首先我想講嘅係呢個世界冇exactly the same嘅synonyms (英文冇 中文粗口有好多 我知我知),所以上面我係專登分咗幾組,請各位留意,唔好背曬啲字然後亂用呀😂第二係我唔用平時嘅方法解呢啲字,focus多啲係usage, 希望更清晰。
首先我想講嘅係呢個世界冇exactly the same嘅synonyms (英文冇 中文粗口有好多 我知我知),所以上面我係專登分咗幾組,請各位留意,唔好背曬啲字然後亂用呀😂第二係我唔用平時嘅方法解呢啲字,focus多啲係usage, 希望更清晰。
先講咗gloomy先,gloomy用嚟形容事物(future, weather, economy, atmosphere, etc),佢可以解dark呀、dim呀,總之就係形容啲會令人不快、失望、擔憂嘅事啦。
The atmosphere was gloomy when we knew my father had been sacked.
跟住就miserable同wretched, 佢地意思上相近,比sad更sad, 亦都可以有不幸意味, 今次就形容人嘅。
Her parents divorced when she was small and this makes her feel miserable.
I felt so wretched because I thought I might never see you again.
最後就sorrowful同mournful, 多啲講失去之後嘅痛苦,尤其mourning(n.)本身就係表達對一個人離世嘅傷感。
She is sorrowful after separating with her boyfriend.
‘‘We're not going to be all mournful,’ her husband said before the funeral.
大大:係hku做嘢做到9:00先記得自己未食飯😂,所以頭先一路撘車返去住嗰區先一路開post, 有啲遲呀對唔住。至於有咩就留言問返我啦👍🏼💪🏼
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