

在 characterization產品中有68篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Loving teaching ❤️ Loving my cutest students & their artwork. Let’s work hard & ZOOM❗️to our dreams. One of them drew me. Which one do you think? 🥰 #...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅swatchesbylyn,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hê lô các bác, chúng ta đã có 1 video mới, video hôm nay là 1 video về hương liệu, tôi sẽ nêu lên 1 vài quan điểm của mình đối với vấn đề này! 1 vài...

characterization 在 єlmírα ⧓ 艾米拉 ❄️ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 22:08:23

❚ #englishbelow 病 - 有時候覺得寂寞,無關身邊是誰 一部電影的畫面 或一張背影的照片 - 那些時候我也想被呵護著 大概是長得不像公主 或是忽略了别人也有情緒 或是不夠相信自己也可以幸福快樂 - 我的敏感多心是病 是性格 是文字 是腦中的片段 是努力積極生活的反撲 - 也是已入膏肓的...

characterization 在 Tiara Jacquelina Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-04 14:10:35

#Repost @wayangpeople • • • • • • KENAPA WAJIB TENGOK PGL THEATRICAL CUT KAT enfinitiv.asia ? And apa beza dia dengan producer's cut yang bakal muncul...

  • characterization 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-22 22:17:52
    有 1,145 人按讚

    Loving teaching ❤️ Loving my cutest students & their artwork. Let’s work hard & ZOOM❗️to our dreams. One of them drew me. Which one do you think? 🥰

    #annkok #annkokmeltdown #zoomacademy #❤️allmystudents #talentedkids #characterization Zoom! Academy

  • characterization 在 王大師 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-22 18:06:33
    有 153 人按讚

    關於疫苗的拒打潮,以及致死與頭暈現象。我昨晚直播有提出自己的看法,我的論點是,就連中國、美國與德國的官方,都無法提出新冠病毒的具體分離、純化與編碼證據,更沒有這病毒基因的重塑模型,所以到底有無Sars cov 2這病毒啊?


    中國大陸:中國疾病預防控制中心流行病學首席專家吳尊友說:「they didn’t isolate the virus」


    德國:去年1月德國出過一件報告,說德國病毒國師Christian Drosten病毒檢測模式,沒有根據「Sars-Cov-2病毒」??!!那檢測是怎出來的?

    內文:In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. ... Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.


    美國:CDC去年7月在報告中第42頁說:Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA




    6:33 PArt One續談疫苗
    14:40 一個正確的病毒需要分離(isolation)、純化(purification)與編碼(characterization)
    21:56 去年1月德國出過一件報告,說德國病毒國濕Christian Drosten病毒檢測模式,沒有根據「Sars-Cov-2病毒」??!!哈囉,那你的檢測是怎出來的?
    26:30 再看看美國,CDC去年7月在報告中第42頁說:


  • characterization 在 王大師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-21 16:43:57
    有 89 人按讚


    1:39 先更正上次斗內大德無名支持者部份我陳述內容:我談論美國欠中國債務,其實是中國政府欠美國的債務,我搞反了,請注意!以下是相關新聞:https://reurl.cc/bz9R9l)

    6:33 PArt One續談疫苗
    14:40 一個正確的病毒需要分離(isolation)、純化(purification)與編碼(characterization)
    上次講了老共的吳尊友說「they didn’t isolate the virus」

    21:56 去年1月德國出過一件報告,說德國病毒國濕Christian Drosten病毒檢測模式,沒有根據「Sars-Cov-2病毒」??!!哈囉,那你的檢測是怎出來的?
    內文:In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. ... Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.

    26:30 再看看美國,CDC去年7月在報告中第42頁說:Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA

    37:30 PArt Two 不存在的武統與貿易戰
    45:00 北京修改香港選制,感謝川建國與黃捷
    47:31 奇怪,川普已走,為何不取消關稅,原來....

    PArt Three 其它國內外議題
    53:50 為進口洋垃圾、這群低階人口反遭殃
    58:02 拜登要防止暖化,請問美國是否為冰化?

    PArt Four 財經議題
    1:12:30 Fed何時升息?
    1:15:24 黃金與美元大貶值?
    1:21:49 台幣升值與荷蘭(唬爛)病
    1:26:30 比特幣、GameStop、美國十年期公債殖利率、主力在想什麼


    1:32:35 感謝斗內大德王先生說:上次希望大師小聲點,雖然現在有改善很多但大師變得太拘謹了 還是以前幽默風趣談笑風生的大師比較對味。我現在改用耳機聽了

    1:37:32 感謝斗內大德小道姊說:請回顧電影出神入化Now+You+See+Me作為社會上許多問題的解方,老魔術師將牌藏在樹中20年。真正大型的魔術當屬金錢的製造流程,每月付帳單的當下精心的試算資產負債餘額,卻從不質疑金錢的製造過程。
    -氣候變遷,agenda 21藏了30年迄今

    1:44:36 感謝斗內大德匿名者說:大師的一小時節目計劃進度如何了?在節目優化這方面有沒有什麼想法?最近很多人在用的clubhouse有安排要進駐嗎?有時對大師的直播有些建議,但想用匿名的方式,有其他方式可以匿名提供個人意見嗎?
    感謝斗內YT大德Thomas LEE小額贊助大師,幫助頻道推播,大家新年快樂。
    感謝斗內YT大德Taisheng Huang
    感謝斗內YT大德Rocky You

    贊助連結: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/B7CB5 (留言不可空格、分段)

  • characterization 在 swatchesbylyn Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-17 21:30:06

    Hê lô các bác, chúng ta đã có 1 video mới, video hôm nay là 1 video về hương liệu, tôi sẽ nêu lên 1 vài quan điểm của mình đối với vấn đề này!

    1 vài nguồn mà tôi đã tham khảo làm video:
    Chemical Structure, Quality Indices and Bioactivity of Essential Oil Constituents: https://www.intechopen.com/books/active-ingredients-from-aromatic-and-medicinal-plants/chemical-structure-quality-indices-and-bioactivity-of-essential-oil-constituents
    Chemical composition of essential oil by different extraction methods and fatty acid analysis of the leaves of Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878535212000056
    Essential Oils’ Chemical Characterization and Investigation of Some Biological Activities: A Critical Review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5456241/
    Adverse effects of aromatherapy: A systematic review of case reports and case series ( Muốn xem phải mua)
    Five ‘Must-Knows’ on the Dangers of Synthetic Fragrance: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/five-mustknows-on-the-dan_b_4737654
    Fragrances in Cosmetics: https://www.fda.gov/cosmetics/cosmetic-ingredients/fragrances-cosmetics
    Essential Oils in Skincare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJG1owCEfXQ&t=222s

    ------- Các bạn có thể theo dõi thêm một vài video khác của Lyn -------
    ▹▹ Chuỗi video về sự thật:
    SỰ THẬT VỀ THE ORDINARY: https://bit.ly/37fsTCy
    SỰ THẬT VỀ SKIN1004: https://bit.ly/3dyK0jY
    SỰ THẬT VỀ KLAIRS: https://bit.ly/3lS94oT
    SỰ THẬT VỀ I'M FROM: https://bit.ly/2SZn8Rd

    ▹▹ Các video được yêu thích trên kênh:
    MỤN ẨN TẬP 2: BHA LEAVE ON NÀO HIỆU QUẢ?: https://bit.ly/2FCnSbW
    7 SAI LẦM KHI ĐI MUA RETINOL: https://bit.ly/3j4FURF
    TOP 10 KEM DƯỠNG ẨM GIÁ BÌNH D N DÀNH CHO TỪNG LOẠI DA: https://bit.ly/3j2aGe8

    ------- D I S C L A I M E R -------
    ▹▹ Lyn không phải là bác sĩ hay dược sĩ trong ngành hoá mỹ phẩm mà chỉ tổng hợp những thông tin từ các nguồn chất lượng và chia sẻ với mọi người. Trong quá trình đó, Lyn cũng không thể tránh khỏi sai sót. Vì vậy, mọi người nên tham khảo thêm các nguồn khác cũng như tự kiểm nghiệm các sản phẩm trên da của mình để đảm bảo tính chính xác cao nhất!

    ------- KẾT NỐI VỚI LYN NHIỀU HƠN TẠI -------
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/swatchesbylyn​
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ynhu.luong.566​
    Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ66CYYx/​
    Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/luongynhu2910/​
    Group facebook (MẶT TIỀN TỐN TIỀN): https://bit.ly/341CRW8​​

    ? Contact for work: swatchesbylyn@gmail.com
    Cảm ơn mọi người luôn theo dõi và ủng hộ Lyn!

  • characterization 在 七王 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-03 19:35:13

    Donkey Kong is an arcade game released by Nintendo in 1981. An early example of the platform game genre, the gameplay focuses on maneuvering the main character across a series of platforms while dodging and jumping over obstacles. In the game, Mario (originally named Mr. Video and then Jumpman) must rescue a damsel in distress named Pauline (originally named Lady), from a giant ape named Donkey Kong. The hero and ape later became two of Nintendo's most popular and recognizable characters. Donkey Kong is one of the most important games from the golden age of arcade video games as well as one of the most popular arcade games of all time.

    The game was the latest in a series of efforts by Nintendo to break into the North American market. Hiroshi Yamauchi, Nintendo's president at the time, assigned the project to a first-time video game designer named Shigeru Miyamoto. Drawing from a wide range of inspirations, including Popeye, Beauty and the Beast, and King Kong, Miyamoto developed the scenario and designed the game alongside Nintendo's chief engineer, Gunpei Yokoi. The two men broke new ground by using graphics as a means of characterization, including cutscenes to advance the game's plot, and integrating multiple stages into the gameplay.

    Although Nintendo's American staff was initially apprehensive, Donkey Kong succeeded commercially and critically in North America and Japan. Nintendo licensed the game to Coleco, who developed home console versions for numerous platforms. Other companies cloned Nintendo's hit and avoided royalties altogether. Miyamoto's characters appeared on cereal boxes, television cartoons, and dozens of other places. A lawsuit brought on by Universal City Studios (later Universal Studios), alleging Donkey Kong violated its trademark of King Kong, ultimately failed. The success of Donkey Kong and Nintendo's victory in the courtroom helped to position the company for video game market dominance from its release in 1981 until the late 1990s.


  • characterization 在 Bangkok69 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-04-12 10:17:50

    Movie is Songkran Fest in Terminal 21.
    Terminal 21 is a department store in Asok. It is in a very convenient place because it is directly connected with BTS · MRT.
    Characterization is done on each floor.
    Here, various events and sales are carried out so that foreign tourists can enjoy even if they come for the first time.
    During the Songkran period, folk crafts, accessories and costumes in northern Thailand are sold.
    There are events such as folk dance during the period

