[爆卦]附加問句have to是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇附加問句have to鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在附加問句have to這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 附加問句have產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【返校囉】10個每個高中英文老師講上百次的文法規則,你這次牢牢記得,他們會謝謝你 1️⃣ suggest that S + (should) V. (原形動詞) (不能用 suggest sb to V.) 2️⃣ used to V. 曾經、be used to V-ing 表達習慣 (現...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,英文基礎文法 77 - 附加問句 (English Basic Grammar - Tag Questions) be動詞的附加問句: Peter isn’t wrong, is he? 一般動詞的附加問句: Peter speaks English well, doesn’...

附加問句have 在 陪學生一起變得更好的英文老師 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-25 16:36:57

have 3️⃣ 混合考點 - 解答:DCA,你們都答對了嗎? - 前面介紹了一般動詞及Be 動詞的用法後,今天我們要看的是綜合應用。 綜合應用解題關鍵就是判斷句中的have為一般動詞或助動詞,常見的題型就是考附加問句。 - 附加問句就是:前面肯定句,後面附加一個否定疑問句;或是前面否定句,後面附上...

  • 附加問句have 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-25 13:41:54
    有 207 人按讚


    1️⃣ suggest that S + (should) V. (原形動詞) (不能用 suggest sb to V.)

    2️⃣ used to V. 曾經、be used to V-ing 表達習慣 (現在仍有)

    3️⃣ can't help but + V. / Can't help Ving 不得不、忍不住

    4️⃣ You don't need a pen, do you? / You ate too much, didn't you? / You haven't finished the assignment, have you? 附加問句用法 (tag questions)

    5️⃣ My project is more difficult than yours. / The price of my computer is higher than that of yours. 比較一致

    6️⃣ I have learned to play the piano (現在完成式) since (自從) I was 7.

    7️⃣ I don't know which I should pick. (不是 which should I pick.)

    8️⃣ It took her 40 minutes to finish the work. (陷阱選項會是 It spent)

    9️⃣ Need 的用法: The car needs to be washed. / The car needs washing.

    🔟 too...to 太~以至於不能 The old man is too weak to walk.

    這應該是有史以來我 po 過最傳統文法教學的一個文了 😂

  • 附加問句have 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-09-24 08:00:00
    有 208 人按讚


    1️⃣ suggest that S + (should) V. (原形動詞) (不能用 suggest sb to V.)

    2️⃣ used to V. 曾經、be used to V-ing 表達習慣 (現在仍有)

    3️⃣ can't help but + V. / Can't help Ving 不得不、忍不住

    4️⃣ You don't need a pen, do you? / You ate too much, didn't you? / You haven't finished the assignment, have you? 附加問句用法 (tag questions)

    5️⃣ My project is more difficult than yours. / The price of my computer is higher than that of yours. 比較一致

    6️⃣ I have learned to play the piano (現在完成式) since (自從) I was 7.

    7️⃣ I don't know which I should pick. (不是 which should I pick.)

    8️⃣ It took her 40 minutes to finish the work. (陷阱選項會是 It spent)

    9️⃣ Need 的用法: The car needs to be washed. / The car needs washing.

    🔟 too...to 太~以至於不能 The old man is too weak to walk.

    這應該是有史以來我 po 過最傳統文法教學的一個文了 😂

  • 附加問句have 在 閃亮亮歷史天后 葉施平 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-04-12 23:04:37
    有 29 人按讚




    概念要清楚:英文中總共十二種時態,會考中會出現的是(過去現在未來簡單式,過去現在進行式,現在過去完成式)七種。務必將每種時態的定義和用法弄清楚。考試尤其愛考現在完成式,和過去完成式。這幾年考題中,易考過去簡單式(如used to V或would的用法),釐清過去簡單式與現在完成式的差別。

    特別要注意含助動詞的被動(e.g., will + be + pp)
    現在完成式的被動:has been + pp,另外需要分清楚 has been + N/adj, has been + V-ing, has been + pp 三者的差別。

    另外 must, need 這兩個字的用法。

    forget, remember, stop 三個字後方加 to V 或 V-ing 是基本考法,
    另外請注意 To + V(表目的), S + V 的句型,
    V~, and/or + S + V (對等連接詞連接祈使句的句形) ,
    V-ing, S + V則是高中才會考得分詞構句。

    Ving/ To V + V 單數
    1.最重要的是不能被動的連綴動詞,也就是taste, look, smell, sound, feel,後方要加上形容詞或名詞當補語
    2.使役動詞 have/make/let + O + V (主動用法)
    3. 感官動詞see/look at /watch/ listen to/ hear/feel + O +V/Ving
    4. 關係代名詞要有基本概念即可
    5.代名詞用法:one/it的差別,所有格代名詞(his/mine….),總數2 (one~the other) ,總數3 (one~another~ the other) , 2群 (some~the others)
    6. 附加問句
    人 + spend + 時間/金錢+Ving
    It/物+cost +人+金錢+ to v
    It/物+take +人+時間+ to v

    get hurt, hurt oneself, be hurt 是考題重點


  • 附加問句have 在 GreatKidsLearning Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-02-09 01:57:22

    英文基礎文法 77 - 附加問句 (English Basic Grammar - Tag Questions)

    be動詞的附加問句: Peter isn’t wrong, is he?
    一般動詞的附加問句: Peter speaks English well, doesn’t he?
    助動詞的附加問句: Peter will play soccer with me tomorrow, won’t he?
    祈使句的附加問句: Have some orange juice, won’t you?