

在 creditor產品中有21篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, "Pastor Prince, no one has revealed to me the ever-loving heart of the Father as you have. Through your sermons and books, I have come to know that Go...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過401萬的網紅ดอยแม่สลอง สื่อสังคมออนไลน์,也在其Youtube影片中提到,People who don't keep their words about money and time, they will lose their respect forever.คนที่ไม่รักษาคำพูดเรื่องเงินเรื่องเวลา คนคนนั้นจะหมดความน...

creditor 在 Joseph Prince Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 18:00:36

"Pastor Prince, no one has revealed to me the ever-loving heart of the Father as you have. Through your sermons and books, I have come to know that Go...

  • creditor 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-16 18:00:51
    有 3,110 人按讚

    "Pastor Prince, no one has revealed to me the ever-loving heart of the Father as you have. Through your sermons and books, I have come to know that God’s heart toward me is ever flowing with unconditional love because of the finished work of His Son and nothing can change that.

    You don’t know how happy I am that every time I see the Father, I see nothing but His heart full of love for me. Every time I come into His presence, I see His loving arms open wide to give me a warm embrace.

    Your teachings of Jesus have made me realize that He is the standard for living—not me or anyone else—and this is a huge blessing to me. I have also come to realize that He is with me always and I can see His presence manifest in every area of my life. By beholding Him, I’m being transformed into His image from glory to glory.

    Sometime last year, I took a loan for my business. When the time for settlement came, I had been listening to a message you preached in 2005 titled, God Has Cleansed You, Now Pronounce Yourself Cleansed! Though it was about healing, you mentioned that we can apply the same principle in every area of our lives. So I kept saying, “I pronounce my debt paid by the blood of Jesus Christ.”

    Subsequently, my creditor informed me that the loan was a gift to support my business. This happened only as a result of God’s unmerited favor because my creditor and I had a written agreement that clearly states that all payments should be made within a year. Praise the Lord for His grace!

    Thank you so much, Pastor Prince. The Lord bless you and yours always."

    Tracy Alale | Nigeria, West Africa

    Beloved, what God has done for others, He wants to do for you as well. As you read this story, I pray that it builds up your faith with the confident expectation of good for your future. Be encouraged because your breakthrough is next!

    Visit JosephPrince.com/stories to read more stories like this. #JosephPrince #JosephPrinceStories #StoriesOfVictory

  • creditor 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-26 19:46:10
    有 1,071 人按讚


    I have to head out this morning to meet a client about a creditor dispute, but I also have to follow up on a consultation from last week by noon... Alright, time to get to work!


  • creditor 在 英國簡約生活 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-30 15:18:00
    有 8 人按讚

    今日英國生活篇將會解最基本嘅消費者權利。 在英國做生意非常難做, 因為顧客可 很多原因下追回貨品。 顧客約有14天有任何不滿, 可以退回商品或合約, 稱為cooldown period。 網購更可在28天內 因為 任何原因退回, 因為顧客不能測試實體貨品。 很多公司甚至在聖誕期間, 加長貨品退回的時限。 所以建議讀者們, 不可不好意思地退回不需要的貨品或合約。 在疫情期間, 很多公司倒閉了 或者面臨破產。 若要退回貨品, 或擁有gift card ,顧客們不願意地變易creditor, 因為很多時候這些貨商店不願意兌換gift卡。 所以建議 讀者們不要大量購下gift card, 和盡快使用他們。 如果想多一重保障, 買超過100鎊的東西時用英國的信用卡。 因為英國 有個法律俗稱Section 75, 規定 英國 的信用卡 需要賠償 如果幫襯的公司不能兌現服務。 在 疫情期間, 購買服務員旅遊, 機票 等一些大額交易, 筆者建議用英國的信用卡來支付。 請繼續多多支持本專頁, 下一專輯再見


