[爆卦]Consequences meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Consequences meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Consequences meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 consequences產品中有790篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, HI HI TO ALL MY HAPPY ‘TAP” FAMILYYYY ❣️❣️❣️ I haven’t written to you all for such a long time and I do apologize so much for this. I don’t know how...

 同時也有131部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅Square Enix,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In our second gameplay video, see how you can interact with the Guardians in exploration, make choices to shape how the story plays out, and customize...

consequences 在 Carrie Sim ?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 06:56:41

Having many wonderful discussions and sharing sessions after posting to my stories about coming to terms with my fatter body and “un-suck-in-able tumm...

consequences 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-15 16:27:20

禁止示威,否則「嚴重法律後果」 响塔利班宣布阿富汗政府成員嘅時候,首都喀布爾同部份城市連續兩三日都有女士同年輕人示威,最後被開槍驅散。 然後,被美國以恐怖份子身份通輯嘅內政部長宣布,除咗得到政府認可之外,人民唔可以聚集或者嗌任何口號,否則示威者會面對嚴重嘅法律後果(“severe legal c...

consequences 在 MC • Public Speaking Coach Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 19:00:55

Putting yourself out there on social media these days comes with a very real issue of receiving unfortunately not always rainbows and butterflies in y...

  • consequences 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 00:01:47
    有 1,915 人按讚


    I haven’t written to you all for such a long time and I do apologize so much for this. I don’t know how TIME FLIES the way it does!

    I wanted to share some thoughts on this very momentous and memorable DAY in my life.. I am strolling into the BIG 6 ❤️ today!!! My BRAIN IS EMPTY!!

    All I can think of is HOW GRATEFUL I am to the Universe, and to all of YOU, to my LOVING FAMILY, my INCREDIBLE FRIENDS… all this life has brought to me.. that our Planet is so beautiful and there is so much to be thankful and OPEN to.

    After 60 years, chasing so many things, experiencing the excitement, ups and downs of almost all of life, months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds… and I realize, all I really desire and want, is a SIMPLE SMILE, WARMTH, UNDERSTANDING, A Heartwarming HUG, A phone call, or now, text to say HI… A Healthy and strong Body, LOTS & LOTS of LAUGHTER, CONNECTION, COMMUNICATION, LOVE, LOVE & LOVE. No matter what circumstances we run into, Rain, Thunder, Protests, Covid, it is absolutely possible to realize that ALL THINGS MUST PASS, and through the most difficult or most ravishing times, we can find comfort in holding the hands of those loving people around us. I know there is still so much more to learn while we are so BLESSED to be a VALUED GUEST on this Earth for such a fleeting moment. I feel I must keep on learning and evolving to be the BEST person I can be.

    I realize that when we are born, we need so much love, feeding, nurturing, understanding, and a lot of HELP! When we get old, we need so much love, feeding, tolerance, patience, understanding, and a lot of HELP! There is no difference in the VALUE of each end of the stick. Just what we can do in between that will make ALL the difference and we all have a CHOICE in how we want to write our own, unique, wonderful, heartfelt STORY.

    LIFE can be, and IS SO VERY BEAUTIFUL. The Beauty I used to understand doesn’t hold any meaning for me anymore.. The BEAUTY I HOLD TRUE is the LOVE & BEAUTY inside of ME and all the surroundings of the amazing Mother Nature. Each of us, is handcrafted so very intricately, to have all the same physical features, yet not a single one of us is a duplicate of another. We all have a brain to think, yet every single one of us does not think like any other. We ALL have a PATH, yet every one of our paths is different from each other. But we are ALL meticulously woven together, our lives, our actions are all intertwined. Every action we take, affects another. Every tree, every flower, mountain, sea, sky, clouds, animals, and all beloved creatures. We are the unique creatures, blessed with thinking, speaking & doing. I feel I must do everything I can to HONOR this special GIFT from Mother Nature. Beauty is DEEP & ROOTED & everywhere we look. I’m going to embrace everything PapaGOD & the Universe has given me.

    I’m SO GRATEFUL for making it this far, in GOOD HEALTH, GOOD SPIRITS, GOOD MIND & BODY. Every day is a SURPRISE to me. Every moment is truly a BLESSING and ever so sacred. I will continue to live each BLESSED day with an open heart, open mind, and open SPIRIT. I will live each day as HIGH as I can go, no matter how low I feel. I will enjoy growing old GRACEFULLY, and make a conscious effort to do and BE the BEST I can be EACH SINGLE DAY, CHERISH & take care of it like a RARE and Beautiful JEWEL, which LIFE & our EARTH IS.

    Today I spend with my LOVING FAMILY & MY FRIENDS. Well.. one loving Family is missing and in Mainland, now resting, but working VERY HARD! I’m so proud of Lam because we are so happy that he gets to SHARE his music with a WHOLE NEW GENERATION of wonderful, talented singers. It’s a GREAT BLESSING to sing with these enthusiastic Artists who can make a great difference in the world with their bellowing voices. I watch every episode with great anticipation and I hope you will too! All the Artists create their own Magic with each song & emotions!

    I also would like to share with you my real and Authentic physical & Spiritual SELF!!! I just want to BE TOTALLY and ALL OF what is TRULY ME! I hope you all can accept me as I AM, white hair with my cutey wrinkles! Lam really enjoys it cos now I can keep him COMPANY & look like TWINS! I don’t know where my WHOLE self will go from here.. but I’m really going to look forward to all the natural progressions my mind and body will be taking.. just like Mother Nature.. she accepts all that comes to her and embraces it all…just as it is!

    I wonder if I can remotely understand the meaning of life by now? I want to TAP (THINK ACTPOSITVE) at all times making others HAPPY & be HAPPY to see others HAPPY! I understand there is NO RIGHT or WRONG in any of our actions whether positive or negative, but only the divine consequences of those actions we choose. I feel we are BLESSED to be here with a DIVINE PURPOSE which is to help ourselves & each other. To preserve and maintain this amazing PLANET & EARTH. To evolve ourselves, & each generation, so they can pass the baton and also evolve the Earth! I also feel we are definitely NOT ALONE! NEVER! We are always in the SOOTHING, EMBRACING arms of the Divine Source Universe, and when we feel we don’t know where to turn, PapaGOD is ALWAYS there for us, ready to give us whatever we want in the deepest of our hearts with the utmost sincerity. Everything we receive is in its Divine Timing, and Divine Perfection.



    PS. I had a great wonderful party with best of FRIENDS TONITE❣️❣️ Came home and took some selfies to shock all of U❣️❣️ My HAPPY DECADE HAPPY 6💜 GIRL (⁉️) look❣️❣️ CHEERS EVERYONE❣️❣️❣️🌹🌹🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️

    HI HI 快樂的 “TAP” 大家庭 ❣️❣️


    我想在生命中這個非常重要和難忘的日子和大家分享一些想法和感觸 —— 今天我悠然邁入了以6字開頭的歲月!! ❤️ 大腦一片空白!!

    我所能想到的是對上天,對你們每一位,對親愛的家人,對不可思議的朋友們 —— 對生命所贈與我的這一切 —— 所懷有的深深感激。我們所生活的星球如此美麗,實在有太多太多需要去感謝、感激,去敞開心扉擁抱。

    60年過去了,我也曾經追逐過很多,在每月每週每日每分每秒中,經歷了生命可能賦予的幾乎所有激動和起落,而如今我意識到,自己真正渴望和想要的,只是一個簡單的微笑,溫暖,理解,一個暖心的擁抱,一通電話,或者現在更流行的,問好的一條短信.. 一個健康強壯的身體,很多很多笑聲,連結,交流,愛,愛,以及,愛。無論我們遇到怎樣的狀況 —— 下雨、雷電、抗議、疫情,一直要謹記於心的是,無論如何,這一切終將過去;在最困難或最開心的時刻,我們都能握住身邊人的手,並從中找到最大的安慰或共鳴。能得此幸運,在如此短暫的一剎,來到地球做她的尊貴旅客,我知道還有太多東西需要學習,感覺自己必須不斷學習成長,才能成為最好的自己。




    今天我會和我愛的家人們和朋友們一起度過。對的,一位有愛家人不在這裡,他在內地,現在有空休息一下,但一直都在非常努力地工作! 我為Lam 感到驕傲,因為大家都非常開心他有機會同新一代如此出色、才華橫溢的年輕歌手們分享他的音樂。與這些富有激情的藝術家們一起唱歌是一種巨大的幸福;年輕一代的歌聲將給這個世界帶來改變。每一期節目我都有充滿期待地觀看,希望你們也會看!所有的藝術家們都在用每首歌和感情創造著自己的魔法!

    我也想和你們分享真實的自我——外在與內在,容貌及心靈!!! 我只想做完完全全的,真正的自己!希望你們能夠接受這樣的我,白頭髮,和可愛的皺紋! Lam 很喜歡我這樣,因為現在我可以和他作伴,我們看上去像雙胞胎! 我不知道我的整個自我會從這裡走向何方,但對接下來身心將會經歷的所有自然旅程,我真心期待… 就好像大自然一樣,她接受並擁抱一切如它們本初的樣子!

    我好奇自己現在是否可以算作大概開始理解人生的意義呢?我想做TAP (THINK ACTPOSITVE),隨時通過正面積極的思考和行動為他人帶去開心,而看到他人開心也會令我感到開心!我明白我們的任何行為,無論是積極或是消極的,都無關對錯;只是,不可避免的,選擇的行為都會帶來相應的結果。我感覺帶著神聖的目的來到這裡是一份福祉,而這個目的就是助人助己,是保護和維繫這個不可思議的星球,是持續進化發展自己和每一代人,這樣他們就可以繼續把進化地球的接力棒傳遞下去! 我也感覺到我們絕對不是孤獨的!從來都不是!我們一直都被上天撫慰著,擁抱在臂膀中。當感覺不知道如何走下去,上天總會在我們身邊,以最大的誠意給予我們內心深處最渴望的所有。我們得到的一切都有它神聖的時間表,都遵循著神聖的完美安排。

    以上… 祝愿大家永遠幸福開心健康,愛自己,愛周圍的所有人,愛周圍的一切!相信我… 我們所擁有的和需要的一切,就是愛!!!!


    PS. 今晚我和最好的朋友們開了最棒的Party ❣️❣️❣️ 回到家後拍了幾張自拍,肯定會驚到你們 ❣️❣️❣️ 我的快樂第6個10年 💜 GIRL (⁉️) look❣️❣️❣️ 大家乾杯 ❣️❣️❣️🌹🌹🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️

  • consequences 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 18:46:56
    有 226 人按讚

    ENG) 😰 อุทาหรณ์!! เมื่อพี่สาวชอบโหลดแอพมั่ว!! My IG has been temporarily disabled.
    >>> https://youtu.be/iLtaw7I6dkc
    เหตุการณ์ในครั้งนี้จะเป็นบทเรียนให้กับเปียโน และอยากจะมาเป็นอุทาหรณ์ให้กับหลายๆท่านในการโหลดแอพลิเคชั่นต่างๆ และการทำอะไรต่างๆ เราควรที่จะตรวจสอบให้รอบคอบ เพื่อที่เราจะได้มีเกิดปัญหา หรือผลกระทยที่ตามมาในอนาคตนั้นเองค่ะ :)

    This situation will be a lesson for me. and would like to be a parable for many of you in loading various applications and doing things We should check carefully. so that we can have problems or the consequences that follow in the future :)

  • consequences 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-21 21:30:04
    有 1,512 人按讚

    - help eradicate war, disease & poverty: giúp xóa bỏ chiến tranh, bệnh tật và nghèo đói
    - help us make better diagnoses: giúp chúng ta chẩn đoán tốt hơn
    - find new ways to cure cancer: tìm cách mới để chữa ung thư
    - be a huge benefit to society: là một lợi ích to lớn cho xã hội
    - enhance our efficiency: nâng cao hiệu quả làm việc của chúng ta
    - do tedious tasks → allow us to do the more interpersonal and creative aspect of work: thực hiện các nhiệm vụ tẻ nhạt → cho phép chúng ta thực hiện công việc thuộc các khía cạnh cá nhân và sáng tạo hơn
    - mundane tasks (answering emails) → will be done by intelligent assistants: những nhiệm vụ nhàm chán, mang tính lặp đi lặp lại (trả lời email) → sẽ được thực hiện bởi các trợ lý thông minh
    - smart homes → reduce energy usage + provide better security: nhà thông minh → giảm sử dụng năng lượng + cung cấp bảo mật tốt hơn
    - get better health care: có được chăm sóc sức khỏe tốt hơn
    - be capable of performing tasks → would once have required intensive human labour: có khả năng thực hiện các nhiệm vụ → đã từng đòi hỏi nhiều sức người
    - perform complex functions (facial recognition): thực hiện các chức năng phức tạp (nhận dạng khuôn mặt)
    - perform intensive human labour & backbreaking tasks: thực hiện công việc chuyên sâu của con người và các công việc nặng nhọc
    - reduce the workload of humans: giảm khối lượng công việc của con người
    - make more precise predictions about extreme events: đưa ra dự đoán chính xác hơn về các sự kiện khắc nghiệt
    - observe & analyse increasing complex climate data: quan sát và phân tích dữ liệu khí hậu ngày càng phức tạp
    - have an increased understanding of the effects and reasons for climate change: hiểu biết nhiều hơn về tác động và lý do của biến đổi khí hậu
    - cause great harm: gây tác hại lớn
    - become a threat to human survival: trở thành mối đe dọa cho sự sống còn của con người
    - unlikely to exhibit human emotions (love or hate): không thể biểu lộ cảm xúc của con người (yêu hay ghét)
    - might become a risk: có thể trở thành một sự rủi ro
    - be programmed to do s.th devastating: được lập trình để làm những công việc mang tính tàn phá
    - autonomous weapons → are programmed to kill: vũ khí tự trị → được lập trình để tiêu diệt
    - in the hands of … → cause mass casualties: vào tay của … → gây thương vong hàng loạt
    - an AI arms race/ an AI war: một cuộc chạy đua vũ trang AI/ một cuộc chiến AI
    - have the potential to become more intelligent than any human: có tiềm năng trở nên thông minh hơn bất kỳ con người nào
    - have no surefire way of predicting how it will behave: không có cách nào chắc chắn để dự đoán nó sẽ hành xử như thế nào
    - be a threat to our existence: là mối đe dọa cho sự tồn tại của chúng ta
    - result in massive harm: dẫn đến tác hại lớn
    - get hacked: bị hack
    - track and analyse an individual’s every move online: theo dõi và phân tích mọi hành động của một cá nhân trên mạng
    - be used for dangerous & malicious purposes: bị sử dụng cho mục đích nguy hiểm và độc hại
    - create untended & unforeseen consequences: tạo ra những hậu quả không lường trước được
    - be the end of humanity: là sự kết thúc của nhân loại
    - take over the planet completely & permanently: chiếm đoạt hành tinh hoàn toàn & vĩnh viễn
    - be abused by terrorist groups: bị lạm dụng bởi các nhóm khủng bố
    - the misuse of AI: sự lạm dụng AI

  • consequences 在 Square Enix Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 03:15:54

    In our second gameplay video, see how you can interact with the Guardians in exploration, make choices to shape how the story plays out, and customize the team by unlocking abilities, upgrades and outfits. It's a big adventure and the Guardians will be at your side every step of the way.
    Watch the Combat gameplay video: https://youtu.be/hntzjxV8wdI

    00:00 - Intro
    00:15 - Aboard the Milano
    00:30 - Exploration
    00:41 - Choices and Consequences
    01:03 - Abilities
    01:12 - Workbench
    01:19 - Outfits
    01:29 - And more!

    Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is coming October 26, 2021 to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC and streaming via GeForce NOW. Pre-order now to obtain an early unlock of the Throwback Guardians Outfit Pack: http://www.gotggame.com/buy
    Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Cloud Version for Nintendo Switch also coming October 26.

    Follow us on:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GOTGTheGame
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/GOTGTheGame
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GOTGTheGame

  • consequences 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-24 22:30:12

    ■ 更多林子安:

    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5

    🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶


    小藍背心《目及皆是你》小提琴版本 | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of All for you





    With strong and sentimental theme, the song is dedicated to those been and are now in love regardless of all consequences.

    I love you meaning you inspire me. You are a horizon stretching over the ocean, where I have to swim for and a reminder of how far I can go. I love you meaning I want to go there with you.
    One day there will be someone hugging you so tight that all of your broken pieces will stick back together. Wait for some one who will possess you like night and set you free like morning.

    Not only am I saying the romantic love but my love to all my fans supporting me, including you who are listening and watching my videos. There are lots of difficult moments as a freelance musician, good or bad, I got your back. Really appreciate your love and support=]

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!


    編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
    (Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !



  • consequences 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-29 19:00:31

    本集廣告與 「【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱」合作播出


    👉🏻 現在參與募資 https://bit.ly/3y06Rid

    本集節目內容由志祺七七頻道製作,不代表 【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱 立場。

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
    ✔︎ 體驗志祺七七文章版:https://blog.simpleinfo.cc/shasha77
    ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 來看志祺七七粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb
    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    00:00 開頭
    01:22 【芒果狗狗繪本募資】廣告段落
    02:14 什麼是戰狼外交
    03:36 從「韜光養晦」走向「戰狼外交」
    05:39 「戰狼外交」的影響是?
    07:21 戰狼外交要轉向了?
    08:48 我們的觀點
    09:48 問題
    10:04 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →China is embracing a new brand of foreign policy. Here's what wolf warrior diplomacy means:https://cnn.it/3AbiRhO
    →Welcome to Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy:https://bit.ly/3jn7xZY
    →China's 'Wolf Warrior' Diplomacy Prompts International Backlash:https://bit.ly/3hdm4ox
    →Interpreting China’s ‘Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy‘:https://bit.ly/3joTsLJ
    →The Origins and Consequences of China's 'Wolf Warrior Diplomacy':https://bit.ly/3y34OZN
    →“戰狼國師”奉旨宣教 習近平會放棄戰狼外交?:https://bit.ly/3jo7LQF
    →Wolf warrior diplomacy:https://bit.ly/3A9F2F9
    →Foreign policy of Xi Jinping:https://bit.ly/3A7NULu
    →戰狼外交爭論再起 華春瑩趙立堅汪文斌風格為何不同:https://bit.ly/3A6S1rb
    →堅稱無「戰狼外交」 中駐法大使反擊:我們是正當防衛:https://bit.ly/3w1JmTO
    →習近平找戰狼國師談改變戰狼外交 戰狼如何扮熊貓?:https://bit.ly/3y8uWTl
    →北京將塑造可信可愛可敬中國形象 學者:要調整戰狼外交了:https://bit.ly/3w36ukL
    →聯合抗中! 專家:G7已在中國問題上形成新的同盟:https://bit.ly/3jqyoEK
    →趙立堅狂言武漢團隊應得諾貝爾獎 美評論家嘆:可悲:https://bit.ly/3h2E45Y




