作者wesley1234 (nana)
標題[心得] 指考英文趨勢ft補教.學校都不知道的秘辛
時間Sat May 18 16:24:05 2019
午安,WES again ~ 作文佳作分析,希望大家已經收到摟
指考不是一條好走的路,Fake it until you make it
大家的OS應該是 標題很聳動 最好給我是篇好文章(應該吧xd)
教授想知道有關於你的生活經驗,題目通常取自於社會趨勢/ 生活經驗
例如:大學文憑貶值,你應該如何安排大學生活/ 孤獨的時刻 /教導別人的經驗
今天要提到的是 教育
Benefits of education
Education gives people knowledge and skills
People with qualification are more likely to find work
They can earn a higher salary
They can contribute positively to society
Schools aim to teach young people moral values such as tolerance
and sharing Schools prepare children to be members of a society
Benefits of Studying Abroad
Foreign institutions may offer better courses
Many students want to attend a prestigious university
The best universities employ teachers who are experts in their fields.
Qualifications gained abroad can open the door to better job opportunities
Living abroad can broaden students’ horizons
Overseas students are exposed to different cultures and customs.
They become more independent
They are responsible for cooking, cleaning and paying bills
讀到這邊快沒耐心了~ 重點來了啦
題目是:你認為出國 or 去中國 讀大學好不好/
或是你認為讀大學好不好 觀念都是相關的
I believe it is beneficial for students to stduy abroad for several reasons.
Firstly, foreign institutions may offer better courses. In addition,
the best universities employ teachers who are experts in their fields.
As a result, qualifications gained abroad can open the door to better
job opportunities.
Secondly, living abroad can broaden students’ horizons.
Overseas students are exposed to different cultures and customs.
In conclusion, I support that....
如果今天題目是 : 你認為要不要讀大學?
I believe it is beneficial for students to stduy in a University for
several reasons.
Firstly, universities may offer better courses. In addition,
universities employ teachers who are experts in their fields.
As a result, getting a degree in universities can open the door to better
job opportunities.
Secondly, studying in a university can broaden students’ horizons.
students are exposed to different cultures and customs. 後面再解釋 會遇到
各種城市/各種不同個性的人,之後會有所成長啊 等等
通常老師只會說要多寫 ,BUT 作文是寫精不是寫多xddd
這只是其中一個論點而已www 大概還有個位數的論點 加上來
就無敵...但這真的可以公開嗎? >< 有機會再慢慢說
對了,這不是模板喔,模板不是長這樣 www
近年來社會上的趨勢,從食衣住行育樂 來概括整個內容
食> 食物精緻化 /吃到全球化的食物
住> 住在鄉下還是住在城市好
行> 要搭交通工具還是搭乘大眾運輸工具
育> 要遠距離上課/還是實體教室好壞
樂> 網路盛行有沒有好處還是壞處
當然針對不同的主題可能還有 高齡化/ 人工智慧的出現
/網路成癮 /假新聞的出現/環境問題
大家覺得今年會出現什麼題目呢? 接下來想看到哪類的分享呢?
BTW,推下留言,附 教育類 實用名詞/形容詞
需要衝刺/作文服務 在大家都在看的臉書:
https://lihi.cc/mXKof --
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SENIORHIGH/M.1558167855.A.357.html
※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 05/18/2019 16:24:32
※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 05/18/2019 16:24:50
※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 05/18/2019 16:25:43
※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 05/18/2019 16:26:42
推 mousecat: 推 05/18 16:28
推 ng1life1: 推 05/18 16:34
※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 05/18/2019 16:35:53
推 qazqwe: 推 05/18 16:36
推 b551122: 推 05/18 16:45
推 pHyrz: 推 05/18 16:50
推 jellyfish64: 推 05/18 16:50
推 Fanlic: 推 05/18 16:54
推 Kevinsun: 推 05/18 17:00
推 yaaaaaaaabi: 推 05/18 17:05
推 CKKai: 推 05/18 17:05
推 breeze122753: 推 05/18 17:07
推 ececeec: 推 05/18 17:12
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推 ninefiveone: 推 05/18 17:17
推 CS0000000000: 推 05/18 17:29
推 prmotolprlin: 推 05/18 17:30
推 colsbear: 推 05/18 17:33
推 chi1175: 推~ 05/18 17:38
推 howard24: 推個 05/18 17:40
推 type515: 推 05/18 17:42
推 Shepherd112: 推 05/18 17:45
推 krisss13: 推 05/18 17:47
推 thunder3304: 推 05/18 17:54
推 wenvictory: 推 05/18 17:59
推 s831111: 推推 05/18 18:00
推 eupa1973: 推 05/18 18:07
推 mayday218: 推 05/18 18:09
推 Bratislava: 推推 05/18 18:28
推 iiYW: 好文推 05/18 18:31
推 loveintern: 推 05/18 19:01
推 ZhaireSmith: 推 05/18 19:04
推 andy85768: 推 05/18 19:14
推 ericting2000: 推 05/18 19:14
推 xinbr7543: 推 05/18 19:27
推 ink31415: 推 05/18 19:44
推 kinyo0920: 推 05/18 19:55
推 iloveph: 推 謝謝老師~ 05/18 20:03
推 bbo6uis122: 推 05/18 20:03
推 rose2015: 推 05/18 20:04
推 fireheart988: 推 05/18 20:07
推 kenchuang: 推 05/18 20:20
推 klop777: 推 05/18 20:27
推 ckscks178: 推 05/18 20:29
推 latiner123: 推 05/18 20:37
推 seeker06: 推~ 05/18 20:46
推 kenliutw888: 推 05/18 20:56
推 cmcyuna: 推 05/18 21:05
推 puff1050s: 推 05/18 21:18
推 barry811481: 推 05/18 21:19
推 shushu0820: 推 05/18 21:31
推 azaz3310: 推 05/18 21:58
推 benson40205: 推 05/18 22:01
推 Jay102023012: 推 05/18 22:08
推 catty0310: 謝謝老師,真的醍醐灌頂~ 05/18 22:11
推 jgps61203: 推 05/18 22:13
推 yltyh0012: 推 05/18 22:17
推 shock1021: 推 05/18 22:28
推 FiveD: 推 05/18 22:44
推 zzzzzsleep: 推 05/18 23:01
推 andy3110093: 推 05/18 23:02
推 booom0509: 推 05/18 23:09
推 Stallone0252: 推 05/18 23:18
推 GetUgly06: 推推 感謝~ 05/18 23:25
推 Cookieboy: 推 05/18 23:25
推 sam89926: 推 05/18 23:27
推 latiner123: 問一下,記敘文有什麼技巧啊 05/19 00:06
推 latiner123: 這感覺套議論非常萬擁,但有點怕要自己分享經驗的那 05/19 00:11
→ latiner123: 種題材 05/19 00:11
建議多準備幾個小故事~利用人事時地物 來舉例 讓作文更加深刻!
推 timmy0507: 推 05/19 00:29
推 mildliner: 推 05/19 00:55
推 theleafleft: 推 05/19 01:13
推 asdffdsa: 推 好文 05/19 01:19
推 jack1208: 推 05/19 01:31
推 paranoid0911: 推 05/19 01:59
推 MPtter: 推 05/19 03:55
推 sunny91321: 推 05/19 04:24
推 post16: 推 05/19 06:21
推 zanzus30208: 推 05/19 08:09
推 hantun: 推 05/19 08:42
推 wenvictory: 感謝老師,希望老師有機會可以分享高齡化或假新聞的 05/19 08:51
→ wenvictory: 議題哦 05/19 08:51
推 Liliennn: 推 05/19 08:57
推 bettyuu: 推 05/19 09:49
推 hrplt7: 推 05/19 10:52
推 qazwsx0219: 推 05/19 11:01
推 unmolk: 推 05/19 11:26
推 joker8712: 推 05/19 12:27
推 zxc7825: 推 05/19 13:43
推 itwAkristen: 推 05/19 15:47
推 muzi0212: 推 05/19 18:00
→ ppeach: 這麼會有find work....這種用法阿 05/19 18:34
→ ppeach: 這篇文章的用字(英文的部分)有很多問題阿。。。 05/19 18:35
圖片在這裡 應該是沒有問題的
https://imgur.com/rKcrmqm 至於這邊的用字
基本上都是外國人教作文的老師所寫的 若有指教 再謝謝你 大家一起提升:)
推 hermesisacat: 推 05/19 18:44
推 wang20010522: 推 05/19 18:50
推 guy4409: 推到爆 05/19 19:13
※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 05/19/2019 20:53:16
>< 紅色喜氣 想要紅色
※ 編輯: wesley1234 (, 05/19/2019 21:09:39
推 hsheng: 推push 05/19 22:01
推 changanche: 推 05/19 22:35
推 sean20130124: 推 05/19 22:44
推 chunzsr: 推 05/19 23:19
推 Tim203321: 推 05/20 00:37
推 engliat: 推 05/20 01:34
推 vin312789: 推 05/20 07:46
推 baby003: 推 05/20 09:56
推 oohyo639: 推 05/20 10:28
推 jiadear: 推 05/20 11:45
推 cerouz: 推 05/20 12:11
推 quatU: 推 05/20 13:44
推 time6369: 推 05/20 14:43
推 yschichi: 推 05/20 14:51
推 windgod42: 推 05/20 17:02
推 jjj45: 推~ 05/20 17:14
推 Shilinchild: 推 05/20 17:43
噓 MEDsense: 紅喜氣 寫的真滴好 期許自己能加強英文輸出能力~感覺很 05/20 19:34
→ MEDsense: 有用 05/20 19:34
推 arielwu: 推 05/21 07:20
推 up65885878: 推 05/21 21:07
推 tammy8823: 推!!! 05/21 21:11
推 unmolk: 推 05/21 22:24
推 Intimm: 推 05/22 21:42
推 yitingsharon: 推 05/22 23:01
推 ary1231: 推 05/22 23:40
推 toa29: 推 05/23 07:38
推 a895442006: 推 05/23 10:45
推 john0209: 推 05/23 16:01
推 kc005tb1: 推 05/24 07:31
推 fck01: 推 05/26 15:52
推 up65885878: 推 06/02 20:16
→ zs522814: 推 06/03 08:01
推 yj2222: 推 06/05 10:27
推 EagleWu: 推 06/23 23:55