

在 excavated產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅宋楚瑜 大家庭,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 義大利考古學家在龐貝古城發現的遺跡 古羅馬快餐店櫃台,拉丁語中是熱飲櫃檯的意思。 初步判斷為古羅馬時期為路人提供相當於街頭小吃的 「快餐店」, 在公元79年的一次火山噴發中被埋葬。 存在近2000年,保存完整的食肆遺址, 該遺址外面是一個噴泉廣場,附近有溫泉浴池。 https://youtu.be...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Brian Tran,也在其Youtube影片中提到,It's been a long time since the last vlog, today im back with a story about how a taxi driver stole $2000 on my birthday lolzzz *cri* Also, I got prec...

excavated 在 詩歩/Shiho (死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景?著者) Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-19 02:35:11

Starry skies at a Jomon site. The #Mawakisite in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, is the remains of a Jomon period settlement. That's about 6,000 ...

  • excavated 在 宋楚瑜 大家庭 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-30 05:36:40
    有 7 人按讚

    初步判斷為古羅馬時期為路人提供相當於街頭小吃的 「快餐店」,


  • excavated 在 政變後的寧靜夏午 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-26 20:14:06
    有 4 人按讚

    🇲🇲 Kanbawzathadi Palace is a palace in Bago, Myanmar. The original palace, built for King Bayinnaung in 1556, consisted of 76 apartments and halls. It was burned down in 1599. It was reconstructed in 1990 and finished in 1992.

    Kanbawzathadi Golden Palace in Bago is a reconstruction of the original Royal palace from the second half of the 16th century.

    The very ornate golden palace gives a good impression of the splendor and wealth of the second Burmese empire. It was rebuilt following the original design, based on knowledge gained from excavations and the original drawings of the building. The huge palace consisted of 76 apartments and halls.

    The reconstructed palace does not contain much of the original furniture and personal items used by the Royals, as most of it was lost when the palace was looted and destroyed in 1599. There are several reproductions on display, like a replica of the King’s golden coach, decorated with two peacocks and a Pyatthat style roof.

    The palace dates from a very prosperous time in Burmese history. It was built by King Bayinnaung of the Taungoo dynasty, a vast empire that included much of present-day Burma, Thailand and parts of China.

    Bayinnaung was one of Burma’s greatest rulers, a mighty King who possessed many white elephants, a sign of wealth and power at that time. The King even obtained a sacred Buddha tooth relic from Sri Lanka, which he had installed in the Mahazedi Pagoda. Bayinnaung built the new capital of the second Burmese empire, a large city called Hanthawadi (present day Bago) surrounded by walls with 20 gates. The palace was built on a 70 acres plot located at the center of the city. Construction started in 1553.

    Records written by European visitors to the city tell about the magnificence and splendor of the richly gilded palace. Some of its buildings like the Great Audience Hall were roofed with gold plates.

    The palace was looted and burnt down in 1599 during armed conflict. Its remains were abandoned, and the palace was not rebuild until the late 20th century. Excavation works started in 1990. Six mounds were excavated, revealing the brick foundations of several of the palace buildings. Several hundred of the original teak pillars used for the construction of the palace in the 16th century were found, many of them inscribed with Mon texts, as well as nearly 2,000 Buddha images.

    ©️ Respective Owners

  • excavated 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-18 20:03:00
    有 1,027 人按讚

    本季的「筆墨見真章」即將在本週日結束(9/20),再來看一件明代萬曆年間出土的【漢 曹全碑 墨拓本】
    【Rubbing of the Cao Quan Stele】Anonymous, Han dynasty (206 B.C.E – 220 C.E)
      The complete name of this stele is "The Stele in Geyang in Honor of Minister Cao Quan." The engraved capstone of the original is lost to time. Cao Quan was a native of Dunhuang in present day Gansu province who was known to have shown extraordinary filial devotion to his parents. While serving as a minister in Geyang in present day Shaanxi province, Cao performed numerous kind deeds, prompting his peers to extol his virtuous character. His merits and achievements were memorialized upon a stone stele during the second year of the Zhongping reign period of Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han dynasty (185 CE).
      This stele was excavated during the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming dynasty. The characters were written with very uniform and even structures, the calligrapher possessing such fluid control over the brush's movements that the writing seems both leisurely and elegant. The writing succeeds at being refined without losing its vitality, containing rustic vigor and sophisticated beauty in equal amounts. The simultaneous presence of fluency within solidity reveals mature proficiency in calligraphic techniques, making this stele one of the representative works of Han dynasty official script (lishu).
    🌐English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/calligraphy10907/en/page-1.html

  • excavated 在 Brian Tran Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-15 20:00:10

    It's been a long time since the last vlog, today im back with a story about how a taxi driver stole $2000 on my birthday lolzzz *cri* Also, I got precuts excavated surgery and it was dope. Leave your comments!
    Taxi Driver stole $2000 from me on my Birthday
    #BrianTran #Fashionista #Lifestyle
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    © Bản quyền thuộc về Brian Tran
    © Copyright by Brian Tran ☞ Do not Reup


  • excavated 在 初心者鉄道探検隊 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-12 06:00:04

    GoPro HERO 9→https://amzn.to/2PD1q7k
    GoPro自撮り棒 + 三脚 + セルカ棒→https://amzn.to/2PxiMCA
    1997年(平成9年)10月12日に京都市営地下鉄東西線の醍醐駅 - 二条駅間の開通と同時に開業。
    2007年(平成19年)4月1日にICカード 「PiTaPa」の利用が可能となる。
    Nijojo-mae Station (Nijo-jo Castle)
    Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line
    The nearest station to Nijo-jo Castle.
    Opened October 12, 1997.
    A display case for cultural properties is set up inside the station to display the results of the excavations and the excavated artifacts associated with the construction of the Tozai Subway Line.
    The average daily boarding and disembarking personnel in 2018 was 10,152.
    Nijojo-mae 역
    교토시 교통국 지하철 도자이 선
    니 조성에 소요이다.
    1997 년 10 월 12 일에 개업.
    역 구내 문화재의 전시 케이스를 설치하여 지하철 도자이 선 건설에 따른 발굴 조사의 성과와 그 출토 유물을 전시하고있다.
    2018 년 (헤세이 30 년)도 1 일 평균 승강 인원은 10,152 명이다.

  • excavated 在 初心者鉄道探検隊 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-22 10:48:10

    JR西日本 北陸本線
    Fukui Station
    JR West Hokuriku Main Line
    Opened on July 15, 1896. At that time it was an end station
    In February 2009, the 800m Shinkansen platform was completed.
    The average daily passenger capacity of JR West in 2017 was 10,257.
    Fukui Prefecture is called the “dinosaur kingdom” because many dinosaur fossils have been excavated
    JR西日本 北陸本線
    1896年7月15日開業。 當時是終點站
    2009年2月,新幹線平台800 m完工
    JR西日本 北陆本线
    2009年2月,新干线平台800 m完工
    후쿠이 역
    JR 서일본 호쿠리쿠 본선
    1896 년 7 월 15 일에 개업. 당시는 종착역이었다
    2009 년 2 월에 신칸센 플랫폼 800m 분이 완성 된
    2017 년 JR 서일본의 1 일 평균 승차 인원은 10,257 명
    후쿠이 현 공룡 화석이 다수 발굴 된 것으로부터 「공룡 왕국」라고 불리

