
為什麼這篇竟然英文should鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在竟然英文should這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者tucson (tucson)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [文法] should作"...



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should當"竟然" 該注意的事項

1. 使用should + V 與使用should + have + Vpp 其中最主要的差距應該是在後者強調的是時間發生的前後距離長短, 使用前者離發生的時間較短,是不久前才剛發生過,但若使用後者則發生的時間是較久之前的事,.
若非一定要很強調發生時間的長短,建議使用should + V 既可,這種句型也較常見。

2. 否定句時可在should 後加上not
I was shocked that she shouldn't have invited Phyllis.
I was shocked that she shouldn't invite Phyllis.
= I was shocked she didn't invite Phyllis.

3. 主要子句的主詞可以是人或it : 人+be + adj/Vpp 與 It + be + adj/Ving 的轉換
I was surprised that he should feel lonely when he was in California.
= I was surprised that he should have felt lonely when he was in California.
= It was surprising that he should feel lonely when he was in California.
= It was surprising that that he should have felt lonely when he was in California.

4-1. should 的翻譯不只是: 竟然 還可是翻成 居然/ 竟然會 /居然會 /會
4-2. should的此種用法在美式英語中較常用would而英式英語較常使用should
(美式) It was natural that they would want him to go to a good school.
(英式) It was natural that they should want him to go to a good school.
這句中的should/would 不應該翻成竟然或居然。

※ 引述《lulu1993 (雨楓)》之銘言:
: 在書上看到一個句子
: "她竟然用那種方式跟你說話,真令人吃驚。聽起來好像她才是你的老闆。"
: 書中附的翻譯是:
: "It was astonishing that she should speak to you in that manner.
: She sounded as if she were your boss."
: 我覺得有點怪怪的,既然是過去發生的事情,那應該要說
: "It was astonishing that she should have spoken to you in that manner."
: 才對吧???是因為這裡不能用完成式嗎?還是我誤解了什麼呢??
: 希望有對文法較了解的人能為我解惑> <
: 感恩!!!

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