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雖然這篇Correspond synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Correspond synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 correspond產品中有68篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,035的網紅The Ranting Panda,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, What’s the first cuisine you want to have when you can dine out? Our trip to Jurong Point recently to check out Legendary Hong Kong which literally f...

 同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅森高千里,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「森高千里ライブ 2020〜音楽評論家・小貫信昭が選ぶ“深淵なる名曲”ベスト20」 “Chisato Moritaka Live 2020 ~Selected by Nobuaki Onuki~ The Profound Top 20 Best Songs.” October 15, 2020 Ze...

correspond 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-02 05:53:35

[Qian’men, Beijing] Situated in a quiet corner of the busy Qian’men district (前门), the De Shou Tang Medical Hall (德寿堂) has been here since 1934, altho...

correspond 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-14 15:08:00

【止旅行癮】最近你愛煲哪套韓劇? ⭐泡菜國美食不止有辣味 ⭐韓國傳統飲食其實很養生 #星期二提升正能量 韓式拌飯養五臟 近年大家對韓國美食的印象都被炸雞、即食麵、燒肉、部隊鍋文化淹沒,全部都是油炸、味濃的不健康食物,其實傳統韓國菜深受中國陰陽五行概念的影響,著重醫食同源、順應四時、講究平衡,所以...

  • correspond 在 The Ranting Panda Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-11 10:14:17
    有 12 人按讚

    What’s the first cuisine you want to have when you can dine out?

    Our trip to Jurong Point recently to check out Legendary Hong Kong which literally feels like a Hong Kong Teahouse in Singapore. Here’s what to expect!

  • correspond 在 愛卡‧ 愛占星 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-21 19:12:12
    有 61 人按讚

    【星情札記 — 緬懷 Chris McRae 女士 】


    2014年赴北京參加 ISAR 考試時,Chris McRae 女士是當年的考試委員,親授諮詢技巧與職業道德意識,她驚人的體力和對占星充滿熱情的態度讓我難忘。剛得知她在2020年底過世的消息,感念在心 ❤

    以下轉貼 David Railey 在微博上的貼文和數張照片


    克莉絲是職業占星界的傳奇人物,是一位受人尊敬的老師,也是創建ISAR CAP項目中備受尊敬的領導者。她在2013年和2014年作為ISAR代表訪問過中國,受到了很多人的喜愛。2013年和2014年在北京參加過ISAR培訓的同學們可以證明這位了不起的女性擁有不可思議的能量、智慧、承諾以及溫暖的心。當她第一次以ISAR諮詢技巧培訓師的身份來到中國時,她已經85歲了,但你永遠猜不到這點!

    我至今還會會想到她拄著拐杖飛快地走著,摩托車和大車在她周圍呼嘯而過。她喜歡在胡同裡散步,但最喜歡的是她的中國新同學!下面的紅玫瑰是2014年克莉絲在PPT課程結束時送給她的中國學生的。Felicia 蔣今天早上發現了這張照片。這些花代表她對學生的愛;很少有老師如此和藹可親。


    雷.梅里曼(Ray Merriman)與克莉絲非常親近,他曾為《ISAR電子雜誌》(ISAR E-Zine)寫過關於她的文章。我希望你們這些 ISAR會員能讀到 Ray 寫的文章。她是一個非常出色的世界旅行者和 ISAR的全球大使。在她從 ISAR 董事會退休後,我繼續與她通信。她給我的最後一封郵件是在10月份,在我心臟手術康復期間,她發送給我她的愛和療愈的能量。她很擔心我,想傳遞給我能量;她就是這樣的女人。克莉絲準備出版一本新書,偉大的合相:轉變的時代,她剛剛為ISAR雜誌寫了一篇文章 —— 摩羯座革命。


    In memory of Chris McRae
    Late last night I learned of the passing of a dear friend and colleague, Chris McRae. According to posts from Ray Merriman and the Astrological Guild in Washington, Chris died on Dec 28, 2020 at @ 3:00pm in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Her death was the result of a sudden fall on or around Dec 24, at which time she was admitted to the hospital with a broken hip and collar bone. She was 92-years old, and would've turned 93 this month. She was born January 29, 1928 at 10:13:32 AM in Rosetown, Canada.

    Chris was a legend in the world of professional astrology, a revered teacher, and a highly respected leader in the creation of the ISAR CAP program. She was beloved by many, especially here in China - having visited China in 2013 and 2014 as a representative of ISAR. Those of you who participated in the ISAR Training in Beijing in 2013 and 2014 could testify to the incredible energy, intelligence, commitment and warm heart of this amazing woman. When she first came to China as an ISAR Consulting Skills Trainer she was already 85-years old, but you'd never know it!

    I can still see her walking along at a fast clip with her cane as motor scooters and carts whizzed around her. She enjoyed walking through the hutongs, but most of all she loved her new Chinese students! The red roses posted below are "from" Chris to her Chinese students at the end of her PPT course material back in 2014. Felicia Jiang found this photo this morning. These flowers represent her love to her students; rarely has a teacher been so gracious.

    She was passionate about astrology, and gave her life to the field - serving over twenty-years on the ISAR Board. Chris spent countless hours with her ISAR team developing the Certification Program. The ISAR Competency Exam was the gem of this program. Countless volunteer hours, months, and years were dedicated to the development and continued improvement of the ISAR Exam. I got to know Chris well from 2011 - 2020, especially through ISAR and serving with her on the ISAR Exam Committee. She was an incredibly efficient person, always returning emails promptly - and always with practical suggestions that made her a pleasure to work with.

    Ray Merriman, who was very close to Chris, has written about her for the ISAR E-Zine. I hope that those of you that are ISAR members will read what Ray wrote. She was quite the world traveler and global ambassador for ISAR. I continued to correspond with her after she retired from the ISAR Board. Her last email to me was in October, when she sent her love and healing energy to me during my recovery from heart surgery. She was worried about me and wanted to send me energy; that's the kind of woman she was. Chris was also in the process of publishing a new book, The Great Conjunctions: Shifting Times, and she had just written an article for the ISAR Journal - The Capricorn Revolution.

    She will be missed by all in the astrological community and remembered as an inspiration. She deserves to be remembered, it was a true honor to know her.

    #ChrisMcRae #DavidRailey #ISAR

  • correspond 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-08 19:21:26
    有 243 人按讚




    1. 材料洗淨,菠菜汆水燙熟,擠乾水份,加入蒜蓉、適量麻油及鹽拌勻備用;牛肉切絲,加適量豉油、糖、麻油醃20分鐘,下鑊炒熟備用;雞蛋煎成荷包蛋備用;鮮冬菇切片,與紅蘿蔔及芽菜分別加適量麻油及鹽炒熟,盛起備用。
    2. 準備一隻大碗,鋪上白飯,再排上各種材料。
    3. 進食前加入適量韓式拌飯醬拌勻即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Korean-style mixed rice (bibimbap) can nourish the five organs
    In recent years, people’s impression of Korean food often revolves around fried chicken, instant noodles, grilled meat, and troop pot. They are mostly fried and heavily seasoned food that are often unhealthy.

    Traditional Korean cuisine is actually heavily influenced by the Chinese’s concept of Yin Yang and Five Elements, which emphasize the medicinal values and the origins of the ingredients, its adjustment to the four seasons, and the importance of balance. This is why traditional Korean cuisine often contains five colors: green, red, yellow, white and black, which correspond with the five organs of the human body: liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidney.

    This also means Korean mixed rice, or bibimbap, can be made easily at home! This delicacy requires quite a number of ingredients and the processes seemed to be complicated, but in fact, the preparation is rather flexible. You can always replace spinach with cucumber, or use seaweed instead of fresh mushrooms. It is an excellent dish to help clear the leftovers in your refrigerator.

    Ingredients: 300g spinach, half a carrot, 2 eggs, 300g beansprouts, 3 fresh Shitake mushrooms, 200g beef, 1 clove of minced garlic, 2 bowls of cooked rice, bibimbap paste

    1. Rinse all the ingredients. Boil the spinach in hot water and rinse it off the excess water. Add garlic, an appropriate amount of sesame oil and salt, and mix well.

    Slice the beef and marinate with soy sauce, sugar, and sesame oil for 20 minutes, then fry the mixture in a pan.

    Fry the eggs; slice the fresh Shitake mushrooms, fry them together with carrot and beansprouts, then season the mixture with sesame oil and salt.

    2. Fill up a large bowl with cooked rice, and lay all the ingredients that have been prepared in Step 1 on top of it.

    3. Add bibimbap paste to serve.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK

  • correspond 在 森高千里 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-12-25 12:00:05

    「森高千里ライブ 2020〜音楽評論家・小貫信昭が選ぶ“深淵なる名曲”ベスト20」
    “Chisato Moritaka Live 2020 ~Selected by Nobuaki Onuki~ The Profound Top 20 Best Songs.”
    October 15, 2020
    Zepp DiverCity /Tokyo /JAPAN

    Chisato Moritaka had her first online streaming performance in July, soliciting requests from fans for the first time performing "Moritaka Song Best 10".


    This time, we have asked a music critic: Nobuaki Onuki to curate Moritaka’s songs to perform “The Profound Moritaka’s World” that is beyond the previous top 10 best songs.
    According to the report of a recent online live performance in July by Nobuaki Onuki, “She has classic hits that have many votes, on the other hand, there are many other unique songs of hers that can correspond to minority opinions. There is this "Profound world of Chisato Moritaka" more than just those 10 songs.”

    In addition, we have included the cover songs of “Banana Chips” by Shonen Knife (The band was formed in 1981 and is still actively working worldwide.) and “sharp#” by Negoto (Sadly disbanded last year). This is going to be the first "Live Band" performance for Moritaka since the tour final on 21st of December last year.

  • correspond 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-01 14:55:19

    1969 HONDA DREAM CB750FOUR K0 1969 ホンダ・ドリームCB750 K0  



    HONDA and DREAM CB750FOUR (Doremushebe ..floatage.. Foix) are motorcycles to which Honda Motor Co., Ltd. was doing the manufacturing sales.
    Details until developing

    At first, the reputation in foreign countries was not fragrant though HONDA that accomplished complete conquest by the road racing world championship at that time aimed to advance worldwide on a commercial side, and announced and had exported the new car of dream CB450 etc. one after another except the desire. It is because there was respect that lacks from a room that the rider can manipulate even if the performance is put out by a small displacement little to easiness to get on because this values a top speed of the motorcycle as a flow from the race.

    Then, all technologies at that time will be concentrated on manufacturing as a motorcycle at that time because it becomes a maximum level displacement though the vehicle that can correspond also to a recent race standard after coexisting of the performance and room is attempted because of the expansion of the displacement is planned and production was decided.

    The vehicle manufactured thus is dream CB750FOUR (henceforth CB). The dream of the car name is a series trademark that HONDA was using for the efficient at that time, sports type.
    The main equipment and performance of CB

    Engine Parallel four cycle four cylinders OHC
    The cylinder is narrowed a little by using a lot of parts of aluminum and width and the weight of the engine are suppressed though the engine adopted four parallel cylinder engine of two-wheel mass production first car considering externals. About the Shaiki valve, not DOHC but easiness to get on and productivity for the high rotation used from the low rotation were considered to a racer at that time, and ..daring.. SOHC was adopted. As two-wheel mass production car, it is the first time to have equipped four cylinders all with the carburetor.
    Engine performance- 738cc・67 horsepower and maximum speed 200 km/h
    The displacement and the horsepower of the engine were decided in shape to compare engines of this industry and others car. The performance that it is possible that it put on the speed at 200 km/h was still secured though it was suppressed from the priority of easiness to get on to the output extent more than the highest all motorcycles on the market, at that time, value though it was also possible that this engine raised the performance a little more. However, this is called the purpose is for the parts supplier to clarify the responsibility to the manufacturing thing to HONDA though parts only for CB will be both made as for a tire at that time and the chain because it is not possible to finish corresponding to this horsepower, and the explosion and the plasmotomy were repeated while developing.
    Front wheel disk brake
    The manufacturer named the MV Agusta had already used a small amount of front wheel disk brake in the production vehicle. However, it has been decided to make it equip with the disk brake by "Authoritative word" of Soichiro Honda who is finally the president and exhibit though the comparison discussion was done which the drum or the disk to be used just before Motor Show to which a real car of CB is exhibited because it was unexampled in two-wheel mass production car. As a result, it is told that it had a hard time in the accumulation of knowhow though the disk brake will be adopted for the first time as two-wheel mass production car. It is true that working of the brake worsens extremely when the rain running.

  • correspond 在 Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-17 18:00:04


    Aujourd’hui je teste pour vous un fast-food bien particulier à Taiwan car cette chaîne n’existe que dans le sud ! Du bon gros poulet fris et surtout un goût plus sucré qui correspond mieux aux préférences des Taïwanais du sud 😊 Bienvenue chez Dandan Burger !

    Come say Hi!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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    抖音: bonjourlouis

