#1Meronymy and holonymy - Wikipedia
In linguistics, meronymy is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym denoting a whole. In simpler terms, a meronym is in a ...
#2holonym - Wiktionary
(semantics) A term that denotes a whole, a part of which is denoted by a second term. The word "face" is a holonym of the word "eye". AntonymsEdit.
#3holonym - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part.
#4Holonym Meaning | Best 1 Definitions of ... - YourDictionary
(semantics) A term that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by another term, such as 'face' in relation to 'eye'. Body is a holonym of arm, leg and heart.
#5holonym中文 - 查查綫上辭典
holonym 中文:[網絡] 整體詞;合成詞…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋holonym的中文翻譯,holonym的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#6definition of holonym by The Free Dictionary
Define holonym. holonym synonyms, holonym pronunciation, holonym translation, English dictionary definition of holonym. Noun 1. holonym - a word that names ...
#7Definition and Examples of Meronyms and Holonyms
The opposite of a meronym is a holonym—the name of the whole of which the meronym is a part. Appletree is a holonym of apple (apple ...
#8What does holonym mean? - Definitions.net
A term that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by another term, such as 'face' in relation to 'eye'. Matched Categories. Word. How to pronounce holonym ...
#9Holonym vs Meronym - What's the difference? | WikiDiff
is that holonym is (semantics) a term that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by another term, such as 'face' in relation to 'eye' while meronym is ...
#10Holonym - Glottopedia
Baum ist ein Holonym von Ast. Herkunft. Griechisch holo - ganz; Griechisch onyma - Name. Verweise. Cohyponym: Meronym ...
#13Holonym/meronym relations | Download Scientific Diagram
Download scientific diagram | Holonym/meronym relations from publication: The Impact of Ontology on the Performance of Information Retrieval: A Case of ...
#14Measure of similarity using meronym/holonym edge on Wordnet
There are any measure of similarity for Wordnet which explores (navigate) holonym / meronym and hypernym / hyponym edges at the same time?
#15holonym - ConceptNet 5
Synonyms. ca holònim ➜; en whole name ➜; fi holonyymi ➜; fi kokonaiskäsite ➜; fr holonyme ➜; pl holonim ➜; th ชื่อเต็ม ➜; de holonym ➜; af holoniem ...
#16part holonym - WordNet Search - 3.1
Noun. S: (n) hand, manus, mitt, paw (the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb) "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt".
#17holonym在线翻译_英语- 例句 - 海词词典
Noun: a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part;. "`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'". 单词holonym 的词典定义。
#18下位詞(Hyponym) - 語言座標- 中央研究院
... 翻譯(Translation); 同義詞集(Synset); (整體)部件詞(Part meronym); 上位詞(Hypernym); 下位詞(Hyponym); (成員)群體詞(Member holonym); SUMO:魚類(fish).
#19Holonym - FreeThesaurus.com
Synonyms for holonym in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for holonym. 1 synonym for holonym: whole name. What are synonyms for holonym?
#20Holonyms and Meronyms: Vocabulary Building (English Word ...
What are “Holonyms and Meronyms”? ... Holonym is a word that denotes a thing that is complete in itself and whose part, member or substance is represented by ...
#21Holonym - TopSCHOLAR
Holonym. Trish Lindsey Jaggers. Western Kentucky University, [email protected]. Follow this and additional works at: ...
#22Holonym by Trish Lindsey Jaggers - Goodreads
Holonym book. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Holonym is a collection of contemporary poems by award-winning Kentucky poet...
#23Meaning of holonym in english english dictionary 1
holonym - Translation, Meaning and Definition of holonym in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-English. dictionary, English, dictionaries, free, online, ...
#24Open Wordnet Documentation (en) - GitHub Pages
Part-whole relation (meronym and holonym); Semantic contract and similar relation (antonym and synonym). Synsets are connected into a net framework to form the ...
#25Holonyms and Meronyms - Manik Joshi - Adlibris
HOLONYMS ---- Holo- Whole; -Onym: Name] - Holonym is a word that denotes a thing that is complete in itself and whose part, member or substance is ...
#26holonym - definition and meaning - Wordnik
holonym : A term that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by another term, such as 'face.
#27Holonym a book by Trish Lindsey Jaggers - Bookshop
Holonym is a collection of contemporary poems by award-winning Kentucky poet, Trish Lindsey Jaggers. Holonym, from the title poem, is the relationship of ...
#28Wordnet Search 3.0 with CHT - LOPE @ NTU
... "Member holonym", "Substance holonym", "Part holonym", "Member meronym", "Substance meronym", "Part meronym", "Attribute"); $a_relsym=array(";c", ";u", ...
#29HOLMES: HOLonym-MEronym based Semantic inspection
HOLMES: HOLonym-MEronym based Semantic inspection. Rel. Fabrizio Lamberti, Lia Morra. Politecnico di Torino, Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria ...
#30holonym - Meaning in English - Shabdkosh
holonym - Meaning in English, what is meaning of holonym in English dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of holonym in English and English.
#31HOLONYM - Translation in French - bab.la
Translation for 'holonym' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
#32Definition of holonym - VDict
`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'. Related search result for "holonym". Words pronounced/spelled similarly to "holonym":
#33holonym : Dictionary / Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS, TU Chemnitz)
holonym : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz)
#34Holonym by Trish Lindsey Jaggers | 9781944899158 | Booktopia
Holonym is a collection of contemporary poems by award-winning Kentucky poet, Trish Lindsey Jaggers. Holonym, from the title poem, is the relationship of ...
#35Holonym (Paperback) - Walmart.com
Holonym is a collection of contemporary poems by award-winning Kentucky poet, Trish Lindsey Jaggers. Holonym, from the title poem, is the relationship of ...
#36holonym Definition in the dictionary English
Learn the definition of 'holonym'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'holonym' in the great English corpus.
#37holonym 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释holonym这个英文词呢? holonym这个英文词,中文意思如下:A term that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by another term, ...
#38Class: Holonym
Class: Holonym. http://cui.unige.ch/isi/onto/tok/TOK.owl#Holonym. Annotations (1). label "holonym". Superclasses (1). Sem_Relation. Usage (1).
#39HOLONYM - Перевод на русский - bab.la
Перевод 'holonym' с английского на русский и многие другие переводы с помощью бесплатного онлайн словаря.
#40holonymの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
holonym の意味や使い方 【名詞】1特定の単語が全体の一部分となっている名前の単語(a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part)`hat' is a .
#41Holonym meaning in Hindi - होलोनयम मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Holonym meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Holonym in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages.
#42holonym :: English-German translation - dict.cc dictionary
dict.cc English-German Dictionary: Translation for holonym.
#43holonym的意思- 例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
#449781500800383: Holonyms and Meronyms - AbeBooks
Holonymy- The state of being a Holonym is called Holonymy. ... Sample This: Holonyms and Meronyms – A - Holonym / Meronym -- Example A1 -- Holonym ...
#45holonym: meaning, origin, translation - WordSense Dictionary
Entries with "holonym". meronym: …of many different things: think of all the different mechanisms that have gears. Antonyms holonym Holonyms semantic ...
#46Meronymy and holonymy - Wikipedia
In linguistics, meronymy (from Greek μέρος, méros, "part", and ὄνυμα, ónuma, "name") is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym ...
#47Holonym by Trish Lindsey Jaggers - 9781944899158 - Dymocks
Holonym is a collection of contemporary poems by award-winning Kentucky poet, Trish Lindsey Jaggers. Holonym, from the title poem, is the relationship of ...
#48Holonym Meaning in Hindi - अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Holonym Meaning in Hindi. अंग्रेजी शब्द यहां टाइप करें और खोजें. holonym. अंगीवाचक शब्द Edit ...
#49SemWiktionary/Holonym.md at master - GitHub
An holonym of a word is another word whose meaning designates a subset of the first one's meaning. For example, “body” is a holonym of “arm”. Each Word object ...
#50holonym - Dictionary - AudioEnglish.org
Definition of holonym in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of holonym. What does holonym mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word ...
#51About: Meronymy and holonymy - DBpedia
In linguistics, meronymy (from Greek μέρος, méros, "part", and ὄνυμα, ónuma, "name") is a semantic relation between a meronym denoting a part and a holonym ...
#52Holonym hand and its Meronyms as components of ... - Hrčak
Holonym hand and its Meronyms as components of Croatian and Italian phrasems. Nina Spicijarić Paškvan ; Zavod za povijesne i društvene znanosti HAZU, Rijeka
#53definition of holonym by Mnemonic Dictionary
holonym - Dictionary definition and meaning for word holonym. Definition ... Example Sentence. `hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown' ...
#54asper: attention-based approach to extract syntactic patterns ...
on three distinct semantic relations—hyponym-hypernym, cause-effect, and meronym-holonym on six datasets. Experimental results show that for ...
#55meronymic structures for names denoting parts of living ...
lexical item, but a holonym in relation to a third one. Thus, face is the meronym of head and a holonym of nose (mouth, chin, cheek, jaw, etc.),.
#56Holonym 9781944899158 | eBay
Holonym is a collection of contemporary poems by award-winning Kentucky poet, Trish Lindsey Jaggers. Holonym, from the title poem, is the relationship of ...
#57Holonym etymology in English | Etymologeek.com
English word holonym comes from English -onym (Name. Word.), English holo- (Holo…
#58Holonyms and Meronyms: Vocabulary Building eBook by Manik Joshi
Holonym is a word that denotes a thing that is complete in itself and whose part, member or substance is represented by another word.
#59Holonymy Relation - GM-RKB - Gabor Melli
AKA: Holonym. Context: It is a Lexical Relation. It is the Inverse of a Meronymy Relation. See: Hyponymy Relation.
#60Use Holonym in a sentence - UseEnglishWords.com
Holonym, Holonyms. 4. The word "face" is a Holonym of the word "eye". Holonym. 5. Holonym meaning (semantics) A term that denotes a whole whose part is ...
#61holonym is a noun - Word Type
"Body is a holonym of arm, leg and heart." Nouns are naming words. They are used to represent a person (soldier, Jamie), place (Germany, beach), ...
#62Demystifying Nouns in Wordnet - Kavita Ganesan, Ph.D
Holonyms. Holonym: a word that represents the physical whole of a given word. Basically, the opposite of meronyms. Let us ...
#63holonym - 英语词典 - 新东方在线
holonym 是什么意思?holonym怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词holonym的释义、holonym的音标和发音、holonym的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容, ...
#64Metonymic and Holonymic Roles and Emergent Properties in ...
Aggregation is known as the holonym-meronym relationship. A further linguistic concept, metonym, is needed to complete the explanation of the problems with the ...
#65Holonym - The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin
Definition of holonym in the Titi Tudorancea Dictionary. Meaning of holonym. What does holonym mean? Proper usage and sense of the word holonym.
#66Define Holonym - Classic Thesaurus
noun. A word that names the whole of which a given word is a part. usage: "`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'". synonyms: whole name.
#67Holonym- Meaning in Hindi - HinKhoj Dictionary
Holonym - Meaning in Hindi. Holonym definition, pronuniation, antonyms, synonyms and example sentences in Hindi. translation in hindi for Holonym with ...
#68Browsing Department of Linguistics by Subject "sense ...
Browsing Department of Linguistics by Subject "sense, meronymy, holonym, canonical, facultative" ... Lexemes relate in terms of sense in various ways that are ...
#69Wordnet member holonym retriever in gandalfnicolas/SADCAT
synsets. synsets to obtain member holonyms for. Syns. Return the synsets? Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, returns the various words that make up ...
#70Translate "holonym" from English to German - Interglot Mobile
English to German translation results for 'holonym' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, French, ...
#71holonym - Sesli Sözlük
holonym teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. In relation to a given term, a term—word or phrase—that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by the ...
#72Linguistics: Holonyms and Meronyms - KD Did It Edits
It's semantics. It's linguistics. It's a hierarchical relationship with parts, meronyms, coming together to create a whole, a holonym, ...
#73Is holonym a word in the scrabble dictionary?
Learn the definition of holonym. Is holonym in the scrabble dictionary? No, holonym cannot be played in scrabble.
#74What does holonym mean - Word finder
holonym. n. (context semantics English) A term that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by another term, such as 'face' in relation to 'eye'.
#75Week_10_Assignment_10.pdf - Nptel
Which of the following pattern/s can be utilized for extracting meronym - holonym relations: 1. X including Y. 2. X such as Y.
#76holonym (@holonym_inc) • Instagram photos and videos
0 Followers, 0 Following, 6 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from holonym (@holonym_inc)
#77holonym meaning in Hindi
How to say holonym in Hindi and what is the meaning of holonym in Hindi? holonym Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences ...
#78holonym meaning and definition
semantics A term that denotes a whole whose part is denoted by another term, such as 'face' in relation to 'eye'. Body is a holonym of arm, leg and heart.
#79Holonyms and Meronyms | Pothi.com
Holonym is a word that denotes a thing that is complete in itself and whose part, member or substance is represented by another word.
#80Holonyms and Meronyms: Vocabulary Building by Manik ...
What are 'Holonyms and Meronyms'?-- HOLONYMS ---- [Holo- Whole; -Onym: Name] - Holonym is a word that denotes a thing that is complete in itself and.
#8186 Synonyms & Antonyms for HOLONYM - Power Thesaurus
What's the definition of Holonym in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Holonym meaning and usage.
#82Definition of holonym by Webster's Online Dictionary
1. holonym - a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part; "`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'". Synonyms ...
#83Synonyms and Antonyms for holonym
1. holonym. noun. A word that names the whole of which a given word is a part. Antonyms. synonym antonym categoreme. Synonyms.
#84holonym in Finnish | English-Finnish translation - DinOrdbok
Translation of holonym to Finnish in English-Finnish dictionary, with synonyms, definitions, pronunciation, example of usage and more.
#85Ontology Matching Based on hypernym, hyponym, holonym ...
A Super Word Set is defined, which is an aggregate set that includes hypernym, hyponym, holonym, and meronym sets in WordNet, and shows an ...
#86holonym - British Sign Language BSL Video Dictionary
holonym. How to sign: a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part "`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'";.
#87Holonyms and Meronyms: Vocabulary Building - Chapters ...
Holonym is a word that denotes a thing that is complete in itself and whose part, ... Example: 'Bird' is a holonym of 'Feather'.
#88HOLONYM in Portuguese Translation - Tr-ex
In order to elucidate the character of this linguistic relationship, we call holonym the whole and meronym the part.”These [...].
#89Day 28: 文字相似度- 語言學 - iT 邦幫忙
hyponym: 上位詞< - > hypernym: 下位詞; antonym: 反義詞< - > synonym: 相似詞; meronym: 局部詞< - > holonym: 整體詞. 在Wordnet中的文字關係長得就像這樣:.
#90holonym - definition, etymology and usage, examples and ...
n holonym a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part "`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'"; *** ...
#91Holonyms | World Languages - Quizizz
A holonym is a word that denotes a constituent part or a member of something. answer choices ... Choose down below the holonym for the word: 'feather'.
#92holonym | definition, meaning, synonyms and antonyms of ...
"holonym" full meaning in english, Full Definitions of "holonym", synonyms of "holonym", antonyms of "holonym", define "holonym" in one ...
#93Definition of holonym in English at AdvanceDictionary.com
1. holonym, whole name. a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part. Example Sentences: 'hat' is a holonym for brim' and crown''. Synonyms.
#94Definition of holonym - Lots of Words - The word search engine
Meaning of Holonym: This definition of the word Holonym is from the Wiktionary dictionary, where you can also find the etimology, other senses, synonyms, ...
#95HOLONYM - crossword answers, clues, definition, synonyms ...
HOLONYM. 'HOLONYM' is a 7 letter word starting with H and ending with M. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for HOLONYM.
#96holonymの意味 - 英ナビ!辞書 英和辞典
holonym の意味・和訳。【名詞】特定の単語が全体の一部分となっている名前の単語(例文)a word that names the whole of which a given word is a .....英検公式!
#97How to pronounce holonym | HowToPronounce.com
How to say holonym in English? Pronunciation of holonym with 2 audio pronunciations, 3 synonyms, 1 meaning, 1 sentence and more for holonym.
#98How to pronounce the word holonym - Howjsay
How to pronounce holonym. A free online pronunciation dictionary. holonym pronunciation and definition | English and American Spelling with naturally ...
In this paper, we defined a Super Word Set, which is an aggregate set that includes hypernym, hyponym, holonym, and meronym sets in WordNet. The ...
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