

在 neolithic產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Focus Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The historic site on Matsu Islands dates back 7,000-8,300 years to the Neolithic period and is one of the oldest archaeological sites in Taiwan. It be...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅葳葳愛旅遊WEIWEI Love travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2018年4月,我們來到了位於歐洲的克羅埃西亞旅遊,這趟旅程成了至今最後一趟歐洲之旅,不曉得何時才會再有機會前往了呢! 今天我們來到扎達爾(克羅埃西亞語:Zadar),是克羅埃西亞的第五大城市,也是扎達爾自治州(Zadar Administrative County) 的首府。扎達爾曾是威尼斯近郊的...

  • neolithic 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-30 00:20:47
    有 25 人按讚

    The historic site on Matsu Islands dates back 7,000-8,300 years to the Neolithic period and is one of the oldest archaeological sites in Taiwan. It bears evidence of human expansion along the coastal and offshore areas and adaption to the environment.

  • neolithic 在 SABAH, Malaysian Borneo Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-21 18:30:19
    有 379 人按讚

    Embracing nature be like. 🤗

    An archaeological site and the largest pottery-making site in Southeast Asia during the Neolithic period, Bukit Tengkorak is a photogenic location located only 10 minutes drive away from Semporna town.

    📸 IG: @catherineoky
    📍 Bukit Tengkorak, Semporna

    #sabah #borneo #malaysia #tourism #photooftheday #nature #fun #photography #beautiful #enchantingsabah #travellater #traveltomorrow

  • neolithic 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-04 15:00:52
    有 624 人按讚

    The 3 most stunning seaside towns in Catalonia (save for your next trip)☀️

    ✔️ Begur
    This small coastal town truly is one of the hidden gems of the Costa Brava, rich in historic monuments, authentic restaurants and some of the most beautiful and well-preserved beaches in the area.

    ✔️ Cadaqués
    A town rich in history, Cadaqués is a charming coastal town often visited by the likes of great Catalan artists Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró!

    ✔️Tossa De Mar
    This historic town is believed to have been populated since as far back as the Neolithic era and remains of its Roman and Medieval past are still visible today, including the Medieval wall which once surrounded the city.

    📍Begur, Spain
    📸 Juan Bautista / Alamy

  • neolithic 在 葳葳愛旅遊WEIWEI Love travel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-18 17:00:27

    今天我們來到扎達爾(克羅埃西亞語:Zadar),是克羅埃西亞的第五大城市,也是扎達爾自治州(Zadar Administrative County) 的首府。扎達爾曾是威尼斯近郊的港口城市。曾是達爾馬提亞王國(Dalmatian)的首都,歴史可以追塑到石器時代末期以至新石器時代(Neolithic),而我們來到的舊城區可說是南歐其中一個歷史最悠久的古城,保留許多古羅馬的遺址及建築物。這次我們就要帶大家來探訪一下這個歷史悠久的古城----札達爾

    1.舊城門(The Land Gate)---
    位於札達爾半島的入口,威尼斯統治時期,1543年由義大利維洛納建築師(Michele Sanmicheli)所打造,城門上的浮雕是守護神St. Chrysogonus騎在馬背上的英姿,上頭展翅的聖馬可石獅子,是威尼斯的精神象徵

    2.五井廣場 (The Five Wells Square)---

    3.船長塔(Kapetanova kula)---

    4.聖多那教堂(Crkva sv. Donata u Zadru)---
    札達爾最具代表性的建築,興建於 9世紀,當時稱為三一教堂,外觀是少見的圓形建築形式,是典型且獨一無二的拜占庭風格聖殿,15世紀時由主教聖多那重建,因此改稱為聖多那教堂,由於音響效果極佳,1979年後成了每年國際中古世紀文藝復興音樂季的場地

    5.聖瑪利亞教堂修道院(St. Mary’s Church)---
    屬於本篤會女修道院,一般相信此教堂是札達爾女貴族 Čika 於1066年所興建,教堂在16世紀時翻修成文藝復興式的建築風格,加上了三葉型的圓潤山牆,而內部則為巴洛克式風格

    6.羅馬廣場(The Roman Forum)---

    7.海風琴(Morske orgulje)---
    由建築師尼古拉·巴希奇(Nikola Bašić)設計,於2005年4月15日向公眾開放,白色碼頭堤岸的步道底下,安裝了藏於海中的35根長短大小不一的共鳴鋼管,地表只露出一排方形、圓形小洞,隨著海浪衝擊而產生強弱變化的共鳴聲,可聆聽亞得里亞海的浪漫樂章...



    #克羅地亞 #札達爾 #歐洲之旅


  • neolithic 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-29 19:00:21

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):https://bit.ly/3eYdLKp
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    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    #牛奶 #優越感
    00:00 前導
    01:39 右翼人士與牛奶的關聯
    03:19 能喝牛奶的人種比較優秀?!
    04:43 我們原本都有乳糖不耐
    05:30 考古研究的證據是?
    07:03 牛奶何時成為餐桌常客?
    08:39 牛奶普及帶來的各種問題
    10:06 我們的觀點
    11:03 提問
    10:44 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →考古探密:奶與蜜: https://bit.ly/39pWxpM
    →Alkon, A. H., & Agyeman, J. (Eds.). (2011). Cultivating food justice: Race, class, and sustainability. MIT press.
    →Archaeology: The milk revolution:https://go.nature.com/2JpUwza
    →Are the US Dietary Guidelines on Milk Racist?:https://bit.ly/39n41K8
    →Bertron, P., Barnard, N. D., & Mills, M. (1999). Racial bias in federal nutrition policy, Part I: The public health implications of variations in lactase persistence. Journal of the National Medical Association, 91(3), 151–157.
    →Cohen, M., & Otomo, Y. (Eds.). (2017). Making Milk: The Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    →Doctor Explains Why Pro-Dairy USDA Dietary Guidelines Are Racist:https://bit.ly/3fMvaaz
    →Dupuis, E. (2002). Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink. New York; London: NYU Press. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from:http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qfmj5
    →Freeman, A. (2013). The unbearable whiteness of milk: Food oppression and the USDA. UC Irvine L. Rev., 3, 1251.
    →Got milk? How lactose tolerance influenced economic development:https://to.pbs.org/36eEAIP
    →Got Milk? Neo-Nazi Trolls Sure as Hell Do:https://bit.ly/39sODMB
    →Got Nazis? Milk Is New Symbol Of Racial Purity For White Nationalists:https://bit.ly/2JiNigi
    →How the alt-right uses milk to promote white supremacy:https://bit.ly/3fKh8Gl
    →Is milk healthy? Canada's new food guide says not necessarily:https://bbc.in/3o1aNtc
    →McClure SB, Magill C, Podrug E, Moore AMT, Harper TK, Culleton BJ, et al. (2018) Fatty acid specific δ13C values reveal earliest Mediterranean cheese production 7,200 years ago. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0202807. :https://bit.ly/3q7rPb0
    →Milk, a symbol of neo-Nazi hate:https://bit.ly/2J7iNKB
    →Miller, Alex. ‘White Power Milk: Art, Or Real, Or Advertising?’ VICE. 1 June 2011.
    →Neolithic Europeans were lactose intolerant:https://bit.ly/3lfIHJ5
    →No use crying:The ability to digest milk may explain how Europe got rich:https://econ.st/39sOIQp
    →Smith, Jack. ‘Milk is the New Creamy Symbol of White Racial Purity in Donald Trump’s America.’ Mic Magazine.
    →Stănescu, V. (2018). White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right. Animal Studies Journal, 7(2), 103-128.
    →The Troubling Link Between Milk And Racism:https://bit.ly/39nF1CM
    →Valenze, D. (2011). Milk: a local and global history. Yale University Press.
    →Why humans have evolved to drink milk:https://bbc.in/39o7ckH
    →Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed):https://nyti.ms/3fIt7nT
    →Wiley, A. S. (2007). Transforming milk in a global economy. American Anthropologist, 109(4), 666-677.
    →Wiley, A. S. (2015). Re-imagining milk: Cultural and biological perspectives. Routledge.

    【 延伸閱讀 】





  • neolithic 在 National Palace Museum國立故宮博物院 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-11-29 14:00:18

    In the Neolithic times, Chinese believed that praying to Gods of heaven and earth was necessary for receiving blessings. Particularly, Chinese liked to communicate with Gods through jades because jades were always considered to have super natural powers at that time.

