#1Meronymy and holonymy - Wikipedia
In linguistics, meronymy is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym denoting a whole. In simpler terms, a meronym is in a ...
#2Definition and Examples of Meronyms and Holonyms
"Meronymy is a term used to describe a part-whole relationship between lexical items. Thus cover and page are meronyms of book. . . . "Meronyms ...
#3What does meronymy mean? - Definitions.net
Meronymy is a semantic relation used in linguistics. A meronym denotes a constituent part of, or a member of something. That is, For example, 'finger' is a ...
#4Meronymy - The Free Dictionary
Define meronymy. meronymy synonyms, meronymy pronunciation, meronymy translation, English dictionary definition of meronymy. n the semantic relationship ...
#5Meronymy definition and meaning - English - Collins Dictionary
Meronymy definition: the semantic relationship between a meronym , or a part of something, and its whole | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
#6What is Meronymy | IGI Global
What is Meronymy? Definition of Meronymy: Specialization of a part-whole relationship domain detailing the specific relation of a subfamily to a family.
#7Meaning of "meronymy" in the English dictionary - Educalingo
Meronymy is a semantic relation used in linguistics. A meronym denotes a constituent part of, or a member of something. That is, “X” is a meronym of “Y” if ...
#8meronymy - Wiktionary
meronymy (countable and uncountable, plural meronymies). (semantics) The relationship of being a constituent part or member of something; a system of ...
#9About: Meronymy and holonymy - DBpedia
In linguistics, meronymy (from Greek μέρος, méros, "part", and ὄνυμα, ónuma, "name") is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym ...
#10meronymy - 用法_例句 - 海词词典
meronymy 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: the semantic relation that holds between a part and the whole. meronymy的相關資料:.
#11Hyponymy and meronymy - GRIN
Let us consider the following example: 'It is a horse' implies 'It is an animal'; we can say that 'horse' is a hyponym of 'animal'. Moreover, other hyponyms of ...
#12Semantic Selectional Restrictions for Disambiguating ...
Meronymy Relations. A non-representational DRT-like discourse semantics. Ashwin Ittoo1, Gosse Bouma2. 1Faculty of Economics and Business,. 2Faculty of Arts,.
#13meronymy or part-whole relations in indigenous - CiteSeerX
#14Best 1 Definitions of Meronymy - YourDictionary
What does meronymy mean? (semantics) The relationship of being a constituent part or member of something; a system of meronyms. (noun)
#15Meronymy - Google Arts & Culture
In linguistics, meronymy is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym denoting a whole.
#16Meronymy | Topic | Microsoft Academic
Definition. In linguistics, meronymy (from Greek μέρος, méros, "part", and ὄνυμα, ónuma, "name") is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part ...
#17Meronymy | ResearchGate
Meronymy is the relation of part to whole (tail<dog). Its converse is holonymy, the relation of whole to part. While often labeled a lexical semantic ...
#18Meronymy in the discourse of construction engineering
Considered the second most important semantic relation (after hyponymy), meronymy, or partonymy, is the “semantic relation between a lexical item denoting a ...
#19meronymy - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
meronymy Add to list Share. Definitions of meronymy. noun. the semantic relation that holds between a part and the whole. synonyms: part to whole relation.
#20Hyponymy, meronymy, and other relations (Chapter 6)
There is little evidence, however, that hyponymy, meronymy, or other semantic relations are relations among word-concepts rather than relations among the ...
#21A Taxonomy of Part-Whole Relations - Wiley Online Library
Often meronymy has not been clearly distinguished from other semantic relations. Psychological studies of class inclusion decisions have often in- cluded part- ...
#22Meronymy - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Meronymy provides database server software for the Semantic Web.
#23Termlist 3.0
antonym. antonymy. autoantonymy autohyponymy. hypernym. hypernymy. hyponym. hyponymy. holonym. holonymy. meronym. meronymy. metonym. metonymy. near-synonym.
#24Meronymy - Thesaurus
Synonyms for meronymy in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for meronymy. 1 synonym for meronymy: part to whole relation. What are synonyms for meronymy?
#25meronymy中文 - 查查綫上辭典
meronymy 中文:部件關系…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋meronymy的中文翻譯,meronymy的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#26A Rule-Based Meronymy Extraction Module ... - SciELO México
Whole-part relations (also known as meronymy) are a type of semantic relation that holds between two elements in a sentence, one that denotes a whole and ...
#27meronymy 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
meronymy n 1: the semantic relation that holds between a part and the whole [syn: {meronymy}, {part to whole relation}]
#28Hyponymy, Meronymy, Synonymy, Antonymy, and Contrast
Synonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, antonymy (or opposition), and contrast (including co-hyponymy) are the best-known and most-discussed of the paradigmatic, ...
#29The Lightness of Dust: Book One of The Meronymy - Amazon ...
The Lightness of Dust: Book One of The Meronymy [M.L. Weaver] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Lightness of Dust: Book One of The ...
#30meronymy 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
meronymy 解釋. 部件關系. meronymy 例句. 目前還沒有meronymy例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦. mesosymmetry · meronvi river.
#31SJHSS-1262-72.pdf - Scholars Middle East Publishers
Application of Set Theory Formulas in the Presentation of Lexical Meronymy. Benard Odoyo Okal1, Frida Akinyi Miruka2. 1Assistant Lecturer & PhD candidate, ...
#32MERONYMY English Definition and Meaning | Lexico.com
'The table contains the attempt to classify the meronymy relation by using quantificational tags.' More example sentences.
#33Classification of Meronymy by Methods of Relational Concept ...
This paper introduces a method for classifying the meronymy relation based on quantificational tags. It is an example for an application of Relational ...
#34Upright posture and the meaning of meronymy - De Gruyter
Levinson's analysis of Tzeltal meronymy describes a mapping process “not done by any form of creative analogy, but by a precise geometrical ...
#35Semantic Selectional Restrictions for Disambiguating ...
In this paper, we present an unsupervised approach to au- tomatically learn lexico-syntactic patterns encoding meronymy relations from texts. Our major ...
#36semantic relation of meronymy in languages of different ...
Keywords: meronymy; meronym; BPN (body part names); semantic change; polysemy; anthropomorphic metaphor; metonymy; semantic universals and regularities.
#37meronymy: meaning, origin, translation - WordSense Dictionary
meronymy · zone: … · semantic network: … · meronym: …thesaurus Coordinate terms hypernym hyponym Derived words & phrases meronymic meronymy meronymous Translations ...
#38Validating Meronymy Hypotheses with Support Vector ...
Meronymy relation hypotheses are extracted from the semantic networks by means of an automated theorem prover, which employs a set of logical axioms and ...
#39Meronyms和Holonyms的定義和例子 - Also see
在語義學中 , meronym是一個表示某個組成部分或某個成員的詞。 例如, 蘋果是蘋果樹的縮寫(有時寫為蘋果<蘋果樹)。 這部分到整體的關係被稱為meronymy 。 形容詞: ...
#40EJ1305377 - Semantic Relation of Meronymy in Languages of ...
The present paper investigates semantics of human body part names (BPN) in languages of different structure. The lexemes under study are characterised by a ...
#41meronymy 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释meronymy这个英文词呢? meronymy这个英文词,中文意思如下:分体法分体法(英文:Partonomy),又称为分体学或分体论,是一种基于部分-整体 ...
#42Meronymy Across Languages - Acsu Buffalo
The goal of this symposium is to contribute to the typology of meronym systems in the languages of the world. Meronyms are terms that describe entities as ...
#43Extraction of Hyponymy, Meronymy and Antonymy Relation ...
hyponymy, meronymy, and antonymy relations are given. 2. HYPONYMY RELATION. Hyponymy represents a semantic relationship between a generic and specific term.
#44meronymy怎么翻译及发音 - 沪江网校
#45Example of meronymy | Word Synonyms API - WordSimilarity
Meronymy (from Greek μέρος "meros", "part" and ὄνομα "onoma", "name") is a semantic relation specific to linguistics, distinct from the similar meronomy. A ...
#46Recognition of Hyponymy and Meronymy Relations in Word ...
Moreover, in order to show the feasibility of the method we extended it to the recog- nition of meronymy. 1 Introduction. A very large wordnet, e.g. plWordNet ( ...
#47meronymyの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
meronymy の意味や使い方 【名詞】1一部とその全体との間に有する意味論上の関係(the semantic relation that holds between a part and the whole) - 約1175万語ある ...
#48meronymy | CLARIN ERIC
plWordNet is a lexico-semantic network which reflects the lexical system of the Polish language. plWN currently contains 178 000 nouns, verbs, adjectives, and ...
#49Hyponymy vs. Meronymy
Meronymy noun. (semantics) The relationship of being a constituent part or member of something; a system of meronyms. Hyponymynoun.
#50A Rule-Based Meronymy Extraction Module for ... - Redalyc
In this case, we focus on the type of meronymy involving human entities and body-part nouns ( Nbp ) (e.g., O Pedro partiu uma perna 'Pedro broke a leg': ...
#51Jamin Pelkey, Upright posture and the meaning of meronymy
Cross-linguistic strategies for mapping lexical and spatial relations from body partonym systems to external object meronymies (as in English 'table leg', ...
#52Meaning of meronymy in english english dictionary 1
meronymy - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English-English Dictionary. meronymy. [ n ] the semantic relation that holds between a part and the whole ...
#53meronymy的中文意思 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
搜尋. meronymy 中文意思是什麼. meronymy 解釋. 部件關系. 例句. 目前還沒有meronymy例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦. mesosymmetry · meronvi river.
#54MERONYMY - Translation in French - bab.la
Translation for 'meronymy' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
#55Writing is Live 2011-Meronymy - Brown University
Leah Anderson in Meronymy by Rachel Jendrzejewski, directed by Megan and Murray McMillan, 2011 Writing Is Live festival. Credit: Mark Turek ...
#56Hyponymy and meronymy eBook by Silvia Nulle - Rakuten Kobo
Read "Hyponymy and meronymy" by Silvia Nulle available from Rakuten Kobo. Seminar paper from the year 2001 in the subject English Language and Literature ...
#57An ELT Glossary : Meronymy
An ELT Glossary : Meronymy. Definition : A lexical relationship in which words are in a part - whole relationship. Examples : head, arm, leg etc are all ...
#58Meronymy - Glottopedia
Meronymy is a sense relation. It holds between an entity and its parts. The whole is also called holonym and each part of it a meronym.
#59Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 15th ...
information between an instance pair i=x-y (e.g. i= engine-car) and a meronymy pattern p (e.g. “consists of”). It is calculated by equation (2), ...
#60meronymy in French - English-French Dictionary | Glosbe
Check 'meronymy' translations into French. Look through examples of meronymy translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
#61Meronymy and Inference (ikke tilgjengelig) - Det matematisk ...
Traditional lexical semantic notions, like synonymy, hyponymy, antinomy, meronymy, etc., have now been explicitly encoded in databases, ...
#62meronymy - Dictionary - AudioEnglish.org
Definition of meronymy in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of meronymy. What does meronymy mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word ...
#63definition of meronymy by Mnemonic Dictionary
MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of meronymy and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory.
#64Classification of Meronymy by Methods of ... - Uta Priss
This paper introduces a method for classifying the meronymy relation based on quantificational tags. It is an example for an application of Rela-.
#65Meronymy meaning in Hindi - मेरोनयमय मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Meronymy meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Meronymy in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages.
#66Introductory Semantics and Pragmatics for Spanish Learners ...
However, the relationship of meronymy is a part-whole concept: if X is a meronym of Y, X is part of Y, and Y is a holonym of X. Therefore, ...
#67MERONYMY QUIZ | English Quiz - Quizizz
What is the definition of meronymy? answer choices. Is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning ...
#68Meronymy - The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin
Definition of meronymy in the Titi Tudorancea Dictionary. Meaning of meronymy. What does meronymy mean? Proper usage and sense of the word meronymy.
#69Towards Cross-checking WordNet and SUMO Using Meronymy
Towards Cross-checking WordNet and SUMO Using Meronymy. Javier ´Alvez. LoRea Group. University of the Basque Country. UPV/EHU [email protected].
#70meronymy - Meaning in Tamil - Shabdkosh
meronymy - Meaning in Tamil, what is meaning of meronymy in Tamil dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of meronymy in Tamil and English.
#71Meronymy and holonymy - Wikipedia
In linguistics, meronymy (from Greek μέρος, méros, "part", and ὄνυμα, ónuma, "name") is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym ...
#72Meronymy Relation Extraction Based on 3-Motif in Wikidata | YU
Meronymy relation extraction is playing an important role in knowledge mining and it is a huge challenge to extract meronymy relation from a large amount of ...
#73meronymy - Wikidata
meronymy. semantic relation specific to linguistics. Prt-of; Part-of. In more languages. Spanish. meronimia. relación semántica no simétrica ...
#74Recognition of Hyponymy and Meronymy ... - ACL Anthology
In our work we verified both claims using a very large wordnet of Polish as a gold standard for lexico-semantic relations and word embeddings extracted from a ...
#75meronymy - definition and meaning - Wordnik
meronymy : The relationship of being a constituent part or member of something; a system of meronyms .
#76Measuring distance-based semantic similarity using ...
However, most of existing works ignore the meronymy relation between concepts and the non-uniformity of path distances caused by various ...
#77What does meronymy mean - Word finder
n. (context semantics English) The relationship of being a constituent part or member of something; a system of meronyms. WordNet. meronymy. n. the semantic ...
#78MERONYMY - Перевод на русский - bab.la
Перевод 'meronymy' с английского на русский и многие другие переводы с помощью бесплатного онлайн словаря.
#79如何用英语发音“meronymy” - Forvo
定义. meronymy的定义. the semantic relation that holds between a part and the whole. 语句 定义/ 同义词 指南/ 活动.
#80Semantics - Lexical Categories
Meronymy. • Part-whole relations between lexical items. – finger is a meronym of hand, engine is a meronym of car. – Meronymy, like hyponymy, defines a.
#81Cross-checking WordNet and SUMO Using Meronymy - LREC ...
Keywords: Meronymy, Knowledge validation, Automated Theorem Proving. 1. Introduction ... interpretation of the meronymy relations of WordNet, the.
#82meronymy / hellog~英語史ブログ - Keio
部分語と全体語 [hyponymy][meronymy][lexicology][semantics][semantic_field][terminology]. 「#1962. 概念階層」 ([2014-09-10-1]) や「#1961.
#83Lexical plurals through meronymy and hyperonymy - John ...
This study uses meronymy and hyperonymy as semantic criteria applied to French collective nouns (CollNs) and lexical plural nouns (LPNs) in ...
#84Validating WordNet Meronymy Relations using Adimen-SUMO
In particular, this paper focuses on cross-checking the WordNet meronymy relations against the knowledge encoded in Adimen-SUMO.
#85Meronymy of words expressing human body parts of the ...
Meronymy of words expressing human body parts of the middle part in Thai language and Vietnamese Author: Ha Thi Mai Thanh (Tay Bac University) Speaker: Ha ...
#86Glossary:Meronymy - Lexical Resource Semantics - English ...
Meronymy explains a part-whole relation. It refers to terms for parts of real objects. Comment: A pit is a part of a cherry just like wheels and ...
#87Lexical semantics - Introduction to Computational Linguistics
are some ways: Hypernymy/hyponymy. Synonymy. Antonymy. Homonymy. Polysemy. Metonymy. Synecdoche. Holonymy/meronymy.
#88MERONYMY is a valid scrabble word - 1word.ws
Play with the word meronymy, 1 definition, 0 anagrams, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 7 words-in-word, 2 cousins, 1 lipogram, 0 anagrams+one... MERONYMY scores 18 ...
#89Hyponymy and meronymy | UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum
Hello I wonder if anyone can help me with distinguishing between hyponomy and meronymy. I've got the dictionary definitions but am having difficulty...
#90A Rule-Based Meronymy Extraction Module for ... - Redib
In order to extract this type of whole-part relations, a rule-based meronymy extraction module has been built and integrated in the grammar of the STRING ...
#91Another word for MERONYMY > Synonyms & Antonyms
Similar words for Meronymy. Definition: noun. the semantic relation that holds between a part and the whole.
#92Conceptual Modeling – ER 2010: 29th International Conference ...
Example meronymy tree t1 Definition 1 (Process Model). A tuple PM = (A,G,E) is a process model, where: – A ⊆ A is the finite nonempty set of process model ...
#93MERONYMY | New Play Exchange
MERONYMY by Rachel Jendrzejewski. What happens when ancient mnemonic devices collide with hyperspeed technology? What structures and transactions of ...
#94ODLT dictionary definition of meronymy
meronymy. Definition - The type of membership relationship between words where X is a meronym of Y if X is either a part of or a member of Y. For example: ...
#95meronymy · GitHub Topics
meronymy · Here is 1 public repository matching this topic... · Improve this page · Add this topic to your repo.
#96meronymy - ConceptNet 5
en meronymy. An English term in ConceptNet 5.8. Sources: DBPedia 2015, German Wiktionary, English Wiktionary, French Wiktionary, and Open Multilingual ...
#97Meronymy - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Not to be confused with metonymy or meronomy. Meronymy (from the Greek words meros = part and onoma = name) is a semantic relation used in linguistics.
#98paradygmatic relations in medical terminology - CEEOL ...
A special attention is given to lexical omonymy, paronymy and meronymy, semasiological categories less analysed within medical terminology.
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