今天的天氣蠻溫暖的,覺得蠻適合吃胡麻麵的,今天就來試試看!完全沒有參考什麼食譜,只是把冰箱裡有的菜炒一炒,煎個蛋,再炒一下蒟蒻麵~料跟醬全部拌在一起就完成了!但我覺得還蠻好吃的,吃得心情很好☺️☺️ 感覺蒟蒻真的是減脂的好幫手!☺️它熱量跟碳水都低,可以加入你的飲食裡面添加飽足感~...
今天的天氣蠻溫暖的,覺得蠻適合吃胡麻麵的,今天就來試試看!完全沒有參考什麼食譜,只是把冰箱裡有的菜炒一炒,煎個蛋,再炒一下蒟蒻麵~料跟醬全部拌在一起就完成了!但我覺得還蠻好吃的,吃得心情很好☺️☺️ 感覺蒟蒻真的是減脂的好幫手!☺️它熱量跟碳水都低,可以加入你的飲食裡面添加飽足感~ 但是均衡飲食還是要有喔!不要就靠低卡路里的食物去劇烈的減肥~健身之路是沒有捷徑的🤓倒不如就享受美味又營養的食物,乖乖的動吃動吧!之後看看我還會用蒟蒻麵變出什麼創意料理吧!😚
I made sesame sauce shirataki noodles for dinner tonight 🍜 I didn’t follow any recipe; I simply just stir fried some veggies I found in the fridge, fried an egg omelette, stir fried the shirataki noodles, and then mixed everything together! But it tastes surprisingly good! Shirataki noodles are made out of konjac, which is very low in carbs and calories so it’s good to include in your diet to help you feel full! Of course, you still need to have a balanced diet and not JUST eat low calorie food to drastically reduce your calories intake and body fat! There is no short cut towards fitness, so enjoy real food and stay healthy and active! 👊👊👊
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