

在 courteously產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,957的網紅Carpe Diem- Food, Lifestyle & Travel Page,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🍽 Earnest and hearty food served is generous portion - most importantly it's toothsomely yummy! 🥘 SIGNATURE FRIED CHICKEN WITH JAPANESE CURRY 💋 👍🏻...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,贈衛八處士 To My Retired Friend Wei 五言古詩 中文原文﹕ 人生不相見,動如參與商, 今夕復何夕?共此燈燭光。 少壯能幾時?鬢髮各已蒼。 訪舊半為鬼,驚呼熱中腸。 焉知二十載,重上君子堂。 昔別君未婚,兒女忽成行; 怡然敬父執,問我來何方。 問答乃未已,兒女羅酒漿。 夜雨剪...

  • courteously 在 Carpe Diem- Food, Lifestyle & Travel Page Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-08 11:27:26
    有 5 人按讚

    🍽 Earnest and hearty food served is generous portion - most importantly it's toothsomely yummy!


    👍🏻 But that's not only about it.
    What amazed me most is actually their effort in abiding to SOP stringently by following the nationwide imposed policies per se and implementing them within the premise- so to ensure everyone's safety. They would remind you courteously the moment you're seated, given the plastic bag for your mask and seek your understanding humbly.

    🕊 Thankfully, most of the crowds were seen considerately cooperating (lots of people still queuing outside), lessen unnecessary chat (else speak SOFTLY or adjourned to other venue thereafter), OR eat and then go.

    💪 Hope can see more such adhering and responsible business owner on top of society as a whole, be more civicly sensible in doing their own part. Though their premise might be tad humble BUT their genuine way of doing business while ensuring everyone's safety is very much laudable- could easily put some bigger F&B corp to envy (shame).

    🙏 Let's together do our own part in curbing the covid spread and always be mindful.


  • courteously 在 馮智政 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-10-12 21:21:17
    有 3 人按讚

    //It is important to emphasise that I do not in any way blame the immigration officers who “looked after” me during this time. They were just doing their job and, in the circumstances, they treated me as kindly and courteously as possible. Their manner was polite and friendly, they offered me water, they smiled. Indeed, I had the impression that they really did not want to be doing this, but that they were operating according to orders from above, beyond their control.

    As I waited to board I turned gently to the officer standing with me. I smiled, and I thanked him for looking after me well. “Is one country, two systems dead now?”, I asked. “One country, one system, right?” He looked with a hint of tears in his eyes, pleadingly. “Sir please, I am just doing my job. I cannot comment. Thank you for your cooperation”. I reassured him that I knew he was only doing his job, and that I did not blame him.

    A little later, as we shook hands at the entrance to the plane, I said to him: “This is a very sad day for Hong Kong. It’s sad for me, that I am unable to visit my friends in Hong Kong, but it’s particularly sad for Hong Kong, that a private citizen who has committed no crime is refused entry.” He nodded, again with a hint of tears. “I understand. It is sad,” he said. My final word to him was this: “I hope things will change for the better”.

  • courteously 在 VOP Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-02-17 14:43:51
    有 57 人按讚


    [VOP#9] 只剩十本 !

    最後入手機會 / Last chance to buy :

    謝謝大家 !

    Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
    Issue 9 : 身體與性 Bodies and Sex


    在這期的《攝影之聲》中,任航以赤裸的軀體作詩,攪動日常的情慾之泉;平川典俊逼視身體感官,揭開被忽略的性別意識 ; Barbara DeGenevieve挑起肉體與慾望的權力問題,遊走禁忌的邊界 ; Stefano De Luigi深入成人影片拍攝現場,直擊色情王國的幻相世界。另外,獨立攝影書庫單元也專訪新銳藝術家Jess Dugan,探討酷兒影像與身份認同,以及她的個人出版經驗。本期的Artist’s Showcase,則翻開台灣中生代攝影家陳敬寶的個人創作筆記,自摸索攝影談起,到製作《檳榔西施》、《迴返計劃》等廣受矚目的系列作品,陳敬寶與我們大方分享創作者不為人知的思路轉折。

    從這期開始,《攝影之聲》將隨刊發行一份新的獨立小刊——《SHOUT》! 《SHOUT》是一份向影像喊叫、沒有型態定義、沒有思想束縛、前方路線仍屬未知數的不定型免費刊物。首期登載影像創作者申佩玉的《天之川》,銀河奔放的女體與電光石火間,是攝影的神秘主義與實驗迷幻。

    The underlying moral rules and obligations in societies with regards to taboos in bodies and sex limit our vision, training us to shift our eyes “courteously" away from them; the natural state of bodies and sex are also interpreted in a morally negative way — coining the term “exposed" to nudity rather than normalizing wearing of clothes as “covering”, therefore associating nudity and desires as obscene. The artists and the VOP team try to question this sensitive cultural issue by re-examining it through images, in the hopes to reintroduce our rights in freedom of vision.

    In this issue of VOP, Ren Hang constructs poems with nude bodies, stirring the pool of desires in common daily lives; Barbara DeGenevieve raised the issue of power between the flesh and people’s desires, threading on the thin boundaries between taboos and the marginally acceptable; Stefano De Luigi exposes the illusions of pornography by dwelling deep into the shooting scenes of ault films. We also interviewed the up-and-coming artist Jess Dugan in Indie Photobook Library, in exploration of queer images and gender identities, as well as her own experiences in publishing. In the Artist’s Showcase, we introduced Taiwanese photographer Chen Chin-Pao’s personal field notes right from when he started his self-taught journey in photography to his acclaimed projects like Betel Nut Girls and Circymgyration, through which he unreservedly share with us the unseen train of thoughts in the the process of artistic creation.

    Starting from this issue, a new zine SHOUT! will be distributed together with VOP. SHOUT is a zine that calls out to images, and has no definite forms, conventiality of thoughts or publishing timeline or future directions. The pilot issue will be Shen Pei-Yu’s Milky Way, a mystical and experimental photography project capturing fleeting moments and female contours to symbolize the universe.

    Voices of Photography 攝影之聲

  • courteously 在 GreatKidsLearning Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2014-05-29 00:07:33

    贈衛八處士 To My Retired Friend Wei 五言古詩


    英文翻譯 _ English Translation﹕ By Betty Tseng
    We have been unable to reunite for so long,
    We have been like morning and evening stars that never meet in the sky.
    What a night this has been?
    For us to share this candlelight.
    For how long does youth last?
    Your hair has greyed and so has mine.
    Of the old acquaintances I called upon, half of them have ghosts become,
    Aghast and gut-wrenched I cried.
    All of a sudden twenty years have gone by
    Before I could again call on where you reside.
    You were not engaged when we went our separate ways,
    You are now married with children after all this time.
    They courteously greet their father's friend,
    And my journey enquire.
    Before I could their curiosity satisfy,
    You have you son bringing out the wine.
    We nibble on spring chives just gathered in the evening rain,
    In a fresh meal that rough grains contain, abundant is pure joy as old friends reunite.
    You marvel at how unexpected such a reunion is,
    In one go you gulp down more than a pint.
    Pints after, high in spirit you are yet sober still,
    And I am grateful for your friendship so genuine.
    Tomorrow shall find us separated by mountains again,
    What the future holds is vague and undefined.

