

在 auspicious產品中有916篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過17萬的網紅Hisui,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Last day for Patre0n🔥 跟船長一起出海的最後機會! 要起航啦!在船上等你哦~✨ 太喜歡今次的照片喇❤️‍🔥 希望你們也喜歡💕 It was an auspicious moment to set sail with Captain Marine! 🚢☀️ Last day fo...

 同時也有72部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過304萬的網紅MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,UHA味覚糖「なが〜い さけるグミ 巨峰」をまるまる一本使って、レアチーズケーキをつくりました。 ゼリーに閉じ込めた3つの飾りは水引梅結びにした、さけるグミです。梅結びは、縁起が良いとされ、水引きなどでよく見かける結び方です。梅結びを大量に使って、夏に作っていた娘の工芸作品が かわいかったのに影響さ...

auspicious 在 MACAUEAT | 澳門美食媒體平台 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 08:01:04

回收短訊要在兩分鐘;那月餅盒呢?你有兩周時間! 美高梅澳門今年的三式八味月餅禮盒不僅有多樣口味可選,禮盒圖案更是周游軒小朋友及其父親以澳門美高梅藝術收藏「八面靈龍」為靈感而設計。寓意著八方進寶、闔家團圓,也突出了純潔童真的可貴。小朋友的創意無限,用水彩和油墨繪製了這一幅天馬行空的作品。享用過美味月...

auspicious 在 malaysianfoodie.com Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 09:41:05

This year, Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur welcomes Mid Autumn with an array of delectable selections of mooncakes. In here, one can enjoy their purely handm...

auspicious 在 鄭凱中 Lukas Ridge Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 11:22:44

在中國華人的習俗傳統上,在這個月份都不鼓勵大家出新車,搬家,買房子等等!但是其實在這個時候卻得到很多優惠和好處! 其實農曆七月除了是鬼月, 另一個普遍被視作吉祥或盡孝之月,稱為“吉祥月、孝道月、歡喜月、感恩月、教孝月”。 是要提醒大家做子女後代的都要有要孝順父母,報答​父母​,紀念祖先​的恩德​和...

  • auspicious 在 Hisui Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 19:35:35
    有 1,864 人按讚

    Last day for Patre0n🔥

    It was an auspicious moment to set sail with Captain Marine! 🚢☀️
    Last day for Sep's PATRE0N
    I am waiting for you💓

    Photo by X2 WilsonPhoto

  • auspicious 在 Macaueat 澳門美食 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-21 00:29:28
    有 57 人按讚


    MGM 美高梅 澳門今年的三式八味月餅禮盒不僅有多樣口味可選,禮盒圖案更是周游軒小朋友及其父親以澳門美高梅藝術收藏「八面靈龍」為靈感而設計。寓意著八方進寶、闔家團圓,也突出了純潔童真的可貴。小朋友的創意無限,用水彩和油墨繪製了這一幅天馬行空的作品。享用過美味月餅後,不妨活用月餅盒的儲物能力,譬如製成顏色筆盒,變廢為寶?


    🔸MacauEat 將會推出一系列有關可持續發展和綠色餐飲系列的專題介紹和創作,如果大家有什麼好提議的話,歡迎inbox 我們,讓我們從餐飲出發,令社區變得更好。

    This year, MGM offers three kinds of mooncake gifts boxes in eight flavours. The special design comes from little local artist Chao Iao Hin, and his father. This art piece is inspired by the “Valkyrie Octopus”at MGM MACAU, which embodies auspicious and happy reunion of families, as well as the precious innocence of children. After enjoying the mooncakes with families, you might as well try making a good use of the containers. Turning it into a watercolour markers box is probably a good idea to carry out the resource recycling.

    🔸You may also respond to government’s 「Mooncake Boxes Recycling」campaign, recycle the mooncake boxes in designated sites. Check the details in our bio’s link!

    🔸 MacauEat will also promote a series of work and creation in terms of the green talkings and happenings in our local f&b industry. DM us if you have more related ideas and stay tuned!

    🔹Photographer: Lambert Lam
    🔹Food styling: Katherine Kou
    🔹Location: MacauEat Studio
    🔹Mooncake: MGM Macau

    #澳門美食 #MacauEat
    #美高梅 #MGM
    #月餅 #Mooncake
    #月餅拍攝 #MoonCakeShot
    #回收 #Recycling
    #可持續性發展 #Sustainability

  • auspicious 在 Macaueat 澳門美食 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-20 23:07:04
    有 2 人按讚



    🔸 環境保護局 於9月21日至10月7日在全澳各區設置約800個月餅盒回收點,方便市民回收不再重用的月餅盒。大家亦可以積極響應政府「回收月餅盒好Easy」的號召,更多詳情在https://bit.ly/3hRYUVP,為持續貫徹資源回收獻出自己的一份力!

    🔸MacauEat 將會推出一系列有關可持續發展和綠色餐飲系列的專題介紹和創作,如果大家有什麼好提議的話,歡迎inbox 我們,讓我們從餐飲出發,令社區變得更好。

    This year, MGM offers three kinds of mooncake gifts boxes in eight flavours. The special design comes from little local artist Chao Iao Hin, and his father. This art piece is inspired by the “Valkyrie Octopus”at MGM MACAU, which embodies auspicious and happy reunion of families, as well as the precious innocence of children. After enjoying the mooncakes with families, you might as well try making a good use of the containers. Turning it into a watercolour markers box is probably a good idea to carry out the resource recycling.

    🔸You may also respond to government’s 「Mooncake Boxes Recycling」campaign, recycle the mooncake boxes in designated sites. Check the details in our bio’s link!

    🔸 MacauEat will also promote a series of work and creation in terms of the green talkings and happenings in our local f&b industry. DM us if you have more related ideas and stay tuned!

    🔹Photographer: @lamjaeat
    🔹Food styling: @kath_kola
    🔹Location: #MacauEatStudio
    🔹Mooncake: @mgm.mo

    #澳門美食 #MacauEat
    #美高梅 #MGM
    #月餅 #Mooncake
    #月餅拍攝 #MoonCakeShot
    #回收 #Recycling
    #可持續性發展 #Sustainability

  • auspicious 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-11 18:17:03

    UHA味覚糖「なが〜い さけるグミ 巨峰」をまるまる一本使って、レアチーズケーキをつくりました。
    ゼリーに閉じ込めた3つの飾りは水引梅結びにした、さけるグミです。梅結びは、縁起が良いとされ、水引きなどでよく見かける結び方です。梅結びを大量に使って、夏に作っていた娘の工芸作品が かわいかったのに影響され、ケーキにしてみました。

    *レシピ*(直径 14.5 cmの丸型 1個分)
    1.なが〜い さけるグミを4つに割き、梅結びを作る。

    2.ビスケット 70gを細かく砕く。
    3.溶かした無塩バター 30g(若干崩れやすかったので、35gにしてみてください)を入れ混ぜる。

    5.水 35gに粉ゼラチン 10gを振り入れておく。
    6.室温に戻したクリームチーズ 100gをなめらかになるまで混ぜる。
    7.砂糖 60gを入れ混ぜる。
    8.無糖ヨーグルト 200gを入れ混ぜる。

    17.80℃程度のお湯 150gに粉ゼラチン 6gを入れ溶かす。
    18.砂糖 30gを入れ溶かす。
    19.レモン汁 5gを入れ混ぜる。


    #レアチーズケーキ #水引 #さけるグミ

    I made a no-bake cheese cake using a whole UHA Mikakuto "Nagaai sakeru Gummy Kyoho".
    The three decorations trapped in the jelly are gummies tied in mizuhiki plum knots.
    Plum knots are said to be auspicious and are often seen in mizuhiki. I was inspired by my daughter's cute craftwork that she made during her summer vacation using a lot of plum knots, so I decided to make it into a cake. Thanks to the gummy candies, I made a no-bake cheese cake with a Kyoho flavor. This kind of interesting and tasty snack is really wonderful.

    *Recipe* (for 1 round mold 14.5 cm in diameter)
    1.Divide the gummy candy into four pieces and make a plum knot.

    Make the bottom.
    2.Crush 70g of biscuits into small pieces.
    3.Mix in 30g of melted unsalted butter (it was a little crumbly, so try 35 grams).
    4.Place in a mold and chill in the refrigerator.

    Make the rare cheesecake.
    5.Sprinkle 10g of powdered gelatin into 35g of water.
    6.Mix 100g of cream cheese at room temperature until smooth.
    7.Mix in 60g of sugar.
    8.Mix in 200g of unsweetened yogurt.
    9.Heat (5) in a microwave oven at 600 watts for about 20 seconds to dissolve the gelatin.
    10.Add (9) while mixing (8).
    11.Set aside half the amount (about 200g).
    12.Leave 3 plum knots from (1), put the remaining gummy candies (22g) in a heat-resistant container, and add 10g of water.
    13.Heat in a microwave oven at 600W for 20 seconds to melt the gummy.
    14.Add (13) to one half of (11) and mix. I colored it so that it would be light purple.
    15.Pour into (4), cool in the refrigerator for less than 1 hour, and harden the surface.
    16.Pour the other half of (11) into (15), cool in the refrigerator, and when the surface is about to harden, put three plum knots from (1) and harden the surface.

    Make the top jelly.
    17.Add 6g of powdered gelatin to 150g of hot water at about 80 ° C and dissolve.
    18.Dissolve 30g of sugar in it.
    19.Mix in 5g of lemon juice.

    20.Pour cold (19) into (16)
    21.Refrigerate and harden.
    22.It's done.
    Super Kyoho taste. And I was so grateful that the gummy candies could be cut with a fork.

    #cheesecake #longlongman #gummy #mizuhiki

  • auspicious 在 แม่ก้อยพาทำ Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-14 00:52:19

    ??‍???❤️สวัสดีค่ะเพื่อนเกษตรที่น่ารักทุกคน แม่ก้อย
    #รู้แล้วแก้พริกเน่าใบหงิก ใบเหลืองใบจุด ใบด่าง
    ขี้เถ้าถ่าน ปราบโรคพืช พืชผักงามสวย ทั้งสวน
    ไล่แมลงมด เพลี้ย หนอน กำจัดเชื้อรา แก้รากเน่า โคนเน่า
    ต้นโทรม พริกใครไม่ดก ทำสูตรนี้เลยคะ
    ผสมทุกอย่างให้เข้ากันเราเรียกเป็นปุ๋ยแห้งสามารถใส่ที่โคนต้นไม้ 15 วันครั้งไล่แมลงได้ด้วยเป็นทั้งปุ๋ยบำรุงรากลำต้นกิ่งก้านใบเร่งดอกเร่งผลเป็นสูตรแบบธรรมชาติเห็นผลจริงปรับปรุงสภาพดินได้ด้วยและถ้าสารอาหารครบแบบง่ายง่ายบำรุงพืชผักได้ทุกชนิดไม้ดอกไม้ประดับไม้มงคลต่างๆทำได้
    ใช้ทางดิน เดือนละครั้งนะจ๊ะ
    ??‍??❤️ แม่ก้อยขอขอบคุณ เพื่อนเกษตรที่น่ารักทุกคน ที่กดติดตาม กดไลด์ กดแชร์ ให้ แม่ก้อยเสมอ ด้วยรัก จากใจ แม่ก้อยพาทำ

    Hello everyone, lovely agricultural friends Mae Koi.
    #Know and fix the rotten pepper Yellow leaves
    Charcoal ashes
    Repel insects, ants, aphids, worms, eliminate fungi, cure root rot and root rot
    The shabby chili tree, who did not make this recipe at all?
    #Fertilizer, ash, eggshell
    #Ants and Aphids
    Materials / equipment
    1. Ashes
    3. Salt
    4. Coffee
    Mix everything together, we call it a dry fertilizer, can be put at the base of the tree for 15 days as well as repel insects as well as nourishing fertilizers for roots, stems, branches, leaves, accelerate flowers, accelerate the result, is a natural formula that can actually improve soil conditions as well, and if Complete nutrition, simple, easy to nourish all kinds of vegetables, ornamental flowers, and auspicious plants.
    Used to sprinkle chili plants and kink leaves.
    Use the soil once a month.
    If useful, don't forget to follow Mae Koi to make Mae Koi channel.
    ??‍??❤️ Mother Koi thank you Lovely friend of agriculture, everyone who presses, presses, presses, always shares with Mae Koi with love from Mae Koi's heart.

  • auspicious 在 Jo Yen Tan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-02 20:06:09

    Have you ever wonder what's the meaning behind all the auspicious myths for Chinese New Year ? Come join us and chill as we casually list out the facts behind each and every do and don't on Chinese New Year !! P.S. This content is just for entertainment purpose and made solely to tickle your curiosity buds. Teehee...
    Happy Lunar New Year everyone ❤️

    Hope you enjoy the video! Appreciate if you could hit the subscribe button which drives us to keep motivated to continue making videos like this . Feel free to comment if you guys have any suggestions.

    Stay safe peeps, like & share.

    Stay tuned for our upcoming video, follow us at:
    Jo Yen IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyentan/
    Joshua IG: https://www.instagram.com/joshualee93/
    Our IG: https://www.instagram.com/alovelycouplelife/

