

在 茯神功效產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【如廁難題】大便後感覺比運動後還累。 ⭐️難道廁所要裝冷氣? ⭐️改善氣虛體質最實際 #星期三CheckCheckMail 大便後無力要補氣 白先生:「EC,我隔幾天才有一次大便,每次大便都很用力,流很多汗,大便後全身乏力甚至頭暈,是不是有甚麼大病?」 CheckCheckCin:這樣的情況屬...

 同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,800的網紅路菲船長Luffy,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#拉蓓養生茶 #foodvlog #防疫料理 購買連結:https://www.labelle.cc 養生茶說明👇 ✔️ #亮妍玉竹茶 成分:玉竹、麥門冬、枸杞、紅棗、紅茶 (本款茶飲由中醫師77老大共同研發,漢方草本食材) 功效:亮顏女神、養顏美容、由裡到外、氣色紅潤 ✔️ #爽纖薏仁茶 成分...

茯神功效 在 Kim Lafayette 金老佛爺 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 02:09:27

#團購安鋅長大QQ果凍 很多媽咪們在問我怎麼不開團安鋅長大QQ果凍 當然有囉🙏🙏 我的下午茶點心人蔘果凍也一起 我剛去賣場買東西完結帳發現自己包包永遠都會有準備人蔘果凍 是我的點心 孩子們的果凍真是讓我嚇到 果果跟咪咪的食量越來越多 且不怎麼挑食 同時果果終於有身高可以對著家裡的馬桶站著直接尿...

茯神功效 在 小玉?煮飯仔日誌 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 07:50:20

台式「清補涼」- 四神湯。 最近煲了這個非常有名的台式湯品。這個湯用到的材料性質都比較互補,不會太寒涼或太燥熱。性質和味道都和傳統的廣式湯「清補涼」很相似!關於「清補涼」,我以後會考慮出一篇喔。這道湯烹煮起來比「清補涼」簡單的多,材料也不像「清補涼」般繁瑣,但功效一點也不輸「清補涼」,它有很好的健...

茯神功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-17 03:58:55

【夏日熱辣辣】給太陽曬一曬後出現不適? ⭐感受暑熱後身體未能散熱 ⭐消暑湯水有助紓緩症狀 #星期五湯水 曬後清熱消暑湯 夏天與陽光玩遊戲後,就算沒有曬傷或中暑,感受了暑熱之邪,都有機會出現頭暈、頭痛、胸悶、口乾、疲倦等不適症狀,是因為身體一時間未能散走熱氣所致,所以曬後不妨飲用有清熱消暑功效的湯...

  • 茯神功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-03 18:41:14
    有 282 人按讚








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    Lack of strength after bowel movement
    “I produce bowel movement every few days. Every bowel movement is strenuous and I sweat a lot, and then my body becomes weak or I feel dizzy afterwards. Is it a sign of illness?”

    CheckCheckCin: This is qi deficiency type constipation. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that if the spleen qi is insufficient, the large intestine transportation function will be affected. The stool is likely to stay in the large intestine and cause constipation. People with qi deficiency struggle to defecate, are prone to sweating and shortness of breath, and feel tired after bowel movements. Drinking hairy fig root tea with codonopsis root can relieve symptoms and help to promote qi and relieve constipation. You can appropriately consume ingredients that can replenish qi according to your body condition, such as ginseng, codonopsis root, Chinese yam, carrot, lingzhi. Eat less spicy food, consume less tobacco, alcohol, strong tea and other stimulating foods. Before going to bed, use your palm to massage your abdomen in clockwise direction for 100 times with the navel as the center to help relieve the symptoms.

    Hairy fig root tea with codonopsis root
    Effects: promotes qi and relieves constipation, and relieves qi deficiency symptoms such as excessive sweating, difficulty passing stool or constipation
    Ingredients: 9g hairy fig root, 6g codonopsis root
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15-20 minutes until aroma develops. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink 2-3 days a week. Two weeks for a treatment.
    Note: Not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu or with damp heat body condition.

    ✔Recommendation: Dawn rice water
    Effects: Improves yellowish complexion, relieves abdominal bloating, dispels dampness

    ✔Recommendation: Energize herbal tea
    Ingredients: Radix pseudostellariae, polygala, poria with hostwood
    Effects: Nourishes qi and calms the mind
    Note: Not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu.
    Price: $79/5packs

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  • 茯神功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-18 17:07:32
    有 490 人按讚









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    Those with qi deficiency should strengthen the spleen and replenish qi
    Who seems healthier? Person with a high or low voice volume? The answer is the one with a high voice volume. The theory of Chinese medicine believes that qi in the human body is related to the health of the spleen, lungs and kidneys. People with qi deficiency body condition have weak qi. They usually speak in low volume, have shortness of breath after walking just a flight of stairs, and seem too out of breath to sing. In addition to shortness of breath, qi deficiency can also lead to many symptoms. Want to know if you have a deficiency body condition? Let’s check if you have the following symptoms within the last month?
    ☐Bloated face, pale and dull complexion
    ☐Tongue with teeth marks
    ☐Prone to dizziness
    ☐Low voice volume and breathlessness when speaking
    ☐Prone to cold/flu
    ☐Poor appetite and always feeling fatigued
    ☐Frequent abdominal bloating and gassiness
    ☐Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating
    ☐Excessive sweating, sweat at rest or overly sweating after just little exercise
    ☐Heart palpitations, feeling of fear and suddenly increase in heart rate
    ☐Frequent urination and even incontinence
    ☐Soft stool but with difficulty to pass stool. Sweat and shortness of breath after passing stool, constipation
    ☐Difficulty falling asleep, frequent dream, waking up easily

    If you have 0-2 of above symptoms. Your body condition is fine. You can condition your body according to your symptoms.
    If you have 3-6 of the above symptoms, you have a typical qi deficiency body condition. Eat more ingredients that can strengthen the spleen and replenish qi. Do not do intense exercise.
    If you have 7-12 of above symptoms, you have a serious qi deficiency problem. You seem to have cold/flu all the time. Avoid cold/raw, spicy foods and cold drinks. Drink more warm water. Eat more ingredients that can strengthen the spleen and replenish qi. Consult your registered Chinese medicine practitioner to regulate the body!

    Radix pseudostellariae tea with polygala and poria with hostwood
    Ingredients: 15g radix pseudostellariae, 6g polygala, 6g poria with hostwood
    Effects: Replenishes qi and calms the mind. Relieve symptoms such as forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 800ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos and tea can be re-brewed until flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days.
    Note: Not suitable for those recovering from cold or flu and those with heat-related symptoms.

    ✔Recommendation: ‘Energize’ herbal tea
    Ingredients: Radix pseudostellariae, polygala, poria with hostwood
    Effects: Nourishes qi and calms the mind
    Price: $79/5 packs
    Suitable for: Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating, or strengthen the body
    *Note: Not recommended for those recovering from flu.

    ✔Recommendation: ’Healthy lungs’ herbal tea (Suitable for cold related body types)
    Ingredients: Astragalus root, cinnamon twig, dried citrus peel
    Effects: Nourishes qi, warms the lungs and dispels dampness
    Suitable for: Aversion to cold, cold limbs, no desire to speak, prone to diarrhea, pale complexion and lip colour
    Price: $79/5 packs
    *Note: Not recommended for those recovering from flu. Pregnant women should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before consuming.

    ✔Recommendation: ’Healthy lungs’ herbal tea (Suitable for heat related body types)
    Ingredients: Radix pseudostellariae, corn silk, chrysanthemum, dried pear
    Effects: Clears heat, nourishes the lungs and dispels dampness
    Suitable for: Aversion to heat, dry mouth, irritability and insonmia, constipation, canker sore, pimples
    Price: $79/5 packs
    *Note: Not recommended for those recovering from flu. Pregnant women should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before consuming.

    🛒Inbox our Facebook page or WhatsApp us to place order:
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374

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