[爆卦]Amazed at是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Amazed at鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Amazed at這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 amazed產品中有1936篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #主播主持 #六星璀璨米其林大師講座記者會 誰說主廚合作只能是四手餐會?六手餐會?三位分別接受台灣、新加坡、日本正規餐飲教育訓練出身的主廚 Alain, Jimmy, Ryogo san 點頭答應合作開課,每週到校園授課,整整一學期導入米其林廚房的培訓規格、各自傳授近20年工作心法和高端餐廚工作的...

 同時也有285部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過345的網紅? 黃莉莉 Lily in Netherlands,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello, This is the vibe from a plane overviewing Amsterdam before arrival ! I was amazed by this beautiful and lovely city, so would like to share wi...

amazed 在 Joseph Prince Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 12:16:02

"At the end of last year, my doctor told me that I had fibroids and polyps in my womb. The condition caused me to bleed a lot and also resulted in a l...

amazed 在 MACAUEAT | 澳門美食媒體平台 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 08:01:04

環保時尚找平衡,行李箱中找月餅 永利今年的迷你行李箱月餅盒早已風靡全網。為了支持本地企業,永利與澳門#十月初五街餅家 合作,將時下所流行的「桂花烏龍」、「流心鳳梨」、「香濃咖啡」等口味與傳統的月餅相結合,令人耳目一新。 享用完美味的月餅之後,這造型時尚的月餅盒,也給本次拍攝帶來了不少靈感。「在環...

  • amazed 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 19:06:46
    有 145 人按讚

    #主播主持 #六星璀璨米其林大師講座記者會

    誰說主廚合作只能是四手餐會?六手餐會?三位分別接受台灣、新加坡、日本正規餐飲教育訓練出身的主廚 Alain, Jimmy, Ryogo san 點頭答應合作開課,每週到校園授課,整整一學期導入米其林廚房的培訓規格、各自傳授近20年工作心法和高端餐廚工作的心智砥礪與學習反思;

    新學期開始,為期一年,三位米其林二星餐廳主廚正式成為 弘光科技大學 Hungkuang University 餐旅系專技教授,下學期將合開一堂「不藏私但也不減壓」的精緻餐飲大師課,消息曝光真的是要嚇歪餐飲教育圈,期待明年學生的畢業餐會💪


    Look forward to the Master Class in 2022 by Michelin-starred chef Ryogo san, chef Jimmy and chef Alain at Hung Kung University. Such a groundbreaking project to coordinate with every stakeholder. Culinary education shall be amazed by contemporary ideas and skills.
    JL Studio
    Michelin Guide

    #雙語主持 #中英主持 #開幕 #精品 #晚宴 #春酒 #全媒體顧問 #公開演說形象顧問 #雙語主持人

    #bilingualhost #host #emcee #publicspeakingcoach

  • amazed 在 拿督雷智雄博士 Dato' Tony Looi Chee Hong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 10:18:07
    有 415 人按讚

    🔥🔥大力向大家推荐我代言的🎉vivo X70系列!🎉 恭喜 @vivoMalaysia 发布最新专业影像旗舰 X70系列 !❤️
    vivo X70系列联合蔡司研发,搭载了蔡司独特的光学镜头,拍照太强了!
    🔻 蔡司镜头包
    将4个经典蔡司镜头的独特功能,放进vivo X70系列人像模式!
    “每一个成功的背后都有励志的故事。我与 vivo X70 系列一起叙说我的故事。你,有故事吗?”
    vivo 与蔡司新一代联合影像旗舰 X70系列,重新定义您的人像摄影体验。 赶快到vivo E-store 抢购吧!
    vivo X70 Pro: https://shop.vivo.com/my/product/2091
    vivo X70: https://shop.vivo.com/my/product/2090

    #vivoX70Series #vivoX70 #vivoX70Pro #vivoXZEISS #PhotographyRedefined #CaptureTheUnseen #RedefineYourself

    English Version:
    Congratulations to @vivoMalaysia (tag FB) on the launch of the latest X70 series!
    I'm amazed by the vivo X70 series' photography capabilities, co-engineered with ZEISS.
    🔻 ZEISS T* Coating
    Reduces stray lights and ghosting effect for true colours whether it's day or at night
    🔻 Ultra-Sensing Gimbal Camera
    Accompanied with a bespoke Sony IMX766V sensor to provide crystal-clear shots and superb stability even at night
    🔻 ZEISS Style Portrait
    Packed the unique features of four legendary ZEISS lenses in one gadget
    "Every success story is also a story of great failures. I tell my stories with the vivo X70 series. What's your story?"

    Redefine your photography X-perience with vivo's flagship X70 series. Grab yours at vivo E-store now!
    vivo X70 Pro: https://shop.vivo.com/my/product/2091
    vivo X70: https://shop.vivo.com/my/product/2090
    #vivoX70Series #vivoX70 #vivoX70Pro #vivoXZEISS #PhotographyRedefined #CaptureTheUnseen #RedefineYourself

  • amazed 在 Tom Rook Art Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-24 20:15:17
    有 826 人按讚

    (Eng below) 目前正在繪製的台北小區圖。回顧我的舊照片,我發現這名男騎士載著我見過最扯的巨大物件,一根20英呎的棒狀物!我很讚嘆他過人的平衡感!幸好他沒有飆車,而且在轉角就停了下來。 他身後有一群人正在做區域性消毒,早在新冠2020以前,每幾個月就都有專人以噴灑設備來此消毒。大概是在防鼠防蟲,如果你們有人知道,歡迎告訴我。我猜它有一定效果,我已經好幾年沒在這看到一隻蟑螂了!通化南端似乎有一批房舍屬於政府管轄,這一區有低矮村舍的美感,除了在行天宮一帶住了幾週外,這是我長住的第一個社區。

    A small part of the Taipei neighborhood drawing I'm currently making. I looked back in my old photos to find the most ambitious thing I've seen someone carry on a scooter here and it has to be this guy with his 20ft pole! I was quite amazed at the balance! Fortunately he wasn't driving fast and he pulled it up at corners. Behind him some people are disinfecting the neighborhood. Even before this past year people came around with spray machines every few months. I think they're preventing roaches or rats. If you guys know I'm curious to find out. I guess it works, I haven't had a roach for years! The south end of Tonghua has groups of 2 floor houses that I think belong to the government. They give that area a nice low rise village feel. Apart from a couple of weeks in an area near Xingtian Temple this was the first part of Taipei I lived in (and I still live around here).

