

在 manslaughter產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅IELTS Thanh Loan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỪ VỰNG IELTS CHỦ ĐỀ CRIME CHẤT LƯỢNG DÀNH RIÊNG CHO WRITING TASK 2 Đây sẽ là 1 series mới của cô Loan, hoàn toàn FREE.. Cô sẽ dần dần biên soạn nhóm ...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過36萬的網紅升旗易得道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,升旗易得道 2019年3月12日 主持: Tony Choi, Johnny Fok, Dilbert 第一節:踢爆老千股! 道士股(612)中國鼎益豐停牌真相,證監判極刑,同漢能薄膜(566)一樣下場?300億灰飛煙滅!| 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日 https://youtu.be...

manslaughter 在 犀利檢座 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-10 07:22:09

湯景華縱火燒死6人案,最高法院今天「自為改判」,改判無期徒刑定讞。 理由是:……屬於殺人的間接故意,而不是直接故意,不符合判《兩公約》規定要處死刑啊要具備殺人直接故意的要件。所以本院依法撤銷原審判決,改判無期徒刑,褫奪公權終身。(最高法院刑事發言人徐昌錦庭長) 首先,我先看了《公民與政治...

manslaughter 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-06-21 09:34:52

Donald Trump與Piers Morgan 英美鬧交界KOL竟然friend返,最衰都係... 同Donald Trump絕交嘅Piers Morgan,今日响《Daily Mail》出咗個罕有關於實驗室洩漏病毒,要求向中國賠償嘅評論問咗四個問題,有趣嘅係同一日,Donald Trump又...

manslaughter 在 親子で英語力アップ!の英語コーチング Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-17 12:47:04

6歳の息子は、死ぬのが怖いと言っていて、死んでもまた生まれ変わるから大丈夫だよ、と言っていたら、生まれ変わってママと会えなかったらどうしよう、、と、かなーり先のことを心配していました。 息子:Are you 100% sure about that? What if we can’t meet a...

  • manslaughter 在 IELTS Thanh Loan Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-23 09:51:58
    有 56 人按讚

    Đây sẽ là 1 series mới của cô Loan, hoàn toàn FREE.. Cô sẽ dần dần biên soạn nhóm từ vựng IELTS theo các chủ đề thường thấy trong Writing Task 2, bám sát theo cuốn 'Ideas for IELTS topics' của thầy Simon. Mong được các bạn LIKE và SHARE ủng hộ, và tiếp tục theo dõi các chủ đề sau nhé!
    Link download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ygyLbz1tleaj2LKjnehpsPTQRkmVFmVu/view?usp=sharing
    Sách IELTS do Thanh Loan team biên soạn: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/danh-muc/sach-ielts-thanh-loan-viet
    💥 Các loại, nhóm tội phạm
    ➖ minor crimes = petty crimes: tội phạm nhỏ, vặt vãnh
    Ví dụ: shoplifting (trộm cắp vặt); shoplifter (tên trộm vặt)
    pickpocketing (móc túi)
    ➖ serious crimes = severe crimes: tội phạm nghiêm trọng
    murder (v) giết người; murderer (n) kẻ sát nhân; murder (n) việc giết người
    smuggle (v) buôn lậu, smuggling (n) việc buôn lậu; smuggler (n) kẻ buôn lậu
    manslaughter (n) ngộ sát
    sexual assault (n) xâm phạm tình dục
    ➖ organized crimes: tội phạm có tổ chức
    ➖ juvenile delinquencies = youth crimes: tội phạm vị thành niên
    💥 Cách trừng trị/ phạt tội phạm
    ➖ punishment (noun): trừng phạt; Punish (verb): trừng phạt
    ➖ fines (n): phạt tiền
    ➖ imprisonment (n): phạt tù
    - to serve a prison sentence (v.phr): chịu án tù
    - a whole-life prison sentence (n.phr): một án tù chung thân
    - to be put in prison = to be sent to prison = to be put in jail (v.phr): nhốt ai đó vào tù
    - to leave prison (v.phr): ra tù
    - to be released (from prison) (v.phr): được thả tự do
    - a criminal record (n.phr): tiền án tiền sự
    - rehabilitation (n.phr): sự cải tạo; rehabilitate (v.phr): cải tạo
    - to impose a strict punishment on somebody (v.phr): áp dụng phạt nghiêm khắc với …
    ➖ death penalty = capital punishment (n.phr): án tử hình
    - to receive/ carry death penalty (v.phr): nhận, lĩnh án tử hình
    ➖ community services (n.phr): phạt bằng cách làm các việc có ích cho xã hội
    💥 Một số cụm động từ liên quan đến chủ đề crime
    ➖ catch criminals (v.phr): bắt tội phạm
    ➖ prevent crime – deter crime – act/ serve as a good deterrent (v.phr): ngăn chặn/ như một cách ngăn chặn tội phạm
    ➖ convict (v.phr): kết án; convict (n.phr): kẻ bị kết án; conviction (n.phr): sự kết án
    ➖ execute (v.phr): thi hành án; execution (n.phr): việc thi hành án
    ➖ pose a threat to society (v.phr): là mối đe dọa với xã hội
    🔥 Đạt IELTS 6.0+ chỉ từ 1.2 triệu với khóa học online: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/
    🔥 GIẢM GIÁ SỐC! Đồng giá 99k cho những cuốn sách độc quyền trên IELTS Thanh Loan: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/danh-muc/sach-ielts-thanh-loan-viet
    🔥 Chữa bài IELTS Writing nhanh - chi tiết - chi phí thấp:https://ielts-thanhloan.com/chua-bai-ielts-writing

  • manslaughter 在 犀利檢座 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-02 14:42:24
    有 1,116 人按讚



    其中所謂「情節最重大之罪」,依人權事務委員會相關解釋,雖限於「蓄意殺害並造成生命喪失」(there was an intention to kill which resulted the loss of life),然此僅屬公政公約因應不同國家刑事法制度所設之「最低度要求」。

      經由一些文獻指引,找到公民與政治權利國際公約第36號一般性意見第35點,原文節錄:「The term “the most serious crimes” must be read restrictively and appertain only to crimes of extreme gravity, involving intentional killing.(僅限於涉及故意殺人的極嚴重罪行。) Crimes not resulting directly and intentionally in death,(未直接和故意導致死亡的罪行,) such as drug offences, attempted murder, corruption and other economic [and political] crimes, armed robbery, piracy, abduction, and sexual offences, although serious in nature, can never justify, within the framework of article 6, the imposition of the death penalty.」簡而言之,必須「故意殺人」,而且「直接、故意地導致死亡」,才能判處死刑。本段落並列舉包含毒品罪、殺人未遂罪、武力強盜、海盜及性侵害犯罪等罪,不能宣告死刑。

    這段英文出自A/HRC/4/20,解釋「情節最重大之罪」:「The requirement of human rights law that the death penalty should be imposed only for the “most serious crimes” continues to be interpreted subjectively by certain States. The report examines the travaux of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, surveys the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee, and analyses the comments by the Secretary-General, principles declared by the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Human Rights and concludes that, if it is to comply with the most serious crimes restriction, the death penalty can only be imposed in cases where it can be shown that there was an intention to kill which resulted in the loss of life. 」

      首先,第一個問題是,英文「intentional/intentionally」,是否包含「不確定故意」?如果從英美法的角度,犯罪的主觀要素分類大致上有intentional, reckless, negligence等,如果並沒有強烈的意圖(intention),但是能預見而去做某些行為會侵害法益,仍然去做,也會構成魯莽(reckless),以殺人罪為例,魯莽行為致死會構成involuntary manslaughter(英美法的殺人罪有很多種,這邊姑且翻譯成「比較嚴重的過失致死」)通常會比murder(謀殺)的罪輕很多。

      (這邊以美國為例)你以為美國刑法會用魯莽殺人(過失致死)輕易放下強盜致死、縱火致死、強姦致死的人嗎?在大部分的立法例裡,只要犯下重罪(felony,能判超過一年徒刑的,全都是重罪)致人於死,而且沒有嚴重違背因果歷程的,都會被被擬制為「謀殺」,稱為「重罪謀殺」(felony murder),所以即使行為人在強盜過程中,被害人嚇到跌倒死亡,或者結夥搶劫,你的同伴把被害人槍殺,自己也要成立「重罪謀殺罪」。這個理論是基於「移轉的故意」(transferred intent),意思是說,你在做某些危險的事,就該知道那件事可能發生的危害,對實際發生的危害直接當成是故意所為的。





  • manslaughter 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-04 11:01:29
    有 983 人按讚

    Donald Trump與Piers Morgan

    同Donald Trump絕交嘅Piers Morgan,今日响《Daily Mail》出咗個罕有關於實驗室洩漏病毒,要求向中國賠償嘅評論問咗四個問題,有趣嘅係同一日,Donald Trump又出咗個類似嘅聲明。

    Piers Morgan嘅評論重點四個問題是咁的,

    //Was Donald Trump right all along about covid-19?//
    (Donald Trump對於covid嘅係睇法,係咪一路以黎都係啱?)

    //Did the world's worst pandemic for 100 years emanate from a laboratory in Wuhan, China?//

    //And there's a fourth even bigger question if the answers to the first two are 'yes' and 'yes', which is this: if China knew the virus erupted from one of its labs, either accidentally or nefariously, and then covered it up to the world, how should it be punished?//

    同一日,話咗以後唔來住嘅Donald Trump竟然好似幫手答咁樣,

    「依家每位,包括啲所謂敵人,都開始話我啱啦,個病毒係由武漢個實驗室嗰度黎嘅,無人可以無視Dr. Fauci同中國嗰啲對話啦。賠錢比美國同全世界呀!」




    《Daily Mail》PIERS MORGAN: If COVID-19 did leak from that Wuhan lab, then Trump was right, China needs to be severely punished for mass manslaughter - and Dr Fauci’s reputation will be destroyed



    英國名嘴Piers Morgan訪問工黨黨魁,政治公關無用小知識

  • manslaughter 在 升旗易得道 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-03-12 17:21:02

    升旗易得道 2019年3月12日
    主持: Tony Choi, Johnny Fok, Dilbert

    第一節:踢爆老千股! 道士股(612)中國鼎益豐停牌真相,證監判極刑,同漢能薄膜(566)一樣下場?300億灰飛煙滅!| 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第二節:踢爆港股! 優品360 ( 2360 ) 股價再創新高,係時侯派貨?福建幫近年迅速堀起,炒樓炒股戰績如何? | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第三節:究竟揸幾多錢先夠退休?擁有200萬就可以達至財務自由?套現幾千萬仲有冇需要移民? | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第四節:震驚! 大圍車房命案三名行兇者竟毫無刑事責任! 殺人竟然毫無後果,審死官劇情在香港上演! | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第五節:李東海小學教師自殺,東華三院責無旁貸,無良校長迫死老師,應立即出來交代! | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第六節:好人好事:表揚牧師李武凡行善六十年,幫助長者生養死葬。社會應守望相助。 | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日




    The act of the defendant must be a substantial cause of death. It is rarely necessary to give any direction to the jury on causation, if it is required then the jury should be told that it is enough if the act or acts of the defendant contributed significantly to the death of the deceased, it need not be the sole or major cause of death. (R v Wong Tat Chuen [1997] HKLRD 433) ( R v Pitts (1842) C & Mar 248 )

    The word “substantial” in this context would mean more than minimal. (R v Henninggan [1971] 3 ALL ER 133)


    Escape from the fear of violence:

    Where a person can be convicted of manslaughter because his conduct has induced in another the compelling desire to escape potential violence and, in escaping, that person receives fatal injuries.

    Absence of the corpse:

    The circumstantial evidence must be so cogent and compelling as to convince the jury that there is no other rational hypothesis for the death of the deceased other than murder or manslaughter. ( Att-Gen’s Reference (No 4 of 1980) (1982) 73 Cr App R 40 (CA).


    關心社會, 自己做起!

    升旗易派米行動! 2019年1月19日(星期六)派米完成, 感謝一眾善長仁翁支持!

    升旗易得道Whatsapp: 97114085
    升旗易得道Wechat: tuesdayroad

    逢星期一、五晚上 (星期二、六出街): 嬉笑怒罵, 分析時事, 經濟, 政治, 歷史和心得!




  • manslaughter 在 升旗易得道 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-03-12 17:10:33

    升旗易得道 2019年3月12日
    主持: Tony Choi, Johnny Fok, Dilbert

    第一節:踢爆老千股! 道士股(612)中國鼎益豐停牌真相,證監判極刑,同漢能薄膜(566)一樣下場?300億灰飛煙滅!| 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第二節:踢爆港股! 優品360 ( 2360 ) 股價再創新高,係時侯派貨?福建幫近年迅速堀起,炒樓炒股戰績如何? | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第三節:究竟揸幾多錢先夠退休?擁有200萬就可以達至財務自由?套現幾千萬仲有冇需要移民? | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第四節:震驚! 大圍車房命案三名行兇者竟毫無刑事責任! 命案竟然毫無後果,審死官劇情在香港上演! | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第五節:李東海小學教師跳樓,東華三院責無旁貸,無良校長迫害老師,應立即出來交代! | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第六節:好人好事:表揚牧師李武凡行善六十年,幫助長者生養死葬。社會應守望相助。 | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日




    The act of the defendant must be a substantial cause of death. It is rarely necessary to give any direction to the jury on causation, if it is required then the jury should be told that it is enough if the act or acts of the defendant contributed significantly to the death of the deceased, it need not be the sole or major cause of death. (R v Wong Tat Chuen [1997] HKLRD 433) ( R v Pitts (1842) C & Mar 248 )

    The word “substantial” in this context would mean more than minimal. (R v Henninggan [1971] 3 ALL ER 133)


    Escape from the fear of violence:

    Where a person can be convicted of manslaughter because his conduct has induced in another the compelling desire to escape potential violence and, in escaping, that person receives fatal injuries.

    Absence of the corpse:

    The circumstantial evidence must be so cogent and compelling as to convince the jury that there is no other rational hypothesis for the death of the deceased other than murder or manslaughter. ( Att-Gen’s Reference (No 4 of 1980) (1982) 73 Cr App R 40 (CA).


    關心社會, 自己做起!

    升旗易派米行動! 2019年1月19日(星期六)派米完成, 感謝一眾善長仁翁支持!

    升旗易得道Whatsapp: 97114085
    升旗易得道Wechat: tuesdayroad

    逢星期一、五晚上 (星期二、六出街): 嬉笑怒罵, 分析時事, 經濟, 政治, 歷史和心得!




  • manslaughter 在 升旗易得道 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-03-12 17:05:32

    升旗易得道 2019年3月12日
    主持: Tony Choi, Johnny Fok, Dilbert

    第一節:踢爆老千股! 道士股(612)中國鼎益豐停牌真相,證監判極刑,同漢能薄膜(566)一樣下場?300億灰飛煙滅!| 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第二節:踢爆港股! 優品360 ( 2360 ) 股價再創新高,係時侯派貨?福建幫近年迅速堀起,炒樓炒股戰績如何? | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第三節:究竟揸幾多錢先夠退休?擁有200萬就可以達至財務自由?套現幾千萬仲有冇需要移民? | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第四節:震驚! 大圍車房命案三名行兇者竟毫無刑事責任! 命案竟然毫無後果,審死官劇情在香港上演! | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第五節:李東海小學教師自殺,東華三院責無旁貸,無良校長迫死老師,應立即出來交代! | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日

    第六節:好人好事:表揚牧師李武凡行善六十年,幫助長者生養死葬。社會應守望相助。 | 升旗易得道 2019年3月12日




    The act of the defendant must be a substantial cause of death. It is rarely necessary to give any direction to the jury on causation, if it is required then the jury should be told that it is enough if the act or acts of the defendant contributed significantly to the death of the deceased, it need not be the sole or major cause of death. (R v Wong Tat Chuen [1997] HKLRD 433) ( R v Pitts (1842) C & Mar 248 )

    The word “substantial” in this context would mean more than minimal. (R v Henninggan [1971] 3 ALL ER 133)


    Escape from the fear of violence:

    Where a person can be convicted of manslaughter because his conduct has induced in another the compelling desire to escape potential violence and, in escaping, that person receives fatal injuries.

    Absence of the corpse:

    The circumstantial evidence must be so cogent and compelling as to convince the jury that there is no other rational hypothesis for the death of the deceased other than murder or manslaughter. ( Att-Gen’s Reference (No 4 of 1980) (1982) 73 Cr App R 40 (CA).


    關心社會, 自己做起!

    升旗易派米行動! 2019年1月19日(星期六)派米完成, 感謝一眾善長仁翁支持!

    升旗易得道Whatsapp: 97114085
    升旗易得道Wechat: tuesdayroad

    逢星期一、五晚上 (星期二、六出街): 嬉笑怒罵, 分析時事, 經濟, 政治, 歷史和心得!




