

在 molossia產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過741萬的網紅Culture Trip,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, This micro-nation that has its own currency, timezone, and laws - even an onion can land you in jail here!...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Coolgang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,酷奇王最酷的奇幻旅程|Coolgang Fantasy 這是酷奇王奇幻旅程S1系列影片的超級精華😎 還沒看過的朋友們,趕快去看看 之後會有新的第二季|城市漫步系列🚶 另外,如果大家想看什麼內容也可以跟我說喔😎✌️ 記得訂閱,讓我知道你看過👌 酷奇王只給你最酷的🥦 This is the super...

  • molossia 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-22 05:00:44
    有 452 人按讚

    This micro-nation that has its own currency, timezone, and laws - even an onion can land you in jail here!

  • molossia 在 酷奇王Coolgang Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-24 16:12:21
    有 16 人按讚

    Republic of Molossia

  • molossia 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-29 06:00:33
    有 605 人按讚

    Journey inside Nevada's unique micro-nation that has its own currency, timezone, and laws - even an onion can land you in jail here!

  • molossia 在 Coolgang Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-05-20 21:30:00

    酷奇王最酷的奇幻旅程|Coolgang Fantasy

    This is the super essence of the Coolgang Fantasy Series.
    There will be a new second season | City Chill Series🚶
    In addition, if you want to see something, you can tell me.
    Remember to subscribe, let me know what you have seen.

    Life is Cool, be Chill🥦

    Check out 🤘
    👽酷奇王 FB https://goo.gl/vYfSEk
    👽酷奇王 IG@afropopcorn


  • molossia 在 Coolgang Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-02-03 20:30:02

    這是莫洛西亞共和國,位於美國內華達州境內,自1977年5月26日宣布主權獨立的國家。總統是Kevin Baugh 一位非常酷的總統,他在國家境內建造許多設施,也在外交上建立了許多私人國家盟友(就是同在其他國境內的私人主權國家)
    在2018年5月26日的國慶日當天,Kevin總統作為一日導遊,介紹國內的設施景點,境內有建造海關,郵局,銀行(甚至發行自己的貨幣_法洛拉幣Valora,1 法洛拉幣為0.75美元),總統會客室(裡面還真的有與各國元首的合照),國家貿易公司(大部分都是賣總統的肖像照),酒吧(居然比銀行還大),還有監獄(世界最小的監獄)。除此之外,還有火車站系統,還有最特殊的莫洛西亞香蕉樹(居然是往上生長的香蕉)。
    整個導覽行程最後甚至還認真地發表了總統演說,現場也準備了國宴(BBQ PARTY)提供大家享用。


    p.s 影片前段的介紹畫面是來自其他的媒體資料影片,如果有侵權請讓我知道,會馬上下架此影片。

    This is the Republic of Molossia, a country in Nevada, the USA that declared sovereign independence on May 26, 1977. The President is Kevin Baugh, a very cool president who has built many facilities in the country and has also established many private national allies (that is, private sovereign states in other countries).
    On the National Day of May 26, 2018, President Kevin introduced as a day tour guide to the domestic facilities and attractions, including the construction of customs, post offices, banks (even issuing their own currency _ Valora The currency is $0.75), the presidential meeting room (there is really a photo with the heads of state), the national trading company (mostly the portrait of the president), the bar (which is bigger than the bank), and the prison ( The world's smallest prison). In addition to this, there is the train station system, as well as the most special Molossia banana tree (which is actually a banana-growing up).
    The most amazing thing is the space program (the rocket's equipment), and the site also personally demonstrated the launching power.
    At the end of the tour, he even gave a serious speech. The venue also prepared a national banquet (BBQ PARTY) for everyone to enjoy.
    From Taiwan, I sent a face-to-face ceremony to the President (sorghum wine) and finally sent the first lady the TTM Mask, you can imagine their impression of Taiwan must be very good. Especially at the end of the film, the national anthem of the Republic of Molossia was played, because the music was also created by the greatest president, Kevin.
    At present, the war between Molossia and East Germany is not over. If you are interested, you can buy war bonds to help stop the war.

    This year, it is still only open for 7 days. You are welcome to check out the world's smallest country and see the coolest president. Remember to go to the official website to make an appointment to visit the time!!!

    P.s The introduction screen of the front part of the film is from other media materials. If there is any infringement, please let me know and I will immediately remove this video.

    Check out 🤘
    👽酷奇王 FB https://goo.gl/vYfSEk
    👽酷奇王 IG @afropopcorn

  • molossia 在 Coolgang Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-01-30 22:01:37

    ✅莫洛西亞共和國Republic of Molossia

    President Kevin is the craziest person I have ever met. Since he was a child, he decided to set up a country.
    Since May 26, 1977, the United States has declared sovereign independence, and it has been claimed that the high-tech missiles that launch rockets.
    There are only open for seven days each year for tourists to enter.
    The day is the National Day of the Republic of Molossia.
    On behalf of Taiwan, I present the "National Palace Museum Sorghum Wine" and "TTM Mask". President Kevin said that he is very impressed with Taiwan and is likely to become the latest state in the future.

    To go to the Republic of Molossia, I spent a total of 12 hours driving back and forth from San Francisco that morning, just to represent Taiwan to participate in the National Day celebrations.
    The President also gave a speech and thank Taiwanese for their participation.
    President Kevin is really a very interesting person, with the personality of the dictator, from time to time will take the initiative to Cue someone.
    Not Things to say, get to know the world’s smallest country.

    👽酷奇王 FB https://goo.gl/vYfSEk
    👽酷奇王 IG @afropopcorn

