

在 mournful產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,143的網紅陸秀慧 Desiree's Planet,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Wind that Shakes the Barley吹動大麥的風 (Ken Loach, 2006) Country : Ireland Score : 7/10 看了 ”Sorry we missed you” 再回頭找Ken Loach 2006 榮獲坎城影展最佳影片金棕櫚獎、歐...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#テクノソフトが発売した、リアルタイムSLG作品であり、PC用SLG「ヘルツォーク」('88年)の続編。 RTSで、リアルタイムにフィールド上に自軍ユニットを配置し、マップ上に散らばる基地を占領、生産力を高めて敵軍本拠地を攻め落とせば勝利。 BGMはサンダーフォースシリーズや、新九玉伝('88年)...

mournful 在 Cara Tinúviel Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-30 17:28:07

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧🧚🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️ -- Caption had me thinking about the legend of the Melusine - wh...

  • mournful 在 陸秀慧 Desiree's Planet Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-29 23:08:24
    有 13 人按讚

    The Wind that Shakes the Barley吹動大麥的風 (Ken Loach, 2006)
    Country : Ireland
    Score : 7/10
    看了 ”Sorry we missed you” 再回頭找Ken Loach 2006 榮獲坎城影展最佳影片金棕櫚獎、歐洲電影獎最佳攝影、愛爾蘭電影獎觀眾票選最佳影片, 最佳影片, 最佳男配角的舊片,果然精彩!本片描述了1920年代愛爾蘭的獨立運動,雖導演Ken Loach是英國人,卻仍誠實陳述了大英帝國的壓迫統治與愛爾蘭被分化的悲哀,故事的主角是學成返鄉的醫生Damien,看到英國人對同胞的跋扈,放棄了行醫的光明前途,追隨哥哥 Teddy與一群愛爾蘭熱血青年一同加入愛爾蘭共和軍(Irish Republican Army-IRA)的游擊隊。串以愛爾蘭詩人兼作曲家Robert Dwyer Joyce所寫的愛國民謠

    The Wind That Shakes the Barley

    I sat within a valley green
    Sat there with my true love
    And my fond heart strove to choose between
    The old love and the new love
    The old for her, the new that made
    Me think on Ireland dearly
    While soft the wind blew down the glade
    And shook the golden barley

    Twas hard the mournful words to frame
    To break the ties that bound us
    Ah, but harder still to bear the shame
    Of foreign chains around us
    And so I said, “The mountain glen
    I’ll seek at morning early
    And join the brave united men”
    While soft wind shook the barley

    Twas sad I kissed away her tears
    Her arms around me clinging
    When to my ears that fateful shot
    Come out the wildwood ringing
    The bullet pierced my true love’s breast
    In life’s young spring so early
    And there upon my breast she died
    While soft wind shook the barley

    I bore her to some mountain stream
    And many’s the summer blossom
    I placed with branches soft and green
    About her gore-stained bosom
    I wept and kissed her clay-cold corpse
    Then rushed o’er vale and valley
    My vengeance on the foe to wreak
    While soft wind shook the barley

    Twas blood for blood without remorse
    I took at Oulart Hollow
    I placed my true love’s clay-cold corpse
    Where mine full soon may follow
    Around her grave I wondered drear
    Noon, night and morning early
    With aching heart when e’er I hear
    The wind that shakes the barley


    愛爾蘭最後在1937年通過公民公投愛爾蘭獲得了一個新的憲法,改名為愛爾蘭共和國,在1938終於真正脫離了英聯邦;而當初沒能加入自由邦的北愛仍然隸屬大英國協的自治地區,90年代仍為北愛獨立戰的IRA在 1997 宣佈停戰,2005正式終止武裝鬥爭,直到2016年的英國脫離歐盟公投,表決結果為英國退出歐盟,主張留歐的北愛爾蘭再次掀起脫離英國獨立和與愛爾蘭統一的聲浪。北愛的未來是脫離英國加入愛爾蘭共和國還是永遠為英國的一部分,只有未來的歷史有解。

  • mournful 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-22 23:50:42
    有 29 人按讚

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    [157113] 23913. 航海王:拜託你了!來自兄弟的信!"One Piece" Take Good Care of Him! A Letter from the Brother! (2011)★★
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    [157116] 23916. 航海王:震驚草帽海賊團——捎來的噩耗"One Piece" Straw Hats in Shock! The Bad News Has Reached Them! (2011)★★
    [157117] 23917. 航海王:與冥王雷利重逢 魯夫的決斷時刻!"One Piece" Reunited with Dark King Rayleigh! Decision Time for Luffy! (2011)★★
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    [157120] 23920. 航海王:香吉士的災難!回到王國的女王!"One Piece" A Disaster for Sanji! The Queen's Return to the Kingdom! (2011)★★

  • mournful 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-19 02:22:08
    有 48 人按讚

    [133951] 2751. 命運石之門0:零化域的缺失之環"Steins;Gate 0" Missing Link of the Annihilator: Absolute Zero (2018)★★
    [133952] 2752. 命運石之門0:閉時曲線的引言/雙對福音的協議"Steins;Gate 0" Epigraph of the Closed Curve: Closed Epigraph / Protocol of the Two-sided Gospel: X-Day Protocol (2018)★
    [133953] 2753. 命運石之門0:亡失流轉的孤獨"Steins;Gate 0" Solitude of the Mournful Flow: A Stray Sheep (2018)★
    [133954] 2754. 命運石之門0:非點收差的孤獨"Steins;Gate 0" Solitude of the Astigmatism: Entangled Sheep (2018)★
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  • mournful 在 translation Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-11 16:45:01



    作・編曲:新井直介氏, 大谷智巳氏

    Year: 1989.12.15(J),1990.04(U),1990(EU)
    Manufacturer: SEGA Techno Soft
    Computer: Mega drive / genesis
    Sound: YM2612,SN76489
    Composer & Arranger: Naosuke ARAI,Tomomi Ootani
    00:00 01.The previous war (Scenario Map 1/CONFIGRATION MODE)
    00:43 02.The fighter called EMERGENCY to base (Scenario Map 2/ステージ選択)
    02:06 03.Back to square one (ステージ 1/STADT[工業都市])
    04:22 04.Sleight of hand (ステージ 2/LOCH[洞窟])
    07:52 05.Take it easy (ステージ 3,9/VULKAN[溶岩地帯])
    12:03 06.Sniper (ステージ 4,8/WALDUNG[ジャングル地帯])
    14:08 07.The super fighter invigorated us (ステージ 5,7/OASE(砂漠地帯)
    17:18 08.The dawn of a new age (エンディング/勝利)
    17:50 09.Funeral march for the METAL KNIGHTS (ゲームオーバー/敗北)
    18:21 10.A Victorious bell is ringing BRASS
    18:49 11.A Victorious bell is ringing BELL
    19:15 12.Jagd flieger (タイトル)
    19:29 13.There is no time to lose (ABGRUND/崖と大河)
    22:02 14.A breach of contract (STRAND/海と孤島)
    25:02 15.The mournful war (EISFREI/氷雪地帯)
    28:13 16.Be his soul rest in peace (エンディング)
    29:30 17.A full retreat
    30:44 18.Go with the stream (スタッフロール)

  • mournful 在 OmegaGamesWiki™ Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-02 21:00:12

    PS4 PRO版のTHE LAST OF US PART 2の難易度サバイバル、ノーダメージ&100%収集品攻略動画です、Part 16。


    PART 16
    ・CHATPER 38: The Island
    ・CHATPER 39: The Escape 21:56
    ・CHATPER 40: The Confrontation 50:55
    ・100% COLLECTIBLES(127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards, 32 Coins, 14 Safes, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 12 Weapons)

    CHAPTER 38 - The Island(全8個)
    1) Coin: Idaho(29/32)1:42
    2) Artifact: WLF Scout Journal(118/127) 2:09
    3) Coin: North Carolina(30/32)3:21
    4) Artifact: Venison Distribution Note(119/127) 4:25
    5) Coin: Montana(31/32)8:24
    6) Artifact: Mournful Prayer Note(120/127) 13:11
    7) Artifact: Young Seraphite’s Journal(121/127) 13:36
    8) Workbench(22/25)14:00

    CHAPTER 39 - The Escape(全2個)
    1) Coin: Arkansas(32/32)24:09
    *トロフィー「コインの思い出」/Trophy "Numismatist"
    2) Workbench(23/25)31:41

    CHAPTER 40 - The Confrontation(全0個)





    - ゲームタイトル: ラストオブアス パーツ2/THE LAST OF US PART 2(PS4版)
    - 発売日: 2020年6月19日
    - 価格: PS4版:6,900円+税
    - ジャンル : サバイバルアクション
    - ESRB : Cero Z
    - 開発: NAUGHTY DOG
    - 発売: (株)ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント


    #LastOfUsPart2 #SURVIVOR #AllCollectibles


    "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,
    allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism,
    comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
    Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise
    be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance
    in favor of fair use."


  • mournful 在 J Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-08-18 20:54:58

    影片為大家分享竹子與小夥伴日常遊玩【Dota 2】的各種遊戲精華與搞笑過程。

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