

在 grinded產品中有43篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, https://youtu.be/joUhGp9xj3E Lai Yee's Kitchen- Pandan Chicken Mel's style Thailand again. We can never get enough of Thailand and their food. Toda...

 同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過371的網紅sycookies,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Recipe in blog post : https://foodeverywhere.net/2021/02/22/nobuklhostinglivecooking/ Follow me on my social medias Food blog: https://foodeverywher...

grinded 在 越煮越好 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 12:49:09

芋頭棉花雞 原來自己都整到! 加埋冬菇口感更正! 點整⬇️ 材料: 急凍雞扒2塊 芋頭(約12兩)1件 冬菇(細)8隻 魚肚1兩 舊1舊 蔥 處理: 1. 冬菇,清水浸軟。 2. 雞扒,清水解凍。 3. 大火煲滾1鑊水,放魚肚,加入米酒1湯匙及粗鹽半茶匙,除去腥味,灼至軟身,轉中慢火,煲15分鐘。...

grinded 在 Melinda Looi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-27 02:14:00

Thailand again. We can never get enough of Thailand and their food. Today I want to challenge myself to make my very first pandan chicken. It turns o...

  • grinded 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-22 20:22:48
    有 8 人按讚


    Lai Yee's Kitchen- Pandan Chicken Mel's style

    Thailand again. We can never get enough of Thailand and their food.
    Today I want to challenge myself to make my very first pandan chicken.
    It turns out to be quite "pro" .. What I will do next time is to make the chicken thiner and slightly longer and roll up a little before I wrap with the pandan leaf. Definitely not in a big chunk size. That way all the flavours and marination will be in between the meat and It will make the chicken more juicy and flavourful.

    Ingredients (enough for 6 of us):
    . Pandan leaves around 20 to 30 leaves
    . 1 kg chicken fillets
    . oil for deep frying

    For the marination:
    . 5 cloves garlic
    . 2 cm turmeric (Typo in my video -Oops!)
    . 3 tbsp lemongrass
    . 5 shallots
    . 5 cm ginger (I didn't have fresh ginger and I used powder
    . around 10 white peppercorns
    . 2 tbsp soy sauce
    . 2 tbsp oyster sauce
    . 1 tbsp Tamarind juice
    . 2 tbsp palm sugar or brown sugar
    . 2 tbsp coconut milk
    . 2 tbsp white sesame
    . 1 tbsp sesame oil
    . 4 coriander roots
    * Blend all to a smooth paste.
    * It was not funny, I accidentally deleted a part of my video and cant find it back.. So my video didnt have some of the ingredients in the clip. Apology!
    * Add-on : If I am not cooking for the kids, I will add on chili to be grinded together.

    For the dipping ingredients :
    . 3 cut chili padi
    . 3 tbsp cut shallots
    . 2 tsp fish sauce
    . 1 tbsp soy sauce
    . 5 lime juice
    . chopped coriander (I didnt show in video)
    * Mix up and serve

    It was so good though. I wonder if I can make a tom yam flavour version. I will definitely try soon. What is next for Thai food?

    Alright, do take care. Stay positive and cook with your family. It helps to keep ourselves sane and focus. Cooking and dressing up at home are also good ways to de-stress!

    #melindalooi #melindalooirtw #melindalooicouture #fashionfood #melcooks #lalacooks #laiyeekitchen #dressupathome #makeupathome #stayhome #staysafe #pandanchicken #homecook #selflove

    My grinded fresh spices are from Pasar Besar TTDI Mix &Match's vendor Lizar Chili (you can search in Grab market- Pasar Besar TTDI Mix & Match). They have the best Bawang Goreng(no joke, BEST), Bawang Putih Goreng and pre-mix cooking spices. #supportlocal #melcares

  • grinded 在 Food of Hong Kong by Epicurushongkong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-27 21:46:43
    有 13 人按讚

    話說, 有日係 4月中旬, 同 Honbo 老細傾開偈. 佢叫我黎試下佢地一個嚟緊新出嘅 Burger 🍔. Made with a House made from scratch Hashbrown fried in Beef Tallow, 2 Home Grinded Smashed Beef patties with Caramelized Onions base, Heinz Ketchup, Cheese, and a secret Garlic based sauce coating on the Potato buns. And I was like WOW, this is seriously amongst the Best burger I have ever eaten in Hong Kong side by far.

    So fast forward 1 month or more. This burger took over the entire month for Development & fine tuning, and here I was back again! 😬 Little did I know from my 2 visits, that this Specialty Burger is only being sold for 3 days from 28th to 30th May for now. Across all of their【Honbo outlets, Hong Kong 🇭🇰】. I sincerely hope, they keep this burger for real! 💯 It's freakingly good addictive!

  • grinded 在 Food of Hong Kong by Epicurushongkong Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-26 16:56:47
    有 13 人按讚

    Early Summer weather calls for 冷やし海老天そば 🗿 石臼挽き蕎麦粉, from Hokkaido. Prawn Tempura with Cold Ishiusubiki Stone grinded Soba noodles

    HKD $60

    I feel like I must be the only person who feels like this is the best tasting 'Soba' in HK, that buckwheat flavor & texture, albeit it is all relative coz most Soba noodles in HK have mild to no taste, like some pizza doughs in town too! Even though this shop originally comes from Yokohama selling 大衆 Ramens


  • grinded 在 sycookies Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-21 22:16:59

    Recipe in blog post : https://foodeverywhere.net/2021/02/22/nobuklhostinglivecooking/

    Follow me on my social medias
    Food blog: https://foodeverywhere.wordpress.com
    Snapchat- https://www.snapchat.com/add/sycookies
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/foodeverywhere.sy
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/sycookies/
    Twitter- https://twitter.com/sycookies

    What each ingredient in Lou Sang represents:
    Lime – 大吉大利 best of luck
    Fish - 年年有余 abundance throughout the year (fish in mandarin sounds like abundance)
    Pepper in Red packet –招财进宝 attracting wealth
    Oil -一本万利 Make 10,000 times profit
    Carrot - 鸿运当头 good luck at your end
    Green radish -青春常驻 forever young
    White radish - 风生水起 may your fortune rise with the wind and tide
    Plum sauce - 甜甜蜜蜜 sweet life always
    Grinded Peanut金银满屋 household full of gold and silver
    Crackers - 遍地黄金 may you have land full of gold

    Interesting read to Yan Yat and Lou Sang:

  • grinded 在 Rasaflix Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-11-04 12:00:02

    Buat peminat roti jala, boleh la buat roti jala ros ni..bahan untuk membuat jala bunga rose ni sama jer tau dengan roti jala biasa cuma beza warna dan cara tirai tu je. Jom try buat..

    Resepi Roti Jala Ros & Kari Ayam | Rose Net Crepes & Chicken Curry Recipe

    //Bahasa Melayu

    Resepi Roti Jala Ros & Kari Ayam

    Bahan-bahan (Roti Jala)

    1 cwn tepung gandum

    1 sk garam

    1 biji telur

    1/2 cwn air

    1/2 cwn susu segar

    1 sk pewarna merah jambu

    1 sk pewarna hijau

    Bahan-bahan (Kari Ayam)

    1 biji kentang (dipotong dadu)

    500 gm isi ayam (dipotong kecil)

    1/2 cwn minyak masak

    200 ml santan

    1/2 cwn air (ikut kepekatan kuah)

    1/2 sb garam

    1/4 cwn air limau nipis

    8 sb rempah kari daging

    2 sb serbuk cili

    sedikit air

    Bahan-bahan untuk dikisar

    4 biji bawang merah

    4 ulas bawang putih

    1 inci halia

    sedikit air

    Bahan-bahan untuk ditumis

    2 tangkai daun kari

    2 batang kayu manis

    2 kuntum bunga lawang

    3 buah pelaga

    1 biji bawang merah (dihiris)

    Nota: Bancuh rempah kari terdahulu sebelum masak untuk mendapatkan kepekatan kuah kari sekata.

    Cara memasak (Roti Jala)

    1. Masukkan tepung gandum, telur, air, susu dan garam ke dalam pengisar.

    2. Kisar bahan-bahan sehingga halus.

    3. Bahagikan adunan tersebut ke dalam dua mangkuk.

    4. Warnakan setiap satu adunan dengan pewarna merah jambu dan hijau. Masukkan adunan merah jambu ke dalam botol picit dan adunan hijau ke dalam piping bag.

    5. Panaskan non-stick pan dengan api perlahan. Picit adunan merah membentuk garisan melintang. Kemudian, lakarkan garisan berombak. Titiskan tiga titis adunan hijau di bahagian atas garisan berombak membentuk daun.

    6. Biarkan selama 1-2 minit atau sehingga adunan masak.

    7. Angkat dan gulung menjadi bentuk bunga ros.

    Cara memasak (Kari Ayam)

    1. Bancuh rempah kari dan serbuk cili dengan sedikit air untuk dijadikan pes.

    2. Kisarkan bawang putih, bawang merah dan halia bersama air sehingga lumat.

    3. Panaskan minyak, tumiskan daun kari, kayu manis, bunga lawang, buah pelaga dan bawang  merah sehingga naik bau.

    4. Masukkan bahan kisar dan kacau seketika sehingga kekuningan.

    5. Masukkan pes kari. Teruskan menumis hingga pecah minyak (tambahkan air jika terlalu kering untuk elak daripada jadi hangit).

    6. Masukkan ayam dan kentang.

    7. Kacau seketika selama 2-3 minit dan tambahkan air limau nipis. Masak sehingga ubi kentang dan ayam menjadi empuk.

    8. Tambahkan santan dan perasakan dengan garam. Tunggu sehingga mendidih dan siap untuk dihidangkan.


    Rose Net Crepes & Chicken Curry 

    Ingredients (Net Crepes)

    1 cup of all-purpose flour

    1 tsp of salt

    1 nos egg

    1/2 cup of water

    1/2 cup of fresh milk

    1 tsp of pink food coloring

    1 tsp of green food coloring

    Ingredients (Chicken Curry)

    1 potato (diced)

    500 gm chicken fillet (cut into small pieces)

    1/2 cup of cooking oil

    200 ml coconut milk

    1/2 cup of water (according to the gravy consistency)

    1/2 tbsp of salt

    1/4 cup of key lime juice

    8 tbsp of meat curry powder

    2 tbsp of chili powder

    bit of water

    Ingredients for grinding

    4 onions

    4 cloves of garlic

    1 inch ginger

    bit of water

    Ingredients for saute

    2 stalks of curry leaves

    2 cinnamon sticks

    2 star anise

    3 cardamoms

    1 onion (sliced)

    Note: Make the curry powder paste first before cooking to get an even curry gravy consistency.

    Cooking methods (Net Crepes) 

    1. Put all-purpose flour, egg, water, milk and salt in a blender.

    2. Blend all ingredients until smooth in texture.

    3. Divide the batter into two bowls.

    4. Color each batter with pink and green food coloring. Pour pink batter into a squeeze bottle and green batter into a piping bag.

    5. Heat non-stick pan to low heat. Squeeze pink batter forming horizontal line. Then, draw wavy line. Drop three dots of green batter at the top of wavy line to forming leaves.

    6. Let it be for 1-2 minutes or until fully cooked.

    7. Remove and roll to rose shape.

    Cooking methods (Chicken Curry)

    1. Mix curry powder and chili powder with bit of water to make a paste.

    2. Grind garlic, onion, and ginger with water until smooth.

    3. Heat the oil, saute curry leaves, cinnamon sticks, cardamoms, star anise and onion until fragrant.

    4. Add in grinded ingredients and stir for a while until golden.

    5. Add in curry paste. Continue sauteing until the oil separates (add water if it is too dry to avoid burnt).

    6. Add in chicken pieces and potatoes.

    7. Stir for about 2-3 minutes and add in key lime juice. Cook until potatoes and chicken are tender.

    8. Add in coconut milk and season with salt. Bring to a boil and it is ready to be served.

    Resepi Kari Ayam, boleh tonton disini : https://youtu.be/1yAzYEtKGMU

    Nak resepi lagi?
    Sertai Rasaflix di https://rasaflix.net

    #roti #kari #ayam #rotijala #kariayam
    #kisahdunia #rasaflix
    #dapoqmanis #mr_lovva #makenon #nntaca #kdboom #nrsalnaz

  • grinded 在 Rasaflix Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-26 14:00:03

    Musim pandemik ni mesti ada yang tak dapat makan nasi kenduri kan ? Kalau korang nak makan nasi ala kenduri, boleh cuba buat sendiri nasi jagung ni kat rumah. Lagi menyelerakan bila buat sendiri. Jom try buat ?

    Resepi Nasi Jagung Manis Dengan Sambal Ayam | Sweet Corn Rice With Chicken Sambal Recipe

    //Bahasa Melayu

    Nasi Jagung Manis Dengan Sambal Ayam

    Bahan-bahan (Nasi Jagung)

    2 sb mentega

    1 batang kayu manis

    2 bunga cengkih

    2 bunga lawang

    1/2 tin kernel jagung

    2 cwn beras (dibasuh)

    1 helai daun pandan (disimpul)

    1/2 cwn susu cair

    3 ulas bawang putih (dihiris)

    1 biji bawang merah (dihiris)

    1 1/2 cwn air

    1 sk garam

    Bahan-bahan (Sambal Ayam)

    1 cwn cili kering (dikisar)

    5 tangkai cili besar (dikisar)

    3 biji bawang merah (dikisar)

    3 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)

    1 batang kayu manis

    2 inci halia (dikisar)

    1 batang serai (dikisar)

    2 batang serai (diketuk)

    3 sb sos cili

    3 sb sos tiram

    1 sb serbuk stok ayam

    1 sb gula

    1 sk garam

    1/3 cwn minyak

    1 sk serbuk kunyit

    Sedikit air

    Bahan-bahan (Acar Jelatah)

    1 batang timun (dipotong)

    2 tangkai cili merah (dipotong)

    1/2 nanas (dipotong segitiga)

    1 batang lobak merah (dipotong)

    1 biji bawang merah (dihiris)

    1 sb cuka

    1 sk garam

    1 sb gula

    Cara memasak (Nasi Jagung)

    1. Panaskan periuk, cairkan mentega dan tumis bawang putih, bawang merah, bunga cengkih, bunga lawang dan kulit kayu manis sehingga naik bau.

    2. Masukkan daun pandan (disimpul) dan kacau sekata.

    3. Masukkan susu, air dan jagung. Perasakan dengan garam.

    4. Masukkan beras yang telah dibasuh. Kacau rata dan biarkan masak.

    Cara memasak (Ayam Sambal)

    1. Goreng ayam yang disalut dengan kunyit dan garam separuh masak.

    2. Kisar cili kering, bawang merah, bawang putih, halia, serai, cili besar dan sedikit air.

    3. Dengan menggunakan minyak goreng ayam, tumiskan kulit kayu manis, bahan kisar dan serai yang diketuk. Masak sehingga pecah minyak.

    4. Masukkan sos cili dan sos tiram. Kacau dan biarkan sehingga mendidih.

    5. Perasakan dengan serbuk stok ayam, gula dan garam secukup rasa.

    6. Masukkan ayam ke dalam sambal dan gaul sebati ayam tersebut.

    7. Sambal ayam siap untuk dihidangkan.

    Cara memasak (Acar Jelatah)

    1. Campurkan potongan timun, lobak merah, nanas, bawang merah dan cili merah ke dalam mangkuk.

    2. Perasakan dengan garam, gula dan cuka. Gaul sebati.

    3. Simpan jelatah di dalam peti sejuk dan hidangkan bersama nasi jagung dan sambal ayam.


    Sweet Corn Rice & Chicken Sambal

    Ingredients (Corn Rice)

    2 tbsp of butter

    1 cinnamon stick

    2 cloves

    2 star anise

    1/2 canned corn kernels

    2 cups of rice (washed)

    1 pandan leaf (knotted)

    1/2 cup of fresh milk

    3 cloves garlic (sliced)

    1 red onion (sliced)

    1 1/2 cups of water

    1 tsp of salt

    Ingredients (Chicken Sambal)

    1 cup of dried chilies (blend)

    5 red chilies

    3 red onions (blend)

    3 cloves garlic (blend)

    1 cinnamon stick

    2 inch ginger (blend)

    1 lemongrass stalk (blend)

    2 stalks lemongrass (bruised)

    3 tbsp of chili sauce

    3 tbsp of oyster sauce

    1 tbsp of chicken stock powder

    1 tbsp of sugar

    1 tsp of salt

    1/3 cup of cooking oil

    1 tsp of turmeric powder

    Bit of water

    Ingredients (Acar Jelatah)

    1 whole cucumber (julienne cut)

    2 red chilies (julienne cut)

    1/2 pineapple (cut into triangles)

    1 carrot (julienne cut)

    1 red onion (sliced)

    1 tbsp of vinegar

    1 tsp of salt

    1 tbsp of sugar

    Cooking methods (Corn Rice)

    1. Heat the pan, melt butter and saute garlic, red onion, star anise, cloves and cinnamon stick to fragrant.

    2. Add in pandan leaf (knotted) and stir well.

    3. Add in milk, water and corn. Season with salt.

    4. Add in washed rice. Stir them until well-combined and let it cook.

    Cooking methods (Chicken Sambal)

    1. Deep fry chicken coated with turmeric powder and salt until half-cooked.

    2. Blend dried chilies, red onion, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, red chilies and bit of water.

    3. Using the chicken oil, saute cinnamon stick, grinded ingredients and bruised lemongrass. Cook until the oil separates.

    4. Add in chili sauce and oyster sauce. Stir and bring to a boil.

    5. Season with chicken stock powder, sugar and salt to taste.

    6. Add in fried chickens and mix well.

    7. Chicken sambal is ready to be served.

    Cooking methods (Acar Jelatah)

    1. Put julienne cucumber, carrot, red chilies, cut pineapples, sliced onion in a bowl.

    2. Season with salt, sugar and vinegar. Mix well.

    3. Refrigerate acar jelatah and serve with sweet corn rice and chicken sambal .

    Nak resepi lagi?
    Sertai Telegram Rasaflix di

    #nasijagung #sambalayam #nasikenduri #cornrice #chickensambal #sambal #jagung
    #kisahdunia #rasaflix
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