#1Aphaenogaster - AntWiki
2022年2月19日 — They are carnivorous, and collect dead insects, as well as tend Homoptera or collect nectar. Colonies are moderately large to very large. This ...
#2Aphaenogaster - Wikipedia
Aphaenogaster is a genus of myrmicine ants. About 200 species have been described, including 18 fossil species. ... They occur worldwide except in South America ...
#3Aphaenogaster fulva Roger - Mississippi Entomological ...
Ants in the genus Aphaenogaster are medium sized to large, slender with long legs and antennae, usually have propodeal spines (a few species lack spines), have ...
#4Aphaenogaster - Mindat.org
Aphaenogaster is a genus of myrmicine ants. About 200 species have been described, including 18 fossil species. They occur worldwide except in South America ...
#5ITIS - Report: Aphaenogaster - Integrated Taxonomic ...
Species, Aphaenogaster belti Forel, 1895 ; Species, Aphaenogaster boulderensis Smith, 1941 ; Species, Aphaenogaster burri (Donisthorpe, 1950) ; Species ...
#6(PDF) Review of the Aphaenogaster splendida Species-Group ...
Aphaenogaster schmitzi Forel, 1910 is recognized as a senior synonym of Aphaenogaster schmitzi syria Forel, 1910 syn. nov. and Aphaenogaster ovaticeps Emery, ...
#7Taxonomy browser (Aphaenogaster ashmeadi) - NCBI
Aphaenogaster ashmeadi. Taxonomy ID: 602585 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid602585). current name. Aphaenogaster ashmeadi (Emery, 1895).
#8Aphaenogaster - AntCat
Family: Formicidae. Genus: Aphaenogaster Mayr, 1853. Status: valid.
#9Aphaenogaster fulva Roger, 1863 - GBIF
Aphaenogaster fulva. 83. Aphoenogaster fulva nov. sp. Aph. splendida sehr aehnlich, aber ausser der Faerbung und Skulptur hauptsaechlich durch laengere ...
#10Species: Aphaenogaster occidentalis - AntWeb.org
Taxonomic History (provided by Barry Bolton, 2022). Stenamma (Aphaenogaster) subterraneum subsp. occidentale Emery, 1895d PDF: 301 (w.) U.S.A. (Washington).
#11ADW: Aphaenogaster: CLASSIFICATION - Animal Diversity Web
SpeciesAphaenogaster albisetosa. SpeciesAphaenogaster annandalei. SpeciesAphaenogaster araneoides. SpeciesAphaenogaster ashmeadi.
#12A revision of the Aphaenogaster phalangium complex ...
由 JT Longino 著作 · 2004 · 被引用 9 次 — Hymenoptera, Aphaenogaster phalangium, Aphaenogaster araneoides, Formicidae ... The Aphaenogaster phalangium complex is a lineage of rainforest ants endemic ...
#13Revision of the European ants of the Aphaenogaster ... - Brill
Furthermore, a redescription is given for all European species of the Aphaenogaster testaceopilosa-group. The genus Aphaenogaster now includes ...
#14Aphaenogaster - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
(R)-1-Phenylethanol (Ar25) is the trail pheromone of Aphaenogaster cockerelli. 202 ... For ants of the myrmicine genus Aphaenogaster that contain anabaseine, ...
#15Aphaenogaster uinta - Navajo Nature
A Great Basin and Colorado Plateau species that favors arid areas. It can be found in cool desert, pinyon-juniper and coniferous forest habitats. Aphaenogaster ...
#16Three new species of ants (genus Aphaenogaster, Hymenoptera
are described from Turkey and their taxonomic positions are discussed. Aphaenogaster aktaci sp. n. belongs to the obsidiana group, A. maculifrons sp. n. to ...
#17<i>Aphaenogaster araneoides</i> Emery 1890 - John T ...
Aphaenogaster araneoides Emery 1890 ... Dorsal and usually lateral faces of femora with fully appressed setae; mesepisternum usually completely lacking erect ...
#18Aphaenogaster - Explore the Science & Experts | ideXlab
In the thermophilic ant Aphaenogaster iberica, two key behaviours regulate nest temperature: seasonal nest relocation and variable nest depth.
#19The Ant Aphaenogaster Gatesi Transferred to Pheidole
73, Article ID 016540, 1 page, 1966. https://doi.org/10.1155/1966/16540. Show citation. The Ant Aphaenogaster Gatesi Transferred to Pheidole. W. L. Brown 1.
#20Mycophagy By Aphaenogaster Spp (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Title. Mycophagy By Aphaenogaster Spp (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) ; Type. Article ; Date of Publication. 1981 ; Original Publication. Proceedings of the ...
#21Aphaenogaster species
Aphaenogaster species. Aphaenogaster rudis? Aphaenogaster tennesseenis? (Further information on this family) · (Photo Album)
Aphaenogaster (Myrmicinae: Aphaenogaster Mayr). Images: Click on the thumbnails for a full screen image. Side and front views of worker. Size:.
#23Genus Aphaenogaster - Spine-waisted Ants - BugGuide.Net
An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
#24A multiple‐gene phylogeny reveals polyphyly among eastern ...
Twenty-three Aphaenogaster species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) occur in North America. While morphology and ecology define most species, ...
#25Population Study of the Ant Aphaenogaster Fulva Ssp. Aquia ...
emeryana Forel (Talbot, 1945). The paper deals with Aphaenogaster fulva ssp. aquia Buckley, a myrmicine ant which is rather widely distributed in the ...
#26The New World Gypsy Ants Of The Genera Aphaenogaster ...
Aphaenogaster and Novomessor are similar genera of common soil and log nesting ants in North America, extending from Canada to northern South America.
#27TaiBNET - 臺灣物種名錄
Phylum Arthropoda 節肢動物門. Class Insecta 昆蟲綱. Order Hymenoptera 膜翅目. Family Formicidae 蟻科. Genus Aphaenogaster 長腳家蟻屬. Aphaenogaster wangtian ...
#28Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy Aphaenogaster ... - PeerJ
Continuing ongoing efforts to inventory the. Malagasy ant fauna, we revise the species currently placed in the myrmicine genus. Aphaenogaster ...
#29Aphaenogaster treatae | NatureServe Explorer
Aphaenogaster treatae Forel, 1886. Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Arthropoda. Class: Insecta. Order: Hymenoptera. Family: Formicidae.
#30Aphaenogaster | Harvard Forest
Aphaenogaster ; 1a. Altitrunk and gaster lacking in long erect hairs on dorsum; gena lacking erect hairs; postpetiole broader than long (viewed from above); ...
#31Formicidae) and the nymphs of Reptalus panzeri (Hemiptera: C
Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Aphaenogaster subterranea, Hemiptera, Cixiidae, Reptalus panzeri, ant-hemipteran association, insect-insect relationship, ...
#32Aphaenogaster Ant Nests - Digital CSIC
Social insect nests provide a safe and favourable shelter to many guests and parasites. In Aphaenogaster senilis nests many guests are tolerated.
#33Review of the Aphaenogaster splendida Species ... - BioOne
Aphaenogaster schmitzi and A. transcaucasica well differ in the anterior part of mesonotum not elevated or placed only slightly higher than pronotum, thus the ...
#34Recruitment pheromones in the ants Aphaenogaster ...
The poison gland secretions of Aphaenogaster cockerelli contains a mixture of (R)-1-phenylethanol (87.8%) and (S)-4-methyl-3-heptanone (10.4%). Synthetic (R)-1- ...
#35Larval memory affects adult nest-mate recognition in the ant ...
Aphaenogaster senilis is a monogynous Myrmicinae ant distributed in the northern Mediterranean area. Nine mature queenright colonies were ...
#36Ameisen kaufen - Aphaenogaster longiceps - Antstore
Aphaenogaster longiceps ; Description: These are one of the most common ants in the eastpart of australia. They can be found in open forest and urbanareas.In ...
#37Pheromones and Semiochemicals of Aphaenogaster rudis
Phylum: Arthropoda. Subphylum: Uniramia. Class: Insecta. Order: Hymenoptera. Family: Formicidae. Subfamily: Myrmicinae. Genus: Aphaenogaster.
#38Review of the Aphaenogaster splendida Species ... - PubAg
nov. is raised to the species rank. Aphaenogaster schmitziForel, 1910 is recognized as a senior synonym of Aphaenogaster schmitzi syriaForel, 1910syn. nov. and ...
#39Aphaenogaster gamagumayaa sp. nov.: the first troglobiotic ...
Aphaenogaster gamagumayaa sp. nov.: the first troglobiotic ant from Japan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) · Abstract · References.
#40Aphaenogaster illyrica, a new species from the mountains of ...
Aphaenogaster illyrica sp. nov., a member of the A. subterranea species group, is described from Dinaric Alps of Slovenia and Croatia, ...
#41Aphaenogaster senilis - Museu Virtual Biodiversidade
Aphaenogaster senilis. Mayr, 1853. Formiga. Estatuto de Conservação: NE - Não Avaliado. Saber mais. Trata-se de uma espécie monogínica e monomórfica, ...
#42Tool use by the forest ant Aphaenogaster rudis - SpringerLink
Our results provide evidence that the debris dropping behavior of Aphaenogaster rudis deserves to be labeled as foraging tool use; A. rudis ants ...
#43Aphaenogaster finzii Müller, 1921, a trans-Ionian species new ...
Author(s): Schifani, Enrico; Alicata, Antonio | Abstract: The first data on the presence of the ant Aphaenogaster finzii Müller, 1921 in Italy are presented ...
#44The Progressive Increase in the Geotropic Response of the ...
Les ouvreuses parmi les fourmis Aphaenogaster fulva montrent une croissance progressive dans l'itendue de leur réponse géotropique sur une surface plane.
#45Phylogeny of the ant genus Aphaenogaster (Hymenoptera
Abstract. A phylogenetic tree of the Iberian Aphaenogaster species - except for A. splendida (Roger) - and a key to the worker caste of all ...
#46Aphaenogaster - Wikiwand
Aphaenogaster is a genus of myrmicine ants. About 200 species have been described, including 18 fossil species.[1] They occur worldwide except in South ...
#47Extended Demonstration Tracking Many Ants (Aphaenogaster ...
Extended Demonstration Tracking Many Ants ( Aphaenogaster Cockerelli). 11,633 views11K views. Aug 16, 2012.
#48Category:Aphaenogaster - Wikimedia Commons
Category:Aphaenogaster · 中文(中国大陆) : 盘腹蚁属 · English : Spine-waisted Ants · asturianu : Aphaenogaster · فارسی : مورچههای قیفساز ...
#49The substrate vibration generating behavior of Aphaenogaster ...
Aphaenogaster carolinensis Wheeler produces substrate vibrations by striking a substrate with its mandible and dragging its mandible across the surface.
#50Aphaenogaster occidentalis (Western Collared Ant)
This species, Aphaenogaster occidentalis, has an elegant gait and a tendency to start colonies in groups of 3-5 queens. Unlike many ants, those queens stay ...
#51Aphaenogaster senilis - CABI.org
Preferred Scientific Name; Aphaenogaster senilis. Taxonomic Tree; Domain: Eukaryota; Kingdom: Metazoa; Phylum: Arthropoda; Subphylum: Uniramia ...
#52Aphaenogaster - Alex Wild Photography
Aphaenogaster is a heterogeneous assemblage of slender myrmicine ants found worldwide. A number of species are seed harvesters, while other species, ...
#53Aphaenogaster longiceps | AntsDavey
About Aphaenogaster longiceps Australian Species- Funnel AntTemperature: Nest 21- 26°C Outworld 18- 30°CHumidity: Nest 30- 50% Outworld 40- 60%Hibernation: ...
#54Search: aphaenogaster - Encyclopedia of Life
Spine-waisted Ants (Aphaenogaster) · Aphaenogaster crocea crocea Andre 1881 · Aphaenogaster gibbosa gibbosa (Latreille 1798) · Aphaenogaster pallida leveillei ...
#55Aphaenogaster fulva supercolony? - General - Formiculture.com
Aphaenogaster rudis-group are notorious for having infertile dealates in their colony that act as workers. This is not about that.
#56Aphaenogaster gibbosa | AntCheck.info
Aphaenogaster gibbosa for sale. List of all antshops selling this ant species.
#57Aphaenogaster geel - HappyForest for sale
Ant colony Aphaenogaster geel for sale. Ship internationlly and Live arrival guarantee.
#58Migración colonial de Aphaenogaster senilis (Formicidae ...
Aphaenogaster senilis es una especie de hormiga común donde vivo [1]. Las obreras son fácilmente reconocibles. Son monomórficas de entre 6 a ...
#59AntsDavey - Aphaenogaster longiceps, an Australian funnel...
Aphaenogaster longiceps, an Australian funnel ant. In the wild, They're known to trap the entrances to their nests to catch prey easily and ...
#60Aphaenogaster sp. - The AntsCanada Ant Forum's
You can skip ahead to Aphaenogaster picea, Aphaenogaster rudis, and Aphaenogaster fulva, as I believe these are your only possibilities for dark ...
#61Identification Aphaenogaster dulcineae
Aphaenogaster dulcineae. ouvrière Aphaenogaster dulcinaea. Link to video owner's profile · Aphaenogaster dulcineae. from FOURMIS TV. LIVE. 0. 00:00. 02:05.
#62Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico: Synoptic Catalog, ...
Aphaenogaster ( Attomyrma ) fulva rudis Emery . A subsp . of rudis , not of fulva ( teste Creighton , 1950. Harvard Univ . , Mus . Compar . Zool . Bul .
#63Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico: Synoptic Catalog, ...
Aphaenogaster ( Attomyrma ) fulva rudis Emery . A subsp . of rudis , not of fulva ( teste Creighton , 1950. Harvard Univ . , Mus . Compar . Zool . Bul .
#64Ants of Florida: Identification and Natural History
... 123 Apalachicola River, 186 Aphaenogaster ashmeadi (Ashmead's long-legged ants), 45–46 author, 45 checklist, 229 distribution, 45, 351 name derivation, ...
#65Asya - Aphaenogaster Beccari | Karınca Dünyası Forum
Latince İsim: Aphaenogaster Beccari Türkçe İsim: - Zorluk Seviyesi: (1) İklim ve kaçış önleme için daha yüksek gereksinimler göstermek ...
#66Ficha De cria de Aphaenogaster gibbosa. - LaMarabunta.org
Familia, Género y Especie: Myrmicinae, Aphaenogaster, Aphaenogaster gibbosa. Habitat: Zonas boscosas de pinos. Vuelo nupcial: Finales de junio, ...
#67Formicidae Checklist: Ants - Macro Photography by Nicky Bay
Belize: Acromyrmex sp. Genus: Aphaenogaster Mayr, 1853.
#68Dædalus - 第 52 卷 - 第 516 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Aphaenogaster subterranea subsp . valida Wheeler . Recently described from Cheyenne Canyon , near Colorado Springs . 57. Aphaenogaster subterranea subsp ...
#69Ficha de cría de Aphaenogaster senilis - ForoHormigas
Las Aphaenogaster senilis, siendo estrictamente monogínicas, producen nuevas colonias a través del proceso de gemación o fisión, muy diferente a ...
#70Kritisches Verzeichniss der Myrmekophilen und Termitophilen ...
1 ) Bei Aphaenogaster structor Ltr . Mittel- und Südeuropa , Westasien ( Margelan ) - Rouget 1 ; Xambeu 1 ; 3 ; Bedel ! ( bei Paris , teste Bedel ) .
#71Congruent responses of vascular plant and ant communities ...
Species commonly found under the trees or in shaded habitats of stage 3, such as Aphaenogaster ichnusa and Myrmecina graminicola, were shared ...
#726e9o - buttschaft
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aphaenogaster fulva, queen ant with 50+ workers and eggs at the best ...
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