

在 disastrous產品中有147篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過168萬的網紅Lee Hsien Loong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Singaporeans are not competing only with foreigners physically here, but people all over the world. COVID-19 has taught many companies that “working f...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅Hiếu Phương - Official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,First Take | Stephen A.: Would Jameis Winston's career be disastrous if he went to the Patriots?...

disastrous 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 02:11:52

[Beijing] Young couples used to take beautiful wedding pictures at the Imperial Ancestral Temple because of the magnificent ancient architectural buil...

disastrous 在 Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 17:22:04

Pic - Feeling Good Living in these pandemic times has been tough for Everyone Locked at home Day in and out Everyday is just like any other day ...

  • disastrous 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-29 20:42:07
    有 2,036 人按讚

    Singaporeans are not competing only with foreigners physically here, but people all over the world. COVID-19 has taught many companies that “working from home” is just one step away from “working anywhere”.

    Foreigners who are here in Singapore strengthen our team. They are our colleagues, and our neighbours and friends. During COVID-19, many worked on the front line, shoulder-to-shoulder with Singaporeans. They too have contributed to Singapore.

    We must not turn our backs on them, and give the impression that Singapore is becoming xenophobic and hostile to foreigners. It would be disastrous for us, and it is not who we aspire to be.

    We must make it crystal clear to the world that Singapore is determined to stay open, in order to earn a living for ourselves. These values helped transform Singapore from a population of immigrants into a cosmopolitan and vibrant country.


    (Photo: Carousell)

  • disastrous 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-25 22:00:05
    有 163 人按讚

    [ udn.com 聯合新聞網 專欄 / UDN Column] 當秘密客都不秘密了,#米其林 還能是米其林嗎? / Is Michelin Guide an unexpected victim of the COVID-19 pandemic? (English below)

    2021 年的台北台中米其林指南在今天下午公布。大家有看轉播或關注結果嗎?你是否想過,在全球疫情肆虐的當下,出入境如此不方便,究竟是誰來擔任評鑑員呢?這麼多餐廳,難不成全部都是由本地評審嗎一一拜訪嗎?

    法國米其林評鑑從去年就面臨各種質疑,今年更出現了一個可能 #完全動搖米其林運作根本 的危機,那就是八月開始實行的 #健康通行證(pass sanitaire)制度。由於需要在進入餐廳前出示有真實姓名的健康通行證,相當於無法再以假名用餐,若餐廳要求登記聯絡方式,甚至連電話號碼也會曝光,無論是知名的食評家、還是在米其林評鑑季的評鑑員都無可遁逃。一旦餐廳知道誰是手上握有生死大權的評鑑人員,自然不可能以平常心對待。這會讓有百年歷史的米其林評鑑徹底失去公信力嗎?

    點連結閱讀全文 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/y8tpv2s7

    The Michelin Guide Taipei-Taichung 2021 results have just been announced this afternoon. Although the event itself is seen as an encouragement and support to the whole restaurant industry during the pandemic. However, the credibility of assessment is not without doubt.

    In France, the Michelin Guide has been suffering since last year as lots of restaurants were closed for more than half of the year and it’s questionable how the inspectors could finish the assessment on time. This year, a new problem arises which could even shake the basis that the Bibendum stands on, which is the anonymity.

    Starting in August, all diners are required to show a valid health pass at the entrance of a restaurant. As everyone is controlled, it is not possible to get your seat under a fake name. To those famous restaurant critics, it seems that the day enjoying a peaceful meal without being noticed is far gone; to the Michelin inspectors who try every possible way to erase their traces, it is disastrous. Will health pass be the coup de grâce to the highly respected restaurant guide that boasts more than 100 years of history? Read the full post here 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/y8tpv2s7

    #yingc #guidemichelin #michelinguide #michelinstars #covid19 #passsanitaire #healthpass #秘密客 #米其林密探 #新冠肺炎 #健康護照 #疫情之下的法國餐飲業 500輯

  • disastrous 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-09 11:14:35
    有 789 人按讚

    Pic - Feeling Good

    Living in these pandemic times has been tough for Everyone
    Locked at home
    Day in and out
    Everyday is just like any other day
    It can be stressful for all of us
    Especially the little Ones

    Some tips to stay positive during these times .
    1. Jot down things to do
    Many things can be done that you never have the time before .
    For me I’m able to write 3 Books and more coming .
    2. Learn to Cook
    Many Recipes can be tried out during these times . It’s a good way to test your Culinary Skills .
    3. Try Painting
    Art is a great way to ease the mind . Get a Canvas at start doing your masterpiece.
    4. Reading
    We never have the time to read . Buy some motivational , autobiography , sci-fi Books . You will soon feel much better .
    5. Change the routine
    Plan something that is out of the Box with the family . Camping in the garden or play board games together .
    6. Watch a Movie
    Have a night watching movies together at home . Get your pillows and blankets on the Sofa with a home made popcorn . The kids would love them .
    7. Sleep with your kids
    The family sleeping together in one Bedroom. For old times sake . The kids would love it .
    8. Get a Haircut
    It’s okay to cut your kids hair even though the results are disastrous . It will soon grow once School reopens . Not sure when that would be .

    Mental Health is the biggest problem during these pandemic .
    Identify them
    Talk to your loved Ones for support .
    Get help
    With new cases rising up to 20K a day , it’s terrifying .
    Get vaccinated Everyone

    Just Sharing
    Love As Always
    PS - Stay Home and Stay Safe . Spread the love . Start your Day with a big Smile .

  • disastrous 在 Hiếu Phương - Official Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-24 00:18:17

    First Take | Stephen A.: Would Jameis Winston's career be disastrous if he went to the Patriots?

  • disastrous 在 Hiếu Phương - Official Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-01 20:13:12

    First Take | Stephen A. "warns" Carson Wentz to avoid disastrous loss in Week 8: Eagles vs. Cowboys

  • disastrous 在 Hiếu Phương - Official Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-31 21:43:17

    Shaun O'hara "send a warns" Carson Wentz to avoid disastrous loss Week 8: Eagles vs. Cowboys

