

在 cloaked產品中有24篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, MERDEKA? I think it's a lot better to say, "Selamat Hari Kebangsaan" rather than "Selamat Hari Merdeka". Merdeka connotes a freedom, and we're not re...

 同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅大麻煩翻譯組JackO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#Skullgirls #BigBand #Story Skullgirls是一款2D平面格鬥遊戲,故事圍繞在Skull Heart(骷髏之心)這項神奇的物品上,有許願的功能,但只要許願的人心不夠純潔,願望則會扭曲,遊戲中講述各角色自己,以及與Skullgirl所發生的故事 影片中許多部分並未完全...

cloaked 在 R O Z Z ™ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 14:51:39

MERDEKA? It's a lot better to say, "Selamat Hari Kebangsaan" rather than, "Selamat Hari Merdeka," isn't it? Merdeka connotes a freedom, and we're not...

cloaked 在 MASAKO.Y Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 10:30:03

@imma.gram is a virtual human whose height, weight, nationality, and other personal details are cloaked in mystery. Whether or not she is even alive a...

  • cloaked 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-30 06:09:18
    有 25 人按讚


    I think it's a lot better to say, "Selamat Hari Kebangsaan" rather than "Selamat Hari Merdeka". Merdeka connotes a freedom, and we're not really free, are we? I still think Malaysia is a great country, and I'm very thankful to be a part of it. But I do not delude myself into thinking that any of us living here are truly free.

    I think most of us are still very frightened to speak out against the myriad injustices that occur right before our eyes, every day.

    To add, there is a culture of divisiveness amongst the races in this country that nobody wants to address. The worst thing about it all, is that the education system we currently have, fosters it.

    In 2021, when advanced societies are denouncing notions like 'superior race' and 'the right (religious) way of life', our political parties inch closer to primitive dogma, and those opposing it can't say anything against it, because it's all cloaked under that big untouchable subject called "religion".

    What is wrong with us? Where is our voice? We can't simply acquiesce, just because somebody said, "God mandated it." Over history, God has mandated A LOT of reprehensible acts. Once upon a time, that same God even mandated owning slaves. Atrocities like the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition and mistreatment and displacement of the Rohingyas were all committed in the name of God.

    People should not be afraid to raise their voices and question the authorities, when their rights are being trampled on. More importantly, they should feel compelled to raise their voices against the authorities, when the rights of others are being trespassed on. It is so crucial for us to speak up for them, because these people, these 'others'... they may not have a voice to stand up for themselves.

    When we are free to do that, THAT'S when we can say we have attained freedom. That is when we are merdeka.

    So until we achieve that, I will wish you Selamat Hari Kebangsaan instead.💜


  • cloaked 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-11 08:39:27
    有 165 人按讚

    How to Avoid Being Dragged Off Like a Slave

    “Tell me, you that desire to be under the law, don’t you listen to the law? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the servant, and one by the free woman. However, the son by the servant was born according to the flesh, but the son by the free woman was born through promise. These things contain an allegory, for these are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children to bondage, which is Hagar. For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answers to the Jerusalem that exists now, for she is in bondage with her children. But the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” (Galatians‬ ‭4:21-26‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Hi dear patron,

    Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant. The name “Hagar” has three probable meanings based on its etymology: 1) To flee, 2) To be dragged off, 3) To be forced into service.

    None of the three meanings have positive connotations.

    The Apostle Paul revealed in his epistle to the Galatians that Hagar is a picture of the Law of Moses, whereas Sarah represents Grace.

    When God gave Abraham and Sarah the promise of a son, they tried to ‘help’ God to fulfill that promise according to their own understanding.

    Sarah was barren, so she gave Hagar to Abraham for her (Sarah) to obtain a son through Hagar.

    This decision which was born of the flesh led to lots of domestic strife between Sarah and Hagar, as well as eventually between Israel and Ishmael.

    Whenever you introduce the Law of Moses into your mind and in your actions, you’re subjecting yourself to the three meanings of the name “Hagar”.

    Fleeing implies fear. Instead of faith, you’ll be living under fear.

    When you try to live by the Law, you’re being dragged off from being established in righteousness by faith.

    Lastly, you are forced into service like a slave, because the curse of the Law is upon whoever tries to put themselves under the Law. You have effectively taken the position of a slave instead of a son.

    Can you see why the devil wants to deceive people into legalism and religiosity?
    If he can trick you into trying performance-based justification, you’ll be fearful, unprofitable and living as one who is accursed.

    The Law of Moses is holy, righteous and true, but man is unable to become righteous through it.

    If man tries to keep the Law and fails, the Law confers its curse without any mercy. Can you see how the devil has wielded the Law to become his ultimate cloaked weapon?

    Man thinks he’s doing the right thing by trying to keep the Law, but actually he is just subjecting himself to death and the curse!

    If Hagar never came into the picture, and Abraham just waited for God to fulfill His promise at the right time by His power, there would be no suffering.

    God wants us to rest in His promises, have faith in Him and just wait for Him to cause the breakthrough to happen at His appointed time.

    Don’t let yourself be dragged off from the Gospel which is righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus. Stand firm in the gift of righteousness and rely on God’s abundant grace which is constantly being supplied to you!

    Just like Abraham and Sarah, we need to learn how to flow with God’s system of times and seasons by which He does everything under Heaven. This will break the cycle of disappointment and acting by the flesh. Understand this important revelation from “God’s Appointed Time: Being Fruitful in Every Season of Life”:

  • cloaked 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-22 15:35:09
    有 114 人按讚

    2022 Honda Camivic... oh, Civic. 這換成T牌廠徽,一點都不違和啊

  • cloaked 在 大麻煩翻譯組JackO Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-05 17:00:17

    #Skullgirls #BigBand #Story
    Skullgirls是一款2D平面格鬥遊戲,故事圍繞在Skull Heart(骷髏之心)這項神奇的物品上,有許願的功能,但只要許願的人心不夠純潔,願望則會扭曲,遊戲中講述各角色自己,以及與Skullgirl所發生的故事


    並且 所有遊戲內的特殊名詞與姓名皆不翻譯


    Big Band講話總有種老式偵探片的主角自白的感覺XD

    0:38 "be on the take" 是有收賄或貪污的意思喔

    1:43 "lit(light) up like a Christmas tree" 是一種還蠻有畫面的比喻方式

    2:02 Big Band說 "maybe catch a show"
    "catch a show" 算是蠻普遍的說法,就是去找場表演看
    Cerebella說 "The show caught you!"
    就是在反過來用Big Band的說詞回嗆他
    Cere知道Big Band只是在找借口隨便忽悠,所以才反嗆說我抓到你想搞事了
    例如Valentine戰鬥開場的嗆聲"Time for your physical." 就有機會觸發Cerebella的"Time for your curtain call." (押韻

    2:21 Big Band說的"This just ain't my scene." 這種說法Eliza在她的個人劇情裡面也講過

    3:58 "One-man band? More like one-man army!"
    Big Band的身體被改造成包含許多樂器的武器,所以說Big Band是一人樂隊完全正確XD
    One-man army是指那種像超人一樣的戰鬥人員,一人抵一支軍隊

    4:24 我稍微解釋一下為啥Big Band會說這是圈套

    4:55 從台詞可以看出Double知道Big Band是曾經差點死掉的人被改造成的半機械兵器

    5:03 之所以沒有直接翻譯成「變身成你的樣子」是為了配合原文,Double說 "cloaked in your form."

    6:05 很棒的嗆聲OuOb,我們在畫面上註解了

    8:30 Peacock說的"exit stage left"是一種很少見又很有趣的說法

    9:49 Peacock本身就是個很神奇的人,雖然她也是改造士兵,但她自己把自己的攻擊方式變得非常卡通化,詳細可以去看我們的Peacock個人劇情翻譯

    10:37 從這裡可以看出Big Band其實很想退出第一線了,更可以從他片尾的自述聽出這點

    10:58 "can't swing a dead cat in 某地點 without hitting 某事物"
    例如巷子這類的地方,如果有其他人在你沒辦法甩一隻死貓而不去碰到其他人,所以後來被拿來抽換詞面就是形容很容易碰見... 或是空間很小

    11:05 Tinman(錫人)其實就是綠野仙蹤那個錫人沒錯,這個名詞後來常常被拿來說機器人或是外表有金屬的人
    外貌上來說Big Band確實蠻金屬外皮的

    之所以會被誤會也可能是因為Medici底下的怪人也不少... Medici跟Labs底下的改造士兵都還蠻奇特的... 可以說是能輕鬆看出來

    13:01 Irvin說的"spare you the song and dance." 就是不跟你長篇大論或是細細解釋了

    13:55 又是個少見的說法,"Can it"其實就是類似好了閉嘴的意思

    15:17 Skullgirls是少女在向Skull Heart許願完畢之後會變成的東西,隨著當事人逐漸失去自我意識,Skullgirl就會越強

    19:10 ~ 19:15
    "IS here" 跟 "WAS here"

    20:01 "The Last Hope"的更多資訊可以看我們頻道的Skullgirls Mobile Valentine Origin劇情影片

    23:13 "Nothing personal" 這個說法我也很推薦大家記一下,非常常見

    25:33 又是一個很棒的雙關梗,因為當下必須看懂才有趣所以我補在螢幕上了

    26:19 同上

    26:42 同上上

    27:39 這句話真的超有老式電影自白的味道的
    "It's not what it used to be, but neither am I."「這裡不再是以往的樣子,但我也一樣」

    Peacock是說"Defective Comics" (殘缺人士漫畫集)
    (因為Peacock跟Big Band其實都有損失身體器官並被機械取代)
    這樣一來後面Big Band說我不想搶妳風頭的玩笑就更有意思了



    Skullgirls Steam網站:

    IG看我們的日常與製作進度: weed99coco1
    關於我們翻譯組: https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4035888
    我們的Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWeed

  • cloaked 在 bgn squad Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-22 18:42:16

    HABA's Boardgame Imported and distributed by Smart Mom


    #tvmunk #bgnth #บอร์ดเกมไนท์
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    ติดต่อ/โฆษณา 0840056445

  • cloaked 在 bgn squad Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-20 16:30:00


    #tvmunk #bgnth #บอร์ดเกมไนท์
    แฟนเพจบอร์ดเกมไนท์ https://www.facebook.com/BGNth
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    Twitch https://go.twitch.tv/tvmunkofficial
    Board Game Night รายการแคสต์บอร์ดเกมรายการแรกของประเทศไทย
    ติดต่อ/โฆษณา 0840056445

