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在 antacid產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【藥事知多D】胃藥知多D:Bismuth Subsalicylate 根據藥理,常用的胃藥主要可以分為抗酸劑(Antacid)例如鹼鹽和制酸劑例如H2受體拮抗劑(H2 Antagonist)、質子泵抑制劑(Proton Pump Inhibitor, PPI)兩類。 不論是抗酸劑還是制酸劑,最終...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Oops AnnieNini,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這陣子我的草編包出場率很高 一方面是懶得換包包, 一方面也是真的太喜歡! 收到一些訊息想要知道使用心得 順便一起來一支久違的What’s in my bag 來看看最近我的包包裡面到底有什麼吧? Love you all, xoxo ﹅ LOEWE/ Small leather-trim...

antacid 在 HannahEd Scholarship Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-06-03 22:21:30

[Apply quote] DU HỌC SINH, XIN ĐỪNG NHỊN ĂN Dù bạn rất mệt mỏi, dù bạn cô đơn khi phải ăn một mình, dù bạn không muốn ăn, dù bạn ngại nấu,... nhưng x...

antacid 在 ☕️ Cafe cùng Trang Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-07-09 14:51:39

“Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved” ー Kate Bowler ———————————————————————— “A divinity professor and young mother with a Stag...

antacid 在 Dr. Amalina | General Surgery Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 09:36:44

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD or GERD for Americans) is a common condition, where acid from the stomach leaks up into the oesophagus (gullet...

  • antacid 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-28 09:58:55
    有 180 人按讚

    【藥事知多D】胃藥知多D:Bismuth Subsalicylate

    根據藥理,常用的胃藥主要可以分為抗酸劑(Antacid)例如鹼鹽和制酸劑例如H2受體拮抗劑(H2 Antagonist)、質子泵抑制劑(Proton Pump Inhibitor, PPI)兩類。





    這種非典型胃藥便是Bismuth Subsalicylate。

    誠如上文所述,在藥理上,Bismuth Subsalicylate既不是抗酸劑,又不是制酸劑,不過偏偏就是一種胃藥。

    跟抗酸劑、制酸劑不同,Bismuth Subsalicylate主要有以下四個作用原理:

    第一,Bismuth Subsalicylate在酸性的環境下(胃液)便可能會進化成為Bismuth Oxychloride,然後黏附在胃壁上形成一層薄膜,如同「烏蠅紙」一樣吸附胃黏膜主細胞(Gastric Chief Cell)所分泌的胃蛋白酶(Pepsin),抑制胃蛋白酶的活性。

    胃蛋白酶主要負責消化胃裡的蛋白質,固然能夠消化食物裡的蛋白質,更加能夠消化胃壁細胞(Parietal Cells)裡的蛋白質,所以抑制胃蛋白酶的活性,在相當程度上,便可能會減少胃液對胃部的刺激。

    第二,Bismuth Subsalicylate可能會黏附在胃潰瘍的傷口上形成一種物理性屏障,如同敷料一樣減少傷口繼續受到胃液的刺激,促進傷口癒合。[1][2]

    第三,Bismuth Subsalicylate可能會促進前列腺素(Prostaglandin, PG)的產生,增加胃壁黏液分泌,如同加厚城牆一樣鞏固胃壁黏膜抗衡胃酸。

    第四,Bismuth Subsalicylate可能會促進胃壁黏膜分泌重碳酸鹽(Bicarbonate, HCO3-)這種鹼鹽,中和胃酸,從而加強胃壁的自我保護功能。

    跟其他胃藥不同,Bismuth Subsalicylate還有一種與眾不同的特性,便是可能會干擾幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori, H. pylori)的細胞壁、蛋白質、三磷酸腺苷(Adenosine Triphosphate, ATP)合成,癱瘓幽門螺旋桿菌的新陳代謝,同時干擾細胞膜(Cell Membrane)的滲透功能,誘發幽門螺旋桿菌的體內出現滲漏,殺滅幽門螺旋桿菌。[3]

    所以Bismuth Subsalicylate有資格成為四合一療法(Quadruple Therapy)的其中一員,適用於治療對幽門螺旋桿菌呈陽性的腸胃潰瘍(H. pylori-positive Ulcers)。[4]



    除此之外,Bismuth Subsalicylate還可能會在消化道裡跟細菌體內的硫化氫(Hydrogen Sulfide, H2S)產生化學反應轉化成為硫化鉍(Bismuth Sulfide, Bi2S3),因為硫化鉍是黑色,所以可能會弄污舌頭、染黑大便。

    還有因為Bismuth Subsalicylate含有鉍(Bismuth)、水楊酸(Salicylic Acid)這兩種成分,所以還可能會出現兩者所帶來的副作用:


    因為鉍主要透過腎臟排出體外,所以要是腎功能不佳,這些重金屬離子便可能會不斷積聚在人體裡面,日積月累,便可能會超標構成毒性,損害神經系統,所以未必適用於對一些腎衰竭(Renal Failure)人士服用。


    因為Bismuth Subsalicylate可以產生水楊酸,所以不適用於對亞士匹靈(Aspirin)產生過敏的人士服用,同時避免超出建議劑量,減低出現水楊酸中毒的風險。




    1. Lambert JR, Way DJ, King RG, Eaves ER, Hansky J. Bismuth pharmacokinetics in the human gastric mucosa. Gastroenterology. 1988;94: A248.
    2. Koo J, Ho J, Lam SK, Wong J, Ong GB. Selective coating of gastric ulcer by tripotassium dicitrato-bismuthate in the rat. Gastroenterology. 1982;82:864-70.
    3. Lambert JR, Midolo P. The actions of bismuth in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1997;11(Suppl 1):27-33.
    4. Malfertheiner P, Bazzoli F, Delchier JC, et al. Helicobacter pylori eradication with a capsule containing bismuth subcitrate potassium, metronidazole, and tetracycline given with omeprazole versus clarithromycin-based triple therapy: a randomised, open-label, non-inferiority, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2011;377:905.

  • antacid 在 Drama-addict Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-18 13:55:41
    有 18,706 人按讚

    เมื่อวานเห็นผู้ชุมนุมหลายคน เอานมไปล้างตา หลังโดนแก๊สน้ำตา
    อันนี้เป็นสิ่งที่ลือกันมาจากผู้ชุมนุมในหลายประเทศเช่นฮ่องกง ว่าหากโดนแก๊สน้ำตาแล้วให้เอานมล้างโปรตีนในนมจะช่วยเอาพวกสารเคมีในตาออก

    จริงๆแล้วไม่แนะนำนะครับ เพราะนมไม่สะอาดเพียงพอ การใช้นมล้างตา จะทำให้เกิดการอักเสบติดเชื้อตามมาหลังจากนั้นได้ ใช้น้ำเปล่า น้ำเกลือ น้ำสะอาด ในการล้างตาก็เพียงพอแล้ว

    ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านสารเคมีในแก๊สน้ำตาเคยให้สัมภาษณ์กับสื่อ ABC News ว่า แม้แก๊สน้ำตาจะทำให้ปวดแสบตา แต่มันไม่ได้ถูกออกแบบมาให้เกิดความเสียหายถาวรกับดวงตา ดังนั้นถ้าล้างด้วยน้ำเปล่า ซักพักอาการก็จะดีขึ้น แต่ถ้าเอานมไปล้าง อันนี้อาจทำให้เกิดการติดเชื้อตามมาในภายหลัง ดังนั้นใช้น้ำเปล่าน้ำสะอาดน้ำเกลือ พอแล้ว ไม่ต้องใช้น้ำนม และห้ามขยี้ตาต้องระวังกระจกตาเป็นแผลด้วย


  • antacid 在 Jenn’s 沬厤 Life After Cancer #spreadlovecreatehope Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-16 11:46:20
    有 45 人按讚

    Private clinic prescribed me 4 meds:
    💊Cimulcer Tablets
    💊Povil Antacid Tablets
    💊YSP Prednisolone
    🙇🏻‍♀️Took the meds for 2 days but condition didn’t improve at all...

    Decided to visit the Pharmacy to get gastric meds myself. Showed him my current prescription and he shake his head and told me it won’t help my condition. So he suggested...
    🧟‍♀️Pain got from strong to mild after taking but it’s still uncomfortable. Appetite was still poor.
    🤯Sometimes I also wonder if my persistent pain was due to insufficient food intake too which contribute to slow healing and continuous gastric.. I’m not sure so around 5pm I wanted to go TCM, but was told they were closed for the day. Even Klinik Kesihatan was closed too.

    🤔This morning, decided to go to Government Clinic (Klinik Kesihatan) instead.. showed the doc my list of meds (1st batch and 2nd batch) and she shakes her head and told me not to take it anymore. ❌⚠️Especially 1st batch bcs one of the meds contains steroid and for my condition, I don’t need it 🤢 And in fact, some of the meds will make my condition worst. 😪⁉️

    👩🏻‍⚕️ She said all my symptoms were directed to indigestion problem and I should focus on solving the digestive issue first and everything will fall back into place. 🤞🏻 Along the way some constipation here and there are part of the “healing crisis”. But let’s solve my digestive issue first. 👌🏼 So she suggested I get myself a probiotic supplements and start taking it and monitor if there’s any improvement. 🤒
    🤷🏻‍♀️So I went to the pharmacy and grab whatever that’s available (as shown in pic). Going to start taking it and see how it goes. 🍀

    But TBH, I’m more convinced with the last doc though. Bcs she asked enough (and relevant) questions and clarified my conditions better than the one in the private clinic. And I’m also quite sure the doc in GH/ gov clinic sees more patients than anywhere else. ❤️

    💯Anyway, my point here is, as a patient, you’re responsible for ur own health and body. Always be aware of any symptoms and changes.. Even after you’d consulted the specialist, you still need to keep monitor if the meds did help improve your condition. If it doesn’t, it is your responsibility to inform the doc or to seek second opinions. Don’t just wait at home. 🌚

    Also thank you to friends who had suggested probiotic earlier, and some leafy herbs... Appreciate it. I did not take it earlier before bcs some meds are not compatible to be taken with certain supplements, but now that I was given a green light, I’m going all out for this. 💪🏼

    👽 And I also get to learn that, there’s no “pain killer” for gastric 😵 Paracetamol won’t work. 🤭

    #indigestionsucksbigtime #willupdateagainwhenimfittowrite #wontreplyfast #apologizeinadvance

  • antacid 在 Oops AnnieNini Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-18 21:00:21

    一方面是懶得換包包, 一方面也是真的太喜歡!
    順便一起來一支久違的What’s in my bag

    Love you all,

    LOEWE/ Small leather-trimmed basket tote
    皮夾/ Tory Burch Emerson Mini Wallet
    AirPods/ elago Airpods Hang Case (矽膠保護套)
    化妝包/ 3ce Pouch Mini
    鏡子/ VDL
    口腔噴霧/ Ora2 Breath Fine Mouth Spray (淨澈氣息口香噴劑)
    爽息膠囊/ Kobayashi Breath Care (小林製藥爽息清心丸)
    護唇膏/ URIAGE Bariéderm Cica-Lips Repairing Balm
    NIVEA Japan Delicious Drop Peach (香甜水蜜桃護唇膏 SPF11)
    OTHERS/ Ohta’s Isan Antacid Powder (太田胃散)
    護手霜/ Lindesa Lightly Oily Protective Hand Cream
    氣墊/ espoir Taping Cover Moist Cushion, Ivory
    唇彩/ CHANEL Rouge Allure Ink Fusion, 802
    espoir New Couture Lip Fluid Velvet , BR901
    墨鏡/ Ray-Ban ROUND METAL (RB3447 001 50-2)
    香水/ Hermès Un Jardin Sur Le Nil (尼羅河花園中性香水)

    ????????? @????????
    ???????? ?????????
    [email protected]

    ????????? & ???? ♥
    ???: ???? ?? ??? ? ????????? ?????.