【Travel with food pt.1 】
Their menu ranges from fresh housemade pastries, speciality coffee to unique brunch dishes and desserts, it’s a well rounded ...
【Travel with food pt.1 】
Their menu ranges from fresh housemade pastries, speciality coffee to unique brunch dishes and desserts, it’s a well rounded cafe with creative quality food and coffee, set themselves way above those conventional cafes serving boring toasts or all day breakfast.
Their 5 main dishes are all classic brunch dishes with a twist, each features flavors of a cuisine that the chef inspired from. The Crispy chicken & waffle is certainly a showstopper, the fried chicken is enormous, super crunchy but still succulent, served on masala spice waffle, the familiar spices in the dish really reminds me of Indian cuisine.
Another favorite of mine is the Yokohama, a play on egg benedict, but served in a gyudon style with beef, charred crispy rice and soft boiled egg. The tender beef and the delicious sauce brings all the familiar Japanese flavors, particularly love the crispy rice with a layer of charred flavor that reminds me of yakitori aroma.
Hong Kong representative is also a creative take on local lunch staple, egg and luncheon meat rice (餐蛋飯). Pretty amazed by the idea of using luncheon meat for the scotch egg. London is represented by a rich beef cheek stew, the beef cheek got the melt in the mouth tender texture! (can’t really correlate with british cuisine for this one 😅)
Stay tuned for more on the desserts and drinks 🙂
🇭🇰 Passepartout (CWB)
Shop 2, G/F, Chung Wai Commercial Building, 447-449 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay
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amazed銅鑼灣 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
之前經過見到Open day,就帶Ronnie入去睇下
Amazed係全港最大規模STEAM 兒童教育中心,佔地6000尺,精心設計一系列 STEAM課程,如科學實驗(science)、電腦編碼(Coding)、無人機(Drone) 、小小太空人(Astronaut)等。
另外佢地好相信運動有助兒童身心全面發展,因為運動除咗維持身體健康,仲可以強化大腦,提高IQ和EQ。所以佢哋亦提供多項運動(Sport) 和跆拳道(Taekwando)課程,再配合科技和藝術元素,增加學習趣味。
Ronnie 話喺度玩得好開心,上堂學嘅都係平時冇接觸過,初步學識控制無人機,覺得好新奇,又做咗科學實驗🧪,本身有學跆拳道嘅Ronnie仲第一次嘗試打版👊🏻好有成功感😃嚟緊仲會上魔術班,呢度嘅課程真係好全面!
把握兒童好奇心最旺盛的時候,培養他們科技觸覺和運用,引發學習潛能! 創造力就是跳出傳統的思維框框,以新的眼光看問題,獨闢蹊徑。激發探索成為創意家!
🔥現時Amazed Education進行復活節特別推廣,但凡follow, like 和share Amazed Education Instagram 賬號,報讀課程均可享有88折優惠!
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amazed銅鑼灣 在 Explore_HongKong Facebook 的最佳貼文
Magical sunset on 30 Aug 🌅
Don’t forget to turn around and you will be amazed by the number of people watching the sunset with you. Enjoy!
𝗪𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞? Causewaybay Typhoon Shelter 銅鑼灣避風塘
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨? Go down to the car park of World Trade Centre, CausewayBay 銅鑼灣世貿中心. Walk through the tunnel to the Noonday gun 怡和午炮. Turn right when you reach the ground.
Tips: get your drink and some snack before going down to the carpark. Enjoy some quality time with your family and friends.
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amazed銅鑼灣 在 FATKING Facebook 的最佳解答
我明白對一啲毫無名氣、無明星助陣、做嘅人都唔多、包裝亦唔華麗嘅新事物,提起興趣去嘗試係一件有難度嘅事,但如果你地肯停低花even一分鐘嘅時間去欣賞下,我保證you will be FATKING amazed!
Big shout-out to La Belle Epoque!真係好靚!路過銅鑼灣不妨停低影張相⛄️