[爆卦]Condemned 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Condemned 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Condemned 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 condemned產品中有346篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Impossible Exam “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to...

 同時也有48部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,子午線、走陰、走陽。Twilight zone、Ying and the Yang.(一段不存在世界的檔案,The missing link) /.Rasta Wang x Yellowstix People all here to reflect each other bring the ligh...

condemned 在 Joseph Prince Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-02 12:54:42

"Wherever the powerful revelation of “no condemnation” goes, resurrection life flows!" Friend, did you know that our Lord Jesus doesn’t want you to g...

  • condemned 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 09:08:38
    有 227 人按讚

    The Impossible Exam

    “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death. For what the law couldn’t do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh; that the ordinance of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans‬ ‭8:1-4‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    There was once a teacher who punished his badly-behaved class of students by giving them an examination full of the world’s hardest questions spanning across all subjects and disciplines.

    “Class, if any of you want to be dismissed from class, you must get full marks in this exam. If not, you will have to stay back for detention every day. To give you all an advantage, you may discuss the questions with your fellow classmates.”

    Everyone in the class attempted the exam, but even the smartest students had many mistakes. It seemed impossible.

    The classmates were all frantically flipping through all the textbooks in the classroom, but it was no use. The questions were just way out of their level.

    Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, the teacher said, “Class, I see that you are all trying your very best to work together to do well on the exam. Tell you what—I cannot cancel the exam, but I will join your class as a student and attempt the exam with you. There is no rule against me joining as a student in your class.”

    Since the teacher had set the exam based on the knowledge he had, he easily answered all the questions correctly. To whoever wanted to refer to his answers, the teacher allowed them to see and write the same answers.

    The students were all overjoyed. One by one, they copied the answers, and handed in their exam papers, scoring full marks. They were finally able to go home. They had learnt their lesson, and decided to be more studious in the future.


    God gave the children of Israel the Ten Commandments—an impossible exam for mankind. The Law is perfect, holy, and good, but it was weak through man’s sinful flesh.

    Whoever wants to be justified through the Law must keep the Ten Commandments perfectly in both word and deed. Anything short of perfection is considered unrighteous. Everyone fails this exam.

    Then, God revealed His master plan: Yahweh the Son became a man to take the impossible exam on our behalf.

    He lived a sinless life for thirty-three and a half years, and offered up Himself as our atoning sacrifice for sins. The blood He shed at the cross and His death perfectly fulfilled the Law for everyone.

    Whoever wants to refer to His answers can just take His answers as their own and get full marks on their exam. When we place our faith in Jesus as Lord, we share in Jesus’ death, resurrection, and become a new creation in Christ. We are finally eligible to go home to our Abba God in Heaven!

    It takes humility for a person to admit that he is a sinner that has no hope of deserving salvation by his own works. God is so holy that even one sinful thought can make you unrighteous. Perfection is needed. The way to be saved is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord!

    If you are blessed by the daily teachings/devotionals I share freely on this page, you can become a “God Every Morning” tier or above patron on Patreon if you want to receive an additional daily Bible Study teaching, as well as all my eBooks! Your patronage supports this ministry and enables us to “reach more and teach more” in the body of Christ: http://Patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • condemned 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-24 20:10:09
    有 227 人按讚

    The Tragedy of “Almost”

    “For the king knows of these things, to whom also I speak freely. For I am persuaded that none of these things is hidden from him, for this has not been done in a corner. King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe.” Agrippa said to Paul, “With a little persuasion are you trying to make me a Christian?” Paul said, “I pray to God, that whether with little or with much, not only you, but also all that hear me today, might become such as I am, except for these bonds.” The king rose up with the governor, and Bernice, and those who sat with them.” (Acts‬ ‭26:26-30‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    The passage above records a very tragic moment. King Agrippa was on the verge of believing in Jesus as Lord, but he hardened his heart and stood up, rejecting the free gift of eternal life.

    His actions are essentially saying this, “Stop it. I don’t want to hear anymore. I refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord.”

    Other translations render Agrippa’s words like this:

    “Then Agrippa said to Paul, “In a short time [and with so little effort] you [almost] persuade me to become a Christian.”” (Acts‬ ‭26:28‬ ‭AMP‬‬)

    The word “almost” is the great tragedy.

    It is like coming so close to the finish line in a race but fainting and being disqualified when you are just a hair’s breadth away.

    Hell contains many souls who are “almosts”.

    “I should have responded when that preacher asked for us to place our faith in Jesus. Why did I harden my heart? I almost got saved, but now it is too late...”

    “Therefore, even as the Holy Spirit says, “Today if you will hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, like as in the day of the trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tested me by proving me, and saw my deeds for forty years. Therefore I was displeased with that generation, and said, ‘They always err in their heart, but they didn’t know my ways;’ as I swore in my wrath, ‘They will not enter into my rest.’”” (Hebrews‬ ‭3:7-11‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    It is possible to know with the mind that Jesus is the Son of God and everything that He claims to be, and yet not be saved.

    A person has to believe and confess Him as Lord. If you just believe that He is the Son of God but don’t receive Him as Lord, you are not saved.

    Even the demons believe that God is real, but they don’t submit to Him as Lord.

    The Holy Spirit convicts the hearts of unbelievers about their sinfulness and woos them to receive Jesus Christ as Lord. But they can choose to reject it. Every individual must choose to accept or reject the gift of eternal life.

    Yet, it is God’s will for all to hear the Gospel and to be saved. No matter how dark someone’s past is, he can freely receive forgiveness of sins when he places his faith in Jesus as Lord!

    If you are already a born-again believer, through faith in Jesus, you have entered God’s rest—the rest of your conscience and also rest from works-based justification.

    You are a saint who is already sanctified, justified, saved, holy, righteous, pure, and blameless. The next time you read these words in the Bible, don’t feel condemned or shrink away. These words describe who you already are in Christ.

    “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (Colossians‬ ‭2:8-10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

    Dear brethren, you are not an “almost”. You are complete in Christ.

    Let someone know the Gospel so that they are not almost, but fully saved through faith in Jesus Christ!

    If you are blessed by the daily teachings/devotionals I share freely on this page, you can become a patron on Patreon if you want to receive an additional daily Bible Study teaching, as well as all my eBooks! Your patronage supports this ministry and enables us to “reach more and teach more” in the body of Christ: http://Patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • condemned 在 เกมถูกบอกด้วย v.2 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-23 11:01:24
    有 1,580 人按讚

    [News] อดีตทีมงาน God of War ขึ้นเป็นหัวหน้าคนใหม่ของ Monolith ผู้สร้าง Shadow of War
    จากรายงานของ GamesIndustry ระบุว่า ทาง Warner Bros Games ได้มอบหมายให้คุณ David Hewitt ขึ้นเป็นหัวหน้าคนใหม่ของ Monolith Productions สตูดิโอผู้พัฒนาเกมซีรีส์ Middle-Earth, F.E.A.R. และ Condemned
    ซึ่งคุณ Hewitt คืออดีตทีมงานจาก Sony Santa Monica ซึ่งเป็นผู้พัฒนาเกมซีรีส์ God of War รวมถึง God of War Ragnarok ที่เพิ่งจะเปิดตัว โดยเขาเคยรับหน้าที่ต่างๆ ในสตูดิโอ อาทิ ผู้กำกับการพัฒนาเกม ผู้อำนวยการสร้างและบริหารจัดการอาวุโส ผู้อำนวยการสร้างอาวุโส รวมไปถึงเคยเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของกลุ่มหัวหน้าภายในขนาดเล็กที่รับหน้าที่รีบูต God of War และดูแลทั้งหมดของ Santa Monica Studio
    ในขณะที่ Monolith หลังจากวางจำหน่าย Middle-Earth: Shadow of War เมื่อปี 2017 ก็เงียบหายไปโดยไม่มีข่าวคราวใดๆ ว่าพวกเขากำลังทำอะไรอยู่ แต่ทาง PCGamesN ให้ความเห็นแบบอ้อมๆ ว่า การมาถึงของคุณ Hewitt ก็อาจจะเป็นไปได้ที่ทาง Monolith จะทำเกมที่เกี่ยวข้องกับระบบ Nemesis ที่จดทะเบียนสิทธิบัตรไปเมื่อต้นปี 2019 [หรือพูดตรงๆ ก็คือ อาจจะเป็นเกม Middle-Earth ภาคใหม่ก็ได้]
    เกมซีรีส์ Middle-Earth กำลังลดราคาใน cdkeys เหลือราคาดังนี้
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    Middle-Earth Shadow of War Definitive Edition ลดเหลือ 426.69 บาท (Steam)
    Source: https://www.pcgamesn.com/middle-earth-shadow-of-war/monolith-head-god-of-war
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    Battlefield 5 ลดราคาเหลือ 30 บาท (Origin) ดูที่นี่ - https://bit.ly/3tMpi88

  • condemned 在 王大喜 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-27 21:07:33

    子午線、走陰、走陽。Twilight zone、Ying and the Yang.(一段不存在世界的檔案,The missing link) /.Rasta Wang x Yellowstix
    People all here to reflect each other bring the light so we become a better person, coverage a better world, respect people who are different from us.

    *Today’a daily chapter
    「Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
    For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
    But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. After this, Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside, where he spent some time with them, and baptized. Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water, and people were coming and being baptized. (This was before John was put in prison.) An argument developed between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing. They came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan—the one you testified about—look, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him.” To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.
    The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete.
    For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.」
    ‭‭John‬ ‭3:14, 17-19, 21-27, 29, 34-36‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    「摩西 在曠野怎樣舉蛇,人子也必照樣被舉起來,
    因為神差他的兒子降世,不是要定世人的罪 ,乃是要叫世人因他得救。 信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已經定了,因為他不信神獨生子的名。 光來到世間,世人因自己的行為是惡的,不愛光,倒愛黑暗,定他們的罪就是在此。
    但行真理的必來就光,要顯明他所行的是靠神而行。」 這事以後,耶穌和門徒到了 猶太 地,在那裏居住,施洗。 約翰 在靠近 撒冷 的 哀嫩 也施洗;因為那裏水多,眾人都去受洗。( 那時 約翰 還沒有下在監裏。) 約翰 的門徒和一個 猶太 人辯論潔淨的禮, 就來見 約翰 ,說:「拉比,從前同你在 約旦河 外、你所見證的那位,現在施洗,眾人都往他那裏去了。」 約翰 說:「若不是從天上賜的,人就不能得甚麼。
    神所差來的就說神的話,因為神賜 聖 靈 給他 是沒有限量的。 父愛子,已將萬有交在他手裏。 信子的人有永生;不信子的人得不着 永 生 ,神的震怒常在他身上。」」
    ‭‭約翰福音‬ ‭3:14, 17-19, 21-27, 29, 34-36‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬

    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com

  • condemned 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-04-16 08:14:57

    /.原著及超自然現象紀實 王大喜(Rasta Wang)

    *夢窗戶打不開,周遭環境關閉,沒有在使用自己的天賦。 /.原著 王大喜
    *Dream of window doesn’t open, not In the right elements path close because of the surrounding. /.Rasta Wang


    *=Chakra resetting + Time resetting work. /.Origin Nicole Marks

    (時空背景、協助周遭、一位在監獄、一位為媒體人,兩位正經歷桃花劫的朋友, 釋放周遭的仿生獸重量,直接影響客戶深層夢境。)
    (Back ground、help with two of my friends , one in jail, the other is a comedian who both encountered disaster in their life both hurt from love circle, releasing the mimicking monster in their surrounding, it shows direct affect client dream and subconscious mind)

    當時當紅節目「大學生了沒」的固定班底阿Land, 蕭勤倫當時曾多次創下電視台的高收視率!綜藝能力!創造力!高情商寶刀未老!

    ✨特別來賓與老友: 王大喜 x ☁️❔❗️


    「要遠避無知的辯論和家譜 的空談 ,以及紛爭,並因律法而起的爭競,因為這都是虛妄無益的。 分門結黨的人,警戒過一兩次,就要棄絕他。
    你要趕緊給律師 西納 和 亞波羅 送行,叫他們沒有缺乏。 並且我們的人要學習正經事業 ,預備所需用的,免得不結果子。 同我在一處的人都問你安。請代問那些因有信心愛我們的人安。願恩惠 常 與你們眾人同在!」
    ‭‭提多書‬ ‭3:9-10, 13-15‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬

    「This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned.
    Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives. Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all.」
    ‭‭Titus‬ ‭3:8-11, 14-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    「這事以後, 埃及 王的酒政和膳長得罪了他們的主- 埃及 王, 法老就惱怒酒政和膳長這二臣,

    到了早晨, 約瑟 進到他們那裏,見他們有愁悶的樣子。

    他們對他說:「我們各人做了一夢,沒有人能解。」 約瑟 說:「解夢不是出於神嗎?請你們將夢告訴我。」 酒政便將他的夢告訴 約瑟 說:「我夢見在我面前有一棵葡萄樹, 樹上有三根枝子,好像發了芽,開了花,上頭的葡萄都成熟了。

    約瑟 對他說:「你所做的夢是這樣解:三根枝子就是三天; 三天之內,法老必提你出監,叫你官復原職,你仍要遞杯在法老的手中,和先前作他的酒政一樣。 但你得好處的時候,求你記念我,施恩與我,在法老面前提說我,救我出這監牢。 我實在是從 希伯來 人之地被拐來的;我在這裏也沒有做過甚麼,叫他們把我下在監裏。」 膳長見夢解得好,就對 約瑟 說:「我在夢中見我頭上頂着三筐白餅; 極上的筐子裏有為法老烤的各樣食物,有飛鳥來吃我頭上筐子裏的食物。」 約瑟 說:「你的夢是這樣解:三個筐子就是三天; 三天之內,法老必斬斷你的頭,把你掛在木頭上,必有飛鳥來吃你身上的肉。」 到了第三天,是法老的生日,他為眾臣僕設擺筵席,把酒政和膳長提出監來, 使酒政官復原職,他仍舊遞杯在法老手中; 但把膳長掛起來,正如 約瑟 向他們所解的話。 酒政卻不記念 約瑟 ,竟忘了他。」
    ‭‭創世記‬ ‭40:1-2, 6, 8-10, 12-23‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬

    ‬‬ (目前專注於療癒及生命紀錄,也恢復線上諮詢及捐款,如需手術請至以下官網詳閱。☀️🙏)



    E.SUN Multi-Currency Deposit

    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com

  • condemned 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-03 21:13:38

    (小無相公;John 3)
    「A Hooker from 966 years ago make gospel music and praise to Buddha、 Li Shi Shi」
    /.原著 王大喜

    *Temple Worl. /.Origin Nocole Marks
    *參考所有「仙人指路」第六個段子「無形無相、諸法刑天」 /.原著王大喜

    「耶穌說:「我實實在在地告訴你,人若不是從水和 聖 靈生的,就不能進神的國。 從肉身生的就是肉身;從靈生的就是靈。 我說:『你們必須重生』,你不要以為希奇。 風隨着意思吹,你聽見風的響聲,卻不曉得從哪裏來,往哪裏去;凡從 聖 靈生的,也是如此。」

    因為神差他的兒子降世,不是要定世人的罪 ,乃是要叫世人因他得救。 信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已經定了,因為他不信神獨生子的名。 光來到世間,世人因自己的行為是惡的,不愛光,倒愛黑暗,定他們的罪就是在此。」
    ‭‭約翰福音‬ ‭3:5-8, 17-19‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬

    Daily chapter、
    「Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
    For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.」
    ‭‭John‬ ‭3:5-8, 17-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬


    [作者/ .夢中的老和尚 x 王大喜]
    (此系列生命紀錄於Nicole Marks “Golden Purify Work”後的生命紀實)

    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com

