
為什麼這篇憂鬱症英文melancholia鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在憂鬱症英文melancholia這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者KimiNoTame (台中)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [字彙] "憂鬱症...


一般來說,精神醫學上「憂鬱症」就是用 Depression 這個這麼簡單的字


憂鬱症 就是用depression,不可能用melancholia。 Orz
所以「他得了憂鬱症」就是"He's got depression." 不要用"He's got melancholia."
不然外國人還以為你在寫詩勒~ Orz)

如果你真的想要專業一點,可以用 MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) 一字 ^^v

(診斷標準 見以下參考資料A

至於 Melancholia/Melancholy 只不過是 MDD 的一種「亞型(subtype)」而已!

(特徵 見以下參考資料B

Hypochondria 就更遠了!因為它 根。本。不。是。憂。鬱。症。 的一種!!><;


(Def.: Hypochondriasis refers to a chronic preoccupation with and fear of
having a serious disease)


DSM-IV-TR 把它歸在 Somatoform disorders 之下



以下是精神科原文書的資料 有興趣的人可以參考看看:


MDD 的診斷標準:

A. At least one of the following three abnormal moods which significantly
interfered with the person's life:

1. Abnormal depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, for at least 2
2. Abnormal loss of all interest and pleasure most of the day, nearly every
day, for at least 2 weeks.
3. If 18 or younger, abnormal irritable mood most of the day, nearly every
day, for at least 2 weeks.

B. At least five of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2
week depressed period.

1. Abnormal depressed mood (or irritable mood if a child or adolescent) [as
defined in criterion A].
2. Abnormal loss of all interest and pleasure [as defined in criterion A2].
3. Appetite or weight disturbance, either:
Abnormal weight loss (when not dieting) or decrease in appetite.
Abnormal weight gain or increase in appetite.
4. Sleep disturbance, either abnormal insomnia or abnormal hypersomnia.
5. Activity disturbance, either abnormal agitation or abnormal slowing
(observable by others).
6. Abnormal fatigue or loss of energy.
7. Abnormal self-reproach or inappropriate guilt.
8. Abnormal poor concentration or indecisiveness.
9. Abnormal morbid thoughts of death (not just fear of dying) or suicide.

C. The symptoms are not due to a mood-incongruent psychosis.
D. There has never been a Manic Episode, a Mixed Episode, or a Hypomanic
E. The symptoms are not due to physical illness, alcohol, medication, or street
F. The symptoms are not due to normal bereavement.


MDD 重要的亞型:(其中你可以看到 Melancholia

‧ Psychotic features.
Requires treatment with an antipsychotic medication as well as an
antidepressant. Generally represents a more severe form of major depression
warranting aggressive treatment and prevention.

‧ Seasonal pattern.
Requires at least two episodes of major depression at the same season in
successive years. Clear seasonal patterns allow some predictability and
preventive treatment with phototherapy, or antidepressants in combination
with psychotherapy.

‧ Melancholia.
Severe vegetative signs of anergia, insomnia, and anorexia with diurnal
worsening in the morning. These signs of melancholia often are the first to
respond to antidepressant trials, with cognitive and affective signs following.

‧ Atypical features.
In contrast to melancholia, this subtype features overeating, oversleeping,
weight gain, and overreactive moods. It often responds better to monoamine
oxidase inhibitors than to tricyclics.

‧ Postpartum onset.
Has a 10–15% prevalence within 6 months after delivery of the child. A
previous episode of depression or bipolar disorder may justify preventive
treatment at the time of the next delivery.


Somatoform Disorders的種類與其特徵:(可以看到 Hypochondria

Somatization disorder
Multiple symptoms—pain, gastrointestinal, sexual dysfunction
Symptoms vary over time
Chronic condition—often with extensive treatment history
Not intentional

Conversion disorder
Symptoms affect voluntary motor or sensory system
Symptoms do not conform to neuroanatomic structures
May reflect, symbolically, past or current stressor
Patient may not be upset by the symptoms
Not intentional

Chronic preoccupation with having a serious disease
Patient misattributes symptom or test results
Preoccupation not solely due to affective status

Body dysmorphic disorder
Preoccupation with an imagined defect in physical appearance
May exaggerate mild anomaly

Chronic pain syndrome
Pain is the central feature
May begin after specific injury
Can lead to serious functional impairment and medication overuse



拜託大家不要再以為「憂鬱症」是 melancholia 了!

用 Depression 就很好了!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
KimiNoTame:精神科憂鬱症是用 depression 12/12 21:43
KimiNoTame:melancholia 實務上並不使用 12/12 21:46

