雖然這篇Homophone homonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Homophone homonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章
在 homophone產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Focus Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The number four, a homophone for the the word "death" in Chinese, is omitted at a #COVID19 vaccination site in Taipei. https://focustaiwan.tw/photos/2...
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- 關於homophone 在 Rose 劉明湘 Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於homophone 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於homophone 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於homophone 在 劉明湘 Rose Liu Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於homophone 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
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- 關於homophone 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
homophone 在 [email protected] Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-09-03 14:50:19
Today we #celebrate: the launch of @homeart_hk - #Art and #Design for the #Connoisseur 言 - means to speak, to converse and speech. It connotes the ga...
homophone 在 Charles Teo Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-02-22 07:59:42
Never too late to Lou Sang. Yusheng literally means "raw fish" but since "fish (魚)" is commonly conflated with its homophone "abundance (余)", Yúshēng ...
homophone 在 Rose 劉明湘 Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-24 01:03:23
Every time I post about my niece in my stories, she almost gets as many comments as my own lol. This one just tops it 🤣 I record “IDs” for events I wi...
homophone 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
The number four, a homophone for the the word "death" in Chinese, is omitted at a #COVID19 vaccination site in Taipei.
homophone 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
社會動盪、全球的緊張局勢持續升級,身為讀者與消費者的我們在面臨不斷湧入的資訊時,必須意識到那些在宣傳(propaganda)中刻意含糊其詞(intentional ambiguity)的情況日益加劇。
在政治場域裡,我們看到「雙言巧語」(doublespeak)正在增加,這種語言刻意掩蓋、扭曲或顛倒語意。喬治・歐威爾(George Orwell,1903-1950)於其名著《1984》中以「新語」(Newspeak)和「雙重思想」(doublethink)說明此一詞彙。 新語雖遵循著英文語法,但詞彙量卻不斷減少,原本複雜而完整的詞意不斷被簡化為既定觀點的詞語(loaded words)。社群網站的興起,助長了媒體與政治人物對「雙言巧語」的使用。例如,在政治語境中,先制的空中打擊(preemptive airstrikes)可被稱為「降溫策略」(de-escalation tactics),以為和平鋪路。又比如,有些針對特定種族的集中營(internment camps)被稱為教育與訓練中心(vocational education and training centers)。
歐威爾還創造了「雙重思想」一詞,意指受試者被迫接受兩種自相矛盾的信念是正確的。該意識形態的三個核心教義為——「戰爭即和平」(war is peace)、「自由即奴役」(freedom is slavery)以及「無知即力量」(ignorance is strength)。這些教條是否讓你聯想到世上那些極權政府(totalitarian regimes)的宣傳?
由於嚴厲的審查制度,以及相關法規的懲處機制,人們不斷發明新的詞彙來躲避演算法的審查,並以間接言語行為(indirect speech act)來表達自身觀點。在中國最廣為人知的諧音詞 (homophone) 就是——「河蟹」。「河蟹」是對中國前國家主席胡錦濤「和諧社會」倡議的一種嘲諷。該倡議試圖打壓異議,而「河蟹」的語音則近於「和諧」。起初,網民嘲諷政府的審查員藉由刪除貼文來「和諧」網路上的異議人士。最終,「被和諧」一詞遂演變為「被河蟹」,以規避政府的審查,並被許多中國的網路社群廣泛使用。
如今,以此類方式來規避審查 (evade censorship) 已變得更為普遍。按美國實驗心理學家、認知科學家兼科普作家史迪芬・平克(Steven Arthur Pinker)於2008年所指出者,間接言語行為係指人們未明確表達自身觀點,反而將其意圖隱藏在字面意義之下。在間接言語行為的脈絡中,唯有說話者才能確定其意涵(individual knowledge),而他人則須依靠前後文來仔細推敲。但若單就字面意思 (literal meaning) 來看,每個人都能輕易地理解該詞意涵(mutual knowledge)。例如,在極權政府治下,於網路上公開批評政府對公衛危機的處理不當,將引來相關法律的制裁,因為可能會被人舉報。但也可藉由讚揚「政府的行動非常有效,連死者都要感謝政府的辛勤付出」來間接表達自己的不滿。這種誇張的說法顯然與事實不符,但只有說話者知曉個中意涵,而他人只能自行揣測,這為說話者提供了一定程度的保障。因此,隨著審查制度的擴大,間接言語行為亦將蓬勃發展,以滿足自由交流與表達自身觀點的需求。
Huaxia. (2019, August 16). Full Text: Vocational Education and Training in Xinjiang. Retrieved July 04, 2020, from http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-08/16/c_138313359.htm
McManus, D. (2020, January 05). Column: Trump's Orwellian doublespeak on Iran. Retrieved July 04, 2020, from https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-01-05/column-trumps-orwellian-double-speak-on-iran
Minin-White, D. (2017). Political Speech, Doublespeak, And Critical-Thinking Skills In American Education.
Monitor, I. (2018, June 21). The Chinese Language as a Weapon: How China's Netizens Fight Censorship. Retrieved July 04, 2020, from https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/the-chinese-language-as-a-weapon-how-chinas-netizens-fight-censorship-8389516ed1a6
Orwell, George (2008). 1984. Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-14-103614-4.
Pinker, S., Nowak, M. A., & Lee, J. J. (2008). The logic of indirect speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences, 105(3), 833-838.
homophone 在 劉明湘 Rose Liu Facebook 的最佳解答
Every time I post about my niece in my stories, she almost gets as many comments as my own lol. This one just tops it 🤣 I record “IDs” for events I will perform at all the time (basically its a promo vid for the event) and I happened to record one the other day while my niece was watching me the entire time. The other night she randomly asked her nanny to put her cell on the head board and she starts copying me, introducing herself as me as well (for those who can’t understand Chinese in the vid) followed by random gibberish 😂😂😂 and today is 520 which is like a homophone for “I love you” in Chinese! 520 all day my sweet niece ❤️❤️❤️ hope this brightens your day!!
我姪女睡前告訴保母姐姐他要像姑姑一樣。保母不太懂,宴妤就告訴她把手機擺在床頭版她就開始自己發揮 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 錄完了保母跑出來一直笑,給我看我整個融化了跟著笑... 因為我前天才錄了一個ID給活動,我姪女也在,原來她腦子裡還記住這個畫面而且想學我😂 我姪女怎麼可以那麼可愛天啊😭😭😭 心情不好看完就好起來了 哈哈 大聲的告訴你520!!!
#cutenessoverload #instacute #family #niece #love #auntielife #positivevibes #mentalwellness #quarentinelife #wfh #singer #songwriter #失眠DJ #劉明湘