

在 homophone中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過25萬的網紅國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #防疫不防藝 #無論好壞蝙蝠都是無辜的 #蝠與福 雖然現在聞「蝠」色變,但在古代,蝙蝠可是有個好名聲!下圖的流雲紅蝙蝠紋花瓶,大家還可以想到哪句吉祥寓意的話呢? ******************************* 畫家在描繪物象時,除了呈現其本身的形體風貌外,有時又進一步賦予了更深...

  • homophone中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-03-16 14:22:30
    有 685 人按讚



    【清 汪承霈 繪御製詩意百福繁生圖】
    形式:軸,339x 89cm


    【Illustrating the Idea of Imperial Poetry on Flourishing with a Hundred Blessings】
    Wang Cheng-pei (active circa 18th – 19th century),
    Qing dynasty

    Wang Cheng-pei excelled at poetry and was gifted at calligraphy and painting flowers. Cypress and ears of rice in Chinese form a homophone for "years of peace." The vase here, decorated with auspicious clouds and red bats, is also accompanied by a pennant, its meaning in Chinese a metaphor for "fortune overflowing to the heavens." The reed pipe and halberd are likewise a homophone for "promotion," serving as a blessing for advancement in rank. The bronze "dou" vessel and flat "hu" convey the meaning of "pecks of gold coming in daily." Moreover, the Chinese word for "cypress" is related to the word for "hundred," while the bats, pennant, and reed pipe combine to express the idea of "flourishing with a hundred blessings," symbolizing great fortune and luck.

    The Epitome of Aesthetics – New Media Art Exhibition
    Gallery: 210 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
    https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/210 (全幅作品可參考網站)

  • homophone中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-01-31 16:56:09
    有 517 人按讚

    [生活美語] The Traveling Frog

    同學有在玩嗎?青蛙不會幫你考托福或雅思的, 更不可能會幫你拍英文考題的照片 (只有一些補習班才會)。



    1. Tabi Kaeru (Traveling Frog) 旅行青蛙
    2. become a hit 爆紅
    3. hard to explain 難以解釋
    4. release/launch the game 釋出/推出了遊戲
    5. game mechanics 遊戲機制
    6. whatever will be, will be 一切随缘
    7. it is not predetermined 並非按照预定
    8. stone hut 小石屋
    9. take a peek inside the house 偷瞄一下房子的裡面
    10. take a snapshot 快照
    11. be responsible for 負責…
    12. collect clover 收集三葉草
    13. purchase food needed on a journey 買旅行時需要的食物
    14. travel for hours or days 旅行幾個小時時甚至幾天
    15. provides snapshots and mementos of its journey 展示旅行時拍的照片和紀念品
    16. rise to the top of… 升至…的第一名
    17. be widely discussed on social media 在社群媒體上引起了廣泛的討論
    18. show off photos of their frogs' adventures 曬照自己的青蛙的冒險經歷
    19. the secret of the game's appeal 這款遊戲有吸引力的秘訣
    20. not readily obvious 並非顯而易見
    21. enjoy the feeling of traveling vicariously 喜歡間接旅行的感覺
    22. a strong connection to child rearing 和撫養孩子聯繫密切
    23. in Chinese, the word for "frog," wa, is a homophone for a word for "baby" 在中文裡,「蛙」和「娃」同音
    24. understand the feeling of being a parent 明白了為人父母的感覺
    25. embrace the ethos of the game 追隨這款遊戲的風氣

    Full story: https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20180129/china-travel-frog-game/zh-hant/dual/


    遊戲成功的秘密: “You don’t need to do a lot of things, you don’t even need to think about anything,” said Yu Ting, a 28-year-old accountant in the northeastern city of Tianjin. “It’s not a competitive game, so it’s very relaxing.”


    生活美語 (Everyday English): https://goo.gl/nbmCGu






