

在 defending產品中有562篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅看電影學英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, sth. goes on and on = 持續無止盡的發生 電影 The War With Grandpa, 2020 #阿公當家 精彩例句: **************************************** You were just defending what was yo...

 同時也有138部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅Miền Tây Vlogs,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Doc Rivers defending Ben Simmons' FT shooting: He did that. I had no issues with it."...

defending 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 05:12:53

回應法國戰狼 呢幾日法國對澳洲潛艇合約事件嘅言論同行動,可以話充滿外交戰狼嘅影子,基本上鬧晒英美澳。响召回澳洲同美國大使上面, 刻意唔召回英國大使嘅原因勁囉,法國歐盟事務部長Clement Beaune話因為英國係澳洲同美國嘅「初階盟友」("Junior Partner"),而外交部長就覺得係美澳...

defending 在 Nhu Xuan Hua Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 11:32:03

🤟 I LOVE YOU . Celebrating September’s Deaf Awarness Month and the International day of sign language 🧏🏻‍♀️🌿Meet activists bringing light on the sign...

  • defending 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 08:30:01
    有 7 人按讚

    sth. goes on and on = 持續無止盡的發生

    電影 The War With Grandpa, 2020 #阿公當家 精彩例句:
    You were just defending what was yours. Maybe this is how a war gets started and just goes on and on.

  • defending 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-21 01:35:22
    有 3,091 人按讚

    227 Land & #EnvironmentDefenders were killed in 2020, according to a new report from Global Witness, making 2020 the most dangerous year on record for people defending their homes, land and livelihoods, and ecosystems vital for biodiversity and the climate.

    The majority of these heroes were attacked defending the world’s forests—vital to curb the climate crisis—from deforestation and industrial development. Others died for their work protecting rivers, coastal areas and the oceans. More than one-third of the attacks were on Indigenous peoples.

    We must #DefendTheDefenders if we are going to effectively tackle the interconnected crises of climate, biodiversity loss and human health.

    Read the report: https://bit.ly/3nhX6Jj

  • defending 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 12:14:14
    有 653 人按讚


    呢幾日法國對澳洲潛艇合約事件嘅言論同行動,可以話充滿外交戰狼嘅影子,基本上鬧晒英美澳。响召回澳洲同美國大使上面, 刻意唔召回英國大使嘅原因勁囉,法國歐盟事務部長Clement Beaune話因為英國係澳洲同美國嘅「初階盟友」("Junior Partner"),而外交部長就覺得係美澳「士啤呔」("the fifth wheee")同「永恆嘅機會主義者」("permanent opportunism"),所以召回都費事,「睇你唔起呀」。

    澳洲總理又點呢?直情係欺騙、 侮辱同出賣("there has been duplicity, contempt and lies")

    當然唔少得嘅就係美國,見到拜登响澳洲總理同肥波面前一齊宣布嗰刻,就感受到信任被破壞("the breach of trust is profound")。


    "But freedoms need to be defended, so we are also building strong security ties around the world."

    "It shows our readiness to be hard-headed in defending our interests and challenging unfair practices and malign acts. It also shows our commitment to security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region."



    《The Telegraph》Global Britain is planting its flag on the world stage



  • defending 在 Miền Tây Vlogs Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-01 11:06:26

    Doc Rivers defending Ben Simmons' FT shooting: He did that. I had no issues with it."

  • defending 在 National Football News Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-26 03:39:02

    Speak For Yourself | Wiley "on-fire" Charles Barkley on defending champs: "Nobody's afraid of them"

  • defending 在 Hiếu Phương - Official Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-18 00:50:01

    Kurt Warner: Can Browns beat defending Super Bowl champion Mahomes & Chiefs?

