

在 conservatism產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過59萬的網紅看中國,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 美國《華爾街日報》在他91歲生日之際,發表了一篇The Soul of Black Conservatism(一個黑人保守主義者的靈魂),恰如其份地讚賞了這位傑出的智者:湯瑪斯・索維爾 #看博談 #上報 #何清漣 https://www.secretchina.com/news/b5/2021/...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過244萬的網紅メンタリスト DaiGo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️今なら20日間無料⬇️ 人を読む①〜インスタントビッグファイブ入門 動画はこちら▶︎https://daigovideolab.jp/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=official&utm_content=EG32U0YP...

conservatism 在 陶傑 Chip Tsao Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-02 09:02:47

來自中國大陸的中大行政和政治系女助理教授冒用長者咭,被地鐵職員發現,為何不但沒有認罪,而且開口第一句就喧嘩控訴地鐵是「資本家」、職員是「資本家走狗」,並呼籲在場警察以國安法拘捕其同校同系的另一位民主學者馬嶽?此一「邏輯認知」如何建立? 為何左翼「學者」明明犯法在先,小腦條件第一反射就是死抱住期馬克...

conservatism 在 BusinessFocus | 商業、投資、創科平台 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 10:24:00

立即Follow @businessfocus.presslogic 【中美爭霸】美國不該限制僱用中國人!谷歌前CEO:適得其反危害美國科技發展⠀ .⠀ Google(美股代號:GOOG)前執行長、現任美國國防部高級科技顧問施密特(Eric Schmidt)早前參與一場於美國史丹佛大學(Stanfo...

  • conservatism 在 看中國 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-01 08:30:17
    有 1 人按讚

    美國《華爾街日報》在他91歲生日之際,發表了一篇The Soul of Black Conservatism(一個黑人保守主義者的靈魂),恰如其份地讚賞了這位傑出的智者:湯瑪斯・索維爾
    #看博談 #上報 #何清漣


  • conservatism 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-06 03:00:39
    有 4 人按讚

    #Opinion by Lau Sai Leung 劉細良|"AOs’ conservatism and propensity to maintain the status quo is in fact a built-in force in the government to check and balance various “political reforms” initiated by politicians. The final advice from late Governor of Hong Kong MacLehose in 1982 before he left his post is: “Make sure your decision can get out of the Governor House.” Even reformist MacLehose was kept in check by the colonial civil officials. The so-called “AOs’ party conspiring to rebel”, which is made out of nothing, is just another unjust political accusation in the Hong Kong Cultural Revolution."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3sQzUkL

    "政務官的保守性、維持現狀,本來是政府Build in的制衡力量,防止政客各式各樣「改革大計」。麥理浩總督1982年離任前最後的忠告是:「確保你的決策能夠走出港督府。」連大有為改革派的麥理浩也面對英國殖民地文官們掣肘,今日所謂「謀逆AO黨」,無中生有,徒令香港文革又多添一宗政治寃案。"
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  • conservatism 在 阿堯投資筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-19 20:07:46
    有 113 人按讚

    John Huber 最新在 Graham and Doddsville 的訪談提到一點跟我在去年 12/31 總結的相似

    “One of the mistakes that I've made over time is
    being too conservative, I think. Conservatism, for
    good reason, is considered a virtue in the value investing community. I'm a conservative investor by
    nature, but there are drawbacks to being too conservative. I just read a note by my friend, Rob Vinall who runs a firm called RV Capital. He made a great point –banks that are aggressive when underwriting loans end up going bust, but so do banks that are too conservative over time,because they’ll miss writing the loans that are most profitable, which is needed to pay for the inevitable
    mistakes. As investors, our goal should be accuracy when evaluating a business. You don't do yourself
    any favors by being overly conservative at the expense of being accurate... You should demand a margin of safety over an accurate assessment of the business and its value, but your goal should not be to conservatively analyze the business, your goal should be to accurately analyze the business...I've noticed that a lot of my mistakes have come from when I've been conservative at the expense of accuracy, and this has carried a heavy opportunity cost over the years.”


    Pabrai 在訪談的時候拿 Google 為例,他說當時他把 Google 的 Other bet 都當零,就當白送。但這樣就讓他對價格的區間守得很死,換句話說就是太保守。


