#2Crematogaster - Wikipedia
Crematogaster is an ecologically diverse genus of ants found worldwide, which are characterised by a distinctive heart-shaped gaster (abdomen), ...
#3Crematogaster - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Crematogaster ants (Myrmicinae) produce in their Dufour glands, and expose on their sting lance, a complex mixture of cross-conjugated polyenones (382), ...
#4Genus Crematogaster - Acrobat Ants - BugGuide.Net
Genus Crematogaster - Acrobat Ants ... workers and males 2.5-3.5mm, queens about twice as long. ... The unusual heart-shaped gaster (as viewed from above) and ...
#5Crematogaster bison - 臺灣物種名錄
同種異名:, Crematogaster dohrni fabricans · 異名明細. 文獻:, Lin, C. C., & Wu, W. J. (2003). The ant fauna of Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), ...
#6The Crematogaster (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae ...
Hymenoptera, Crematogaster, Costa Rica, Formicidae, key to species. Abstract. The taxonomy and natural history of the ant genus Crematogaster are reviewed ...
#7an acrobat ant - Crematogaster ashmeadi Emery
There are perhaps 10 species of Crematogaster in Florida, and Crematogaster ashmeadi is commonly found throughout the state (Deyrup, personal communication).
#8Genus: Crematogaster - AntWeb.org
Alarm posture in a Crematogaster emeryana acrobat ant, gaster held high and sting extruded. Crematogaster ants do not actually use their stinger to sting; ...
#9Ants of North America: A Guide to the Genera
... M. R. Smith Crematogaster ashmeadi Mayr Crematogaster atkinsoni Wheeler Crematogaster browni Buren Crematogaster californica Wheeler Crematogaster ...
#10ADW: Crematogaster cerasi: INFORMATION - Animal Diversity ...
Crematogaster cerasi, a species of acrobat ant, is native to the Nearctic region. It is found in southern Canada, throughout much of the United States, ...
#12Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico: Synoptic Catalog, ...
Crematogaster ( Crematogaster ) lineolata var . lutescens Emery ( syn . by W. F. Buren in unpubl . thesis ) . Crematogaster ( Crematogaster ) lineolata ...
#13ITIS - Report: Crematogaster - Integrated Taxonomic ...
Genus, Crematogaster Lund, 1831. Direct Children: Species, Crematogaster abdominalis Motschoulsky, 1863. Species, Crematogaster aberrans Forel, 1892.
#14Crematogaster | SpringerLink
Crematogaster is a widespread, global, and very species-rich ant genus within the largest subfamily of ants, the Myrmicinae.
#15The Control of Crematogaster Ants as a Means of controlling ...
The Control of Crematogaster Ants as a Means of controlling the Mealybugs transmitting the Swollen-shoot Virus Disease of Cacao in the Gold Coast - Volume ...
#16Revision of the Crematogaster ranavalonae-group in Asia ...
Crematogaster sikkimensis Forel, 1904 is raised to the species level, and the following new synonyms are established: C. aberrans Forel, 1892 = ...
#17Dispersal strategies in the highly polygynous ant ... - PLOS
Crematogaster pygmaea colonies have a reduced number of nests and queens during the dry season, but they swiftly expand during the rainy season ...
#18Crematogaster - AntCat
Crematogaster Lund, 1831a: 132 Type-species: Formica scutellaris (obsolete combination of Crematogaster scutellaris), by subsequent designation of Bingham, ...
#19The Natural History of the Arboreal Ant, Crematogaster ... - NCBI
由 WR Tschinkel 著作 · 2002 · 被引用 58 次 — The arboreal ant, Crematogaster ashmeadi Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), is the most dominant arboreal ant in the pine forests of the coastal plain of ...
#20Dispersal strategies in the highly polygynous ant ...
Article dans une revue. Dispersal strategies in the highly polygynous ant Crematogaster (Orthocrema) pygmaea Forel (Formicidae: Myrmicinae).
#21Multicoloniality in the highly polygynous ant Crematogaster ...
Multicoloniality in the highly polygynous ant Crematogaster pygmaea (Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Rachid HAMIDI 1, Gabriel DEBOUT 2, Ana HEREDIA 3, Denis FOURNIER 4 ...
#22Crematogaster - UTEP
Genus Crematogaster rule. These aaare acrobatic ants, so named as living specimens wave their gasters above their bodies, ready to dab noxious chemicals on ...
#23Crematogaster | Harvard Forest
Crematogaster . 1a. Many short hairs on thorax (8-20 on dorsal surface of mesosoma) and scattered elsewhere ...
#24A New Subspecies of Crematogaster Minutissima With ...
A New Subspecies of Crematogaster Minutissima With Revisionary Notes Concerning That Species. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). William S. Creighton 1. 1 College of the ...
#25Crematogaster sp - JCU Australia
Crematogaster sp. Common name. Acrobat ants, Cocktail ants. Main colour. Black. Size. 2-4 mm long. Campus. Cairns, Townsville ...
#26First Record of the Ant Genus Crematogaster (Hymenoptera
Males of all extant Crematogaster species have 11- or 12-segmented antennae with very short scape that is not longer than two basal funicular ...
#27Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Crematogaster cerasi - BioKIDS
Crematogaster cerasi. What do they look like? Among acrobat ants, workers are usually 2.6 to 4.0 mm long and queens are 7.0 to 8.0 ...
#28Acrobat Ant, Crematogaster sp. - Urban and Structural ...
Acrobat ants, Crematogaster spp. are distributed throughout the United States. They range from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic seaboard. In the Rocky ...
#29A Review of the Species of Crematogaster, Sensu Stricto, in ...
Article: A Review of the Species of Crematogaster, Sensu Stricto, in North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Part I. Report an error.
#30Formicidae) Associated with the Webs of the Social S - jstor
Interference Competition and Scavenging by Crematogaster Ants ... abstract: Crematogaster cf. victima is a common inhabitant in the sheet web nests of.
#31Crematogaster scutellaria - Eliminate - Remove - Eradicate
Crematogaster scutellaria. SPECIES: Crematogaster scutellaris (order Hymenoptera). COMMON NAME: Red-headed ant. SIZE: ...
#32Crematogaster scutellaris - GBIF
Crematogaster scutellaris. 在: Collingwood, C. A. (1979): The Formicidae (Hymenoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 8: 1-174 ...
#33Taxonomic review of the crematogaster ransonneti-group in ...
keris, new species; and C. ransonneti Mayr, 1868. The species group is distinguished among Asian Crematogaster species by developed propodeal spines and a ...
#34Crematogaster species
Crematogaster species (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE). Crematogaster lineolata. (Further information on this family) · (Photo Album)
#35Key to Crematogaster species in or possible in the ...
2(1), Gaster covered with somewhat dense erect setae; erect setae on alitrunk dorsum short and flattened; color yellow or sometimes bicolored; sculpture on ...
#36Crematogaster scutellaris - CABI.org
Preferred Scientific Name; Crematogaster scutellaris. Taxonomic Tree; Domain: Eukaryota; Kingdom: Metazoa; Phylum: Arthropoda; Subphylum: Uniramia ...
#37A check list of the ant genus <I>Crematogaster</I> in Asia ...
Brown, W. L. Jr. 1949. Notes on Chinese ants. 1. Crematogaster Lund. Mushi 20: 37-38. Chapman, J. W. & Capco, C. R. 1951.
#38Crematogaster care guide (how to keep ... - YouTube
Crematogaster care guide (how to keep crematogaster ants as pets). 4,664 views4.6K views. Jun 7, 2020. 196. Dislike. Share. Save.
#39Crematogaster - Alex Wild Photography
is an abundant, ecologically diverse myrmicine genus found worldwide. These ants- sometimes called "Acrobat Ants"- are easily recognized by their unusual heart- ...
#40Cocktail ants (Crematogaster sp.) - Department of Agriculture ...
Native ants of the genus Crematogaster (Crematogaster sp.) are harmless ants and it is rare to see them indoors. These ants are commonly known as cocktail ...
#41Taxonomy in the phylogenomic era: species boundaries and ...
Abstract. We investigate the species-level taxonomy and evolutionary history of Nearctic ants in the Crematogaster scutellaris group ...
#42Venom Constituents of Three Species of Crematogaster Ants ...
When workers of Crematogaster ants are immobilized with tweezers, a droplet of ... of three Crematogaster species from Papua New Guinea.
#43Formicidae: Crematogaster erecta - John T. Longino
Crematogaster moelleri also has flexuous setae on the mesosoma, but on moelleri all the setae on the mesosomal dorsum are long and flexuous, ...
#44Taxonomic review of the Crematogaster ransonneti-group in ...
The Crematogaster ransonneti-group is revised and three species are recognised, ... The ant genus Crematogaster is a hyperdiverse group.
#45Morphological study of the Stridulatory Organ in two species of ...
The stridulatory organ of the Crematogaster scutellaris (Olivier 1792) workers is being described, comparing their pars stridens present in six nests of ...
#46Crematogaster scutellaris group of species - DergiPark
The synonymy, distribution, number of collected specimens and the collector are given for each species. Morphology of genitalia of Crematogaster gordani Karaman ...
#47Antibacterial properties of contact defensive secretions in ...
Crematogaster ants use their contact venoms to compete with other ants. ... of abdominal venom of three neotropical Crematogaster ant species (C. distans, ...
#48Crematogaster - Wikispecies
Vernacular namesEdit. 日本語: シリアゲアリ属. For more multimedia, look at Category:Crematogaster on Wikimedia Commons.
#49Crematogaster curvispinosa - Charles Darwin Foundation
Galapagos Species List - Crematogaster curvispinosa Mayr, 1862. ... Crematogaster. Species curvispinosa. Taxon category: Accepted. Taxon origin: Native ...
#50A subgeneric revision of Crematogaster and discussion of ...
Hymenoptera Crematogaster ants Orthocrema infrageneric classification subgenera species-groups taxonomy Myrmicinae.
#51Crematogaster nigriceps - Mindat.org
Crematogaster nigriceps ; family, Formicidae, Latreille 1802 ; subfamily, Myrmicinae, Lepeletier 1835 ; tribe, Crematogastrini, Forel 1893 ; genus, Crematogaster ...
#52Pheromones and Semiochemicals of Crematogaster scutellaris
Phylum: Arthropoda. Subphylum: Uniramia. Class: Insecta. Order: Hymenoptera. Family: Formicidae. Subfamily: Myrmicinae. Genus: Crematogaster.
#53Crematogaster crinosa Mayr, 1862-Présentation - INPN
Présentation de Crematogaster crinosa : noms scientifiques et vernaculaires, statut de protection (listes rouges, réglementations), statut biologique en ...
#54Two videos of acrobat ants (Crematogaster sp.) preying on ...
The videos of ant (Crematogaster sp.) predation on giant applesnail (Pomacea maculata) egg masses were taken on September 24 of 2018 at the ...
#55Crematogaster | Atlas of Living Australia
Browse the list of datasets and find organisations you can join if you are interested in participating in a survey for species of Crematogaster Lund, 1831.
#56Ameisenshop - Ameisen kaufen - Crematogaster scutellaris
Description: Crematogaster scutellaris is a small ant from southerneurope which builds papernests like wasps. In southern europe they are a mainpredator of the ...
#57Trans-generational immunization in the acrobat ant ... - Journals
By using the host–parasite system of the ant Crematogaster scutellaris and the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, we describe this ...
#58Crematoenones – a novel substance class exhibited by ants ...
Crematenones enable Crematogaster to evade Camponotus aggression, ... The two parabiotic ant species, Crematogaster modiglianii (left) and ...
#59Crematogaster ants - Flickr
Crematogaster scutellaris (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) Might be the most common ant species in Croatia, I saw them everywhere: on trees, plants, rocks, ...
#60Crematogaster scutellaris - AntSatan
A species that grows rapidly under appropriate conditions. In case of danger, they raise the abdomen and secrete highly fragrant defensive secretions.
#61Crematogaster - Banco de fotos e imágenes de stock - iStock
Busca entre las 79 fotos de stock e imágenes libres de derechos sobre Crematogaster de iStock. Encuentra fotos de stock de gran calidad que no podrás ...
#62Salida de alados de hormiga del alcornoque ( ...
C. Pradera, Barcelona, 13-10-2017 La salida de alados de la hormiga del alcornoque (Crematogaster scutellaris) ocurre entre agosto y octubre ...
#63Ficha de cría Crematogaster scutellaris - Hormigueando
Colonia Crematogaster scutellaris · Se trata de una hormiga muy característica, con su cabeza roja y su abdomen en forma de pica o corazón. · Viven generalmente ...
As formigas acrobatas adquirem alimento em grande parte por meio da predação de outros insetos, como as vespas . ... Eles usam veneno para atordoar suas presas e ...
#65Crematogaster quadriformis - EcoRegistros
Crematogaster quadriformis. Familia: Formicidae Orden: Hymenoptera Clase: Insecta Filo / División: Arthropoda Reino: Animalia Solicitar cambio ...
#66Crematogaster พฤติกรรมการล่าและที่อยู่อาศัย
Crematogaster เป็นความหลากหลายทางระบบนิเวศประเภทของมดที่พบทั่วโลกซึ่งมีลักษณะที่โดดเด่นรูปหัวใจ Gaster (ช่องท้อง) ...
#67Caught a Crematogaster queen
All right so I caught a Crematogaster queen. and i really want to Learn about them. could use some tips any will help
#68A Crematogaster scutellaris worker biting my finger - Reddit
Where do you live sir? I own a small crematogaster sp colony and my workers look exactly like that.
#69Ficha de Cría de Crematogaster scutellaris
Ficha Crematogaster scutellaris ... Se trata de una hormiga muy característica, con su cabeza roja y su abdomen en forma de pica o corazón. Recibe coloquialmente ...
#70Güney Avrupa - Crematogaster Scutellaris - Karınca Dünyası
Latince İsim : Crematogaster Scutellaris Zorluk Seviyesi : 2 (Orta Seviye) Bulunduğu Bölgeler : Güney Avrupa, Kuzey Afrika Yaşam Alanı ...
#71Crematogaster: Keep your Head Up High - Antemonium
This is a video of a Crematogaster cerasi colony feeding on a dead mealworm pupa. This type of ant has a tendency to hold there butt ...
#72Ant-plant interactions in Australia - 第 128 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Species of Camponotus, Azteca and Crematogaster are the main ants concerned. Gardens often contain more than one ant species, the 'parabiosis' of Forel ...
#73Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the ...
Crematogaster inflatus , worker . 2. Wing of Crematogaster castaneus , f 3. Wing of Crematogaster scutellaris , 4. Labial palpus of Crematogaster sordidulus ...
#74Ender Ants - Crematogaster vs Caprisun | Facebook
Have you ever pet a queen ant? November 15, 2020 at 12:01 PM · 1.6K Views.
El próximo link corresponde a la guía de cuidados de la especie Crematogaster scutellaris, espero sea de ayuda y les facilite la experiencia ...
#76Cómo Criar Hormigas Crematogaster scutellaris
Crematogaster scutellaris se trata de una hormiga muy característica, con su cabeza roja y su abdomen en forma de pica o corazón.
#77The Guests of Ants: How Myrmecophiles Interact with Their Hosts
meres to grasp the terminal antennomeres of the smaller Crematogaster worker, which responds by standing still and crouching down.
#78Technical Bulletin - 第 11 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Crematogaster ashmeаdi Mayr ( p . 28 ) . All characters not as described above --- 9. Hairs coarse , bristlelike , rather numerous , and well distributed on ...
#79catalogue of hymenopterous insects - 第 137 頁 - Google 圖書結果
CREMATOGASTER DIFFORMIS . B.M. Worker . Length 24 lines . — Black : the head twice as wide as e thorax ; the tips of the mandibles and the apical joints of ...
#80The Annals and Magazine of Natural History
Abdomen short - oval , broader than the head . Legs testaceous " ; femora mostly piceous . Length of the body line . CREMATOGASTER PELLENS .
#81Black Cocktail Ant (Crematogaster peringueyi) - iNaturalist
Crematogaster peringueyi is a southern African arboreal species of ant. They are commonly known as the black cocktail ant or swartwipgatmier (Afrikaans) for ...
#82#antslove - Twitter Search / Twitter
I realized the only Species: Crematogaster cf. Cerasi which I have no idea of what they are #AntsLove #AntsCanadaEmpire (ACE) please someone tell me what ...
#83Голова крепче двери - Зоология - Элементы большой науки
Зеркальный муравей (Cephalotes specularis) с блестящим брюшком сливается с колониями Crematogaster ampla и, уклоняясь от хозяев, ...
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crematogaster 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文