

在 bakers產品中有318篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅小編神器,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【 FB 9月份 #餐廳 熱門貼文排行】 疫情衝擊,激盪各大餐聽發想不同的創意美食企劃 本月,春水堂 便搭上Iphone文案的順風車,以「就。很。嚼」珍珠奶茶與人氣酥炸拼盤占據榜上兩個席次,夏慕尼也趁疫情苦無用餐之際,推出夢幻和牛海陸雙饗、外帶法式雙人套餐,讓大家在家用餐之餘,也能豐富味覺饗宴 ...

 同時也有58部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ストレート法で作る基本の山食パン(山型食パン・イギリス食パン)の作り方です ストレート法は最初から材料をすべて合わせる作り方で、 メリット:短時間で出来る、風味が良い デメリット:ボリュームが出にくい、でんぷんの老化がはやい=すぐぱさつく という特徴があります おすすめの強力粉は窯伸びの良い...

bakers 在 下村さき|子連れ旅行・子連れお出かけ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 14:07:56

・ \ 東京駅ナカ おしゃパン屋 / グランスタのパン屋さん。 私はテイクアウト利用ですが、イートインもできます。 とちおとめブレッドおいしそうだったけど 直近の予定的に食べきれなさそうだったので 諦めました、残念🙍‍♀️ 人気No.2のクリームパンを楽しみに買ったけど 翌朝起きたら、旦那さ...

bakers 在 Azie Kitchen Blogger Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-22 04:03:46

Baker’s Cottage @bakerscottagemy menawarkan banyak menu menu sedap yang sesuai untuk hidangan harian. Yang paling saya suka ialah harganya sangat ber...

  • bakers 在 小編神器 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 07:48:30
    有 6 人按讚

    【 FB 9月份 #餐廳 熱門貼文排行】


    本月,春水堂 便搭上Iphone文案的順風車,以「就。很。嚼」珍珠奶茶與人氣酥炸拼盤占據榜上兩個席次,夏慕尼也趁疫情苦無用餐之際,推出夢幻和牛海陸雙饗、外帶法式雙人套餐,讓大家在家用餐之餘,也能豐富味覺饗宴


    8.Merci cafe|回家用餐:https://loom.ly/z07O8ec

    數據來源:Social bakers
    統計時間:2021/08/26 到 2021/09/25

  • bakers 在 Resepi Mutiara HATI Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 16:30:57
    有 0 人按讚

    Selamat malam!

    Lemon burnt cheese cake buat siang tadi. Tapi malam dah tinggal suku. Makan sejuk2 sedap nau kan.. Guna air fryer je senang 😌

    Tapi kejadian kek x comey lagi la sbb mmg tak pandai baking pun. Haha. So here you go utk resepi simple. Resepi ni smua org tau dah. Semua bakers hebat 🥰 I re-shared again:


    Cream cheese 250 grm- I suka brand Philadelphia
    Whipping cream 125 ml
    1/2 cawan gula- depends kemanisan uols nak
    1 penutup esen vanilla
    Telur -3 biji
    1-2 sudu besar tepung gandum (diayak dulu)
    1-2 sudu perahan lemon (klu nk rs lemon lebih, letak la lebih sikit)
    Blender je gais 😅
    Air fryer je gais 😅


    1) Blend dulu telur, whipping cream dan gula. Sebati.
    2) Then masuk bahan lain, continue blend.
    4) Loyang I guna size 6inci. I letak baking paper.. supaya x melekat kt loyang, and mudah angkat kua.
    5) Panaskan air fryer 180’ for 25 mins -1st
    6) I continue bake at 160’ for about 15 mins more. Or tgk la sampai dah burnt cheesecake nye and try cucuk tgk da ok ke blum.
    5) Da siap, kua kan, then hias la ikut kreativiti uols 🍰

    *Biar sejuk, masuk dlm peti, makan sejuk2 mmg layan gaisss 🤗

  • bakers 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-18 12:27:58
    有 101 人按讚

    Baker’s Cottage @bakerscottagemy menawarkan banyak menu menu sedap yang sesuai untuk hidangan harian.

    Yang paling saya suka ialah harganya sangat berpatutan dan berbaloi. Masakannya berkualiti dan sangat sedap.

    Ayam panggangnya bukan sahaja berperisa tetapi lembut dan juicy. Kek dan kek ais krim juga memang sangat mewah dengan rasa coklat. Macau egg tart pula enak berkrim, donut yang gebu serta jejari Ayam Rangup yang memang sangat sedap. Dengan harga berpatutan, ianya sangat menjimatkan.

    1. Roast Chicken (BBQ / Black Pepper) - masa terhad dengan harga promosi RM11.90

    2. Roast Chicken Rice (BBQ / Black Pepper) samada dengan Macau Egg Tart / Donut Combo Set dengan harga RM7.99

    3. Chocolate Cheese Mousse 7" RM59.35

    4. Chocolate Walnut Ice Cream Cake, dari RM89.00

    5. Macau Egg Tart (4pcs) Combo Dengan Harga Promo RM8.99

    6. Menu Terbaharu Crispy Chicken Fingers pada harga RM4.99

    Cepat cepat dapatkannya sekarang kerana Bakers Cottage ada menawarkan diskaun sebanyak 20% di outlet yang terpilih dalam masa yang terhad sahaja.

    Boleh walk in untuk takeaway di mana mana outlet atau menggunakan Foodpanda Delivery sahaja.


  • bakers 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-03 18:36:29












    ・強力粉 100
    ・砂糖 8
    ・スキムミルク 3
    ・塩 2
    ・インスタントドライイースト 1
    ・水 72
    ・バター 8

    ・強力粉 300g
    ・砂糖 24g
    ・スキムミルク 9g
    ・塩 6g
    ・インスタントドライイースト 3g
    ・水 216g
    ・バター 24g


    1. 【生地作り~1次発酵】バター以外の材料をすべて合わせてグルテン膜が出るまでこね、バターを加えてさらにこねる
    2. より薄いグルテン膜が出るまでこね(こね上げ26℃目安)、丸めてボウルに入れてラップをし30℃で60分発酵させて、打ち粉をして台に取り出す
    3. 上から押さえてガスを抜いて広げ、上下左右から3つ折り×2で折りたたみボウルに入れてラップをし、30℃で30分発酵させる
    4. 【分割~ベンチタイム】生地量の1/3ずつに分割してガスを抜き、きれいな面が外側にし表面を張らせるように丸める
    5. かたく絞った濡れ布巾をかけて25分ベンチタイム(生地をゆるめて成形しやすくする/残った生地は同様にして丸パンなどに活用)
    6. 【成形~2次発酵】めん棒で長方形にのばしつつガスを抜き(周りの気泡は手で潰す)、上下から1/3折りたたんで生地をくっつける
    7. 奥から手前に少し張らせるように巻いてとじる(最初芯を作り、トップを持って下にくっつけるイメージで3回転~3回転半)
    8. 離型油を塗った型に端→真ん中の順で入れ、蓋をして35℃で50分を目安に2次発酵(オーブンで発酵させる場合は予熱時間を考慮しはやめに取り出す)
    9. 【焼成/180℃に予熱】生地が型のギリギリまで膨らんだら発酵完了、180℃に予熱したオーブンで焼成する
    10. 180℃で30分を目安に焼き、焼き上がったら台に2~3回落として蒸気を抜き(腰折れを防ぐため)、すぐに取り出し冷ます








    ↓using translation software.

    Bakers percent (total: 194)
    ・Bread flour 100
    ・Sugar 8
    ・Skim Milk 3
    ・Salt 2
    ・Instant dry yeast 1
    ・Water 72
    ・Butter 8

    The amount of the flour 300.
    ・Bread flour 300 g
    ・Sugar 24 g
    ・Skim milk 9g
    ・Salt 6g
    ・Instant dry yeast 3g
    ・Water 216 g
    ・Butter 24 g

    ・Leave the butter at room temperature.
    ・Spread mold release oil on the mold.

    [How to make]
    1. [Making the dough ~ primary fermentation] Mix all the ingredients except butter and knead it until the gluten film comes out. Add butter and knead it more.
    2. Knead it (knead it up to around 26 °C) until a thinner gluten film comes out. Round it and put it in a bowl. Cover it with a plastic wrap and let it ferment for 60 minutes at 30 °C. Dust it with flour and take it out on a counter top.
    3. Press down from the top to release the gas and spread it out. Fold it 3 times from top, bottom, left and right. Put it in a bowl and wrap it then ferment it for 30 minutes at 30 °C.
    4. [Divide ~ bench time] Divide it to 1/3 of the amount of the dough then release the gas. Round it so the clean side is on the outside and the surface will stretch.
    5. Cover it with a tightly squeezed damp dishcloth and bench it for 25 minutes (loosen the dough to make it easier to shape it/use the rest of the dough in the same way for round bread, etc.).
    6. [Shaping ~ Secondary fermentation] Stretch it to a rectangle with a rolling pin and release the gas (crush the air bubbles around it with your hand). Fold it from the top and bottom to 1/3 and stick the dough together.
    7. Roll it up and close it so that it is slightly stretched from the back to the front (Make the core first and hold the top and stick it on the bottom. Turn it around 3-3.5 times.).
    8. Put it in the mold spread with mold release oil in the order of the edge to the center. Cover the lid and let it undergo secondary fermentation at 35 °C for around 50 minutes (take it out without considering the preheating time if you are fermenting it in the oven).
    9. [Bake/Preheat to 180 °C] When the dough rises to the edge of the mold, the fermentation is complete. Bake it in the oven preheated to 180 °C.
    10.Bake it at 180 °C for around 30 minutes. When it finishes baking, drop it on a counter 2 ~ 3 times to remove the steam (to prevent it from breaking around the waist). Take it out immediately and let it cool.

  • bakers 在 Nikmatul Rosidah Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-06 16:41:24

    ?Winnipeg Bread ?
    Bahan Water Roux Mix:
    25 g Terigu pro tinggi / Bread flour.
    125 ml Air.

    Campur air dan tepung sampai larut tanpa gumpalan.
    lalu dimasak di api kecil sekitar 1 ke 2 menit sampai pekat.
    Biar kan dingin .

    Bahan Adonan :
    425 g Terigu pro tinggi
    150 g Rye flour.
    50 g Gula
    25 g Butter.
    1.5 sdt Garam.
    7 Gram Yeast SAF INSTANT
    5 g Ibis blue Pelembut roti / Bread Softener
    5 g Bakers Bonus A / Bread Improver
    Water Roux mixture
    150 ml Air hangat
    150 ml Susu Hangat.

    Masuk kan semua bahan uleni sampai kalis.
    Bulat kan dan pindah kan di mangkok yang berminyak.
    Biarkan selama 20 menit.
    Kempes kan adonan ,bisa di bagi menjadi 2 bagian lalu bentuk lonjong dan biarkan mengembang sampai ukuran 2x lipat .
    panggang di oven panas selama 40 menit.
    Tunggu 1 jam baru dipotong.

  • bakers 在 Daphne Iking Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-02 15:07:30

    GAIZZZZ SOB! Macam MCO 3.0 nak kejadian ni!!!

    With kes COVID-19 on a rise, the prospect of making the ????? ??????? journey to celebrate the coming Hari Raya with loved ones seem so GRIM. So again, it’s going to be a cosy but SAFE celebration here at the #IkingAzmi abode. But unlike last year, where I was in my confinement and we ordered our Raya meals - I’m starting my own family tradition by cooking the WHOLE Raya “feast” with the kids! This is a HUGE for Noob Cook like @gramforthecook hokays?!

    I prefer to shop for my groceries online - partially cause I want to delegate chores like shopping for more productive stuff. Also, I’m trying to stay safe at home. Just don’t want to take the risk of going out unnecessarily.

    Bonus point? When paying with my @myboostapp, I get Boost coins, cash back and promo deals - depending on the merchants I purchase from.

    Today, I shared my ????? ????? in prepping for the upcoming Raya in my LIVESTREAM which includes:

    1. Buying groceries online (sooo many merchants are with Boost’s ecosystem like @shiffa_enterprise , @fishforitmy , @wadoodmart , @happyfresh_my and so much more!)

    2. Use ready-to-eat meals like Ketupat (Brand Nona is sold in most grocers. They seem ok), powder / pastes

    3. If you’re baking game is not so Onz, orders cakes and biscuits from local bakers #SapotLokal

    4. Get a THERMOMIX! I tell you... it will save you so much time and hassle. I will teach you how to make Raya cuisine and more with the press press of the button! (Saja plug in DM tepi ye? ?)

    With the Boost app, you can also pay your ?-????? and share your ?-???? ???? safely (follow them to get updates when it’s launched)

    Here’s a recap of our grocers Boost Promos:

    @shiffa_enterprise Pakej Ramadan RM60 instead of RM73!

    @fishforitmy RM10 OFF for every RM130 spent (promo code: CELEBRATEFFI)

    Check out @wadoodmart Hari Raya Bundles. They do same day delivery too!

    Thanks Boost Team for initiating this platform and thank you to all my wonderful guests! Congratulations to all winners of the 1000 Boost coins and RM50 cash in your e-wallet. I ? you guys!

    10 more days till Aidilfitri ? Wheeeee!
    Thanks for watching and please do not forget to subscribe!

    Also follow me on my other social media channels:


    If you also need my profile and showreel, please visit:

