太多國際友人希望能夠看到首部曲 #沙漠雄獅,我最美麗的名模小天使Eunice👼🏻翻譯了全文。

    ☝🏻現在就訂閱 #聚焦全世界 頻道,選擇英文字幕,分享給所有海內外朋友,讓全世界認識這個非凡的世界與非凡的人物。

  • occurrences 在 Reco Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-04 18:45:24

    ☯ 東方虹龍洞 ~ Unconnected Marketeers.

    00:00 妖異達の通り雨 A Shower of Strange Occurrences
    07:43 大吉キトゥン Fortunate Kitten

  • occurrences 在 Tatsuya Tanaka Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-07 12:22:25

    Everyone must have had thoughts like these before:
    Broccoli and parsley may sometimes look like a forest of trees, and tree leaves floating on the surface of water may sometimes look like little boats. Everyday occurrences seen from a miniature
    perspective can bring us lots of fun thoughts.
    I wanted to take this way of thinking and express it through photographs, so I started to put together a “MINIATURE CALENDAR.” These photographs primarily depict diorama-style figures surrounded by
    daily necessities.
    Just like a standard daily calendar, the photos are updated daily on my website and SNS page, earning it the name of “MINIATURE CALENDAR.”

    It would be great if you could use it to add a little enjoyment to your everyday life.

    【Official site】

  • occurrences 在 The Thirsty Sisters Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-16 12:00:14

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7LETu0CMSqNBM5fFuqywfB?si=t1y0FZQITU2VSlllZbuKLw

    In recent times we’ve come to the consensus that being a strong, independent woman in Singapore’s society is more widely accepted. However, what is blanketed beneath the surface still lies a lot of misogyny and inappropriate treatment towards women in the workplace. The Thirsty Sisters shed light on this problem by recounting occurrences they have experienced and stories from their friends around them. It’s 2020 already, we need to do better.

    Harassment spotlight video: https://youtu.be/SxFKv1lelMI

    02:30 Women's Problems in the Office

    07:15 Virus share about NOC’s Gender Dynamic

    10:45 Nina working in a Male Dominated industry

    15:04 Nina’s Experience on Sexism at Work

    19:08 Nina getting Sexually Harassed

    21:37 Sylvia Witnessing Sexual Harassment on a Job

    37:26 Singapore’s Laws on Sexual Harassment

    41:33 Aiken talks about his own experience with women pressure

    Sylvia and Nina are not your typical influencers; they give it to you raw and real! Join them as they quench their never-ending thirst for wisdom, trends, success and men.

    They explore hot and pressing issues you never thought you needed to know in this extremely in-depth podcast. Sisters, brothers and everyone in between or beyond; jump in and be thirsty!

    Support us! https://www.patreon.com/noc. Join our Patreon to watch our videos early! 



    Find us on Instagram:
    Sylvia - https://www.instagram.com/sylsylnoc
    Nina - https://www.instagram.com/ninatsf

    For business/brand features: thirstysisters@noc.com.sg.
    For talent engagements: bella@noc.com.sg, sylvia@noc.com.sg.

    North View Bizhub
    6 Yishun Industrial Street 1, #01-14
    Singapore 768090

    Cathay Photo - http://www.cathayphoto.com.sg/
    MyRepublic - https://secure.myrepublic.com.sg/
    Shunji Matsuo - http://www.shunjimatsuo.com.sg/                
    Flesh Imp - http://shop.fleshimp.com
    Imba Interactive - https://www.facebook.com/IMBAinteractive
    TopGear PC - https://www.topgearpc.com
    Bosch - https://www.bosch-home.com.sg/
    Aftershock - https://www.aftershockpc.com/

    The Thirsty Sisters STAFF
    Co-Founder - Sylvia Chan 
    Co-Founder - Nina Tan
    Producer - Nicole Liel
    Assistant Director/Editor - Virus Tan
    Crew Lead/Editor - Bryant Lee
    Crew/Editor - Brandon Gwee
    Crew/Editor - Charmaine Zheng
    Crew/Editor - Priscilia Tan
    Crew/Editor - Isaac Lim
    Crew/Editor - Matt Mohamed
    Crew/Motion Graphics Designer - Kher Chyn 
    Crew/Motion Graphics Designer - Bryan Seah
    Crew/Motion Graphics Designer - Vanessa
    Crew/Sound Engineer - Yu En

    While we respect everyone's views and opinions, we hope you respect ours too. We are entertainers after all! So if you're going to be butt-hurt by our videos, simply click X :/ But for those who share our sense of humour, enjoy and watch on! Comment below with what you want to see next! :) Thank you!

