

在 結球萵苣農藥產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【蔬菜知識】買生菜你會選重身還是輕身?🥬 ⭐️生菜比較少蟲蛀因為味道帶苦 ⭐️但也要洗乾淨去除農藥 #星期四食材 生菜清熱消水腫 「易過食生菜」是廣東話易如反掌的意思,生菜究竟有多容易吃呢?生食熟食皆宜,生菜含水量高,纖維含量比較低,烹煮時間很短已足夠,而且易於咀嚼,的確適合大部份體質人士食用。...

結球萵苣農藥 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-10 11:42:40

【蔬菜知識】買生菜你會選重身還是輕身?🥬 ⭐️生菜比較少蟲蛀因為味道帶苦 ⭐️但也要洗乾淨去除農藥 #星期四食材 生菜清熱消水腫 「易過食生菜」是廣東話易如反掌的意思,生菜究竟有多容易吃呢?生食熟食皆宜,生菜含水量高,纖維含量比較低,烹煮時間很短已足夠,而且易於咀嚼,的確適合大部份體質人士食用。...

  • 結球萵苣農藥 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-30 19:03:30
    有 434 人按讚




    生菜 — 性涼,有清熱生津、利尿通乳、消水腫的功效,適合小便不暢及水腫者食用,產後母乳不足或乳腺不通皆可適量食用。由於性涼,脾胃虛寒及尿頻者不宜多吃。

    Lettuce can clear heat and reduce water retention
    In Cantonese, “easier than eating lettuce” is a phrase used to describe something that can be done easily. So how easy is it to eat lettuce? Lettuce can be eaten raw or cooked, has high water content and low in fiber, does not require long hours of cooking. It is also easy to chew, making it suitable for individuals with body condition of all sorts.

    From the perspective of Chinese medicine, lettuce is cool in nature, bittersweet in taste, able to clear heat, promote saliva secretion, diuresis and lactation, as well as reduce water retention. Its bitterness also makes it suitable for summer consumption, as the taste is effective in clearing body heat.

    Other than the commonly known iceberg lettuce, there are many different varieties within its genus. Lettuce is from the Asteraceae family and the Lactuca genus, and the leafy lactuca (lettuce) is further divided into spherical, semi-spherical and non-spherical types. Iceberg lettuce is one of the spherical types; butter lettuce and Italian lettuce, commonly used in salad, are semi-spherical; whereas examples of non-spherical types are Chinese lettuce and Romaine lettuce. Meanwhile, the augustana variety is thick on its stem, but still belongs to the genus of lettuce.

    Lettuce – cool in nature; can clear heat, promote saliva secretion, diuresis and lactation, as well as reduce water retention, suitable for individuals with urination and water retention problems. Mothers who are unable to produce sufficient breast milk after delivery should eat lettuce in an appropriate amount. Since it is cool in nature, individuals who are diuretic and experience asthenic cold in the spleen and stomach should not consume excessively.

  • 結球萵苣農藥 在 台灣好食材 Fooding Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-13 19:05:29
    有 73 人按讚

    熱量低、減重極佳的美生菜(結球萵苣)富含維生素A、C 及鈣、鉀、鐵等微量元素,有助於新陳代謝及促進腸胃蠕動,做生菜沙拉方便簡單,想烹煮一下也有適合的中式料理!

    #土耕無毒萵苣生菜包(加煙燻鮭魚) https://reurl.cc/kdqO6n

  • 結球萵苣農藥 在 黃柏霖 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-03-13 20:21:42
    有 41 人按讚


    在制定限量標準時,最重要的兩大考量就是每日容許攝取量(acceptable daily intake,簡稱ADI)以及國人飲食習慣。每日容許攝取量是指每人每天可以接受的劑量,這個數據是經過許多科學試驗後,找出身體能夠容忍的最大劑量(超過該劑量會開始對健康造成危害的劑量),之後考量到每個人不同的體質,再將這個劑量除以安全係數(通常是100),就會得到每日容許攝取量。~


