

在 habitually產品中有30篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Mình là người trì hoãn, nhưng mình không lười biếng - PROCRASTINATION !!! 1. Trì hoãn là gì? What is procrastination?💡 Là đáng ra phải hoàn thành và...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Latrell Sprewell arrived early, entered the game late and disappeared down the stretch along with the rest of his team. Sprewell played his first gam...

habitually 在 Revady Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 04:40:41

Intuitive message for the day: When you are triggered by people who don’t do what you would’ve done, it’s a gentle nudge from the Universe to reflect...

habitually 在 Lynn 林绿 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 03:15:38

You were spotted on a bustling highway. Tiny, ugly, tailless and terrified. Your little body trembling with fear, a strong urine stench was emitting ...

  • habitually 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-05 21:00:18
    有 60,577 人按讚

    Mình là người trì hoãn, nhưng mình không lười biếng - PROCRASTINATION !!!

    1. Trì hoãn là gì? What is procrastination?💡

    Là đáng ra phải hoàn thành và làm những công việc, nhiệm vụ cần làm và nên làm, thì mình tránh nó và làm những việc khác một cách cố ý/theo một thói quen. (Putting things off intentionally or habitually). Là mình thường xuyên đây :”<

    2. Lý do mình hay trì hoãn? Why do I procrastinate?🤌

    😮‍💨 Để giảm lo lắng, căng thẳng (Stress relief): Mình phải gọi điện cho một người, nhưng mình vừa ngại vừa hơi sợ người đó, nên nghĩ tới gọi là mình đã stress hết cả lên rồi, thôi lướt Tiktok xem video mèo mấy phút đi => trốn tránh
    😯 Mục tiêu mơ hồ (Abstract goals): Mục tiêu mình muốn giỏi ngoại ngữ hay mình muốn gầy vẫn hơi chưa rõ ràng, thay vì đó “mình muốn dành thứ 2-4-6, mỗi ngày 30 phút nghe Tiếng Anh và 20 phút nói Tiếng Anh một mình, có thu âm lại".
    🤯 Khó đưa ra quyết định (Decision Paralysis): Càng nhiều sự lựa chọn, càng khó chọn. Càng nhiều sự lựa chọn giống nhau, lại càng khó chọn. Lựa chọn đưa ra rất quan trọng và cần kỹ lưỡng, càng khó chọn. Hoặc đơn giản là quá nhiều việc, không biết nên lựa chọn việc nào nên làm trước => ôm đồm mệt mỏi quá => thôi nghỉ tý => delay
    🤭 Theo chủ nghĩa hoàn hảo (Perfectionism): Mình trì hoãn việc viết sách mấy tháng vì mình muốn từng trang sách phải hoàn hảo, chính xác, nhưng mình biết bây giờ mình chưa đọc nhiều, chưa nghiên cứu, và mình chưa thể làm hoàn hảo được => chưa viết => delay.
    - …

    3. Nhưng trì hoãn không phải là - Procrastination is not:

    🔐 Lười biếng - Laziness: Những người lười biếng, chỉ đơn giản là không làm bất cứ điều gì và cảm thấy ok với điều đó. Mặt khác, những người trì hoãn có mong muốn thực sự làm một điều gì đó nhưng không thể buộc bản thân mình bắt đầu.
    🔐 Sự nghỉ ngơi - Relaxation: Thư giãn giúp mình thêm năng lượng, an yên trong người. Ngược lại, sự trì hoãn khiến mình sống trong lo âu, căng thẳng rằng còn bao nhiêu khối lượng công việc cần giải quyết. Sự thư giãn nếu có ở đây theo mình cảm nhận, chỉ là ngắn hạn và tự an ủi bản thân thế thui.

    4. Trì hoãn đã giúp mình cái gì - What procrastination helps me with:

    💡 Tăng sự sáng tạo - Increase creativity: có những hôm gần tới deadline gửi kịch bản cho khách hàng, nhưng vẫn chưa thể làm nổi, vì chưa ra được ý tưởng hay. Mình sang lướt hết các mạng xã hội, để tâm trí đi dạo lang thang (mind-wandering), làm những việc lặt vặt khác (trivial activities) và kết quả là ra được nhiều ý tưởng hay ho phết. Đương nhiên không phải lần nào cũng được vậy.
    💡 Làm việc tốt hơn dưới áp lực - Working better under pressure: Nước đến chân mới nhảy khi nào cũng mang lại cảm giác căng thẳng. Tuy nhiên, nghiên cứu cho thấy căng thẳng và hiệu suất có mối quan hệ hình chữ U ngược. Khi stress được kích thích lên một mức độ, sự hiệu quả công việc cũng được cải thiện theo. Nhưng nếu căng thẳng liên tục dẫn tới kiệt sức thì cũng hỏng nha.
    💡 “If you’re delaying out of fear, that is negative procrastination. But if you’re intentionally waiting, that’s positive.” - Vaden

    5. CÁCH ĐỂ TRÌ HOÃN CHO RA MÔN RA KHOAI - How to procrastinate positively?
    (hoặc loại bỏ chúng, tuỳ góc nhìn của mỗi người)🔓✏️

    ✅ Xác định stress, đối mặt với sự căng thẳng. Đếm từ 1 - 10 để phân tán thói quen và vực dậy vùng thuỳ trán (Prefrontal Cortex hay PFC) - nơi đặt mục tiêu, kế hoạch, hướng dẫn những hành động, và kiềm chế những cảm xúc. Bắt đầu làm việc trong chỉ 5 phút thôi. Vì “If you get to start doing something, 80% of you are going to keep going".
    ✅ Hiểu được đợi tới phút cuối mới làm (last minute) nghĩa là gì: là khi mình có đủ thời gian để hoàn thành một sản phẩm đúng hạn, đúng ngân sách, không ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng và không gây căng thẳng cho bản thân hoặc những người xung quanh.
    ✅ Sắp xếp ưu tiên của những đầu việc: Học hỏi từ Urgent Important Matrix (Urgent - gấp gáp, Important - quan trọng).
    + Important và Urgent (deadlines, khách feedback, vấn đề phát sinh.. ) => làm ngay và luôn
    + Important but NOT Urgent (lên kế hoạch dài hạn, làm việc hướng tới mục tiêu, học tập và rèn luyện,...) => dành nhiều thời gian cho mục này thì cân bằng tốt hơn, giảm nước tới cổ mới nhảy.
    + Urgent but NOT Important (họp thường kỳ, báo cáo, emails, điện thoại, yêu cầu từ người khác nhưng không liên quan tới mục tiêu của bản thân,... - chỉ ví dụ nhá) => thoả thuận lại deadline, phân công nếu có thể
    + Not Urgent and Not Important (lướt mạng xã hội vô thức vô định, suy nghĩ nhiều thứ lộn xộn…) => cố gắng loại bỏ dần dần và nhiều nhất có thể.
    ✅ Quản lý năng lượng (Energy management): Sẽ có những thời điểm trong ngày mình sảng khoái và phù hợp để làm việc => tạo thành thói quen làm trong khoảng thời gian đó xuyên suốt.
    ✅ Làm việc dễ nhất trước, việc khoai nhất sau (eat the frog last)
    ✅ Tạo deadline cho từng việc nhỏ thay vì cả một nhiệm vụ lớn: ví dụ thay vì deadline cho cả một sản phẩm video, thì lập deadline riêng cho việc nghiên cứu - tham khảo; kịch bản; quay; dựng; upload,... Từng việc nhỏ một.

    Zậy đó, cảm ơn mọi người, và mình đồng cảm cùng các bạn, team trì hoãn nhưng chúng mình có thể thay đổi nó thành một hướng tích cực hơn, từ từ và cùng nhau nhá!! Bớt tự dằn vặt bản thân nữa ❤️💓❤️

    Nguồn tham khảo:
    Solving Procrastination

  • habitually 在 林绿 Lynn Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-29 19:12:48
    有 58 人按讚

    You were spotted on a bustling highway.
    Tiny, ugly, tailless and terrified.
    Your little body trembling with fear, a strong urine stench was emitting from your body.

    A week later. I woke up to you snuggling in my bed; pillow to be exact, securely, warmly.
    Since then new house laws were enforced.
    My bed was your bed. I was your mother. I was your favourite human who provides you unlimited food and endless playtime.

    You then befriended Twelve and Monkey.
    Three of you shared a bed, a blanket, a bowl of water.
    But not their food.
    You, however, welcomed them to enjoy your bowl of kibbles generously.
    My first thought was: what a loving cat.
    In hindsight, you probably thought: The human will refill my bowl with fresh kibbles. Two of you can have my leftovers.

    You were named Goku for two reasons; too vigorous as a kitten and for a long time I believed you were immortal, just like the manga character.

    4 months later we moved.
    You grew into a rebellious teenager. Longed for a taste of freedom and the outside world.
    Your free and wild spirit wouldn’t keep you home. You broke the mosquito net and habitually left house for wildlife adventure.
    Once you didn’t return for one and a half day.
    Your picture was up. I canvassed the neighbourhood and called for you.
    I thought you were gone for good. You craze for freedom after all.
    The second night you returned meowing for food and water and snuggles. I performed a dramatic scene.
    I believed you understood my performance, because ever since, you never once spent another night out.
    You always come home.

    Your freedom didn’t come free. It came with three cat bells.
    When the three cat bells jangling they played as a smoothing refrain.They became my lullaby that reassured that you were around, healthily, happily.
    And it calmed my anxious heart.

    You. My lizard catcher. My life saviour.
    My whole life, the relationship between the lizards and me have been fiery.
    Shrieking, bouncing, yelling when there’s one.
    You appeared to protect me from them.
    I felt safe under your surveillance.
    Despite some odd days you instinctively showed appreciation by bringing one to bed, at two in the morning, your appreciation is very much appreciated.

    But now my lizard catcher is gone.

    The walls creaked the night you left.
    Lizards paraded in the house, hissed loudly, as if they were celebrating victory their biggest enemy, my lizard catcher has gone forever.
    I loathed them for that.

    Over the past one month, home has become something else.
    It feels empty without your surveillance.
    Soundless without your bells jangling.
    The bed and pillow feel naked.
    The air smells bitter and heavy and icy.

    My body and imagination have gone riot.
    Every insect I see around the house I suspect that is you come back to pay a visit.
    Then my lungs behaving strange. Like a puntured balloon that will never reach a full measure of oxygen.
    My heart feels like its sinking one inch deeper into a dark abyss each time I think of you.

    A few times the baby at next house cries and I mistaken that is you that came home meowing for me.
    Only to be reminded you are gone.

    And I feel abandoned.

    The day I planted your ashes in the white Morning Glory.
    A butterfly dropped by.
    Watching me place your Morning Glory on your favourite, regular spot near the gate, carefully, peacefully.

    Now whenever my hearts sinks one inch deeper.
    I step out of the house and stare at you; your white Morning Glory.
    And I see you: your obstinacy, your haughtiness, your delicacy.

    Your White Morning Glory, it’s growing free and it’s growing wild.
    Just like you.

  • habitually 在 八十八顆芭樂籽 88balaz Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-14 17:17:00
    有 78 人按讚

    5/08(Sat) Bei City Rock Festival 春響音樂節
    Bei City Rock Festival 春響音樂節 2021

    photo by Leon's Photography × 周愚民

    Seven hours of indie rock bands and four food vendors set in the heart of Maji Square! You ready to rock this town!?!
    準備好迎接這個春天最大的LIVE音樂盛會! 七個全台最紅最屌的獨立搖滾樂團連唱七小時,從放克、金屬、迪斯可、流行到搖滾唱好唱滿,陪你嗨整夜! 唱累了還有多款特色調酒及四家異國美食攤販,讓你吃飽喝足後繼續跳! 這麼炸的組合僅此一夜在Maji集食行樂轟炸你的小宇宙,錯過就再也沒有!還在等什麼?我們5/8見!
    ★ 樂團 ★
    晚上 7-8 - Gold Seal
    晚上 8-9 - Pangolin
    晚上 9-10 - The Getaway Pricks
    晚上 10-11 - P!SCO
    晚上 11-12 - 88Balaz
    晚上 12-1 - Mary Bites Kerry

    ϟϟϟ P!SCO ϟϟϟ
    由於總是能將場子搞熱,P!SCO時常受邀參與大大小小的音樂祭。成軍九年以來,不僅走遍台灣各大live house與大型音樂活動,亦曾參與過日本富士電視台、愛知電視台錄影,並前往日本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡、港澳中國等數個國家、超過20個城市進行演出。
    ϟϟϟ. 88Balaz ϟϟϟ
    ϟϟϟ Mary Bites Kerry ϟϟϟ
    2009年成立的瑪莉咬凱利,是台灣少數融合管樂的 大編制搖滾男子團體。曲風是台灣難得的 ska 加上 punk 還有 ska-punk 融合而成,雖然已經從新鮮有趣變成靠經 典曲目生存的老牌樂團,但活力依然不減,他們在舞台上 蹦蹦跳跳,大唱大叫,歡樂的氣氛總是能感染台下的老老 少少。團員人數最多曾經來到十一人,雖然這樣的優勢一直沒有反應在臉書粉絲頁上,但至少現場不會呈現台上比台下還多人的情況。想要笑一下、跳一下、發洩一下、放鬆一下,或者只是想看一下帥哥,那來看瑪莉咬凱利絕對是個好選擇!
    ϟϟϟ Pangolin ϟϟϟ
    ϟϟϟ The Getaway Pricks ϟϟϟ
    超級早鳥 400NT
    早鳥 500NT
    門票 600NT
    ➤包含一杯330ml 的啤酒或調酒
    - SKB Burger
    - Sausage Shack
    - Chinita's Cubanos
    - Wei's Bakery
    Get ready for the biggest live music party of the spring! Seven hours of indie rock bands and four food vendors set in the heart of Maji Square! You ready to rock this town!?!
    ϟϟϟϟ Pangolin ϟϟϟ
    A four-piece Anglo–American musical outfit originally formed in Taipei in 2013. Now on their third iteration of band members and armed with punk-infused rock chops and ska-inspired disco thrash ballads, Pangolin habitually stare into the abyss of their own existential existence, taunting their audiences to get little looser and dance a little harder with each song.
    ϟϟϟ The Getaway Pricks ϟϟϟ
    The Getaway Pricks are here to rock you like a typhoon, and shake you like an earthquake.The only thing they ask for in return is that you show up in Full Party Mode®️.
    ϟϟϟ Mary Bites Kerry ϟϟϟ
    Founded in 2009 Mary Bites Kerry is one of the rare Taiwanese bands to mix a brass section to a punchy rock structure. It's one of the even more rare Ska band of Taiwan that also plays Punk, which makes it the only Ska Punk band of the island.
    Started with a fresh sound and the sweet taste of youth (back at that time), Mary Bites Kerry has become a veteran band in the Taiwan scene, but don't be fooled: Mary has teeth and still bites with energy. When it's about getting a crowd crazy with music, MBK sets the tone and -and the bar- high. Once with up to 11 musicians on stage, the now 8 pieces formation has always met warm enthusiasm all around Taiwan and abroad.
    ϟϟϟ. 88Balaz ϟϟϟ
    88BALAZ is a standard 4-piece rock band from Taipei. The live performance often accompany by percussion and accordion. The music is based on blues rock and bring in strong punk energy and noise guitar. The lyrics describe the struggles and ridiculous in growth period. The lyrics seem to be satirical, but they contain delicate ideas, hit into your heart in a rough and straightforward way.
    ϟϟϟ P!SCO ϟϟϟ
    P!SCO is and has been one of the hottest Indie band on the scene for the last 10 years! Get ready for the non stop, jaw dropping action that is P!SCO!
    ϟϟϟ Gold Seal ϟϟϟ
    Gold Seal combines heavy grooves and hot improvisations with embellishments of classic roots. Gold Seal is affected by progressive and heavy rock sensitivity, creating all the original music with depth and variability to make you move.
    ➤Family Friendly ( children under 12 Free)
    ➤No Animals allowed
    ➤Drink Responsibly. If you are deemed too intoxicated you may be asked to leave
    ➤No outside food or drinks permitted
    ➤About refunds pleas see accupass rules.

  • habitually 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-07-28 09:54:06

    Latrell Sprewell arrived early, entered the game
    late and disappeared down the stretch along with the rest of his

    Sprewell played his first game of the season, but couldn't
    reverse the New York Knicks' slide as the Philadelphia 76ers scored
    17 of the final 25 points for a 93-92 victory Saturday.

    ''C-plus,'' Sprewell said when asked to assess his performance.
    ''I could have been a lot better.''

    The 76ers won on the road for the first time this season, while
    the defeat was the fourth in a row for the Knicks. Allen Iverson and
    Todd MacCulloch each scored 17 points, Keith Van Horn had 15 points
    and 12 rebounds and Eric Snow added 14 points for the 76ers.

    The habitually tardy Sprewell arrived at the arena six minutes
    before his team's 11:30 a.m. deadline, then made his first
    appearance nine minutes into the game -- the first time he came off
    the bench since the 1999 playoffs.

    Sprewell played 31 minutes and had 16 points on 6-for-15
    shooting but was held scoreless for the final 10 minutes.

    Howard Eisley had 16 points and 10 assists for the Knicks, whose
    1-8 record is the worst in the Eastern Conference.

    ''We have a whole lot of basketball left,'' Sprewell said. ''If
    we give up now, it could get a whole lot worse.''

    Sprewell, who missed the first seven weeks of the preseason and
    regular season while recovering from a broken hand, scored seven of
    his points in a 16-4 run bridging the third and fourth quarters as
    New York turned a 63-58 deficit into a 74-67 lead. The rally
    injected some life into a crowd that had been waiting nearly all
    season for something to cheer.

    Sprewell was poised to restore the Knicks' seven-point lead
    after he poked the ball away from Snow and went in alone for a
    breakaway dunk. But a moment before he jammed the ball with two
    hands, Kurt Thomas body checked trailing defender Brian Skinner and
    was called for a foul, erasing the basket.

    ''I'm still mad at Kurt,'' Sprewell said with a laugh.
    ''Actually, he said he thought (Skinner) was going to foul me.''

    Thomas picked up a technical foul for arguing during a timeout
    less than a minute later, and Iverson hit the foul shot to cut the
    deficit to four. Eisley answered with a 3-pointer and Othella
    Harrington hit two foul shots for a 79-70 lead.

    It was 84-76 with 6:05 left before the 76ers rallied, holding
    New York without a field goal for four minutes and using an 11-2
    run to take an 87-85 lead.

    Iverson tied it at 89 on two foul shots with 1:52 left. Michael
    Doleac missed a jumper and Van Horn scored on a putback, making it
    91-89, and Allan Houston missed a jumper from the corner with 30
    seconds left.

    Game notes
    Keith Bishop, a 31-year-old school bus driver from Hudson
    Falls, N.Y., hit a shot from halfcourt to win $1 million. He
    received a handshake from Iverson and a roar from the crowd that
    was many times louder than the cheers that greeted Sprewell when he
    checked in for the first time. ... To make room for Sprewell on the
    active roster, forward Mark Pope was placed in the injured list. ...
    Knicks coach Don Chaney indicated that Charlie Ward (bruised lower
    leg) will not return until Friday night at the earliest. ''He's not
    close to being ready yet,'' Chaney said. ... Houston missed a free
    throw late in the fourth quarter, his first miss after 33
    consecutive makes. ... The last time the Knicks were 1-8 was

  • habitually 在 モテる!わいわいランキング Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-02-18 23:09:24

    お金をかけずにモテる服が選べるテクニック!→ https://www.dome-navi.com/3stepcode/
    チャンネル登録お願いします!→ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-ydVrCicFFI8642cQoR9A?sub_confirmation=1

    → https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40grn5683s

    → https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40yde6079s

    【メンズ向け】女性が喜ぶ おすすめ 香水 15選
    男子に人気の香水ベスト3 試してみた!
    女子にモテた!!? 超絶お気に入りの香水紹介します!!
    男性の香水はアリ?ナシ? byタップル誕生
    香りで落とせ!最高にエロい香水の付け方&NY発今注目の香水を紹介!/B.R.Fashion College Lesson.44 香水
    男性芸能人が愛用している「香水」トップ5!/Perfume top 5 whom a male entertainer uses habitually

    モテる香水 メンズ
    香水 メンズ人気ランクといえば ブルガリや

    → https://youtu.be/JMRG-lj9nDQ

    モテる車 ランキング5|女性が男性に乗って欲しい車
    → https://youtu.be/1wHQJTd_VKk

    → https://youtu.be/wXy_my4RxAU

  • habitually 在 Rinozawa Youtube 的精選貼文

    2013-03-24 21:35:32

    2013年2月17日/1歳3ヶ月 After having finished eating "Natto-chazuke", We gave Yuuma a microphone.
    This is the microphone which she uses habitually when Rino sings.
    He gets on rhythm when I sound music and enjoys it.
    He is surprised by himself for some reason while flinging a microphone against a table, Haha


    【Rinozawa's Blogl】


    【Rino&Yuuma 2nd Channel】

