

在 inconvenient產品中有219篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅在台北的韓國餐桌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 哇!今天我「在台北的韓國餐桌」的博客有42位訪客。台北當地時間00:04,最後四分鐘訪問我博客的這42位朋友是誰呢?11,687,067人這麼多的累計訪問人次,真是讓我受寵若驚! 我想在缺席3年後更新我的上一篇韓國小菜食譜集的文章,主要是因為當我沒有做菜的想法時,我也會看看我的博客來找靈感。可是上一...

 同時也有23部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅XXY_Animal of Vision,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(00:00:00) 開場引言 (00:00:43) ▶ 1980-MAY. 18 光州事件 / 《我只是個計程車司機》A Taxi Driver (00:17:02) ▶ 1999-MAY. 19 星戰首部曲 / 《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》Star Wars Episode I: The Pha...

  • inconvenient 在 在台北的韓國餐桌 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-24 00:21:03
    有 1,572 人按讚


    Wow, “42 visitors” today to my blog 在台北的韓國餐桌 (translated as Korean table in Taipei). Local time in Taipei indicates 00:04. Who were those 42 people visiting my blog last 4 minutes? It is humbling to see such a huge number of accumulated visitors as well, 11,687,067?!

    I was thinking of updating my last blog article (Korean side dish recipe collection) after 3 years of absence. Mainly because when I am out of cooking ideas, I also visit my blog for inspiration. It was inconvenient that the recipe collection did not cover all the uploaded recipes.

    So many of you have kept coming back for my recipes while I was gone. I feel emotional and connected. Today, I will work on recipe collection no.2 and update it. See you soon.

  • inconvenient 在 Monster Taipei Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-13 15:00:48
    有 106 人按讚

    Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫 腕龍酒保 豪斯.巴克利 - 標準情人配色

    「Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫」是由台灣設計師 Spawnmax 米腸駿筆下的原創作品,以恐龍未滅絕的世代為創作題材,進而展開一連串熱血有趣的恐龍黑幫文化故事。

    一年一度的七夕情人節又要到了,相較於之前的怪力豪斯原色版,本次恐龍黑幫推出腕龍酒保 豪斯‧巴克利的標準情人配色,外號是「怪力豪斯」,小清新的文青風格,一改重現江湖氣的對比配色,以粉紅豹紋搭配牛仔褲刷白,還帶著可愛的電子錶,準備來一場牛郎織女般的邂逅。


    但豪斯早有準備,話鋒一轉:「妳看 現在都幾點了?」
    女友一看他的手錶說:「你剛剛打架打壞了嗎? 現在怎麼是 13:14 還5月20咧?!」
    靖茹:「吼呦,討M啦 ~///~」

    此次 MONSTER TAIPEI 獨家開放抽選14隻,喜愛恐龍黑幫系列作品的朋友,千萬不要錯過了!

    Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫 品牌介紹:
    恐龍牙齒做為品牌標誌,表示恐龍激烈衝突感,目前出品了四款角色,包含三角龍老大 腹黑-羅伯 . 維克多、暴龍拳王 拳帝-麥可 . 雷克斯、怪力酒保腕龍-豪斯 . 巴克利、劍龍清道夫-漢諾克,富有特色原創設計,不設限的持續發展出更多熱血有趣的故事。

    台灣原創設計師-Spawnmax 米腸駿,擔任遊戲公司人物及服裝主設計,還是一名插畫家,目前在玩具公司任職,於2017年推出原創故事「小飛腸」系列軟膠,直到2019年推出「恐龍黑幫」系列軟膠,創作題材不斷推陳出新,期待未來會帶給大家更多不一樣的作品。

    Facebook: Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫

    Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫 腕龍酒保 豪斯.巴克利 - 標準情人配色
    尺寸:全高約 29cm (H)
    材質:軟膠 soft vinyl、施華洛世奇水晶貼鑽、乾燥花束
    ※ MONSTER TAIPEI 獨家開放抽選14隻,頭卡均附上設計師親簽及限量編號。

    2021/08/13 (五) 15:00 ~ 2021/08/14 (六) 20:00


    1. 此商品採線上抽選方式販售,欲參加抽選的朋友請填寫 Google 表單,需登入 Google 帳號,一人一個帳號限填寫一次,如有重複填寫資料者或資料填寫不齊全者將直接取消抽選資格。


    3.抽選將會使用電腦亂數程式隨機抽選,抽選結果將於 2021/08/15 (日) 當天 21:00 前以簡訊及 e-mail 通知中選者,未中選者不另行通知。

    4.中選者需於收到中選通知後三日內 2021/08/18 (三) 結束前完成付款,如中選者未在時間內完成交易將直接取消購買資格並列入永久黑名單,請務必確認是否能在規定時間內付款再參與抽選活動。

    (1) 台灣地區中選者
    a. Monster Taipei實體門市取貨付款 (現金/刷卡) 。
    b. 提供上海商銀帳戶匯款郵寄。 (運費$80)
    (2) 海外地區中選者
    僅提供 PayPal 付款 (需另加 5% PayPal 手續費),依所在地區的不同,運費金額將會另行估算,隨中選信通知附上運費金額。

    (1) 選擇至 Monster Taipei 實體門市自取:請務必於指定時間內攜帶身份證件至門市取貨付款,非本人無法領取,不接受親朋好友代領等行為。
    (2) 選擇郵寄:請務必於指定時間內付款,抽選表單上填寫的收件人及地址無法更改,欲更改者視同放棄購買資格。

    7.申請抽選將視為皆已同意以上規則,Monster Taipei 保有最終販售及修改之權利。

    Monster Taipei 台北怪獸國際有限公司

    International Lottery Sale Item:
    Dino Gangster Bartender Brachiosaurus House Barkley – Valentine’s Day Ver.
    Size: 29cm (H)
    Material:Soft Vinyl、Swarovski Rhinestones、Dry Bouquet

    NOTE : The flowers attached are natural color Baby's Breath, imported from abroad, which can last for about a year. All damages are regarded as natural wear and tear, will not sent spare parts, sorry for the inconvenient.

    ※MONSTER TAIPEI exclusive lottory for 14 pieces, the head card are attached with the designer's signature and limited number.
    Opening hours for lottery:
    2021/08/13 (FRI) 15:00 ~ 2021/08/14 (SAT) 20:00

    Google form link for lottery:

    Sales rules:
    1. This item is sold by global online lottery. Friends who want to participate in the lottery, please fill out the Google form by your Google account. Each account is limited to one time only. If you fill in the information repeatedly or fill in the information incompletely, you will be directly disqualified from the lottery. .

    2. Please fill in the form within the opening hours, overtime filing will not be accepted.

    3. The lottery will be randomly selected using a computer random number program. The results of the lottery will be notified on 2021/08/15(SUN) by SMS and e-mail before 21:00. Those who lost the chance will not be notified.

    4. Winners of the lottery need to complete the payment within three days 2021/08/18(WED) after receiving the notification. If they didn't complete the payment within the time limit, the purchase qualification will be directly cancelled and be included in the permanent blacklist. Please confirm whether able to pay within the specified time before participating in the lottery.

    5. Way of purchase
    (1) Winners in Taiwan :
    a. Pay on site and pick up in Monster Taipei store.
    b. Delivery inside Taiwan and provide Shanghai Commercial Bank Account to remit. (TWD.80 for shipping)
    (2) Winners from Overseas :
    Only PayPal payment is available (additional 5% PayPal handling fee is required). Depending on the region, the shipping amount will be estimated separately, and the shipping amount will be attached to the notification.

    6. The recipient and address on the lottery form cannot be changed, and those who wish to change will be regard as giving up the qualification.

    7. Application for lottery will be deemed to have agreed to the above rules, Monster Taipei reserves the right to final sales and modification.


  • inconvenient 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-31 11:57:10
    有 2,617 人按讚

    In just a blink of an eye, she has taken pre-school and now going to kindergarten. Since this pandemic, most of her classes are conducted online. As her parents, we are the following physical teacher at home to ensure that she's getting the best during her online course, such as using the right tools, on the right page, and cleaning up all the mess from her learnings.

    Cleaning up can be an extra distraction for us, only if it's inconvenient. Thankfully, Tefal Airforce 360 is portable and handy. Cleaning up is no longer a problem for us because it's so easy to use. It's strong, and the next best thing is it's light enough for my little one to use.

    Now it seems like vacuuming has become part of her playing tool. 😅 Well, what's more important, is not about knowing how to use a vacuum cleaner. But developing that attitude of taking accountability with her cause. Start from young! 💪

    Quickly get yours now at https://shopee.com.my/product/84645381/3043419117

    #TefalMY #Tefalhandstickvacuum #TY5510 #Airforce360light #TefalMalaysia

  • inconvenient 在 XXY_Animal of Vision Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-19 00:30:31

    (00:00:00) 開場引言
    (00:00:43) ▶ 1980-MAY. 18 光州事件 / 《我只是個計程車司機》A Taxi Driver
    (00:17:02) ▶ 1999-MAY. 19 星戰首部曲 / 《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
    (00:28:50) ▶ 1949-MAY. 20 臺灣實施戒嚴 / 《返校》Detention
    (00:58:59) ▶ 1927-MAY. 21 林白飛越大西洋 / 《壯志凌雲》The Spirit of St. Louis
    (01:08:26) ▶ 1990-MAY. 22 Win. 3.0 發佈 / 《微軟英雄》Pirates of Silicon Valley
    (01:18:03) ▶ 1951-MAY. 23 「和平解放」西藏 / 《火線大逃亡》Seven Years in Tibet
    (01:39:06) ▶ 2006-MAY. 24 不願面對的真相 / 《不願面對的真相》An Inconvenient Truth

    【影史7日談】用電影回顧那些歷史課不會教的事 5/18 ~ 5/24
    feat. 金老ㄕ的教學日誌

    感謝收看 / 收聽【影史7日談】節目,在這個節目中我們將會每個禮拜用七部電影,對應到七則歷史故事,來回顧那些歷史課本上不會教的事!

    ▶ 收看YouTube影片:https://youtu.be/YswBJUtbdnY

    ▶ 收聽PODCAST聲音:https://open.firstory.me/story/ckou7av7di9t908626v9us73y/platforms


    ▶ 1980-MAY. 18 光州事件 / 《#我只是個計程車司機》A Taxi Driver


    ▶ 1999-MAY. 19 星戰首部曲 / 《#星際大戰首部曲》Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

    《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》是目前《星際大戰》系列電影中的劇情時間最早的一部,也是星戰創始人 喬治盧卡斯睽違16年後再度推出的星戰系列作品;故事描述了銀河共和國的一場貿易衝突意外發現了某種黑暗勢力正蠢蠢欲動。

    ▶ 1949-MAY. 20 臺灣實施戒嚴 / 《#返校》Detention


    ▶ 1927-MAY. 21 林白飛越大西洋 / 《#壯志凌雲》The Spirit of St. Louis

    美國飛行員 查爾斯林白,在1927年5月20日駕駛著單引擎飛機 聖路易精神號從美國紐約羅斯福飛行場起飛,隔日在法國巴黎的勒布爾熱機場降落,完成了歷史上首位單人不著陸飛行跨越大西洋的壯舉。

    ▶ 1990-MAY. 22 Win. 3.0 發佈 / 《#微軟英雄》Pirates of Silicon Valley


    ▶ 1951-MAY. 23 「和平解放」西藏 / 《#火線大逃亡》Seven Years in Tibet


    ▶ 2006-MAY. 24 不願面對的真相 / 《#不願面對的真相》An Inconvenient Truth



    📣 https://linktr.ee/XXY_filmcrtics

    #電影 #影評 #movie #history #歷史 #歷史上的今天 #影史7日談 #金老ㄕ的教學日誌 #XXY #PODCAST

  • inconvenient 在 mugumogu Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-22 14:23:33

    I bought Elizabethan collars for Miri's spayed operation. When Hana, I had only a hard, big Elizabethan collar. That was very inconvenient. So I bought a soft one this time.

    Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/

  • inconvenient 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-19 20:45:01

    This clip is from: Joseph Prince—God Loves To Exceed Your Expectations Toward You (3 Jul 2016) @josephprince

    God is a BIG God who loves you lavishly and the clearest way He shows it is the way He exceeds your expectations! When you ask something of Him, He's not one to find the smallest, cheapest, least inconvenient thing to give to you. Instead, He gives you His very best, and answers your prayer exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think! (see Eph. 3:20)

    Today, if your prayer is to find a life partner, know that God doesn't want you to be with someone who's just "good enough" or "passable." No, friend, He already knows what you need (both now and in the future) and the kind of person who would be best for you to weather the storms of life, celebrate the joys, and do life together with! Trust that He can lead you to find a life partner who is even better than who you imagined yourself with. ✨

    And if you're already in a relationship or married, ask the Lord boldly for the kind of relationship you want yours to look like! He will strengthen and sweeten your relationship day by day, causing it to blossom into one that is beyond all you ever dared to ask for or think of! ?

    Decibel.one: A digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check out at https://decibel.one/ for more grace-centered content.

    Stay Connected –

    Decibel Website: https://decibel.one/
    Decibel Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dcbl.one/
    Decibel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decibel.one/

    #decibelone #decibel #JosephPrince

