

在 然而英文whereas產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 👨‍🏫親編講義👨‍🏫 What Is The World's Most Relaxing Color? A New Survey Just Found Out There is much more to color than meets the eye. Strangely enough, u...

然而英文whereas 在 Joe English|林軒英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:44:29

⠀ 英文考試標準考「連接詞」的考法。⠀ ⠀ 先講結論,19題前方提到"new",後面又提到20年的經驗,依照連接詞特性,只有although符合前後有「前後對比」之意。⠀ ⠀ (A) Although (conj.)    雖然⠀ ⠀ 我今天要來解析一下這連接詞的延伸用法,讓這題無聊的題目有更多可學...

  • 然而英文whereas 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-19 22:18:34
    有 4 人按讚


    What Is The World's Most Relaxing Color? A New Survey Just Found Out

    There is much more to color than meets the eye. Strangely enough, us humans have a close emotional bond with the visible ( ) light aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum, a bond so strong it can easily make us feel stressed out with a raised heart rate or leave us with a warm and fuzzy sense of satisfaction.

    If you’re looking to cool your jets and relax, one of the most calming colors to be surrounded by, according to a global survey from paper merchant G F Smith and psychologists at the University of Sussex, UK is navy blue, closely followed by teal-like turquoise ( ), and soft pastel pink.

    The World's Favourite Colour Project involved 26,596 participants from over 100 different countries, possibly the largest ever color study, to get some insights ( ) into the world's most beloved color. To do this, they asked the human guinea pigs to list attributes ( ) and emotions that they associate with certain colors in the hopes of also finding out what different hues mean to different people, and what may influence this.

    "Many studies have investigated the link between color and emotion. Although not all of these studies agree, some consistent ( ) results can be extracted ( ) from the literature,” Professor Anna Franklin, a leading expert in color psychology at the University of Sussex, wrote in a blog post about the project.

    "First, the more saturated ( ) the color is, the more it is associated with excitement and stimulation,” Franklin explained. “Second, the lighter the color, the more it is associated with calmness and relaxation. Many studies have found that blue and green are also associated with calmness and relaxation (fewer studies find no association).”

    The findings also showed that orange is most often associated with happiness, while pink is viewed as the sexiest, and the colors people around the world most associated with luxury are white, purple, and orange.

    In case you were curious, most people’s favorite color appears to be green or blue, although there was a lot of variety in the results. According to the ecological valence ( ) theory (just one of a handful of color preference theories), humans appear to be fond of these colors because they’re associated with environmental features we can benefit from and enjoy, such as clear skies, clean water, and vegetation. That also explains why we tend not to like murky brown colors, as we link them to dirty water, poop, and disease.

    However, while certain colors seem to embody ( ) a universal characteristic – for example, red equates to anger – it’s worth remembering some interpretations of color can vary hugely between groups.

    "Several studies suggest that color associations, particularly abstract ( ) concepts, can vary across cultures,” Professor Anna Franklin says. "For example, whereas white is associated with peace in some cultures, in others it is associated with death.”











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  • 然而英文whereas 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-23 04:07:29
    有 3 人按讚

    (English writing below)






















    Shifu once said that if you find your fortunes dwindling, you can write your name in repetition to boost your luck. Condition is it must be an auspicious name in the first place. 😁

    My current Chinese name 李季謙 was given by my Master. My old name dictated my stubbornness and poor relationships with my family. It carried the fate of an emperor, which explained my many leadership positions from a young age. Like an emperor leading his men to fight for his empire, there was bound to be bloodshed. This will cause me to incur more injuries, that call for surgery and hospital stay, all the way to old age.

    At the time, I had never met Shifu in person. In my first phone call to Shifu, he analysed my Chinese name over the phone and was accurate on every count. Indeed when I was 12 and 13 years old, I underwent 2 eye surgeries and had scars to prove for it. Due to long-term stomach issues, I was hospitalised before. Be it family or external relations, I did not have good interpersonal relations. During my schooling days, my teachers saw my leadership qualities and groomed me. After I started working, my career luck and money-making abilities were always rising.

    You can say that, no matter where I went, being recognised, getting promotions and pay raise were never a problem for me. However, as with all things good, there was always a price to pay.

    My original Chinese name only had a single Chinese character, given by my father. His own name, just like those of my grandfather big Uncle and my sister, is also of a single Chinese character. It was different from the norm and because of that, many thought I was not a Singaporean. I felt my name was quite special and formed a continuity of the Lee’s family lineage, so I told Master that I did not want to change my name.

    Shifu laughed at my stubbornness and impracticality. He said the true way of continuing the family lineage and bringing glory to our ancestors lies not in a name, but in achievements accomplished with my own abilities. If my name was going to bring me misfortunes, how would I have any sustainable achievement and would my ancestors wish to see me constantly in trouble? Given the little education of my ancestors, would they not want me to have a good name to aid my fortune in life, if they had known better?

    I am especially fond of the character 謙 in my current name. Shifu predicted that I would have great accomplishments in the future. Although he did not said in which aspect, this character would remind me not to be proud, as gossip tends to surface when one's popularity surges. The sweetness in this character 謙 is much more likeable than my original name, and it will help minimise misunderstandings others have of me.

    Shifu always put in such meticulous effort and foresight in crafting Chinese names.

    I was not even a disciple of him at that time. I had no idea I would be doing what I am doing now.

    My identity card still retains my old name, as a mark of respect to my ancestors. But in my work and with the family, I use my current name. I think of it as somewhat like coining a Christian name. Most people do not have their Christian names in their ICs either. But my edge is that historically, Chinese Han characters are more powerful in influencing one person's luck, than English alphabets. So the empowerment I get is definitely extraordinary. If you address me now by my old name, I would feel very alien indeed!

    Since my name change 13 years ago, I have seen improvements year after year.

    When we learn anthroponymy, we must first master the subject of Bazi. Because names are acquired, whereas Bazi are inherent. The auspiciousness of a Chinese name is determined by the five grids. Every Chinese character and its pronunciation has a different unique element. If you are unable to decipher the Bazi of a client thoroughly, you will not be able to find out what is regrettably missing in his/her Chinese name. Nor will you be able to come up with a good name to make up for the lack in the client's Bazi.

    Unfortunately, I have no talent in anthroponymy. While I can analyse a name very well, I am unable to coin good Chinese names despite learning for many years. Hence, for clients who have this need, I always refer them to Shifu.

    Alas, humans are suspicious by nature. Some only dream of riches but have no real ability to achieve it.

    Among clients, some took too long to contact Master. If it is only for one’s own benefits, I could not care less. But some were parents seeking improvement for their own children, yet were too selfish to act swiftly.

    I once told a mother that her child's name was very inauspicious and what would happen in the future. I advised her to look for Shifu for the change of name. She said she would seek my help in getting her child's Bazi read.

    I smiled to myself. You really think I have no idea how much truth there is in your words? I kept mum because I did not want to hurt your pride.

    Later on, her youngest daughter really got into trouble. She attempted contacting Shifu, citing that "it is a good time now". No, she didn't have money issues.

    I had seen enough to say this: a mother's love isn't always the most noble.

    The daughter was not her favourite child. But to risk your child's destiny this way, it is a sin.

    Please understand that your “right moment” is based only on your own feeling, which may be incongruent with the reality. For all you know, you might have let the "best moment" fleet past because of your indecisiveness.

    Another male client told me that he would definitely look for Shifu to change his name. I also just smiled. I do not need to meet a man in real life, to know how much real ability he truly has. It is telling enough from a photo or a mere few words exchanged via PM. Moreover, I had seen him thrice. He eventually did not seek Shifu's help.

    Just because you are willing to fork out money, it does not mean we MUST, SHOULD, SURELY will serve you.

    Changing your name and destiny for a fee is not a given, nor is it our obligation. As you secretly observe us from the sides, we are also doing the same. We see how much sincerity and perseverance you have and whether you will give back to the society.

    Any one who learns Chinese Metaphysics should know that since ancient times, a client must have virtues before we can help him/her to transform and establish his/her favoured destiny. This is a precept laid down by the grandmasters. If we flout it for the pursuit of profits and fame, we would be heavy sinners.

    Do not think of us as someone who will watch you sink and die. If we are indeed of such character, why would we put up so much free content, videos and articles, for your consumption and thinking? There are indeed people that do not deserve more riches in life, otherwise havoc to oneself and others will ensue.

    Wealth and status do not decide if you can have a good name. If you possess virtues in your Bazi and facial features, you will definitely be able to carry a great name.

  • 然而英文whereas 在 阿甘的美國大冒險 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-04-01 13:03:39
    有 98 人按讚

    前兩天貼文批評了台灣的新聞報導裡的英文錯誤離譜, come down 和 calm down 不會分, 然後看到美國這則新聞, 突然覺得實在不應該太苛求台灣的媒體......

    密蘇里州州議會有位新進議員實在看不慣某些議員的破英文, 而特別發起動議要求這些議員搞清楚 physical 和 fiscal 的區別, 鼓勵大家用對字眼。Fiscal 這個字的意思是「財政上」, fiscal year 就是會計年度的意思。而州議會裡的許多場合中會討論預算等財政問題, 用到 fiscal 這個字的機會很多。 然而某些議員竟把 fiscal 講成 physical (身體上的), 兩個字雖然發音接近, 並非完全相同, 兩個字搞混說不過去。

    這則新聞給我們兩個啟示: (1) 美國一些政客的水準很低, 送他們進議會的選民素質更低。(2) 千萬不要傻傻地以為只要是 native speaker 發音就會很標準。在美國, 連立法委員都會亂發音, 一般人就更不用說了。台灣一些白人美語老師的發音...恐怕也蠻有問題。