

在 dissemination產品中有43篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8萬的網紅本土研究社 Liber Research Community,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【友情推介-檔案學深造文憑 (Postgraduate Diploma in Archival Studies)】 #非業配 #真心推介 本研社過去以歷史檔案作為研究方法之一,深明檔案保存對於一個機構的經驗傳承/機構記憶(institutional memory)無比重要,亦對後世的學術及民間研...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,060的網紅ベリッシマチャンネル Bellissima Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Shibuya Center Gai(Shibuya Center Street)in Tokyo【Dissemination of Japanese culture】 ---------- ◆Bellissima Styleチャンネルについて ~About Belissima Style ~ ...

dissemination 在 國際內世鏡|Insight Into Issues Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 15:55:46

法國國民議會(National Assembly)20日一讀通過由執政黨所提出的「整體安全法」,惡意散布執法人員影像者將面臨刑責。21日下午,全國各地民眾紛紛走上街頭抗議此法將嚴重侵害新聞自由與人民知情權。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 「整體安全法」最飽受批評的是第24條規定,「若在軍警行動時對其進行拍...

dissemination 在 夫夫之道Fufuknows Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-02 19:53:16

邀請所有小洋蔥陪我們一起,和全世界對話!    上個月,信箱收到一封國際的邀請函,是來自澳洲雪梨同志狂歡節Sydney Mardi Gras的Matt Akersten,信中說到,因為疫情的關係,有很多國家的LGBT遊行皆延期或停辦,為了給大家力量,這次國外的許多LGBT團體決定要舉辦第一次...

  • dissemination 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-19 23:07:54
    有 126 人按讚

    【友情推介-檔案學深造文憑 (Postgraduate Diploma in Archival Studies)】


    本研社過去以歷史檔案作為研究方法之一,深明檔案保存對於一個機構的經驗傳承/機構記憶(institutional memory)無比重要,亦對後世的學術及民間研究助益不少。

    舉例說,本研社亦有經常運用政府解密檔案中的史料,交叉比對其他材料,為各項研究打下更紮實的基礎。而檔案學(Archival Studies)對於鑑定、保存、管理及開放這些史料發揮重要角色。


    The programme aims to train students to become professional archivists by providing them with a broad and enriched learning experience covering a full spectrum of principles and methodology in managing records and archives throughout their life-cycle and in setting up and managing an archival institution.

    The programme will guide students to plan, establish and manage archives in their organization to meet business, legal, fiscal, public relations and cultural needs.

    On completion of the programme, students should be able to

    -Apply the techniques to set up an archive and manage records in an office setting
    -Analyse the issues, methods and problems in managing office documents and business records
    -Synthesise the major concepts of archives especially in areas of acquisition, description and dissemination
    -Evaluate the impact of globalization on records and archives management
    -Identify the major records-related laws and apply the knowledge to review legal issues relating to archival operation
    -Apply the theories and practices in performing archival functions
    -Apply conceptual models in preserving digital archives


  • dissemination 在 王郁揚 WHO FCTC 菸草減害專家 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-10 15:28:06
    有 4 人按讚



    《朗文詞典》對“propaganda”一詞的解釋為“information which is false or which emphasizes just one part of a situation, used by a government or political group to make people agree with them” (政府或政治團體使用的虛假或只強調片面情況的資訊,旨在讓人們同意其觀點)


    而《麥考瑞大辭典》對“propaganda”一詞的解釋為“dissemination of ideas, information or rumour for the purpose of injuring or helping an institution, a cause or a person.”(為傷害或幫助某機構、事業或個人而傳播的思想、信息或謠言)


    《新華字典》對“宣傳”的解釋則為“向人講解說明,進行教育;傳播,宣揚” 。從這一釋義來看,中文的“宣傳”是個中性詞,甚至是個褒義詞。例如,衛生宣傳、科普宣傳、安全生產宣傳等。

    由此可見, 我們不能簡單地將“propaganda”與“宣傳”劃等號。在翻譯“propaganda”一詞時,可能要酌情補充詞義中“貶義”的成分資訊。因此,漢密爾頓醫生所說的“propaganda”其實是“政治宣傳”的含義。

  • dissemination 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-01 10:26:16
    有 2,009 人按讚

    【台灣 - 前線的民主捍衛者】


    外交部吳部長接受美國智庫 #馬侃研究所(McCain Institute)邀請,在其舉辦的 #聖多納論壇 (The Sedona Forum) 發表預錄演說。吳部長在「民主捍衛者:來自全球前線的聲音」場次中重申,#中國威權主義擴張,對全球民主已造成威脅,而中國對台灣進行軍事脅迫、經濟施壓以及假訊息操作等手段,試圖在民主社會中製造混亂與猜疑,因為台灣的民主越昌盛,中國政府越不安。面對中國壓力,台灣人仍然會堅持捍衛 #民主自由與國家主權。




    Someone recently said Taiwan is the most dangerous place on Earth. No matter what people said, Taiwan is on the front line of defending democracy.

    Foreign Minister Wu was invited to prerecord a speech by U.S. think tank the McCain Institute for the annual Sedona Forum themed "Defending Democracy: Global Voices from the Frontlines." In his speech, Minister Wu said China's authoritarian expansionism poses a threat to democratic countries around the world, and its ongoing campaign of military and economic coercion against Taiwan backed by the dissemination of misinformation, disinformation and other measures is designed to sow discord and doubt among the people. The success of Taiwan's democracy makes the Chinese Communist Party uneasy, he said, adding Taiwan's people will continue to steadfastly defend their freedom, democracy and sovereignty in the face of Chinese pressure.

    Minister Wu also called for democratic countries around the world to unite in support of Taiwan.

  • dissemination 在 ベリッシマチャンネル Bellissima Channel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-28 18:00:07

    Shibuya Center Gai(Shibuya Center Street)in Tokyo【Dissemination of Japanese culture】

    ◆Bellissima Styleチャンネルについて ~About Belissima Style ~

    Bellissima Styleチャンネルを運営する株式会社Bellissima Japan(ベリッシマジャパン)は世界15のコンテストのライセンスを保有し、



    Bellissima Japan Inc., which operates the Bellissima Style channel, holds licenses for 15 contests worldwide,
    A company that runs domestic contests for Miss Contest, Mr Contest, and Mrs Contest.

    "Enrich society with your presence"

    We have produced many opinion leaders based on this philosophy.

    オウンドメディア : http://bellissima.style/
    インスタグラム : https://www.instagram.com/bellissima_beautypageant
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bellissimajapan/

    #centergai #ScrambleCrossing #Hachiko #HachikoStatue #Shibuya

  • dissemination 在 ベリッシマチャンネル Bellissima Channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-02-27 18:00:39

    Shibuya Scramble Crossing【Dissemination of Japanese culture】vol.3

    The scrambled intersection in Shibuya is a very popular spot. The Japanese walk at the intersection without hitting anyone. Awesome.

    ◆Bellissima Styleチャンネルについて ~About Belissima Style ~

    Bellissima Styleチャンネルを運営する株式会社Bellissima Japan(ベリッシマジャパン)は世界15のコンテストのライセンスを保有し、



    Bellissima Japan Inc., which operates the Bellissima Style channel, holds licenses for 15 contests worldwide,
    A company that runs domestic contests for Miss Contest, Mr Contest, and Mrs Contest.

    "Enrich society with your presence"

    We have produced many opinion leaders based on this philosophy.

    オウンドメディア : http://bellissima.style/
    インスタグラム : https://www.instagram.com/bellissima_beautypageant
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bellissimajapan/

    #ScrambleCrossing #Hachiko #HachikoStatue #Shibuya

  • dissemination 在 ベリッシマチャンネル Bellissima Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-26 18:00:13

    Shibuya Scramble Crossing【Dissemination of Japanese culture】vol.2

    The scrambled intersection in Shibuya is a very popular spot. The Japanese walk at the intersection without hitting anyone. Awesome.

    ◆Bellissima Styleチャンネルについて ~About Belissima Style ~

    Bellissima Styleチャンネルを運営する株式会社Bellissima Japan(ベリッシマジャパン)は世界15のコンテストのライセンスを保有し、



    Bellissima Japan Inc., which operates the Bellissima Style channel, holds licenses for 15 contests worldwide,
    A company that runs domestic contests for Miss Contest, Mr Contest, and Mrs Contest.

    "Enrich society with your presence"

    We have produced many opinion leaders based on this philosophy.

    オウンドメディア : http://bellissima.style/
    インスタグラム : https://www.instagram.com/bellissima_beautypageant
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bellissimajapan/

    #ScrambleCrossing #Hachiko #HachikoStatue #Shibuya