

在 deficient產品中有123篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【體質看性格】你身邊有冰美人嗎? ⭐沉靜冷傲少說話 ⭐原來因為陽氣比較弱 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 內向人宜補陽驅寒 沉靜、內向、不願說話、容易情緒低落,被朋友形容像兔子一樣的人,性格除了是天生,其實也會受到體質影響,如果伴隨面色偏白、四肢及身體冰冷、嗜睡、自汗、浮腫、小便量多、大便稀爛...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,620的網紅themblan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,As a kind of follow-up to my last video, I discuss how academic intelligence is only one type of intelligence, and how being deficient in that area is...

deficient 在 營養師杯蓋 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 05:28:30

【觀察身體補充營養素】#營養師杯蓋 給那個有吃保健品的朋友看看‼️ ⁡ 很常有人會私訊杯蓋,補充品該如何選擇,今天就來分享一下,大家可以試著觀察自己的身體來選擇適合的營養素喔🙌🏻 ⁡ 🔅九招觀察身體,選擇補充的營養素🔅 ⁡ 1.夜間視力模糊、乾眼症 如果夜間視力模糊的話,可以選擇補充維生素A,維生素...

deficient 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【吃棗有益】新鮮紅棗就像迷你蘋果的模樣 ⭐棗子也叫維他命C果 ⭐如身體有偏熱症狀不宜食用 #星期四食材 認識棗子家族 中藥食材常用到各種棗子​​,包括紅棗、南棗、黑棗、蜜棗,中醫醫籍上都稱為大棗,你知道它們的分別嗎?棗子是棗樹的果實,呈長圓形,未成熟時黃綠色,成熟後褐紅色,可新鮮食用或者製成蜜餞...

  • deficient 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-27 19:13:53
    有 65 人按讚




    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:紅粉緋緋


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Introverts should replenish yang and dispel cold
    Introverts tend to be quiet, do not talk as much, and can be emotional. Some friends would even describe them as timid as a lamb. While some are born introverts, others can became so due to their body constitution.

    If symptoms such as pale complexion, cold limbs, high urination volume, loose stools, or even undigested food in stools occur, then the individual likely have a yang-deficient body constitution. The lack of the yang energy is like the lack of fuel for the body. Hence, the body would become weak and develop aversion to cold of cold. This is why certain people become introverted and emotionally easily.

    Individuals with a yang-deficient body constitution should replenish the yang and dispel cold. They should bask in the sun once in a while during summer and nourish the body during winter.

    Consume ingredients that are warm in nature such as mutton, raw ginger, Korean ginseng, maitake mushroom. Avoid eating and drinking raw and cold foods and beverages, and avoid overworking. Exercise moderately and regularly such as taichi, brisk walking, and carrying out stretching exercises. With an increase in yang energy in the body, our personality can become more cheerful.

    ✔️CheckCheckCin Healing Tea Recommendation: Blushing
    Ingredients: Red Date, Dried Longan, Wolfberry, Chrysanthemum, Sweet Osmanthus, American Ginseng, Maojian Tea, Rock Sugar
    Effects: Nourishes blood and calms the mind. Relieves asthenic cold spleen and stomach, pale complexion, cold limbs.

    Welcome to order through our website:�www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #陽虛

  • deficient 在 營養初 Nutrue - 營養師杯蓋 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-05 11:55:26
    有 40 人按讚













    參考資料:8 Common Signs You’re Deficient in Vitamins
    ▶️追蹤 @Nutruelife
    #營養 #營養師 #健康 #飲食 #健康飲食 #均衡飲食 #熱量控制 #熱量 #卡路里 #nutrition #增重 #增肌 #減脂 #減肥 #保健食品

  • deficient 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-19 18:58:26
    有 870 人按讚




    紅棗 — 把成熟的鮮棗烘至皮軟後再曬乾而成;有補氣、養血、安神作用,有助面色紅潤、手腳暖和,適合氣虛、血虛體質人士服用。

    南棗 — 把成熟的鮮棗以熱水煮過然後曬乾,再以木柴燻過,能滋陰補血,適合陰虛、血虛體質人士食用。

    黑棗 — 又名烏棗,把成熟的鮮棗以熱水煮過、烘乾再燻製而成,有滋補肝腎、潤燥生津的功效,比紅棗較為滋補,適合陰虛、血虛體質人士食用。

    蜜棗 — 把大青棗周身割一次,使容易吸糖,經白糖煮後曬乾,能生津潤燥,適合各種體質人士服用。


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Getting to know the dates family
    In Chinese medicine, there are many different kinds of dates- red dates, south jujube, black dates, and candied dates. According to the Chinese Medicine literature, they are all called dates. Do you know the difference between them?

    Dates are fruits from the jujube trees and are oblong in shape. They are yellow and green in color when the fruits are young and dark brownish red when ripe. Dates are edible when they are fresh and can also be turned into dried or candied fruits.

    Dates are warm in nature, can nourish the qi, replenish the blood, and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Dates processed in different ways would have different benefits. This is to cater to the needs of individuals with various body constitutions.

    Red dates - bake fresh dates until skin is soft and leave to dry. Replenishes qi and blood and calms the mind, helps to maintain healthy complexion and warm limbs. Suitable for those with qi deficiency and blood asthenia body types.

    South jujubes - Cook fresh dates in hot water and leave to dry, then smoke with wood. Nourishes yin and replenishes blood. Suitable for those with yang deficiency and blood asthenia body types.

    Black dates - dates that have been smoked after being boiled in hot water. They can nourish the liver and kidney, moisten the body, and induce salivation. They have more nourishing properties than the red dates and are suitable for individuals who are yin- and blood-deficient.

    Candied dates - cut unripe dates multiple times and cook with white sugar, then leave to dry. Promotes fluid production and relieves dryness. Suitable for all body types.

    Red date tea with south jujubes and candied date
    Effects: nourishes blood, improves skin and hair quality and prevents brittle nails, improves blood deficiency symptoms such as pale complexion.
    Ingredients: 4 red dates, 2 south jujubes, 2 candied date
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients, core and cut into slices. Place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 3-4 days a week as a treatment.
    Note: not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms such as bitter mouth, dry mouth, canker sore, pimples.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #我疲憊 #我枯燥 #氣虛 #血虛 #陰虛

  • deficient 在 themblan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-26 22:33:00

    As a kind of follow-up to my last video, I discuss how academic intelligence is only one type of intelligence, and how being deficient in that area is not the end of the world.


    The song in my intro and outro was done by Hyper Potions, and it is called Time Trials. You can check out the full song here: https://youtu.be/mnfNWe-HHsI.

  • deficient 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-11-30 15:35:16

    Who doesn’t love a good underdog story? Whatever your weakness today, take heart as Joseph Prince shines the spotlight on how beloved heroes in the Bible—David, Gideon, and Samson—were insignificant, seen as deficient, and disregarded by the mighty when they first started out. Yet God picked them and gave them their big breaks in life. Similarly, whether it’s shyness, a learning or physical disability, or barrenness in any area, see from the Scriptures why you’re God’s preferred choice for inspiring thousands. Give your weakness to Him, lean on His grace, and experience His power and glorious transformation!

    Get the full message at:
    JosephPrince.com - http://bit.ly/2nb0PLi

    Find us at:

  • deficient 在 Linora Low Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-08-29 03:35:37

    Week 4Vlog up!

    It's learning how to stop and smell the roses before they become sour fish. lots of things are going on, couple with accumulation of not proper rest, my body burnt out, felt incredibly tired, was not emotionally right and looked like a zombie on some days. This is where it brought me to think of the possible imbalances i may have due to being magnesium deficient. Learning time, here are the symptoms of being Magnesium deficient. I had 7 out of the symptoms, if i'm relating it to myself.

    1. Irritability
    5.Memory problems
    7.Loss of Appetite
    11.Muscle weakness
    12.Muscle cramps
    15.Difficulty swallowing
    16.Irregular or rapid heartbeat

    Bare in mind, this is base on what I already know due from health screening and also after going a psych test with my coach. Most of the time we don't realise we "may" be deficient cause getting magnesium naturally is difficult cause of foods beings processed, the soil conditions have changed in the last 50-60 years, and eating habits are the best.

    Anyway before i ramble on, best to watch the vlog :)

    Side note, I pay tribute to two amazing individuals in my vlog. They are amazing females who have transformed themselves and I can't be more proud when they stepped on to the @wbff_official stage. One to defend her title and another stepping on to the stage for the first time. So much love for @HattieBoydle and @SassyShazlee. Do find them and i hope they inspire you as much as me.

    Thank you for watching the vlog and please subscribe if you haven't already :*

    Speak to you next Monday!

