

在 普洱茶功效月經產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【吃粽應節】端午節要買定麥芽穀芽泡茶消滯。  ⭐️今年打算吃幾多隻粽? ⭐️少吃多滋味多吃會滯膩啊 #星期四食材  吃粽宜配消滯茶飲 端午節快樂!端午節是中國傳統節日,大家想吃點粽子應應節無可厚非,要注意傳統粽子主要成份為糯米,它有補中益氣、止瀉、止汗的功效,亦能暖脾胃,減夜尿,適合氣...

普洱茶功效月經 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-03 05:41:10

【吃粽應節】端午節要買定麥芽穀芽泡茶消滯。  ⭐️今年打算吃幾多隻粽? ⭐️少吃多滋味多吃會滯膩啊 #星期四食材  吃粽宜配消滯茶飲 端午節快樂!端午節是中國傳統節日,大家想吃點粽子應應節無可厚非,要注意傳統粽子主要成份為糯米,它有補中益氣、止瀉、止汗的功效,亦能暖脾胃,減夜尿,適合氣...

普洱茶功效月經 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-07-03 05:41:10

【中醫教路】美食當前也不要吃到十二分飽  ⭐️貪吃食滯結果得不償失 ⭐️飯後多散步有助腸胃蠕動 #星期一踢走BlueMonday  脾胃虛弱易食滯 一時吃得太多,感覺飽飽滯滯,伴隨著胃脘脹滿、腹部飽脹、胃氣多而味道酸臭、胃酸倒流、食慾減退甚至嘔吐、便秘等症狀,就是食滯了。為甚麼有些人怒...

  • 普洱茶功效月經 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-25 13:58:16
    有 192 人按讚

    麥芽、穀芽 — 麥芽性平,穀芽性溫。具健脾開胃、和中消食功效,針對吃過多澱粉質而引致的食滯尤其有效,例如端午節多吃了粽子,可以飲用穀芽麥芽茶消滯。要注意麥芽有回奶作用,哺乳者不宜。
    材料:麥芽、穀芽各10克 、陳皮3克
    建議零售價:$15/包| $180/箱(12包)
    CheckCheckCin 全線分店 | Green Common|HKTVmall|Ztore 有售
    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    Pair rice dumplings with tea to aid digestion
    Happy Dragon Boat Festival! The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It’s reasonable that everyone wants to eat some rice dumplings today. The main ingredient of the traditional rice dumplings is glutinous rice. It can replenish vital energy and nourish qi, relieve diarrhea and excessive sweating, warm the spleen and stomach, and has healing effects of stopping diarrhea and excessive sweating. Glutinous rice is suitable for those with qi deficiency, blood deficiency or yang deficiency. However, due to sticky glutinous texture, it is not easy to digest. Those with frequent abdominal bloating, abdominal gas, abdominal discomfort symptoms should consume with caution. Those with qi stagnation, dampness and phlegm or damp heat body condition should not eat too many. Those with weak digestion ability and the elders should eat less. Try to share the rice dumplings with them. It is better to have a cup of Pu'er tea, Millet sprout tea with malt or Chinese hawthorn tea when you eat rice dumplings to aid digestion. Taking a walk with your family after eating dumplings also helps with digestion.
    Malt & rice sprout - Malt is mild in nature and rice sprout is warm in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stimulate appetite, and relieve indigestion. It is especially effective for those who ate too much carbohydrates such as rice dumplings on Dragon Boat Festival. You can have a cup of malt and rice sprout tea. Note that malt may decrease breastmilk supply, so those who are breastfeeding should avoid.
    Millet sprout tea with malt 
    Effects: promotes qi and aids digestion, relieves symptoms such as indigestion, bloating and discomfort due to poor eating habits
    Ingredients: 10g malt, 10g millet sprout, 3g dried citrus peel
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly, cut dried citrus peel into shreds, and place into thermos. Rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15-20 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. 
    Note: This tea is not suitable for ladies who are breastfeeding as malt can decrease breastmilk supply.
    🌟Chinese hawthorn tea
    Ingredients: Water, Chinese Hawthorn, rock sugar, oolong tea
    Effects: Aids weight loss and improves fat burn, regulates qi to enhance blood flow. Suitable for indigestion, dull complexion, skin discoloration and chubbiness.
    Note: This tea is sour in taste. Those with stomach acid reflux and are prone to stomach pain and discomfort should not drink on an empty stomach. Suitable for drinking before menstruation; not suitable for pregnant women and women during menstruation.
    Note: Chinese hawthorn is sour and not suitable to have on an empty stomach. Not suitable for pregnant, menstruating women or those with stomach discomfort.
    List price: $15/pack| $180/case (12 packs)
    Available in: CheckCheckCin shops | Green Common|HKTVmall|Ztore 
    🛒Inbox our Facebook page or WhatsApp us to place order:
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374
    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.
    #男 #女 #我胖了 #胃脹 #長者

  • 普洱茶功效月經 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-22 19:19:28
    有 195 人按讚

    建議零售價:$15/包| $180/箱(12包)
    CheckCheckCin 全線分店 | Green Common|HKTVmall|Ztore 有售
    紙包米水建議零售價:$15/包| $180/箱(12包)
    🛒歡迎 Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp 訂購:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CheckCheckCin/
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374
    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    Asthenic weak spleen and stomach related indigestion
    You may have eaten too much recently and feel really full, and have other symptoms such as abdominal bloating, excessive and foul smelling stomach qi, acid reflux, decreased appetite and even vomiting, constipation and other symptoms. These are signs of stagnation. Why do some people seem normal when they eat a lot of buffets, but some people feel so full? This is a reflection of the health of the spleen and stomach! From the point of view of Chinese medicine, people with asthenic weak spleen and stomach have weak digestive functions, and are prone to abdominal bloating. If they eat more, it will lead to indigestion due to poor spleen and stomach function, causing indigestion. 
    Drinking a cup of Pu'er tea or green tea can help relieve indigestion. Remember to have more meals throughout the day but eat less each time, and eat light and nutritious foods to allow the spleen and stomach function to return to normal. Drinking a cup of rice water every day can nourish the spleen and stomach. If the indigestion situation does not improved, it is advisable to consult a registered Chinese medicine practitioner for conditioning.
    🌟Recommendation for those with healthy spleen and stomach: Chinese hawthorn tea
    Ingredients: Water, Chinese Hawthorn, rock sugar, oolong tea
    Effects: Aids weight loss and improves fat burn, regulates qi to enhance blood flow. Suitable for indigestion, dull complexion, skin discoloration and chubbiness.
    Note: This tea is sour in taste. Those with stomach acid reflux and are prone to stomach pain and discomfort should not drink on an empty stomach. Suitable for drinking before menstruation; not suitable for pregnant women and women during menstruation.
    Note: Chinese hawthorn is sour and not suitable to have on an empty stomach. Not suitable for pregnant, menstruating women or those with stomach discomfort.
    List price: $15/pack| $180/case (12 packs)
    Available in: CheckCheckCin shops | Green Common|HKTVmall|Ztore
    🌟Recommendation for those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach: Dawn Rice Water
    Effects: reduces water retention, relieves abdominal bloating, improves yellowish complexion
    Paper pack rice water list price: $15/pack| $180/case (12 packs)
    Rice water powder list price: $138/box(15 packs) 
    🛒Inbox our Facebook page or WhatsApp us to place order:
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374
    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.
    #男 #女 #我胖了 #痰濕 #胃脹 #嘔吐

